Example #1
 * SolidWorks (entry point)
 * This function serves as the entry point for the entire application.  It opens
 * the session, loads the Page object, processes any forms, and invokes any actions
 * for the page.
 * @package SolidWorks
 * @author John Diamond <*****@*****.**>
function solidworks(&$conf, $smarty)
    global $page;
    // Make the Page object available to smarty_extensions
    global $translations;
    // Make sure the client is logged in as a valid user before proceeding
    // Load the user's language preference
    $language = isset($_SESSION['client']['userdbo']) ? $_SESSION['client']['userdbo']->getLanguage() : null;
    if ($language != null) {
        TranslationParser::load("language/" . $language);
    if ($_SESSION['currentpage'] != $_GET['page']) {
        $_SESSION['lastpage'] = $_SESSION['currentpage'];
    // Get a Page object for the page being requested
    $page = null;
    $page = get_page_object($conf, $smarty);
    if ($page == null) {
        // Delete current session
        // Instantiate a generic page object
        $page = new Page();
    // Make sure the client has access to this page
    if (!$page->control_access()) {
        // Access denied
        $page->setError(array("type" => "ACCESS_DENIED"));
    // Process any forms
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") {
    // Execute any action if present in the URL
    if (isset($_GET['action'])) {
    // Display
    // Push page onto the navigation stack
    $_SESSION['navstack'][] = array("page" => $page->getName(), "url" => $page->getURL());
Example #2
  * Initialize the application.
 private function init()
     $errorHandler = new ErrorHandler();
     static::$DI = $DI = DI::instance();
     $DI['Request'] = $request = new Http\Request();
     $DI['Config'] = $config = new Config($this->sitePath, dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']), $request->getBaseUrl());
     $DI['Alias'] = new Alias(['@app' => $config->get('app.path'), '@asset' => $this->sitePath . '/assets', '@media' => $config->get('media.path'), '@page' => $config->get('pages.path'), '@plugin' => $config->get('plugins.path'), '@post' => $config->get('posts.path'), '@site' => $this->sitePath, '@vendor' => $this->vendorDir, '@web' => $config->get('web.path')]);
     $DI['Assets'] = function ($DI) {
         return new Assets($DI['Alias'], $DI['Config']->get('web.url'));
     $DI['Cache\\PageCache'] = function ($DI) {
         return Cache\CacheFactory::create('page', $DI['Config']);
     $DI['Cache\\DataCache'] = function ($DI) {
         return Cache\CacheFactory::create('data', $DI['Config']);
     $DI['DataArray'] = function ($DI) {
         $loader = new Loader\DataLoader($DI['Config']->get('data.extensions'));
         return $loader->load($DI['Config']->get('data.path'));
     $DI['Loader\\PageLoader'] = function ($DI) {
         $loader = new Loader\PageLoader($DI['Alias']);
         return $loader;
     $DI['Menu\\Page\\Builder'] = function ($DI) {
         $paths = [];
         $paths['@page'] = realpath($DI['Config']->get('pages.path'));
         foreach ($DI['Config']->get('pages.extra_paths', []) as $alias) {
             $paths[$alias] = $DI['Alias']->get($alias);
         $extensions = $DI['Config']->get('pages.extensions', []);
         $builder = new Menu\Page\Builder($paths, $extensions);
         return $builder;
     $DI['PluginManager'] = function ($DI) {
         $enabled = $DI['Config']->get('plugins.enable', []);
         $path = $DI['Config']->get('plugins.path');
         $enabledSysPlugins = $DI['Config']->get('sysplugins.enable');
         return new PluginManager($enabled, $path, $enabledSysPlugins);
     $DI['Url\\UrlGenerator'] = function ($DI) {
         return new Url\UrlGenerator($DI['Request'], $DI['Config']->get('nice_urls', false));
     setlocale(LC_ALL, $DI['Config']->get('locale'));
     // Add custom PSR-4 plugin path to Composer autoloader
     $autoload = (require $this->vendorDir . '/autoload.php');
     $autoload->addPsr4('herbie\\sysplugin\\', __DIR__ . '/../plugins/');
     $autoload->addPsr4('herbie\\plugin\\', $DI['Config']->get('plugins.path'));
     // Init PluginManager at first
     if (true === $DI['PluginManager']->init($DI['Config'])) {
         Hook::trigger(Hook::ACTION, 'pluginsInitialized', $DI['PluginManager']);
         Hook::trigger(Hook::ACTION, 'shortcodeInitialized', $DI['Shortcode']);
         $DI['Menu\\Page\\Collection'] = function ($DI) {
             return $DI['Menu\\Page\\Builder']->buildCollection();
         $DI['Menu\\Page\\Node'] = function ($DI) {
             return Menu\Page\Node::buildTree($DI['Menu\\Page\\Collection']);
         $DI['Menu\\Page\\RootPath'] = function ($DI) {
             $rootPath = new Menu\Page\RootPath($DI['Menu\\Page\\Collection'], $DI['Request']->getRoute());
             return $rootPath;
         $DI['Menu\\Post\\Collection'] = function ($DI) {
             $builder = new Menu\Post\Builder($DI['Cache\\DataCache'], $DI['Config']);
             return $builder->build();
         $DI['Page'] = function ($DI) {
             try {
                 $route = $DI['Request']->getRoute();
                 $page = false;
                 if (false === $page) {
                     $menuItem = $DI['Url\\UrlMatcher']->match($route);
                     $path = $menuItem->getPath();
                     $page = new Page();
                     Hook::trigger(Hook::ACTION, 'pageLoaded', $page);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 $page = new Page();
                 $page->layout = 'error.html';
             return $page;
         $DI['Translator'] = function ($DI) {
             $translator = new Translator($DI['Config']->get('language'), ['app' => $DI['Alias']->get('@app/../messages')]);
             foreach ($DI['PluginManager']->getLoadedPlugins() as $key => $dir) {
                 $translator->addPath($key, $dir . '/messages');
             return $translator;
         $DI['Url\\UrlMatcher'] = function ($DI) {
             return new Url\UrlMatcher($DI['Menu\\Page\\Collection'], $DI['Menu\\Post\\Collection']);