Example #1
  * main action
 public function mainAction()
     $this->Customer = new client_customer();
     $this->Company = new client_company();
     $this->auth = Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance();
     if (is_numeric($this->GET['id'])) {
         $customer_id = $this->GET['id'];
     } else {
         $customer_id = 0;
      * include node configuration
     $node_conf = common_node::initConfiguration();
     $this->tpl->assign('NODE_CONF', $node_conf);
      * check access 
     if (!$this->auth->hasPermission('customers', 'view')) {
         return false;
     return true;
Example #2
  * main action
 public function mainAction()
      * check input
     if ($_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'] == 0 && !Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated()) {
         msg('controllers/client/customer_detail: You must logged in.', 'error');
     } else {
         if (is_numeric($this->GET['customer_id']) && constant('ONXSHOP_IN_BACKOFFICE')) {
             $customer_id = $this->GET['customer_id'];
         } else {
             $customer_id = $_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'];
     if (!is_numeric($customer_id)) {
         return false;
      * initialize
     require_once 'models/client/client_customer.php';
     $Customer = new client_customer();
      * get customer detail
     $customer_detail = $Customer->getDetail($customer_id);
     if (is_array($customer_detail)) {
         $this->tpl->assign('ITEM', $customer_detail);
     } else {
         msg('controllers/client/customer_detail: cannot get detail', 'error');
     return true;
Example #3
  * main action
 public function mainAction()
     if ($_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'] == 0 && !Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated()) {
         msg('client_edit: You must be logged in first.', 'error');
     require_once 'models/client/client_customer.php';
     $Customer = new client_customer();
     $customer_id = $_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'];
     if (!is_numeric($customer_id)) {
         return false;
     if ($_POST['save']) {
         $_POST['client']['customer']['id'] = $customer_id;
         // do not allow to set certain properties
          * check birthday field format
         if ($_POST['client']['customer']['birthday']) {
             // check, expected as dd/mm/yyyy
             if (!preg_match('/^\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{4}$/', $_POST['client']['customer']['birthday'])) {
                 msg('Invalid format for birthday, use dd/mm/yyyy', 'error');
                 return false;
             // Format to ISO
             $_POST['client']['customer']['birthday'] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime(str_replace('/', '-', $_POST['client']['customer']['birthday'])));
          * update
         if ($Customer->updateClient($_POST['client'])) {
         } else {
             msg("Can't update client data", 'error');
     $client_data = $Customer->getClientData($customer_id);
     $client_data['customer']['newsletter'] = $client_data['customer']['newsletter'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked" ' : '';
     // format birthday only if available to avoid 01/01/1970 by default
     if ($client_data['customer']['birthday'] != '') {
         $client_data['customer']['birthday'] = strftime('%d/%m/%Y', strtotime($client_data['customer']['birthday']));
     $this->tpl->assign('CLIENT', $client_data);
      * show password field only if previously set
     if ($client_data['customer']['password']) {
     return true;
  * main action
 public function mainAction()
      * Manage Advanced Menu
     if (preg_match('/backoffice/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
         $active_array = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         $active = preg_replace("/\\?.*\$/", "", $active_array[3]);
     } else {
         $active = 'configuration';
     $this->tpl->assign("ACTIVE_{$active}", 'active');
      * ACL
     $auth = Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance();
     $isEcommerce = $auth->isEcommerce();
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('media')) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('taxonomy')) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('seo_manager')) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('database')) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('templates')) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('scheduler')) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('currency')) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('search_index')) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('api')) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('tools')) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('logs')) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('configuration')) {
     return true;
Example #5
  * main action
 public function mainAction()
     if (is_numeric($this->GET['order_id']) && count($_POST) > 0) {
         require_once 'conf/payment/worldpay.php';
         // we need this to allow get order detail with WorldPay
         // we should check Worlpay IP address here
         $transaction_id = $this->paymentProcess($this->GET['order_id'], $_POST);
     return true;
Example #6
  * main action
 public function mainAction()
     if (!is_numeric($this->GET['order_id'])) {
         return false;
     require_once 'models/ecommerce/ecommerce_order.php';
     $Order = new ecommerce_order();
     $order_detail = $Order->getOrder($this->GET['order_id']);
     //check owner
     if ($order_data['basket']['customer_id'] !== $_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'] && !Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated()) {
         msg('gift_card:unauthorized access to view order detail');
         return false;
     } else {
         $this->tpl->assign('ORDER', $order_detail);
     return true;
Example #7
  * main action
 public function mainAction()
      * client
     $Customer = new client_customer();
     if ($_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'] > 0 && !$this->GET['client']['email']) {
         //msg('you are in');
     } else {
         /* client submitted username/password */
         if (isset($_POST['login'])) {
             $customer_detail = $Customer->login($_POST['client']['customer']['email'], md5($_POST['client']['customer']['password']));
             if ($customer_detail) {
                 $_SESSION['client']['customer'] = $customer_detail;
                 if (isset($_POST['autologin'])) {
                     // auto login (TODO allow to enable/disable this behaviour globally)
             } else {
         /* log in as client from backoffice */
         if (Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated() && $this->GET['client']['email']) {
             $customer_detail = $Customer->getClientByEmail($this->GET['client']['email']);
             if ($customer_detail) {
                 $_SESSION['client']['customer'] = $customer_detail;
             } else {
                 msg('Login from backoffice failed.', 'error');
      * check status
     if ($_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'] > 0 && is_numeric($_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'])) {
     $this->tpl->assign('CLIENT', $_POST['client']);
     return true;
Example #8
  * main action
 public function mainAction()
     if ($_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'] > 0) {
         $customer_id = $_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'];
     } else {
         if (Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated()) {
             $customer_id = $this->GET['customer_id'];
         } else {
             msg('orders: You must be logged in first.', 'error');
      * include node configuration
     require_once 'models/common/common_node.php';
     $node_conf = common_node::initConfiguration();
     $this->tpl->assign('NODE_CONF', $node_conf);
      * Get the list
     require_once 'models/ecommerce/ecommerce_order.php';
     $Order = new ecommerce_order();
     $records = $Order->getOrderList($customer_id);
      * parse output
     if (count($records) > 0) {
         foreach ($records as $item) {
             $item['order_created'] = strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M', strtotime($item['order_created']));
             $item['status_title'] = $Order->getStatusTitle($item['order_status']);
             $this->tpl->assign('ITEM', $item);
             if ($Order->checkOrderStatusValidForPayment($item['order_status'])) {
     } else {
     return true;
Example #9
  * main action
 public function mainAction()
      * Input data
     if (is_numeric($this->GET['id'])) {
         $order_id = $this->GET['id'];
     } else {
         return false;
      * Create objects
     require_once 'models/ecommerce/ecommerce_order.php';
     $Order = new ecommerce_order();
     require_once 'models/ecommerce/ecommerce_delivery.php';
     $Delivery = new ecommerce_delivery();
      * Get details for order to be able make a security check
     if (is_numeric($order_id)) {
         $order_data = $Order->getOrder($order_id);
     //security check of owner
     if ($order_data['basket']['customer_id'] !== $_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'] && !Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated()) {
         msg('unauthorized access to view transaction detail', 'error');
     } else {
         $delivery_list = $Delivery->getDeliveryListByOrderId($order_id);
         if (is_array($delivery_list)) {
             foreach ($delivery_list as $item) {
                 $item['other_data'] = unserialize($item['other_data']);
                 if ($item['customer_note'] == "") {
                     $item['customer_note'] = 'n/a';
                 $this->tpl->assign('ITEM', $item);
     return true;
Example #10
  * main action
 public function mainAction()
      * Input data
     if (is_numeric($this->GET['id'])) {
         $order_id = $this->GET['id'];
     } else {
         return false;
     require_once 'models/ecommerce/ecommerce_order.php';
     $Order = new ecommerce_order();
     require_once 'models/ecommerce/ecommerce_invoice.php';
     $Invoice = new ecommerce_invoice();
     if (is_numeric($order_id)) {
         $order_data = $Order->getOrder($order_id);
     //security check of owner
     if ($order_data['basket']['customer_id'] !== $_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'] && !Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated()) {
         msg('unauthorized access to view invoice detail', 'error');
     } else {
         if ($order_data['status'] != 0) {
             $invoice_detail = $Invoice->getInvoiceForOrder($order_data['id']);
             if ($invoice_detail) {
                 //$invoice_detail['created'] = strftime('%d/%m/%Y', strtotime($invoice_detail['created']));
                 $this->tpl->assign("INVOICE", $invoice_detail);
         } else {
             if ($Order->conf['proforma_invoice'] == true || ONXSHOP_IN_BACKOFFICE) {
                 $invoice_detail = array();
                 $invoice_detail['order_id'] = $order_id;
                 $this->tpl->assign("INVOICE", $invoice_detail);
     return true;
Example #11
  * main action
 public function mainAction()
      * Input data
     if (is_numeric($this->GET['id'])) {
         $order_id = $this->GET['id'];
     } else {
         return false;
      * Initialize objects
     require_once 'models/ecommerce/ecommerce_order.php';
     $Order = new ecommerce_order();
     require_once 'models/ecommerce/ecommerce_transaction.php';
     $Transaction = new ecommerce_transaction();
      * Get details for order to be able make a security check
     if (is_numeric($order_id)) {
         $order_data = $Order->getOrder($order_id);
     //security check of owner
     if ($order_data['basket']['customer_id'] !== $_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'] && !Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated()) {
         msg('unauthorized access to view transaction detail', 'error');
     } else {
         $transaction_list = $Transaction->getListForOrderId($order_id);
         if (is_array($transaction_list)) {
             foreach ($transaction_list as $transaction_detail) {
                 $this->tpl->assign('TRANSACTION', $transaction_detail);
         } else {
             msg("Order id {$order_id} has no transactions");
     return true;
Example #12
  * main action
 public function mainAction()
     $this->Customer = new client_customer();
     $this->auth = Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance();
     $customer_id = $this->auth->getUserId();
     if (!is_numeric($customer_id)) {
         return false;
     if ($_POST['save']) {
         $_POST['client']['customer']['id'] = $customer_id;
         // do not allow to set certain properties
          * update profile
         if ($this->Customer->updateClient($_POST['client'])) {
             // update password
             msg("Backoffice profile successfully updated");
         } else {
             msg("Can't update backoffice profile", 'error');
     $client_data = $this->Customer->getClientData($customer_id);
     $this->tpl->assign('CLIENT', $client_data);
      * only users stored in client_customer table can update their profile
     if ($customer_id === 0) {
     } else {
     return true;
Example #13
  * main payment action
 public function mainPaymentAction()
     setlocale(LC_MONETARY, $GLOBALS['onxshop_conf']['global']['locale']);
      * check input values
     if (is_numeric($this->GET['order_id'])) {
         $order_id = $this->GET['order_id'];
     } else {
         msg('Payment: Missing order_id', 'error', 1);
         onxshopGoTo("/page/" . $node_conf['id_map-404']);
         return false;
      * include node configuration
     require_once 'models/common/common_node.php';
     $node_conf = common_node::initConfiguration();
     $this->tpl->assign('NODE_CONF', $node_conf);
      * get order detail
     $order_data = $this->Transaction->getOrderDetail($order_id);
     // need to assign ORDER detail into template before processing Google Analytics
     $this->tpl->assign("ORDER", $order_data);
      * google analytics
     //TODO: NOTE: Do not include the square brackets when setting the values for the form. In addition, do not use commas to separate the thousands place in your total, tax, and shipping fields - any digits after the comma will be dropped.
     if ($GLOBALS['onxshop_conf']['global']['google_analytics'] != '') {
         foreach ($order_data['basket']['items'] as $item) {
             $this->tpl->assign("ITEM", $item);
      * Google Adwords, must be numeric
     if (is_numeric($GLOBALS['onxshop_conf']['global']['google_adwords'])) {
      * find what payment method we use
     $payment_type = $this->Transaction->getPaymentTypeForOrder($order_id);
      * check whether payment is supported
     $controller = "component/ecommerce/payment/{$payment_type}";
     if (getTemplateDir($controller . ".html") == '') {
         msg("Unsupported payment type {$payment_type}", 'error');
         return false;
      * Check order permission
     $is_owner = $order_data['basket']['customer_id'] == $_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'];
     $is_bo_user = Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated();
     $is_guest_user = $order_data['client']['customer']['status'] == 5;
     $is_same_session = $order_data['php_session_id'] == session_id() || $order_data['php_session_id'] == $this->GET['php_session_id'];
     $has_code = !empty($this->GET['code']) && verifyHash($order_data['id'], $this->GET['code']);
     if ($is_bo_user || $is_owner || $is_guest_user && $is_same_session || $has_code) {
          * process payment method only if status = 0 unpaid or 5 failed payment 
         if ($this->checkOrderStatusValidForPayment($order_data['status'])) {
             $total_payment_amount = $order_data['basket']['total'];
             if (round($total_payment_amount, 2) == 0) {
                 //nil payment - payment is not needed
                 if ($this->processNilPayment($order_data)) {
                 } else {
                     msg("Cannot process nil payment for order ID {$order_id}", 'error');
             } else {
                 //process payment method as subcontent
                 $_Onxshop_Request = new Onxshop_Request("component/ecommerce/payment/{$payment_type}~order_id={$order_id}~");
                 $this->tpl->assign("RESULT", $_Onxshop_Request->getContent());
         } else {
             msg("Order ID {$order_data['id']} cannot be paid, because order status is: {$order_data['status_title']}", 'error');
             return false;
     } else {
          * forward to login
         if ($_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'] == 0) {
             msg('You must login first.');
             onxshopGoTo("/page/" . $node_conf['id_map-login']);
         msg('Unauthorised access to order detail');
         onxshopGoTo("/page/" . $node_conf['id_map-404']);
         return false;
     setlocale(LC_MONETARY, LOCALE);
     return true;
Example #14
  * recursivelly duplicate node and its contens
 protected function duplicateNode($original_node_id, $new_parent_id = false)
     // read original node
     $original_node_data = $this->Node->detail($original_node_id);
     // copy and modify
     $new_node_data = $original_node_data;
     $new_node_data['title'] = "{$new_node_data['title']} (copy)";
     $new_node_data['created'] = $new_node_data['modified'] = date('c');
     $new_node_data['customer_id'] = (int) Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->getUserId();
     if ($new_node_data['uri_title'] != '') {
         $new_node_data['uri_title'] = "{$new_node_data['uri_title']}-copy";
     if ($new_parent_id > 0) {
         $new_node_data['parent'] = $new_parent_id;
     } else {
         //top level element can be forced to be unpublished via common_node.conf option
         if ($this->Node->conf['unpublish_on_duplicate']) {
             $new_node_data['publish'] = 0;
     // insert as new
     $new_node_id = $this->Node->nodeInsert($new_node_data);
     if (!is_numeric($new_node_id)) {
         msg("node_duplicate: Cannot create copy of node ID {$original_node_id}", 'error');
         return false;
     // read related images
     $original_images = $this->Image->listing("node_id = {$original_node_id}");
     // duplicate images
     if (is_array($original_images)) {
         foreach ($original_images as $image) {
             $new_image = $image;
             $new_image['node_id'] = $new_node_id;
             $new_image['modified'] = date('c');
             $new_image['customer_id'] = (int) Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->getUserId();
             $image_id = $this->Image->insert($new_image);
     // read taxonomy relatoins
     $original_categories = $this->Taxonomy->listing("node_id = {$original_node_id}");
     // duplicate taxonomy relations
     if (is_array($original_categories)) {
         foreach ($original_categories as $category) {
             $new_category = $category;
             $new_category['node_id'] = $new_node_id;
             $category_id = $this->Taxonomy->insert($new_category);
     // read and duplicate nested nodes, but skip page nodes
     $nested_nodes = $this->Node->listing("parent = {$original_node_id}");
     if (is_array($nested_nodes)) {
         foreach ($nested_nodes as $nested_node) {
             if ($nested_node['node_group'] != 'page') {
                 $this->duplicateNode($nested_node['id'], $new_node_id);
     return $new_node_id;
Example #15
  * insertRevision
 public function insertRevision($data)
     if (!is_numeric($data['node_id'])) {
         return false;
     if (strlen($data['object']) == 0) {
         return false;
     if (!is_array($data['content'])) {
         return false;
      * serialize
     $data['content'] = serialize($data['content']);
      * customer_id
     $bo_user_id = Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->getUserId();
     if (is_numeric($bo_user_id)) {
         $data['customer_id'] = $bo_user_id;
     } else {
         $data['customer_id'] = (int) $_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'];
     return $this->insert($data);
Example #16
  * main action
 public function mainAction()
      * check input
     if ($_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'] == 0 && !Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated()) {
         msg('controllers/client/customer_detail: You must logged in.', 'error');
     } else {
         if (is_numeric($this->GET['customer_id']) && constant('ONXSHOP_IN_BACKOFFICE')) {
             $customer_id = $this->GET['customer_id'];
         } else {
             $customer_id = $_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'];
     if (!is_numeric($customer_id)) {
         return false;
      * initialize
     require_once 'models/client/client_customer.php';
     $this->Customer = new client_customer();
      * save
     if (is_array($_POST['client']['customer'])) {
          * input data
         $data_to_save = $_POST['client']['customer'];
         $data_to_save['id'] = $customer_id;
          * check birthday field format
         if ($data_to_save['birthday']) {
             // check, expected as dd/mm/yyyy
             if (!preg_match('/^\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{4}$/', $data_to_save['birthday'])) {
                 msg('Invalid format for birthday, use dd/mm/yyyy', 'error');
                 return false;
             // Format to ISO
             $data_to_save['birthday'] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime(str_replace('/', '-', $data_to_save['birthday'])));
          * save
      * get customer detail
     $customer_detail = $this->Customer->getDetail($customer_id);
     if (is_array($customer_detail)) {
         $this->tpl->assign('ITEM', $customer_detail);
     } else {
         msg('controllers/client/customer_edit: cannot get detail', 'error');
     return true;
Example #17
  * main action
 public function mainAction()
      * first make sure we are on correct domain and using HTTPS if available
      * input data
     $translate = trim($this->GET['translate']);
     if ($translate != "/") {
         $translate = rtrim($translate, '/');
     if ($this->GET['controller_request']) {
         $controller_request = trim($this->GET['controller_request']);
      * file stored rules
     if ($custom_translate = $this->proccessFileRules($translate)) {
         $controller_request = $custom_translate;
         $translate = false;
         //force login when request is from bo/ folder
         //similar check is done in Onxshop_Bootstrap
         if (preg_match('/bo\\//', $controller_request)) {
             if (!$_SERVER['HTTPS'] && ONXSHOP_EDITOR_USE_SSL) {
                 header("Location: https://{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}");
             $auth = Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->login();
             if (!$auth) {
                 $controller_request = 'sys/401';
             $_SESSION['use_page_cache'] = false;
      * initialize database stored
     require_once 'models/common/common_uri_mapping.php';
     $this->Mapper = new common_uri_mapping();
      * translate request to $action_to_process
     if ($translate) {
         if (is_numeric($node_id = trim($translate, '/'))) {
             // URL like /1234
              * short URL redirects
              * TODO: allow to pass GET parameters
         } else {
             if (preg_match('/^\\/\\b(page|node)\\b\\/([0-9]*)$/', $translate, $match)) {
                 // URL like /page/1234 or /node/1234
                 $mapped_node_id = $match[2];
                 $action_to_process = $this->getActionToProcessForExistingPage($mapped_node_id);
             } else {
                 if ($mapped_node_id = $this->Mapper->translate($translate)) {
                     // URL like /abc-cbs
                     $action_to_process = $this->getActionToProcessForExistingPage($mapped_node_id);
                 } else {
                     if ($redirect_uri = $this->Mapper->getRedirectURI($translate)) {
                         // URL like /abc-cbs
                          * explicit redirects
                     } else {
                         if ($translate == '/home') {
                             $action_to_process = $this->getActionToProcessForExistingPage($this->Mapper->conf['homepage_id']);
                         } else {
                              * page not found
                             $action_to_process = $this->Mapper->getRequest($this->Mapper->conf['404_id']);
                             $this->http_status = '404';
     } else {
         if ($controller_request) {
             // used for /request/ and /api/ handling to allow translating URLs
             $action_to_process = $controller_request;
      * process
     if ($action_to_process) {
         $page_data = $this->processMappedAction($action_to_process);
          * URI mapping iself will become output of mapped page
         $this->content = $page_data['content'];
     } else {
         msg("Cannot find action to process", 'error');
     return true;
Example #18
  * main action
 public function mainAction()
     require_once 'models/ecommerce/ecommerce_order.php';
     $Order = new ecommerce_order();
     if (is_numeric($this->GET['order_id'])) {
         $order_id = $this->GET['order_id'];
     } else {
         msg('Order Detail: Missing order_id', 'error');
         return false;
      * security code to allow unlogged users to pay for the order and view their invoice
     $this->tpl->assign('ORDER_CODE', makeHash($this->GET['order_id']));
      * include node configuration
     require_once 'models/common/common_node.php';
     $node_conf = common_node::initConfiguration();
     $this->tpl->assign('NODE_CONF', $node_conf);
      * get detail
     $order_data = $Order->getOrder($order_id);
     //security check of the owner
     $is_owner = $order_data['basket']['customer_id'] == $_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'];
     $is_bo_user = Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated();
     $is_guest_user = $order_data['client']['customer']['status'] == 5;
     $is_same_session = $order_data['php_session_id'] == session_id() || $order_data['php_session_id'] == $this->GET['php_session_id'];
     $has_code = !empty($this->GET['code']) && verifyHash($order_data['id'], $this->GET['code']);
     if ($is_bo_user || $is_owner || $is_guest_user && $is_same_session || $has_code) {
          * display Make Payment if appropriate
         if ($Order->checkOrderStatusValidForPayment($order_data['status'])) {
          * get address detail
         $_Onxshop_Request = new Onxshop_Request("component/client/address~invoices_address_id={$order_data['invoices_address_id']}:hide_button=1~");
         $this->tpl->assign("ADDRESS_INVOICES", $_Onxshop_Request->getContent());
         $_Onxshop_Request = new Onxshop_Request("component/client/address~delivery_address_id={$order_data['delivery_address_id']}:hide_button=1~");
         $this->tpl->assign("ADDRESS_DELIVERY", $_Onxshop_Request->getContent());
          * basket detail
          * if the order is payed, display HTML basket from the invoice, otherwise generate on the fly
         require_once 'models/ecommerce/ecommerce_invoice.php';
         $Invoice = new ecommerce_invoice();
         $invoice_data = $Invoice->getInvoiceForOrder($order_data['id']);
         if ($invoice_data) {
             $this->tpl->assign("BASKET_DETAIL", $invoice_data['basket_detail']);
         } else {
             $_Onxshop_Request = new Onxshop_Request("component/ecommerce/basket_detail~id={$order_data['basket_id']}:order_id={$order_id}:delivery_address_id={$order_data['delivery_address_id']}:delivery_options[carrier_id]={$order_data['other_data']['delivery_options']['carrier_id']}~");
             $this->tpl->assign("BASKET_DETAIL", $_Onxshop_Request->getContent());
         //other data
         /* don't show
         			$order_data['other_data'] = unserialize($order_data['other_data']);
         			if (is_array($order_data['other_data'])) {
         				foreach ($order_data['other_data'] as $key=>$value) {
         					$key = preg_replace("/required_/","",$key);
         		    		$key = preg_replace("/_/"," ",$key);
         		    		$key = ucfirst($key);
         					$note['key'] = $key;
         					$note['value'] = nl2br($value);
         					if ($note['value'] != '') {
         						$this->tpl->assign('OTHER_DATA', $note);
         						$show_other_data = 1;
         				if ($show_other_data == 1) $this->tpl->parse('content.other_data');
         $order_data['created'] = strftime('%d/%m/%Y', strtotime($order_data['basket']['created']));
         $this->tpl->assign('ORDER', $order_data);
     } else {
         msg('unauthorised access to view order detail', 'error');
     return true;
  * main action
 public function mainAction()
      * Manage Sections Menu
     $active_page = 'pages';
     $active_subpage = '';
     if (preg_match('/backoffice/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
         $active_array = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         $active_page = preg_replace("/\\?.*\$/", "", $active_array[2]);
         if (count($active_array) > 2) {
             $active_subpage = preg_replace("/\\?.*\$/", "", $active_array[3]);
     $this->tpl->assign("ACTIVE_{$active_page}", 'active');
     $this->tpl->assign("ACTIVE_{$active_page}_{$active_subpage}", 'active');
      * ACL
     $auth = Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance();
     $isEcommerce = $auth->isEcommerce();
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('front_office')) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('nodes')) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('nodes')) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('products') && $isEcommerce) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('recipes') && $isEcommerce) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('stores') && $isEcommerce) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('orders') && $isEcommerce) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('stock') && $isEcommerce) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('customers')) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('reports') && $isEcommerce) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('discounts') && $isEcommerce) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('comments')) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('surveys')) {
     if ($auth->hasAnyPermission('_all_')) {
     return true;
Example #20
  * checkEditPermission
 public function checkEditPermission($item)
     if (Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated()) {
         return true;
     return false;
  * Disable superuser emulation
 public function disableSuperuserEmulation()
     self::$superuserEmulation = false;
Example #22
  * check group_acl
 public function checkDisplayPermissionGroupAcl($node_data, $force_admin_visibility = true)
     // return true in case display permission are not set
     if (!is_array($node_data['display_permission_group_acl'])) {
         return true;
     if (Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated() && $force_admin_visibility) {
         return true;
     // first set rule for Everyone
     switch ($node_data['display_permission_group_acl'][0]) {
         case '0':
             $visibility = false;
         case '1':
             $visibility = true;
         case '-1':
             $visibility = true;
     // than set rule as per active user groups
     if (!is_array($_SESSION['client']['customer']['group_ids'])) {
         return $visibility;
     if (count($_SESSION['client']['customer']['group_ids']) == 0) {
         return $visibility;
     $visible = 0;
     $invisible = 0;
     foreach ($_SESSION['client']['customer']['group_ids'] as $group_id) {
         switch ($node_data['display_permission_group_acl'][$group_id]) {
             case '0':
             case '1':
     // visibility has priority
     if ($visible > 0) {
         return true;
     // if no visibility explicitly defined and invisibility explicitly defined then hide
     if ($visible == 0 && $invisible > 0) {
         return false;
     // otherwise use rule for everyone
     return $visibility;
Example #23
  * Get active customer Id
 protected function getActiveCustomerId()
     if ($_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'] > 0) {
         $customer_id = $_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'];
     } else {
         if (Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated()) {
             $customer_id = $this->GET['customer_id'];
         } else {
             $customer_id = false;
     return $customer_id;
Example #24
    $file = "public_html/share/images/missing_image.png";
$file = ONXSHOP_PROJECT_DIR . $file;
$realpath = realpath($file);
 * Read file
if (!is_readable($file)) {
    //file does not exists
    //$file = ONXSHOP_PROJECT_DIR . "public_html/share/images/missing_image.png";
    header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
    echo "missing";
    // log it
} else {
    //admin user can download any content from var/ directory
    if (Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated()) {
        $check = addcslashes(ONXSHOP_PROJECT_DIR, '/') . 'var\\/';
    } else {
        //guest user can download only content of var/files
        //$check = addcslashes(ONXSHOP_PROJECT_DIR, '/') . 'var\/images\/';
        $check = addcslashes(ONXSHOP_PROJECT_DIR, '/') . 'var\\/files\\/';
    if (!preg_match("/{$check}/", $realpath)) {
        header("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden");
        echo "forbidden";
     * Detect file type and send to the clien
    $mimetype = local_exec("file -bi " . escapeshellarg($file));
Example #25
  * main action
 public function mainAction()
      * check GET.id
     if (is_numeric($this->GET['id'])) {
         $order_id = $this->GET['id'];
     } else {
         msg("component/ecommerce/invoice: GET.id is not numeric", 'error');
         return false;
      * initialize
     require_once 'models/ecommerce/ecommerce_invoice.php';
     require_once 'models/ecommerce/ecommerce_order.php';
     $Invoice = new ecommerce_invoice();
     $Order = new ecommerce_order();
     $this->tpl->assign('CONF', $Invoice->conf);
      * get order data
     $order_data = $Order->getOrder($order_id);
      * check owner
     //security check of the owner
     $is_owner = $order_data['basket']['customer_id'] == $_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'];
     $is_bo_user = Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated();
     $is_guest_user = $order_data['client']['customer']['status'] == 5;
     $is_same_session = $order_data['php_session_id'] == session_id() || $order_data['php_session_id'] == $this->GET['php_session_id'];
     $has_code = !empty($this->GET['code']) && verifyHash($order_data['id'], $this->GET['code']);
     if ($is_bo_user || $is_owner || $is_guest_user && $is_same_session || $has_code) {
          * check dift option
         if ($order_data['other_data']['delivery_options']['other_data']['gift'] == 1 || $order_data['other_data']['gift'] == 1) {
          * display appropriate carrier logo
         $carrier_id = $order_data['other_data']['delivery_options']['carrier_id'];
          * get invoice details
         $invoice_data = $Invoice->getInvoiceForOrder($this->GET['id']);
          * other data
         $order_data['other_data'] = unserialize($order_data['other_data']);
         if (is_array($order_data['other_data'])) {
         	foreach ($order_data['other_data'] as $key=>$value) {
         		$key = preg_replace("/required_/","",$key);
         		    		$key = preg_replace("/_/"," ",$key);
         		    		$key = ucfirst($key);
         		$note['key'] = $key;
         		$note['value'] = nl2br($value);
         		if ($note['value'] != '') {
         			$this->tpl->assign('OTHER_DATA', $note);
         			$show_other_data = 1;
         	if ($show_other_data == 1) $this->tpl->parse('content.other_data');
         //$invoice_data['created'] = strftime('%d/%m/%Y', strtotime($invoice_data['created']));
         if (empty($invoice_data['basket_detail_enhanced'])) {
             $invoice_data['basket_detail_enhanced'] = $invoice_data['basket_detail'];
         $this->tpl->assign('INVOICE', $invoice_data);
         $this->tpl->assign('ORDER', $order_data);
         if ($Invoice->conf['company_logo'] != '') {
         } else {
     } else {
         msg('unauthorized access to view order detail');
     return true;
Example #26
  * insert file
  * @param array $file
  * information of file for insert
  * @return integer
  * ID of inserted file or false
 function insertFile($file = array())
     $src = ONXSHOP_PROJECT_DIR . $file['src'];
     if (is_readable($src)) {
         if (!is_numeric($file['priority'])) {
             $file['priority'] = 0;
         $file['modified'] = date('c');
         if (!is_numeric($file['author'])) {
             $file['author'] = 0;
         // deprecated as of Onxshop 1.7
         if (!is_numeric($file['customer_id'])) {
             $bo_user_id = Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->getUserId();
             if (is_numeric($bo_user_id)) {
                 $file['customer_id'] = $bo_user_id;
             } else {
                 $file['customer_id'] = (int) $_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'];
         if ($id = $this->insert($file)) {
             msg('File Inserted', 'ok', 2);
             return $id;
         } else {
             msg("Can't insert file {$src}", 'error');
             return false;
     } else {
         msg("{$src} does not exists!", 'error');
         return false;
Example #27
  * get request
 function getRequest($node_id)
     require_once 'models/common/common_node.php';
     $Node = new common_node();
     if ($Node->detail($node_id)) {
         $append = ".node~id={$node_id}~";
         if ($node_id == $this->conf['404_id']) {
             $append = "{$append}.sys/404";
     } else {
         $append = ".node~id=" . $this->conf['404_id'] . "~.sys/404";
     if (Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated()) {
         //hack to pass _SESSION.fe_edit_mode even before it's called again from fe_edit
         //consider moving this to $Bootstrap->initPreAction
         //probably this whole block, _GET shouldn't be here!
         $_Onxshop_Request = new Onxshop_Request('bo/component/fe_edit_mode');
         $request = ONXSHOP_DEFAULT_TYPE . "~id={$node_id}~.bo/fe_edit~id={$node_id}~." . ONXSHOP_MAIN_TEMPLATE . "~id={$node_id}~{$append}";
     } else {
         $request = ONXSHOP_DEFAULT_LAYOUT . "~id={$node_id}~" . "{$append}";
     return $request;
Example #28
  * isPageCacheAllowed
 public function isPageCacheAllowed()
      * default value
     $use_page_cache = true;
      * cache can be disabled on request
     if (isset($_GET['nocache'])) {
         $this->disable_page_cache = $_GET['nocache'];
     // check if explicitly disabled
     if ($this->disable_page_cache || ONXSHOP_PAGE_CACHE_TTL == 0) {
         $use_page_cache = false;
     } else {
          * previously set (i.e. disabled) in session
         if (isset($_SESSION['use_page_cache'])) {
             $use_page_cache = $_SESSION['use_page_cache'];
          * disable page cache for whole session after a user interaction and for backoffice users
         if (count($_POST) > 0 || Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated() || $_SESSION['client']['customer']['id'] > 0) {
             $use_page_cache = false;
          * TODO: allow to configure what _GET variables will disable page cache
          * disable page cache also when sorting and mode is submitted
          * component/ecommerce/product_list_sorting
          * or when preview_token is used, i.e. news article preview
         if (is_array($_GET['sort']) || $_GET['product_list_mode'] || $_GET['preview_token']) {
             $use_page_cache = false;
     return $use_page_cache;
Example #29
  * canViewPage
  * check if page is published, but keep it available in edit mode
  * and allow to see when provided GET.preview_token
 public function canViewPage($node_data)
     if ($this->checkForValidPreviewToken($node_data)) {
         msg("This page is waiting for approval");
         return true;
     } else {
         if (Onxshop_Bo_Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated()) {
             return true;
         } else {
             return $node_data['publish'];