Example #1
  * Saving the bean data if sent through the engine
  * @param type $beanData
  * @codeCoverageIgnore
 public function saveBeanData($beanData)
     $fields = $beanData;
     $bpmInboxId = $fields['flow_id'];
     $moduleName = $fields['moduleName'];
     $moduleId = $fields['beanId'];
     foreach ($beanData as $key => $value) {
         if (in_array($key, $this->engineFields)) {
     //modified_by_name => Current
     if (!isset($moduleName) || $moduleName == '') {
         $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('moduleName Empty cannot complete the route case');
         header('Location: #Home');
     //If Process is Completed break...
     $bpmI = PMSEEngineUtils::getBPMInboxStatus($bpmInboxId);
     if ($bpmI === false) {
         header('Location: #pmse_Inbox/$bpmInboxId/layout/no-show-case/$bpmFlowId');
     $beanObject = BeanFactory::getBean($moduleName, $moduleId);
     $historyData = new PMSEHistoryData($moduleName);
     foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
         $historyData->lock(!array_key_exists($key, $beanObject->fetched_row));
         if (isset($beanObject->{$key})) {
             $historyData->verifyRepeated($beanObject->{$key}, $value);
             $historyData->savePredata($key, $beanObject->{$key});
             $beanObject->{$key} = $value;
             $historyData->savePostdata($key, $value);
     //If a module includes custom save/editview logic in Save.php, use that instead of a direct save.
     if (isModuleBWC($beanObject->module_dir) && SugarAutoLoader::fileExists("modules/{$beanObject->module_dir}/Save.php")) {
         global $disable_redirects;
         $disable_redirects = true;
         $_REQUEST['record'] = $beanObject->id;
         include "modules/{$beanObject->module_dir}/Save.php";
         $disable_redirects = false;
     } else {
     $fields['log_data'] = $historyData->getLog();