Example #1
    $ciudad_d = $rs->fields["DESTINO"];
    $departamento_d = $rs->fields["DEPARTAMENTO"];
    $peso = $rs->fields["PESO"];
    $tarifa = $rs->fields["VALOR_PORTE"];
    $valor_total = $rs->fields["VALOR_TOTAL"];
    $sec = str_pad($sec, 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $campo1 = $rs->fields["DESTINO"];
    $linea0 = "                    {$radicado_sal}";
    $linea1 = "{$fecha_adm}                  {$oficina_org}";
    $linea2 = "{$nombre_r}";
    $linea3 = "{$direccion_r}";
    $linea4 = str_pad($nombre_d, 60, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . $telefono_d;
    $linea5 = str_pad($direccion_d, 48, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad($ciudad_d, 16, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . $departamento_d;
    $linea6 = str_pad("", 45, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad($peso, 13, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad($tarifa, 10, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $linea8 = str_pad("", 60, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad($valor_total, 8, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $pdf->Add_PDF_Label(sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s", $linea0, $linea1, $linea2, $linea3, $linea4, $linea5, $linea6, $linea8));
$fecha = date("Ymd");
$archivo_labels = "../bodega/pdfs/guias/guia1{$fecha}.pdf";
		<TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=100% class="titulos2">
		<TR><TD class="listado2" align="center">
			<center><b>Se han Generado <?php 
echo $i;
 Guias para Imprimir. <br> 
			<a href='<?php 
echo $archivo_labels;

define('FPDF_FONTPATH', 'font/');
require_once 'PDF_Label.php';
To create the object, 2 possibilities:
either pass a custom format via an array
or use a built-in AVERY name
// Example of custom format; we start at the second column
//$pdf = new PDF_Label(array('name'=>'perso1', 'paper-size'=>'A4', 'marginLeft'=>1, 'marginTop'=>1, 'NX'=>2, 'NY'=>7, 'SpaceX'=>0, 'SpaceY'=>0, 'width'=>99.1, 'height'=>38.1, 'metric'=>'mm', 'font-size'=>14), 1, 2);
// Standard format
$pdf = new PDF_Label('L7163', 'mm', 1, 2);
// Print labels
for ($i = 1; $i <= 40; $i++) {
    $pdf->Add_PDF_Label(sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s, %s, %s", "Laurent {$i}", 'Immeuble Titi', 'av. fragonard', '06000', 'NICE', 'FRANCE'));
Example #3
 function list2labels($doc_name = 'labels.pdf', $label_type = '5160', $include_title = false, $include_company = false)
     $labels = new PDF_Label($label_type);
     $entry_count = 0;
     $dataset = $udm->getData();
     foreach ($dataset as $currentrow) {
         $new_entry = '';
         $new_entry = $currentrow['Name'] . "\n";
         if ($currentrow['occupation'] > '' && $include_title) {
             $new_entry .= $currentrow['occupation'] . "\n";
         if ($currentrow['Company'] > '' && $include_company) {
             $new_entry .= $currentrow['Company'] . "\n";
         $new_entry .= $currentrow['Street'] . "\n";
         if ($currentrow['Street_2'] > '') {
             $new_entry .= $currentrow['Street_2'] . "\n";
         if ($currentrow['Street_2'] > '') {
             $new_entry .= $currentrow['Street_3'] . "\n";
         $new_entry .= $currentrow['City'] . ", ";
         $new_entry .= $currentrow['State'] . "  ";
         $new_entry .= $currentrow['Zip'];
         if ($currentrow['Country'] > '' && $currentrow['Country'] != "USA" && $currentrow['Country'] != "U.S.A." && substr($currentrow['Country'], 0, 13) != "United States") {
             $new_entry .= "\n" . $currentrow['Country'];
         if ($currentrow['Street'] != '' && $currentrow['Zip'] != '') {
             $myzip = $labels->ParseZipCode($currentrow['Zip']);
             if ($myzip != "") {
             $labels->Add_PDF_Label($new_entry, $myzip);
     $new_entry = $validzips . " labels printed with bar codes\n{$entry_count} total labels printed";
     $labels->Output($doc_name, 'I');
Example #4
                 if (trim($codePostal) != "") {
                     $eti .= $codePostal . "\n";
                 ------------------------------------ test d'impression ---------------------
                 					$eti = "M. Pierre Lavigne\nArchiviste\nPaleontographe\n";
                 					$eti .= "Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal\nDAISG\nBureau des archives\n";
                 					$eti .= "C.P. 6079\nsucc. Centre-ville\n";
                 					$eti .= "Montréal (Québec)\nH3C 3A7";
                 ------------------------------------ fin test d'impression ---------------------			
                 if ($sgLj == 0 && strpos($eti, "Louise Jolicoeur")) {
                     //                     rien imprimer
                 } else {
         $pointcher = "étiquettes " . $instance_id;
 // --- fin du switch  $formeDe
 $application = "mem-" . $instance_id;
 $jour = date("Y-m-d");
 $heure = date("H:i");
 $totalTrouve = 1;
 $connexion = Connexion(USAGER, PASSE, BASE, SERVEUR);
 $requete = "INSERT INTO docs_stats " . " (docs_stats_id, no_unite, application, date, heure, " . " recherche, resultat, no_usager, adr_ip) " . " VALUES (0, '000', '{$application}', '{$jour}', '{$heure}', '{$pointcher}', '{$totalTrouve}', " . " '{$PHP_AUTH_USER}', '{$REMOTE_ADDR}')";
 $resultat = ExecRequete($requete, $connexion);