Example #1
$message[7] = "I can't delete the entry";
$message[8] = "I can't update settings";
if (isset($_GET['message']) && is_numeric($_GET['message'])) {
    $not = '<div class="box success" onload="">' . $message[$_GET["message"]] . '</div>';
// Start Get Column Information
$field = getcolumns($table);
$ai = getai($table);
$column = count($field);
// Finish Get Column Information
if (!isset($_GET["settings"]) && !isset($_GET["new"]) && empty($_GET["edit"])) {
    $sq = searchsql($field);
    $howmany = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$table} {$sq}"), 0);
    // The number of total rows
    $pag = new Pagination($howmany, $list);
    if (isset($_GET["search"])) {
        $search = $_GET["search"];
        $ic .= "<a class='awesome light' style='float:left;'>'{$search}' Sorgusu için toplam {$howmany} kayıt bulundu.</a><a class='awesome light' style='float:left; margin-left:2px;' href='" . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] . "'>x</a>";
    } else {
        $ic .= '<a class="button orange left" href="?c=' . $cid . '&new">Yeni Girdi Ekle</a>';
        $ic .= "<a class='button purple leftmargin left' href='?c={$cid}&settings' >&#8501; &#948; </a>";
    $ic .= "\n<form method='GET' value=''>\n<input style='float:right;' type='submit' value='Search'>\n<input style='float:right;' type='text' name='search'>\n<input type='hidden' name='c' value='{$cid}'>\n</form>";
    // Column's Names
    $ic .= '
<table cellspacing="0">
<th><input type="checkbox"></th>';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $column; $i++) {
        $ic .= '<th class="' . $vartype[$i] . '"><p>' . $field[$i]['comment'] . '</p></th>';