  * Create new style by importing ODT style definition.
  * @param  $xmlCode Style definition in ODT XML format
  * @return ODTStyle New specific style
 public static function importODTStyle($xmlCode)
     $style = new ODTUnknownStyle();
     return $style;
Example #2
  * This function opens a textbox in a frame.
  * The currently supported CSS properties are:
  * background-color, color, padding, margin, display, border-radius, min-height.
  * The background-image is simulated using a picture frame.
  * FIXME: Find a way to successfuly use the background-image in the graphic style (see comments).
  * The div should be closed by calling '_odtDivCloseAsFrame'.
  * @author LarsDW223
  * @param array $properties
 function _odtOpenTextBoxUseProperties($properties)
     if ($this->state->getInFrame()) {
         // Do not open a nested frame as this will make the content ofthe nested frame disappear.
     $this->div_z_index += 5;
     $odt_bg = $properties['background-color'];
     $odt_fo = $properties['color'];
     $padding_left = $properties['padding-left'];
     $padding_right = $properties['padding-right'];
     $padding_top = $properties['padding-top'];
     $padding_bottom = $properties['padding-bottom'];
     $margin_left = $properties['margin-left'];
     $margin_right = $properties['margin-right'];
     $margin_top = $properties['margin-top'];
     $margin_bottom = $properties['margin-bottom'];
     $display = $properties['display'];
     $fo_border = $properties['border'];
     $border_color = $properties['border-color'];
     $border_width = $properties['border-width'];
     $radius = $properties['border-radius'];
     $picture = $properties['background-image'];
     $pic_positions = preg_split('/\\s/', $properties['background-position']);
     $min_height = $properties['min-height'];
     $width = $properties['width'];
     $horiz_pos = $properties['float'];
     $pic_link = '';
     $pic_width = '';
     $pic_height = '';
     if (!empty($picture)) {
         // If a picture/background-image is set in the CSS, than we insert it manually here.
         // This is a workaround because ODT does not support the background-image attribute in a span.
         $pic_link = $this->_odtAddImageAsFileOnly($picture);
         list($pic_width, $pic_height) = $this->_odtGetImageSizeString($picture);
     if (empty($horiz_pos)) {
         $horiz_pos = 'center';
     if (empty($width)) {
         $width = '100%';
     if (empty($border_color)) {
         $border_color = $odt_bg;
     if (!empty($pic_positions[0])) {
         $pic_positions[0] = $this->adjustXLengthValueForODT($pic_positions[0]);
     if (empty($min_height)) {
         $min_height = '1pt';
     // Different handling for relative and absolute size...
     if ($width[strlen($width) - 1] == '%') {
         // Convert percentage values to absolute size, respecting page margins
         $width = trim($width, '%');
         $width_abs = $this->_getAbsWidthMindMargins($width) . 'cm';
     } else {
         // Absolute values may include not supported units.
         // Adjust.
         $width_abs = $this->adjustXLengthValueForODT($width);
     // Add our styles.
     $style_name = 'odt_auto_style_div_' . $this->style_count;
     $style = '<style:style style:name="' . $style_name . '_text_frame" style:family="graphic">
              style:horizontal-pos="' . $horiz_pos . '" fo:background-color="' . $odt_bg . '" style:background-transparency="100%" ';
     if (!empty($odt_bg)) {
         $style .= 'draw:fill="solid" draw:fill-color="' . $odt_bg . '" ';
     } else {
         $style .= 'draw:fill="none" ';
     if (!empty($border_color)) {
         $style .= 'svg:stroke-color="' . $border_color . '" ';
     if (!empty($border_width)) {
         $style .= 'svg:stroke-width="' . $border_width . '" ';
     if (!empty($padding_left)) {
         $style .= 'fo:padding-left="' . $padding_left . '" ';
     if (!empty($padding_right)) {
         $style .= 'fo:padding-right="' . $padding_right . '" ';
     if (!empty($padding_top)) {
         $style .= 'fo:padding-top="' . $padding_top . '" ';
     if (!empty($padding_bottom)) {
         $style .= 'fo:padding-bottom="' . $padding_bottom . '" ';
     if (!empty($margin_left)) {
         $style .= 'fo:margin-left="' . $margin_left . '" ';
     if (!empty($margin_right)) {
         $style .= 'fo:margin-right="' . $margin_right . '" ';
     if (!empty($margin_top)) {
         $style .= 'fo:margin-top="' . $margin_top . '" ';
     if (!empty($margin_bottom)) {
         $style .= 'fo:margin-bottom="' . $margin_bottom . '" ';
     if (!empty($fo_border)) {
         $style .= 'fo:border="' . $fo_border . '" ';
     $style .= 'fo:min-height="' . $min_height . '"
     $style .= '>';
     // FIXME: Delete the part below 'if ( $picture != NULL ) {...}'
     // and use this background-image definition. For some reason the background-image is not displayed.
     // Help is welcome.
     /*$style .= '<style:background-image ';
       $style .= 'xlink:href="'.$pic_link.'" xlink:type="simple" xlink:actuate="onLoad"
                  style:position="center center" style:repeat="no-repeat" draw:opacity="100%"/>';*/
     $style .= '</style:graphic-properties>';
     $style .= '</style:style>';
     $style .= '<style:style style:name="' . $style_name . '_image_frame" style:family="graphic">
          <style:graphic-properties svg:stroke-color="' . $odt_bg . '"
              draw:fill="none" draw:fill-color="' . $odt_bg . '"
      <style:style style:name="' . $style_name . '_text_box" style:family="paragraph">
          <style:text-properties fo:color="' . $odt_fo . '"/>
           fo:margin-left="' . $padding_left . '" fo:margin-right="10pt" fo:text-indent="0cm"/>
     // Add style to our document
     // (as unknown style because style-family graphic is not supported)
     $style_obj = ODTUnknownStyle::importODTStyle($style);
     // Group the frame so that they are stacked one on each other.
     if ($display == NULL) {
         $this->doc .= '<draw:g>';
     } else {
         $this->doc .= '<draw:g draw:display="' . $display . '">';
     $anchor_type = 'paragraph';
     // FIXME: Later try to get nested frames working - probably with anchor = as-char
     if ($this->state->getInFrame()) {
         $anchor_type = 'as-char';
     // Draw a frame with the image in it, if required.
     // FIXME: delete this part if 'background-image' in graphic style is working.
     if ($picture != NULL) {
         $this->doc .= '<draw:frame draw:style-name="' . $style_name . '_image_frame" draw:name="Bild1"
                             svg:x="' . $pic_positions[0] . '" svg:y="' . $pic_positions[0] . '"
                             svg:width="' . $pic_width . '" svg:height="' . $pic_height . '"
                             draw:z-index="' . ($this->div_z_index + 1) . '">
                            <draw:image xlink:href="' . $pic_link . '"
                             xlink:type="simple" xlink:show="embed" xlink:actuate="onLoad"/>
     // Draw a frame with a text box in it. the text box will be left opened
     // to grow with the content (requires fo:min-height in $style_name).
     $this->doc .= '<draw:frame draw:style-name="' . $style_name . '_text_frame" draw:name="Bild1"
                         text:anchor-type="' . $anchor_type . '"
                         svg:x="0cm" svg:y="0cm"
                         svg:width="' . $width_abs . '" svg:height="' . $min_height . '" ';
     $this->doc .= 'draw:z-index="' . ($this->div_z_index + 0) . '">';
     $this->doc .= '<draw:text-box ';
     // If required use round corners.
     if (!empty($radius)) {
         $this->doc .= 'draw:corner-radius="' . $radius . '" ';
     $this->doc .= '>';
     $this->state->enter('frame', 'frame');
  * This function creates a page layout style with the parameters given in $properies.
  * The currently supported properties are:
  * style-name, width, height, margin-top, margin-bottom, margin-right and margin-left.
  * All properties except the style-name are expected to be numeric values.
  * The function will add 'cm' itself, so do not add any units.
  * The function returns the name of the new style or NULL if all relevant properties are empty.
  * @author LarsDW223
  * @param $properties
  * @param null $disabled_props
  * @return ODTUnknownStyle or NULL
 public static function createPageLayoutStyle(array $properties, array $disabled_props = NULL)
     // Create style name (if not given).
     $style_name = $properties['style-name'];
     if (empty($style_name)) {
         $style_name = self::getNewStylename('Page');
         $properties['style-name'] = $style_name;
     $style = '<style:page-layout style:name="' . $style_name . '">
             <style:page-layout-properties fo:page-width="' . $properties['width'] . 'cm" fo:page-height="' . $properties['height'] . 'cm" style:num-format="1" style:print-orientation="landscape" fo:margin-top="' . $properties['margin-top'] . 'cm" fo:margin-bottom="' . $properties['margin-bottom'] . 'cm" fo:margin-left="' . $properties['margin-left'] . 'cm" fo:margin-right="' . $properties['margin-right'] . 'cm" style:writing-mode="lr-tb" style:footnote-max-height="0cm">
                 <style:footnote-sep style:width="0.018cm" style:distance-before-sep="0.1cm" style:distance-after-sep="0.1cm" style:adjustment="left" style:rel-width="25%" style:color="#000000"/>
     // Create empty page style.
     // Not supported yet, so we create an "unknown" style
     $object = new ODTUnknownStyle();
     if ($object == NULL) {
         return NULL;
     return $object;
Example #4
  * Create new style by importing ODT style definition.
  * @param  $xmlCode Style definition in ODT XML format
  * @return ODTStyle New specific style
 public static function importODTStyle($xmlCode)
     $matches = array();
     $pattern = '/<(\\w)+[^\\s\\/>]+/';
     if (preg_match($pattern, $xmlCode, $matches) !== 1) {
         return NULL;
     $element = trim($matches[0], '"<>');
     $style = NULL;
     switch ($element) {
         case 'style:style':
         case 'style:default-style':
             $style = ODTStyleStyle::importODTStyle($xmlCode);
         case 'text:outline-style':
             $style = ODTTextOutlineStyle::importODTStyle($xmlCode);
         case 'text:list-style':
             $style = ODTTextListStyle::importODTStyle($xmlCode);
         case 'style:master-page':
             $style = ODTMasterPageStyle::importODTStyle($xmlCode);
         case 'style:page-layout':
             $style = ODTPageLayoutStyle::importODTStyle($xmlCode);
     if ($style != NULL) {
         return $style;
     // Unknown/not implemented style.
     // Create generic style which can not be changed.
     $unknown = ODTUnknownStyle::importODTStyle($xmlCode);
     return $unknown;