  * translates a PHP date() format string to a jQuery format string
  * @param string $PHP_date_format the date format string
 static function get_jqueryUI_date_format($PHP_date_format = '')
     $dateformat = empty($PHP_date_format) ? Participants_Db::$date_format : $PHP_date_format;
     return Participants_Db::translate_date_format($dateformat, 'jQuery');
Example #2
  * parses a date string into UNIX timestamp
  * if "strict dates" is set, this function uses the DateTime or IntlDateFormatter 
  * class to parse the string according to a specific format. If it is not, we 
  * use the conventional strtotime() function, with the enhancement that if the 
  * non-American style format is used with slashes "d/m/Y" the string is prepared 
  * so strtotime can parse it correctly  
  * @param string $string      the string to parse; if not given, defaults to now
  * @param object $column_atts the column object; used to identify the field for
  *                            user feedback
  * @param bool   $zero_time   if set, zero the time portion of the date so it 
  *                            won't interfere with date comparisons
  * @return int|bool UNIX timestamp or false if parse fails
 public static function parse_date($string = false, $column = '', $zero_time = false)
     if (false === $string) {
         return false;
     $string = Participants_Db::set_filter('parse_date', $string, $column);
     // is it already a timestamp?
     if (self::is_valid_timestamp($string)) {
         //if (WP_DEBUG and is_object($column)) error_log(__METHOD__.' tried to parse timestamp from '. $column->name);
         return $string;
     $date = false;
     // if it is a default zero timestamp, treat it as "no date"
     if ($string === '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
         return false;
      * we have two options to parse a date string into a timestamp: the 
      * IntlDateFormatter class or the DateTime class. The IntlDateFormatter 
      * class can parse localized text dates, but it seems commonly unavailable, 
      * at least on English-speaking servers. The DateTime class is widely 
      * available, but can't parse non-English text dates. It can parse numeric 
      * date representations, so if the intl module is not available, we try to 
      * use DateTime. If that is not available, we use strtotime with the added trick 
      * of swapping the date/month if they are slashes so slashed European notation 
      * can be correctly parsed
     self::$date_mode = 'none';
     $errors = false;
     $the_Date = false;
     // test for MySQL-format timestamp
     $is_MySQL_timestamp = preg_match('#^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}$#', $string) === 1 ? true : false;
     //error_log(__METHOD__.' object? '.(is_object($column)?'yes':'no').' strict dates? '.(self::plugin_setting_is_true('strict_dates', false)?'yes':'no').' timestamp? '.($is_MySQL_timestamp?'yes':'no'));
     if (self::plugin_setting_is_true('strict_dates', false) and is_object($column) and !$is_MySQL_timestamp) {
         //error_log(__METHOD__.' intl? '.(class_exists('IntlDateFormatter')?'yes':'no').' datetime? '.(class_exists('DateTime')?'yes':'no'));
         if (class_exists('IntlDateFormatter')) {
             self::$date_mode = 'Intl';
             $DateFormat = new IntlDateFormatter(get_locale(), IntlDateFormatter::LONG, IntlDateFormatter::NONE, NULL, NULL, Participants_Db::get_ICU_date_format(self::$plugin_options['input_date_format']));
             // we want it strict
             $timestamp = $DateFormat->parse($string);
             if ($DateFormat->getErrorCode() !== 0) {
                 $errors = array('code' => $DateFormat->getErrorCode(), 'error' => $DateFormat->getErrorMessage());
             if (!$errors) {
                 $the_Date = new DateTime();
             } elseif (WP_DEBUG) {
                 error_log(__METHOD__ . ' IntlDateFormatter error: format string: ' . Participants_Db::get_ICU_date_format(self::$plugin_options['input_date_format']) . ' timestamp: ' . $timestamp . ' formatter error: ' . $DateFormat->getErrorMessage());
         if (!$the_Date && class_exists('DateTime')) {
             self::$date_mode = 'DateTime';
             $the_Date = DateTime::createFromFormat(self::$plugin_options['input_date_format'], $string);
         if (is_object($the_Date)) {
             $errors = $the_Date->getLastErrors();
             if ($errors['warning_count'] === 0 && $errors['error_count'] === 0) {
                 $errors = false;
         if (is_array($errors) && !empty($string)) {
             $the_Date = false;
             if (is_object(self::$validation_errors) and is_object($column)) {
                 self::$validation_errors->add_error($column->name, sprintf(__('The date for "%s" was invalid. Please input the date with the exact format shown', 'participants-database'), $column->title));
             if (WP_DEBUG) {
                 error_log(__METHOD__ . ' DateTime parse error: ' . implode(', ', $errors));
          * if we have a valid date, convert to timestamp
         if ($the_Date) {
              * zero the time so date equality comparisons can be made
             if ($zero_time) {
                 $the_Date->setTime(0, 0);
             $date = $the_Date->format('U');
      * if we haven't got a timestamp, parse the date the regular way
     if ($date === false or !self::is_valid_timestamp($date)) {
         $date = false;
         // no valid date yet
         if (is_object($column) && $column->form_element == 'timestamp') {
             if ($zero_time) {
                  * we need to zero the time, we first try to do it using the DateTime class
                 $the_Date = new DateTime($string);
                 if (is_object($the_Date)) {
                     $the_Date->setTime(0, 0);
                     $string = $the_Date->format(self::$date_format);
                 } else {
                      * remove the time portion of the timestamp
                     $string = preg_replace('# [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$#', '', $string);
                     $string .= ' 00:00 -0';
          * @version 1.6
          * Most of the time, the default PHP timezone is the current setting, but 
          * experience has shown it's necessary to reset it for the conversion to make 
          * sure. We also must assume that the database server and PHP server are on 
          * the same TZ.
         setlocale(LC_ALL, get_locale());
          * @version 1.6
          * added strptime method for locaized dates
          * this only works for known formats...so timestamps and when "strict dates" is enabled
         if (function_exists('strptime') && (self::plugin_setting_is_true('strict_dates', false) || $is_MySQL_timestamp)) {
             self::$date_mode = 'strptime';
             if ($is_MySQL_timestamp) {
                 $format = '%Y-%m-%d';
             } else {
                 $format_setting = Participants_Db::plugin_setting_is_set('input_date_format') ? Participants_Db::plugin_setting('input_date_format') : get_bloginfo('date_format');
                 $format = Participants_Db::translate_date_format($format_setting, 'strftime');
             $date_array = strptime($string, $format);
             $date = mktime($date_array['tm_hour'], $date_array['tm_min'], $date_array['tm_sec'], $date_array['tm_mon'] + 1, $date_array['tm_mday'], $date_array['tm_year'] + 1900);
         if ($date === false) {
             self::$date_mode = 'strtotime';
             $date = strtotime(self::date_order_fix($string));
     return $date;
  * defines the individual settings for the plugin
  * @return null
 private function _define_settings()
      *   general settings
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'image_upload_location', 'title' => __('File Upload Location', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-main', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __("This defines where the uploaded files will go, relative to the WordPress root. The default location is '/wp-content/uploads/participants-database'<br />Don't put it in the plugin folder, the images and files could get deleted when the plugin is updated.", 'participants-database'), 'value' => Participants_Db::$uploads_path));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'image_upload_limit', 'title' => __('File Upload Limit', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-main', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __('the maximum allowed file size (in kilobytes) for an uploaded file', 'participants-database'), 'value' => '100'));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'allowed_file_types', 'title' => __('Allowed File Types', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-main', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __('list of allowed file types by file extension. Please be aware that there are security risks in allowing file uploads.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 'txt,pdf,mp3,mp4a,ogg,doc,docx,odt,rtf,zip,jpg,jpeg,gif,png'));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'default_image', 'title' => __('Default Image', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-main', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __("Path (relative to WP root) of an image file to show if no image has been defined for an image field. Leave blank for no default image.", 'participants-database'), 'value' => '/wp-content/plugins/participants-database/ui/no-image.png'));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'image_link', 'title' => __('Link Image to Fullsize', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-main', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('place a link to the full-size image on images. This link will work with most "lightbox" plugins.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 0, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'file_delete', 'title' => __('Allow File Delete', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-main', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('if checked, allows uploaded files and images to be deleted from storage when deleted from a record by a user', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 0, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'make_links', 'title' => __('Make Links Clickable', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-main', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('if a "text-line" field looks like a link (begins with "http" or is an email address) make it clickable', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 0, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'email_protect', 'title' => __('Protect Email Addresses', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-main', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('protect email addresses in text-line fields with Javascript', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 0, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'empty_field_message', 'title' => __('Missing Field Error Message', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-main', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __('the message shown when a field is required, but left empty (the %s is replaced by the name of the field)', 'participants-database'), 'value' => __('The %s field is required.', 'participants-database')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'invalid_field_message', 'title' => __('Invalid Field Error Message', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-main', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __("the message shown when a field's value does not pass the validation test", 'participants-database'), 'value' => __('The %s field appears to be incorrect.', 'participants-database')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'nonmatching_field_message', 'title' => __('Non-Matching Field Error Message', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-main', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __("the message shown when a field's value does match the value of another field. The first %s will show the name of the field, the second will show the name of the field it must match.", 'participants-database'), 'value' => __('The %s field must match the %s field.', 'participants-database')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'captcha_field_message', 'title' => __('Failed CAPTCHA Message', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-main', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __("the message shown when the CAPTCHA (verify human) test failed", 'participants-database'), 'value' => __('Pleast try the %s question again.', 'participants-database')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'field_error_style', 'title' => __('Field Error Style', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-main', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __('the CSS style applied to an input or text field that is missing or has not passed validation. This must be a valid CSS rule', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 'border: 1px solid red'));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'mark_required_fields', 'title' => __('Mark Required Fields', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-main', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('mark the title of required fields?', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 0, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'required_field_marker', 'title' => __('Required Field Marker', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-main', 'options' => array('type' => 'text-area', 'help_text' => __('html added to field title for required fields if selected above (the %s is replaced by the title of the field)', 'participants-database'), 'value' => '%s<span class="reqd">*</span>'));
     //    $this->plugin_settings[] = array(
     //        'name' => 'search_collation',
     //        'title' => __('Search Collation', 'participants-database'),
     //        'group' => 'pdb-main',
     //        'options' => array(
     //            'type' => 'dropdown',
     //            'help_text' => sprintf(__('sets the database collation map <a href="%s">(more info)</a> to use for list searches. Set this to your language if your non-English searches are not working correctly. You may have to experiment with different settings. The default is "UTF-8 Unicode."', 'participants-database'), 'http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/charset-general.html'),
     //            'value' => $this->get_collation(),
     //            'options' => $this->get_collation_list(),
     //        )
     //    );
      *   signup form settings
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'signup_button_text', 'title' => __('Signup Button Text', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-signup', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __('text shown on the button to sign up', 'participants-database'), 'value' => _x('Sign Up', 'the text on a button to submit a signup form', 'participants-database')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'signup_thanks_page', 'title' => __('Signup Thanks Page', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-signup', 'options' => array('type' => 'dropdown-other', 'help_text' => __('after they register, send them to this page for a thank you message. This page is where you put the [pdb_signup_thanks] shortcode, but you don&#39;t have to do that if you have them go back to the same page. You can also use a Post ID for posts and custom post types.', 'participants-database'), 'options' => $this->_get_pagelist(true), 'attributes' => array('other' => 'Post ID'), 'value' => 'none'));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'signup_show_group_descriptions', 'title' => __('Show Field Groups', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-signup', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('Show groups and group descriptions in the signup form.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 0, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'unique_field', 'title' => __('Duplicate Record Check Field', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-signup', 'options' => array('type' => 'dropdown', 'help_text' => __('when a signup is submitted or CSV record is imported, this field is checked for a duplicate', 'participants-database'), 'options' => array_merge(self::_get_identifier_columns(), array('Record ID' => 'id')), 'value' => 'email'));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'unique_email', 'title' => __('Duplicate Record Preference', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-signup', 'options' => array('type' => 'dropdown', 'help_text' => __('when the submission matches the Duplicate Record Check Field of an existing record. This also applies to importing records from a CSV file.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 1, 'options' => array(__('Create a new record with the submission', 'participants-database') => 0, __('Overwrite matching record with new data', 'participants-database') => 1, __('Show a validation error message', 'participants-database') => 2, 'null_select' => false)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'duplicate_field_message', 'title' => __('Duplicate Record Error Message', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-signup', 'options' => array('type' => 'text-area', 'help_text' => __('If "Show a validation error message" is selected above, this message will be shown if a signup is made with a "check field" that matches an existing record.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => __('A record with that %s already exists. Please choose another.', 'participants-database')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'send_signup_receipt_email', 'title' => __('Send Signup Response Email', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-signup', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('Send a receipt email to people who sign up', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 1, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'receipt_from_address', 'title' => __('Signup Email From Address', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-signup', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __('the "From" address on signup receipt emails. If the recipient hits "reply", their reply will go to this address. It is a good idea to use an email address from the same domain as this website.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => get_bloginfo('admin_email')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'receipt_from_name', 'title' => __('Signup Email From Name', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-signup', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __('the "From" name on signup receipt emails.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => get_bloginfo('name')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'signup_receipt_email_subject', 'title' => __('Signup Response Email Subject', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-signup', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __('subject line for the signup response email; placeholder tags can be used (see below)', 'participants-database'), 'value' => sprintf(__("You've just signed up on %s", 'participants-database'), get_bloginfo('name'))));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'signup_receipt_email_body', 'title' => __('Signup Response Email', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-signup', 'options' => array('type' => $this->textarea_type, 'help_text' => __('Body of the email a visitor gets when they sign up. It includes a link ([record_link]) back to their record so they can fill it out. Can include HTML, placeholders:[first_name],[last_name],[email],[record_link]. You can only use placeholders for fields that are present in the signup form, including hidden fields.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => sprintf(__('<p>Thank you, [first_name], for signing up with %s.</p><p>You may complete your registration with additional information or update your information by visiting this private link at any time: <a href="[record_link]">[record_link]</a>.</p>', 'participants-database'), get_bloginfo('name'))));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'signup_thanks', 'title' => __('Signup Thanks Message', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-signup', 'options' => array('type' => 'rich-text', 'help_text' => __('Note to display on the web page after someone has submitted a signup form. Can include HTML and placeholders (see above)', 'participants-database'), 'value' => __('<p>Thank you, [first_name] for signing up!</p><p>You will receive an email acknowledgement shortly. You may complete your registration with additional information or update your information by visiting the link provided in the email.</p>', 'participants-database')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'send_signup_notify_email', 'title' => __('Send Signup Notification Email', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-signup', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('Send an email notification that a signup has occurred.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 1, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'email_signup_notify_addresses', 'title' => __('Signup Notification Recipients', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-signup', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __('comma-separated list of email addresses to send signup notifications to', 'participants-database'), 'value' => get_bloginfo('admin_email')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'email_signup_notify_subject', 'title' => __('Signup Notification Email Subject', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-signup', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __('subject of the notification email; placeholder tags can be used (see above)', 'participants-database'), 'value' => sprintf(__('New signup on %s', 'participants-database'), get_bloginfo('name'))));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'email_signup_notify_body', 'title' => __('Signup Notification Email', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-signup', 'options' => array('type' => $this->textarea_type, 'help_text' => __('notification email body. The [admin_record_link] tag will supply the URL for editing the record in the admin.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => __('<p>A new signup has been submitted</p><ul><li>Name: [first_name] [last_name]</li><li>Email: [email]</li></ul><p>Edit this new record here: <a href="[admin_record_link]">[admin_record_link]</a></p>', 'participants-database')));
         $this->plugin_settings[] = array(
             'name' => 'no_cookie_message',
             'title' => __('No User Cookie Message', 'participants-database'),
             'group' => 'pdb-signup',
             'options' => array(
                 'type' => 'text',
                 'help_text' => __('this plugin doesn\'t work if the user has cookies disabled. Show this message in place of the signup form if the user has cookies disabled.', 'participants-database'),
                 'value' => __('Please enable cookies in your browser to use this feature.', 'participants-database'),
      *   record form settings
      * *****************************************************/
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'registration_page', 'title' => __('Participant Record Page', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-record', 'options' => array('type' => 'dropdown-other', 'help_text' => __('The page where your participant record ([pdb_record] shortcode) is displayed. You can use a Post ID for posts and custom post types.', 'participants-database'), 'options' => $this->_get_pagelist(false, true), 'attributes' => array('other' => 'Post ID')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'show_group_descriptions', 'title' => __('Show Group Descriptions', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-record', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('Show the group description under each group title in the record form.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 0, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'save_changes_label', 'title' => __('Save Changes Label', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-record', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __('label for the save changes button on the record form', 'participants-database'), 'value' => __('Save Your Changes', 'participants-database')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'save_changes_button', 'title' => __('Save Button Text', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-record', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __('text on the "save" button', 'participants-database'), 'value' => _x('Save', 'a label for a button to save a form', 'participants-database')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'record_updated_message', 'title' => __('Record Updated Message', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-record', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __("the message shown when a record form has been successfully submitted", 'participants-database'), 'value' => __('Your information has been updated', 'participants-database')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'no_record_error_message', 'title' => __('Record Not Found Error Message', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-record', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __('message to show if the record page was accessed without a valid identifier. Leave this empty if you want nothing at all to show.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => sprintf(__("No record was found.", 'participants-database'), get_bloginfo('name'))));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'no_record_use_template', 'title' => __('Use Template for No Record Message', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-record', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('If checked, use the record template to show the "Record Not Found" message. If unchecked, the message is shown without using the template.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 0, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'send_record_update_notify_email', 'title' => __('Send Record Form Update Notification Email', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-record', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('Send an email notification that a record has been updated. These will be sent to the email addresses listed in the "Signup Notification Recipients" setting.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 0, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'record_update_email_subject', 'title' => __('Record Update Email Subject', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-record', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __('subject line for the record update notification email; placeholders can be used.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => sprintf(__("A record has just been updated on %s", 'participants-database'), get_bloginfo('name'))));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'record_update_email_body', 'title' => __('Record Update Notification Email', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-record', 'options' => array('type' => $this->textarea_type, 'help_text' => __('Body of the the email sent when a user updates their record. Any field from the form can be included by using a replacement code of the form: [field_name]. For instance: [last_name],[address],[email] etc. (The field name is under the "name" column on the "Manage Database Fields" page.)  Also available is [date] which will show the date and time of the update and [admin_record_link] tag for a link to edit the record in the admin.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => __('<p>The following record was updated on [date]:</p><ul><li>Name: [first_name] [last_name]</li><li>Address: [address]</li><li>[city], [state], [country]</li><li>Phone: [phone]</li><li>Email: [email]</li></ul><p>Edit this record <a href="[admin_record_link]">here.</a></p>', 'participants-database')));
      *   list display settings
      * *****************************************************/
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'list_limit', 'title' => __('Records per Page', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-list', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __('the number of records to show on each page', 'participants-database'), 'attributes' => array('style' => 'width:40px'), 'value' => 10));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'single_record_link_field', 'title' => __('Single Record Link Field', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-list', 'options' => array('type' => 'dropdown', 'help_text' => __('select the field on which to put a link to the [pdb_single] shortcode. Leave blank or set to "none" for no link.', 'participants-database'), 'options' => $this->_get_display_columns()));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'single_record_page', 'title' => __('Single Record Page', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-list', 'options' => array('attributes' => array('other' => 'Post ID'), 'type' => 'dropdown-other', 'help_text' => __('this is the page where the [pdb_single] shortcode is located. If you want to assign a post or custom post type, select "Post ID" and enter the post ID in the "other" box.', 'participants-database'), 'options' => $this->_get_pagelist(false, true)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'no_records_message', 'title' => __('No Records Message', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-list', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __('Message shown when no records are found.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => __('No Records Found', 'participants-database')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'show_count', 'title' => __('Show Count', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-list', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __("Show the list count on list displays. Can also be set in the shortcode.", 'participants-database'), 'value' => 0, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'count_template', 'title' => __('List Count Template', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-list', 'options' => array('type' => 'text-area', 'help_text' => sprintf(__('template for displaying the list count. %1$s - total number of records found, %2$s - number of records shown per page, %3$s - starting record number, %4$s - ending record number, %5$s - the current page number', 'participants-database'), '<br /><strong>%1$s</strong>', '<strong>%2$s</strong>', '<strong>%3$s</strong>', '<strong>%4$s</strong>', '<strong>%5$s</strong>'), 'value' => __('Total Records Found: %1$s, showing %2$s per page', 'participants-database'), 'attributes' => array('style' => 'height: 4em;')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'list_default_sort', 'title' => __('List Default Sort', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-list', 'options' => array('type' => 'dropdown', 'value' => 'date_updated', 'help_text' => __('The record list shown by the list shortcode will be sorted by this field by default. (Field must be checked "sortable.")', 'participants-database'), 'options' => $this->_get_sort_columns()));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'list_default_sort_order', 'title' => __('List Default Sort Order', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-list', 'options' => array('type' => 'dropdown', 'help_text' => __('Sets the default order of the records shown by the list shortcode.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 'desc', 'options' => array(__('Ascending', 'participants-database') => 'asc', __('Descending', 'participants-database') => 'desc', 'null_select' => false)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'empty_search', 'title' => __('Allow Empty Search', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-list', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __("This allows frontend searches to find records with missing or blank data.", 'participants-database'), 'value' => 0, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
      * link retrieval settings
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'show_retrieve_link', 'title' => __('Enable Lost Private Link', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-resend', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('Show a link on the signup form allowing users to have their private link emailed to them.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 0, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'retrieve_link_text', 'title' => __('Lost Private Link Text', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-resend', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __('clickable text shown in the signup form', 'participants-database'), 'value' => __('Forget your private link? Click here to have it emailed to you.', 'participants-database')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'link_retrieval_page', 'title' => __('Lost Private Link Page', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-resend', 'options' => array('type' => 'dropdown-other', 'help_text' => __('send people to this page to request their private link.', 'participants-database'), 'options' => $this->_get_pagelist(true), 'attributes' => array('other' => 'Post ID'), 'value' => 'none'));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'retrieve_link_identifier', 'title' => __('Lost Private Link ID Field', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-resend', 'options' => array('type' => 'dropdown', 'help_text' => __('The field used to identify the user&#39;s account. This must be a unique identifier for the record', 'participants-database'), 'options' => self::_get_identifier_columns(false), 'value' => 'email'));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'id_field_prompt', 'title' => __('ID Field Help Text', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-resend', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __('help text for the record identification field', 'participants-database'), 'value' => __("Type in your %s, your private link will be emailed to you.", 'participants-database')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'retrieve_link_email_subject', 'title' => __('Lost Private Link Email Subject', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-resend', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __('subject line for the lost private link email', 'participants-database'), 'value' => sprintf(__("Here is your private link on %s", 'participants-database'), get_bloginfo('name'))));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'retrieve_link_email_body', 'title' => __('Lost Private Link Email', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-resend', 'options' => array('type' => $this->textarea_type, 'help_text' => __('Body of the email sent when a lost private link is requested.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => '<p>' . sprintf(__('Here is the private link you requested from %s:', 'participants-database'), get_bloginfo('name')) . '</p><p><a href="[record_link]">[record_link]</a>.</p>'));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'send_retrieve_link_notify_email', 'title' => __('Send Lost Private Link Notification Email', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-resend', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('Send an email notification that a lost private link has been requested. This email will go to the "Signup Notification Recipients."', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 0, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'retrieve_link_notify_subject', 'title' => __('Lost Private Link Notification Email Subject', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-resend', 'options' => array('type' => 'text', 'help_text' => __('subject of the notification email; placeholder tags can be used (see above)', 'participants-database'), 'value' => sprintf(__('A Lost Private Link has been requested on %s', 'participants-database'), get_bloginfo('name'))));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'retrieve_link_notify_body', 'title' => __('Lost Private Link Notification Email', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-resend', 'options' => array('type' => $this->textarea_type, 'help_text' => __('notification email body', 'participants-database'), 'value' => __('<p>A lost private link has been requested by:</p><ul><li>Name: [first_name] [last_name]</li><li>Email: [email]</li></ul>', 'participants-database')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'identifier_field_message', 'title' => __('Retrieve Private Link Error Message', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-resend', 'options' => array('type' => 'text-area', 'help_text' => __('Message shown when a record matching the retrieve link idenifier cannot be found', 'participants-database'), 'value' => __('A record matching that %s cannot be found.', 'participants-database')));
      *   advanced settings
      * *****************************************************/
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'use_plugin_css', 'title' => __('Use the Plugin CSS', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-advanced', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('use the plugin\'s CSS to style the output of shortcodes', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 1, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'rich_text_editor', 'title' => __('Use Rich Text Editor', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-advanced', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('enable the rich text editor on "rich-text" fields for front-end users. If deselected, "rich-text" fields will appear as text-area fields. This does not affect admin users, who always have the use of the rich-text editor.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 1, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'enable_wpautop', 'title' => __('Use WordPress Auto Formatting', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-advanced', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('Use WordPress&#39; auto formatting on rich text fields.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 1, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
      * @version 1.6
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'strip_linebreaks', 'title' => __('Remove Line Breaks', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-advanced', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('Remove line breaks from all plugin shortcode ouput.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 0, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'primary_email_address_field', 'title' => __('Primary Email Address Field', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-advanced', 'options' => array('type' => 'dropdown', 'help_text' => __('this field is the primary email address for the record', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 'email', 'options' => self::_get_identifier_columns()));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'html_email', 'title' => __('Send HTML Email', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-advanced', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('use rich text in plugin emails? If you turn this off, be sure to remove all HTML tags from the email body settings for the plugin.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 1, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'strict_dates', 'title' => __('Strict Date Format', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-advanced', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => sprintf(__('This forces date inputs to be interpreted strictly according to the "Input Date Format" setting. You should tell your users what format you are expecting them to use. This also applies to date values used in [pdb_list] shortcode filters. The date with your current setting looks like this: <strong>%s</strong> %s', 'participants-database'), strftime(Participants_Db::translate_date_format(Participants_Db::plugin_setting('input_date_format', get_option('date_format')), 'strftime')), function_exists('date_create') ? '' : '<strong>(' . __('Your current PHP installation does not support this setting.', 'participants-database') . ' )</strong>'), 'value' => 0, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'input_date_format', 'title' => __('Input Date Format', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-advanced', 'options' => array('type' => 'text-line', 'help_text' => __('date formatting string for all plugin date inputs when "Strict Date Format" is enabled. You should use this for all localized (non-American English) date formats.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => get_option('date_format')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'show_time', 'title' => __('Show Timestamp Time', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-advanced', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('Show time with timestamp dates', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 0, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'strict_search', 'title' => __('Strict User Searching', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-advanced', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('When checked, the frontend list search must match the whole field exactly. If unchecked, the search will match if the search term is found in part of the field. Searches are not case-sensitive either way.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 0, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'ajax_search', 'title' => __('Enable AJAX Search Functionality', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-advanced', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __("This enables list search results that are updated without reloading the page. It requires Javascript, but search will still work if Javascript is disabled in the user's browser.", 'participants-database'), 'value' => 1, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'use_php_sessions', 'title' => __('Use PHP Sessions', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-advanced', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('uncheck this if PHP sessions are not working.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 1, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
      *   admin section settings
      * *****************************************************/
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'admin_default_sort', 'title' => __('Admin List Default Sort', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-admin', 'options' => array('type' => 'dropdown', 'value' => 'date_updated', 'help_text' => __('The record list shown in the admin section will be sorted by this field by default. (Field must be checked "sortable.")', 'participants-database'), 'options' => $this->_get_sort_columns()));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'admin_default_sort_order', 'title' => __('Admin List Default Sort Order', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-admin', 'options' => array('type' => 'dropdown', 'help_text' => __('Sets the default order of the record list in the admin.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 'desc', 'options' => array(__('Ascending', 'participants-database') => 'asc', __('Descending', 'participants-database') => 'desc', 'null_select' => false)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'admin_thumbnails', 'title' => __('Show Image Thumbnails in Admin List', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-admin', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => '', 'value' => 0, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'admin_horiz_scroll', 'title' => __('Plugin Admin Horizontal Scrolling', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-admin', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('use horizontal scrolling on list and fields management screens', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 0, 'options' => array(1, 0)));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'record_edit_capability', 'title' => __('Record Edit Access Level', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-admin', 'options' => array('type' => 'dropdown', 'help_text' => __('sets the user access level for adding, editing and listing records.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 'edit_others_posts', 'options' => $this->get_role_select()));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'plugin_admin_capability', 'title' => __('Plugin Admin Access Level', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-admin', 'options' => array('type' => 'dropdown', 'help_text' => __('sets the user access level for fields management, plugin settings, deleting records and CSV operations.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => 'manage_options', 'options' => $this->get_role_select()));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'editor_allowed_csv_export', 'title' => __('Editor can Export CSV Files', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-admin', 'options' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'help_text' => __('If checked, users with the plugin editor role can export a CSV.', 'participants-database'), 'value' => '0', 'options' => array(1, 0)));
      *   custom CSS setting
      * *****************************************************/
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'custom_css', 'title' => __('Custom Plugin Stylesheet', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-css', 'options' => array('type' => 'text-area', 'value' => '', 'help_text' => __('use this to add your own styles or override styles applied to the output of all plugin shortcodes', 'participants-database'), 'attributes' => array('style' => "height:20em;width:90%;max-width:400px;", 'class' => 'code', 'lang' => 'CSS')));
     $this->plugin_settings[] = array('name' => 'print_css', 'title' => __('Plugin Print Stylesheet', 'participants-database'), 'group' => 'pdb-css', 'options' => array('type' => 'text-area', 'value' => "/* this prevents the search controls from printing */\r.pdb-searchform {\r\tdisplay:none;\r}", 'help_text' => __('use this to format the printed output of all plugin shortcodes', 'participants-database'), 'attributes' => array('style' => "height:20em;width:90%;max-width:400px;", 'class' => 'code', 'lang' => 'CSS')));