Example #1
                            if (!$check_name_in_database->isLoaded()) {
                        if (isset($buy_offer['id'])) {
                            //item exist in database
                            if ($user_premium_points >= $buy_offer['points']) {
                                if (check_name($buy_name)) {
                                    $buy_player = new OTS_Player();
                                    if ($buy_player->isLoaded()) {
                                        $buy_player_account = $buy_player->getAccount();
                                        if ($_SESSION['viewed_confirmation_page'] == 'yes' && $_POST['buy_confirmed'] == 'yes') {
                                            if ($buy_offer['type'] == 'pacc') {
                                                $player_premdays = $buy_player_account->getCustomField('premdays');
                                                $player_lastlogin = $buy_player_account->getCustomField('lastday');
                                                $save_transaction = 'INSERT INTO ' . $SQL->tableName('z_shop_history_pacc') . ' (id, to_name, to_account, from_nick, from_account, price, pacc_days, trans_state, trans_start, trans_real) VALUES (NULL, ' . $SQL->quote($buy_player->getName()) . ', ' . $SQL->quote($buy_player_account->getId()) . ', ' . $SQL->quote($buy_from) . ', ' . $SQL->quote($account_logged->getId()) . ', ' . $SQL->quote($buy_offer['points']) . ', ' . $SQL->quote($buy_offer['days']) . ', \'realized\', ' . $SQL->quote(time()) . ', ' . $SQL->quote(time()) . ');';
                                                $buy_player_account->setCustomField('premdays', $player_premdays + $buy_offer['days']);
                                                $account_logged->setCustomField('premium_points', $user_premium_points - $buy_offer['points']);
                                                $user_premium_points = $user_premium_points - $buy_offer['points'];
                                                $color1 = 'green';
                                                $color2 = 'green';
                                                $color3 = 'green';
                                                $color4 = 'green';
                                                $color5 = 'green';
                                                $main_content .= '
<div id="ProgressBar" >
<center><h2>Comprar Item</h2></center>
<div id="MainContainer" >
<div id="BackgroundContainer" >
<img id="BackgroundContainerLeftEnd" src="' . $layout_name . '/images/vips/stonebar-left-end.gif" />
Example #2

// to not repeat all that stuff
include 'quickstart.php';
// loads item typing information
// dont use POT::getInstance() anymore
// creates new player object
$player = new OTS_Player();
    Items loading example.
// loading item from ammunition slot
$item = $player->getSlot(POT::SLOT_AMMO);
echo $player->getName(), ' has item with id ', $item->getId(), ' in his/her ammo slot.', "\n";
// checks if item is a container
if ($item instanceof OTS_Container) {
    // list backpack content
    foreach ($item as $inside) {
        echo 'Container contains item with id ', $inside->getId(), '.', "\n";
    Items tree composing example.
// creates container - here it would be a depot locker (we pass ID of item to create)
$container = new OTS_Container(2590);
// now let's create depot chest
$chest = new OTS_Container(2594);
// let's put chest inside locker
Example #3
 $main_content .= '<TR BGCOLOR="' . $bgcolor . '"><TD>Sex:</TD><TD>';
 $main_content .= $player->getSex() == 0 ? 'female' : 'male';
 $main_content .= '</TD></TR>';
 if ($config['site']['show_marriage_info']) {
     if (is_int($number_of_rows / 2)) {
         $bgcolor = $config['site']['darkborder'];
     } else {
         $bgcolor = $config['site']['lightborder'];
     $main_content .= '<TR BGCOLOR="' . $bgcolor . '"><TD>Marital status:</TD><TD>';
     $marriage = new OTS_Player();
     if ($marriage->isLoaded()) {
         $main_content .= 'married to <a href="?subtopic=characters&name=' . urlencode($marriage->getName()) . '"><b>' . $marriage->getName() . '</b></a></TD></TR>';
     } else {
         $main_content .= 'single</TD></TR>';
 if (is_int($number_of_rows / 2)) {
     $bgcolor = $config['site']['darkborder'];
 } else {
     $bgcolor = $config['site']['lightborder'];
 $main_content .= '<TR BGCOLOR="' . $bgcolor . '"><TD>Profession:</TD><TD>' . $vocation_name[$player->getWorld()][$player->getPromotion()][$player->getVocation()] . '</TD></TR>';
 if (is_int($number_of_rows / 2)) {
     $bgcolor = $config['site']['darkborder'];
 } else {
     $bgcolor = $config['site']['lightborder'];
Example #4
     $player = new OTS_Player();
     $player_from_account = FALSE;
     if (strlen($new_nick) <= 40) {
         if ($player->isLoaded()) {
             $account_players = $account_logged->getPlayersList();
             if (count($account_players)) {
                 foreach ($account_players as $acc_player) {
                     if ($acc_player->getId() == $player->getId()) {
                         $player_from_account = TRUE;
                 if ($player_from_account) {
                     $main_content .= 'Guild nick of player <b>' . $player->getName() . '</b> changed to <b>' . htmlentities($new_nick) . '</b>.';
                     $addtolink = '&action=show&guild=' . $player->getRank()->getGuild()->getId();
                 } else {
                     $main_content .= 'This player is not from your account.';
             } else {
                 $main_content .= 'This player is not from your account.';
         } else {
             $main_content .= 'Unknow error occured.';
     } else {
         $main_content .= 'Too long guild nick. Max. 30 chars, your: ' . strlen($new_nick);
 } else {
     $main_content .= 'You are not logged.';
Example #5
     if (!$check_name_in_database->isLoaded()) {
 if (isset($buy_offer['id'])) {
     if ($user_premium_points >= $buy_offer['points']) {
         if (check_name($buy_name)) {
             $buy_player = new OTS_Player();
             if ($buy_player->isLoaded()) {
                 $buy_player_account = $buy_player->getAccount();
                 if ($_SESSION['viewed_confirmation_page'] == 'yes' && $_POST['buy_confirmed'] == 'yes') {
                     # pacc
                     if ($buy_offer['type'] == 'pacc') {
                         $player_premdays = $buy_player_account->getCustomField('premdays');
                         $player_lastlogin = $buy_player_account->getCustomField('lastday');
                         $save_transaction = 'INSERT INTO ' . $SQL->tableName('z_shop_history_pacc') . ' (id, to_name, to_account, from_nick, from_account, price, pacc_days, trans_state, trans_start, trans_real) VALUES (NULL, ' . $SQL->quote($buy_player->getName()) . ', ' . $SQL->quote($buy_player_account->getId()) . ', ' . $SQL->quote($buy_from) . ',  ' . $SQL->quote($account_logged->getId()) . ', ' . $SQL->quote($buy_offer['points']) . ', ' . $SQL->quote($buy_offer['days']) . ', \'realized\', ' . $SQL->quote(time()) . ', ' . $SQL->quote(time() + $buy_offer['days'] * 24 * 60 * 60) . ');';
                         $buy_player_account->setCustomField('premdays', $player_premdays + $buy_offer['days']);
                         $account_logged->setCustomField('premium_points', $user_premium_points - $buy_offer['points']);
                         $user_premium_points = $user_premium_points - $buy_offer['points'];
                         if ($player_premdays == 0) {
                             $buy_player_account->setCustomField('lastday', time());
                         $main_content .= '<h2>PACC added!</h2><b>' . $buy_offer['days'] . ' days</b> of Premium Account added to account of player <b>' . $buy_player->getName() . '</b> for <b>' . $buy_offer['points'] . ' premium points</b> from your account.<br />Now you have <b>' . $user_premium_points . ' premium points</b>.<br /><a href="index.php?subtopic=shopsystem">GO TO MAIN SHOP SITE</a>';
                     } elseif ($buy_offer['type'] == 'unban') {
                         $my_acc_id = $account_logged->getCustomField('id');
                         $datadata = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $SQL->tableName('bans') . ' WHERE value = ' . $my_acc_id . ';')->fetch();
                         if ($datadata['value'] == $my_acc_id) {
                             if ($SQL->query('DELETE FROM bans WHERE value= ' . $my_acc_id . ' LIMIT 1;')) {
                             } else {
                                 $SQL->query('DELETE FROM bans WHERE account= ' . $my_acc_id . ' LIMIT 1;');
function delete_player($name)
    $SQL = $GLOBALS['SQL'];
    $player = new OTS_Player();
    if ($player->isLoaded()) {
        try {
            $SQL->query("DELETE FROM player_skills WHERE player_id = '" . $player->getId() . "';");
        } catch (PDOException $error) {
        try {
            $SQL->query("DELETE FROM guild_invites WHERE player_id = '" . $player->getId() . "';");
        } catch (PDOException $error) {
        try {
            $SQL->query("DELETE FROM player_items WHERE player_id = '" . $player->getId() . "';");
        } catch (PDOException $error) {
        try {
            $SQL->query("DELETE FROM player_depotitems WHERE player_id = '" . $player->getId() . "';");
        } catch (PDOException $error) {
        try {
            $SQL->query("DELETE FROM player_spells WHERE player_id = '" . $player->getId() . "';");
        } catch (PDOException $error) {
        try {
            $SQL->query("DELETE FROM player_storage WHERE player_id = '" . $player->getId() . "';");
        } catch (PDOException $error) {
        try {
            $SQL->query("DELETE FROM player_viplist WHERE player_id = '" . $player->getId() . "';");
        } catch (PDOException $error) {
        try {
            $SQL->query("DELETE FROM player_deaths WHERE player_id = '" . $player->getId() . "';");
        } catch (PDOException $error) {
        try {
            $SQL->query("DELETE FROM player_deaths WHERE killed_by = '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $player->getName()) . "';");
        } catch (PDOException $error) {
        $rank = $player->getRank();
        if (!empty($rank)) {
            $guild = $rank->getGuild();
            if ($guild->getOwner()->getId() == $player->getId()) {
                $rank_list = $guild->getGuildRanksList();
                if (count($rank_list) > 0) {
                    foreach ($rank_list as $rank_in_guild) {
                        $players_with_rank = $rank_in_guild->getPlayersList();
                        $players_with_rank_number = count($players_with_rank);
                        if ($players_with_rank_number > 0) {
                            foreach ($players_with_rank as $player_in_guild) {
        return TRUE;
Example #7
                $account_players = $account_logged->getPlayersList();
                if (count($account_players)) {
                    foreach ($account_players as $acc_player) {
                        if ($acc_player->getId() == $player->getId()) {
                            $player_from_account = TRUE;
                    if ($player_from_account) {
                        $main_content .= '<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="5" WIDTH="100%">
<tr BGCOLOR="' . $config['site']['vdarkborder'] . '">
<td CLASS="white"><b><center>Mensagem</center></b></td>
<tr BGCOLOR=' . $config['site']['darkborder'] . '>
<td><center>O nick do membro <b>' . $player->getName() . '</b> foi trocada para <b>' . htmlentities($new_nick) . '</b></center>.</td>
                        $addtolink = '&action=show&guild=' . $player->getRank()->getGuild()->getId();
                    } else {
                        $main_content .= 'Esse personagem não é da sua conta.';
                } else {
                    $main_content .= 'Esse personagem não é da sua conta.';
            } else {
                $main_content .= 'Erro. Contate um admin pelo ticket de atendimento.';
        } else {
            $main_content .= 'Esse nick é muito longo. Máximo: 30 letras. Você escreveu: ' . strlen($new_nick) . ' letras.';
Example #8

// to not repeat all that stuff
include 'quickstart.php';
// creates new player object
$player = new OTS_Player();
// loads player
// this does the same
$player2 = new OTS_Player('Wrzasq');
// checks if player exists
if ($player->isLoaded()) {
    // prints character info
    echo 'Player \'' . $player->getName() . '\' has ' . $player->getLevel() . ' level.', "\n";
    // example of retriving associated objects
    echo 'Player \'' . $player->getName() . '\' is member of ' . $player->getGroup()->getName() . ' group.', "\n";
} else {
    echo 'Player does not exists.', "\n";
Example #9
<TR BGCOLOR="' . $config['site']['vdarkborder'] . '" style="color: white;">
<tr bgcolor=\'#505050\'><td colspan=\'2\' class=\'white\'><center><b>Other systems</b></center></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=' . $config['site']['lightborder'] . '><td width="150"><b><a href="?subtopic=adminpanel&action=install_monsters">Reload Monsters</a></b></td><td><small><b>Load information about monsters from directory "/data/monsters/".</b></small> <b><small>[Delete old mosters configuration!]</small></b></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=' . $config['site']['darkborder'] . '><td width="150"><b><a href="?subtopic=adminpanel&action=install_spells">Reload Spells</a></b></td><td><small><b>Load information about spells from file "/data/spells/spells.xml".</b></small><br/><b><small>[Delete old spells configuration!]</small></b></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=' . $config['site']['darkborder'] . '><td width="150"><b><a href="?subtopic=adminpanel&action=npc_check_by_mappingfor&lng=en">Check NPCs</a> [EN]</b></td><td><b><small>Check items prices.</small></b></td></tr>
    if (!empty($_GET['name'])) {
        $name = $_GET['name'];
        $name_new = $_GET['name_new'];
        $player = new OTS_Player();
        if ($player->isLoaded() && $player->isNameLocked()) {
            if ($name_new == $player->getOldName()) {
                if ($action == 'accept') {
                    $main_content .= '<font color="green">Changed name from <b>' . $player->getName() . '</b> to <b>' . $player->getOldName() . '</b>.</font>';
                    $player->setCustomField('old_name', $player->getName());
                    $player->setCustomField('name', $player->getOldName());
                    $player->setCustomField('nick_verify', 1);
                } elseif ($action == 'reject') {
                    $main_content .= '<font color="green">Rejected proposition of change name from <b>' . $player->getName() . '</b> to <b>' . $player->getOldName() . '</b>.</font>';
                    $player->setCustomField('old_name', '');
            } else {
                $main_content .= '<font color="red">Invalid new name. Try again.</font><br>';
        } else {
            $main_content .= '<font color="red">Player with this name doesn\'t exist or isn\'t namelocked.</font><br>';
Example #10
    // Check if the lastUpdate + the cache update time is more than the current time.
    if ($pieces[0] + $cacheTime > time()) {
        // Send the headers.
        header('Content-type: image/png');
        // Include the cache file.
        include BASEPATH_SIGNATURE . 'cache/' . $cacheImage;
    } else {
        // Remove the current cache file.
        unlink(BASEPATH_SIGNATURE . 'cache/' . $cacheImage);
// Player Name
$MadGD->addText('Name:', $MadGD->textBold)->setPosition(10, $row * $height);
$MadGD->addText($character->getName(), $character->isOnline() ? array('color' => '5df82d') : array())->setPosition();
// Player Sex
$MadGD->addText('Sex:', $MadGD->textBold)->setPosition(10, $row * $height);
$MadGD->addText($character->getSex() == 1 ? 'male' : 'female')->setPosition();
// Player Profession
$MadGD->addText('Profession:', $MadGD->textBold)->setPosition(10, $row * $height);
// Player Level
$MadGD->addText('Level:', $MadGD->textBold)->setPosition(10, $row * $height);
// Player World
$MadGD->addText('World:', $MadGD->textBold)->setPosition(10, $row * $height);