Example #1
  * A private method to return an array containing the start and end dates
  * of a report in a format that is suitable for display in a worksheet's
  * sub-heading.
  * @access private
  * @return array An array containing the Start Date and End Date, if required.
 function _getDisplayableParametersFromDaySpan()
     $aParams = array();
     if (!is_null($this->_oDaySpan)) {
         global $date_format;
         $aParams[MAX_Plugin_Translation::translate('Start Date', $this->module, $this->package)] = $this->_oDaySpan->getStartDateString($date_format);
         $aParams[MAX_Plugin_Translation::translate('End Date', $this->module, $this->package)] = $this->_oDaySpan->getEndDateString($date_format);
     return $aParams;
  * A method to test the setSpanPresetValue() method.
 function testSetSpanPresetValue()
     $oDaySpan = new OA_Admin_DaySpan();
     $oDaySpan->oNowDate = new Date('2007-05-09');
     $this->assertEqual($oDaySpan->getStartDateString(), '2007-05-09');
     $this->assertEqual($oDaySpan->getEndDateString(), '2007-05-09');
     $oDaySpan->oNowDate = new Date('2007-05-10');
     $this->assertEqual($oDaySpan->getStartDateString(), '2007-05-10');
     $this->assertEqual($oDaySpan->getEndDateString(), '2007-05-10');
  * A private method to prepare an array of connections and variable values for the
  * report.
  * @access private
  * @return array An array with the following format:
  *      array(
  *          $trackerId => array(
  *              'connections' => array(
  *                  $connectionId => array(
  *                      'data_intermediate_ad_connection_id' => Integer:   The conversion ID
  *                      'tracker_date_time'                  => Timestamp: The date/time of the conversion
  *                      'tracker_day'                        => String:    The day of the conversion in YYYY-MM-DD format
  *                      'connection_date_time'               => Timestamp: The date/time of the ad impression/click
  *                      'connection_status'                  => Integer:   The status of the connection
  *                      'connection_channel'                 => Integer:   The channel ID of the ad impression/click
  *                      'connection_action'                  => Integer:   If it was an ad impression or click
  *                      'connection_ip_address'              => String:    The IP address of the ad impression/click
  *                      'connection_country'                 => String:    The country of the ad impression/click
  *                      'connection_domain'                  => String:    The domain of the ad impression/click
  *                      'connection_language'                => String:    The language of the ad impression/click
  *                      'connection_os'                      => String:    The operating system of the ad impression/click
  *                      'connection_browser'                 => String:    The browser of the ad impression/click
  *                      'connection_comments'                => String:    Any comments associated with the connection
  *                      'advertiser_id'                      => Integer:   The advertiser ID of the ad impression/click
  *                      'advertiser_name'                    => String:    The name of the advertiser of the ad impression/click
  *                      'placement_id'                       => Integer:   The placement ID of the ad impression/click
  *                      'placement_name'                     => String:    The name of the placement of the ad impression/click
  *                      'ad_id'                              => Integer:   The ad ID of the ad impression/click
  *                      'ad_name'                            => String:    The name of the ad of the ad impression/click
  *                      'ad_alt'                             => String:    The alt. name of the ad of the ad impression/click
  *                      'publisher_id'                       => Integer:   The publisher ID of the ad impression/click
  *                      'publisher_name'                     => String:    The name of the publisher of the ad impression/click
  *                      'zone_id'                            => Integer:   The zone ID of the ad impression/click
  *                      'zone_name'                          => String:    The name of the zone of the ad impression/click
  *                      'tracker_id'                         => Integer:   The tracker ID for the conversion
  *                      'variables'                          => array(
  *                          $trackerVariableId => array(
  *                              tracker_variable_id    => Integer: The tracker variable ID
  *                              tracker_variable_value => Mixed:   The tracker variable value for the conversion
  *                          )
  *                      )
  *                  )
  *              )
  *          )
  *      )
 function _prepareConnections()
     $aConnections = array();
     $aConf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
     // Prepare the start and end dates for the conversion range
     $oDaySpan = new OA_Admin_DaySpan();
     $oDaySpan->setSpanDays($this->_oDaySpan->oStartDate, $this->_oDaySpan->oEndDate);
     $startDateString = $oDaySpan->getStartDateString('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
     $endDateString = $oDaySpan->getEndDateString('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
     // Prepare the agency/advertiser/publisher limitations
     $agencyId = $this->_oScope->getAgencyId();
     $advertiserId = $this->_oScope->getAdvertiserId();
     $publisherId = $this->_oScope->getPublisherId();
     // Prepare the query to select the required conversions and variable values
     $query = "\n            SELECT\n                diac.data_intermediate_ad_connection_id AS data_intermediate_ad_connection_id,\n                diac.tracker_date_time AS tracker_date_time,\n                diac.tracker_id AS tracker_id,\n                diac.connection_date_time AS connection_date_time,\n                diac.connection_status AS connection_status,\n                diac.connection_channel AS connection_channel,\n                diac.connection_action AS connection_action,\n                diac.tracker_ip_address AS connection_ip_address,\n                diac.tracker_country AS connection_country,\n                diac.tracker_domain AS connection_domain,\n                diac.tracker_language AS connection_language,\n                diac.tracker_os AS connection_os,\n                diac.tracker_browser AS connection_browser,\n                diac.comments AS connection_comments,\n                z.zoneid AS zone_id,\n                z.zonename AS zone_name,\n                p.affiliateid AS publisher_id,\n                p.name AS publisher_name,\n                a.clientid AS advertiser_id,\n                a.clientname AS advertiser_name,\n                c.campaignid AS placement_id,\n                c.campaignname AS campaign_name,\n                b.bannerid AS ad_id,\n                b.description AS ad_name,\n                b.alt AS ad_alt,\n                diavv.tracker_variable_id AS tracker_variable_id,\n                diavv.value AS tracker_variable_value\n            FROM\n                {$aConf['table']['prefix']}{$aConf['table']['data_intermediate_ad_connection']} AS diac\n            JOIN\n                {$aConf['table']['prefix']}{$aConf['table']['banners']} AS b\n            ON\n                (\n                    diac.ad_id = b.bannerid\n                )\n            JOIN\n                {$aConf['table']['prefix']}{$aConf['table']['campaigns']} AS c\n            ON\n                (\n                    b.campaignid = c.campaignid\n                )\n            JOIN\n                {$aConf['table']['prefix']}{$aConf['table']['clients']} AS a\n            ON\n                (\n                    c.clientid = a.clientid\n                )\n            LEFT JOIN\n                {$aConf['table']['prefix']}{$aConf['table']['zones']} AS z\n            ON\n                (\n                    diac.zone_id = z.zoneid\n                )\n            LEFT JOIN\n                {$aConf['table']['prefix']}{$aConf['table']['affiliates']} AS p\n            ON\n                (\n                    z.affiliateid = p.affiliateid\n                )\n            LEFT JOIN\n                {$aConf['table']['prefix']}{$aConf['table']['data_intermediate_ad_variable_value']} AS diavv\n            ON\n                (\n                    diac.data_intermediate_ad_connection_id = diavv.data_intermediate_ad_connection_id\n                )\n            WHERE\n                diac.tracker_date_time >= " . DBC::makeLiteral($startDateString, 'string') . "\n                AND\n                diac.tracker_date_time <= " . DBC::makeLiteral($endDateString, 'string') . "\n                AND\n                diac.inside_window = 1";
     if ($agencyId) {
         $query .= "\n                AND\n                a.agencyid = " . DBC::makeLiteral($agencyId, 'integer');
     if ($advertiserId) {
         $query .= "\n                AND\n                a.clientid = " . DBC::makeLiteral($advertiserId, 'integer');
     if ($publisherId) {
         $query .= "\n                AND\n                z.affiliateid = " . DBC::makeLiteral($publisherId, 'integer');
     $query .= "\n            ORDER BY\n                tracker_id,\n                data_intermediate_ad_connection_id";
     // Select the conversions in the report
     $rsConversions = DBC::NewRecordSet($query);
     while ($rsConversions->fetch()) {
         $aConversion = $rsConversions->toArray();
         $trackerId = $aConversion['tracker_id'];
         $connectionId = $aConversion['data_intermediate_ad_connection_id'];
         // Does this tracker/connection pair exist in the result array already?
         // It might, due to multiple attached variable values...
         if (!isset($aConnections[$trackerId]['connections'][$connectionId])) {
             // It's not set, store the connection details
             $oTrackerDate = new Date($aConversion['tracker_date_time']);
             $oConnectionDate = new Date($aConversion['connection_date_time']);
             $aConnections[$trackerId]['connections'][$connectionId] = array('data_intermediate_ad_connection_id' => $connectionId, 'tracker_date_time' => $oTrackerDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'tracker_day' => $oTrackerDate->format('%Y-%m-%d'), 'connection_date_time' => $oConnectionDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'connection_status' => $aConversion['connection_status'], 'connection_channel' => $aConversion['connection_channel'], 'connection_action' => $aConversion['connection_action'], 'connection_ip_address' => $aConversion['connection_ip_address'], 'connection_country' => $aConversion['connection_country'], 'connection_domain' => $aConversion['connection_domain'], 'connection_language' => $aConversion['connection_language'], 'connection_os' => $aConversion['connection_os'], 'connection_browser' => $aConversion['connection_browser'], 'connection_comments' => $aConversion['connection_comments'], 'advertiser_id' => $aConversion['advertiser_id'], 'advertiser_name' => $aConversion['advertiser_name'], 'placement_id' => $aConversion['placement_id'], 'placement_name' => $aConversion['placement_name'], 'ad_id' => $aConversion['ad_id'], 'ad_name' => $aConversion['ad_name'], 'ad_alt' => $aConversion['ad_alt'], 'publisher_id' => $aConversion['publisher_id'], 'publisher_name' => $aConversion['publisher_name'], 'zone_id' => $aConversion['zone_id'], 'zone_name' => $aConversion['zone_name'], 'tracker_id' => $aConversion['tracker_id']);
         // Store the variable value associated with this connection, if one exists
         $trackerVariableId = $aConversion['tracker_variable_id'];
         if (!empty($trackerVariableId)) {
             $aConnections[$trackerId]['connections'][$connectionId]['variables'][$trackerVariableId] = array('tracker_variable_id' => $trackerVariableId, 'tracker_variable_value' => $aConversion['tracker_variable_value']);
     // Return the connections
     return $aConnections;
  * Take impressions from today's/yesterday's statistics and use them to augment the overall statistics.
  * This step is only necessary because the underlying query builder is incapable of
  * joining a table to itself, which would be necessary to gather today's impressions
  * at the same time as those for the whole period.
  * @access private
  * @param array $aReportData The result of
  *                           {@link Plugins_Reports_Standard_LiveCampaignDeliveryReport::_getDeliveryPerformanceDataRange()}
  *                           for the report period.
  * @param array $aYesterdayData The result of
  *                              {@link Plugins_Reports_Standard_LiveCampaignDeliveryReport::_getDeliveryPerformanceDataRange()}
  *                              for "yesterday".
  * @param OA_Admin_DaySpan $oSpanYesterday The OA_Admin_DaySpan object for "yesterday".
  * @param array $aTodayData The result of
  *                          {@link Plugins_Reports_Standard_LiveCampaignDeliveryReport::_getDeliveryPerformanceDataRange()}
  *                          for "today".
  * @param OA_Admin_DaySpan $oSpanToday The OA_Admin_DaySpan object for "today".
  * @return array An array of campaign information as per the $aReportData array, but also
  *               including 'yesterdays_impressions' and 'todays_impressions', as well as
  *               an hourly breakdown of "yesterday's" and "today's" impressions in hourly
  *               format in 'yesterdays_impressions_by_hour' and 'todays_impressions_by_hour'.
 function _mergeDeliveryPerformanceData($aReportData, $aYesterdayData, $oSpanYesterday, $aTodayData, $oSpanToday)
     $aData = array();
     foreach ($aReportData as $aCampaignData) {
         $campaignId = $aCampaignData['campaign_id'];
         // Add yesterday's impressions to the campaign report period data
         $aCampaignDataYesterday = $this->_findMatchingCampaignData($campaignId, $aYesterdayData);
         $yesterdaysImpressions = $aCampaignDataYesterday['campaign_impressions'];
         $aCampaignData['yesterdays_impressions'] = $yesterdaysImpressions;
         // Get and add yesterday's impressions by hour
         $yesterdayDateString = $oSpanYesterday->getStartDateString();
         $aYesterdaysImpressionsByHour = Admin_DA::getHourHistory(array('placement_id' => $campaignId, 'day_begin' => $yesterdayDateString, 'day_end' => $yesterdayDateString));
         $aCampaignData['yesterdays_impressions_by_hour'] = $aYesterdaysImpressionsByHour;
         // Add today's impressions to the campaign report period data
         $aCampaignDataToday = $this->_findMatchingCampaignData($campaignId, $aTodayData);
         $todaysImpressions = $aCampaignDataToday['campaign_impressions'];
         $aCampaignData['todays_impressions'] = $todaysImpressions;
         // Get and add today's impressions by hour
         $todayDateString = $oSpanToday->getStartDateString();
         $aTodaysImpressionsByHour = Admin_DA::getHourHistory(array('placement_id' => $campaignId, 'day_begin' => $todayDateString, 'day_end' => $todayDateString));
         $aCampaignData['todays_impressions_by_hour'] = $aTodaysImpressionsByHour;
         // Add the newly merged data for this campaign to the return array
         $aData[] = $aCampaignData;
     return $aData;