sendITipNotifications() public static method

Can be used to send task invitations, updates, and cancellations.
public static sendITipNotifications ( Nag_Task $task, Horde_Notification_Handler $notification, integer $action, Horde_Date $instance = null, string $range = null )
$task Nag_Task The task in question.
$notification Horde_Notification_Handler A notification object used to show result status.
$action integer The type of notification to send. One of the Nag::ITIP_* values.
$instance Horde_Date If cancelling a single instance of a recurring task, the date of this instance.
$range string The range parameter if this is a recurring event. Possible values are self::RANGE_THISANDFUTURE
Example #1
 public function processRequest(Horde_Controller_Request $request, Horde_Controller_Response $response)
     global $nag_shares, $prefs, $conf;
     $vars = Horde_Variables::getDefaultVariables();
     $registry = $this->getInjector()->getInstance('Horde_Registry');
     $notification = $this->getInjector()->getInstance('Horde_Notification');
     $form = new Nag_Form_Task($vars, $vars->get('task_id') ? sprintf(_("Edit: %s"), $vars->get('name')) : _("New Task"));
     if (!$form->validate($vars)) {
         // Hideous
         $_REQUEST['actionID'] = 'task_form';
         require NAG_BASE . '/task.php';
     $form->getInfo($vars, $info);
     // Check if we are here due to a search_return push.
     if ($vars->search_return) {
         Horde::url('list.php', true)->add(array('actionID' => 'search_return', 'list' => $vars->list, 'tab_name' => $vars->tab_name))->redirect();
     // Check if we are here due to a deletebutton push
     if ($vars->deletebutton) {
         try {
             $share = $nag_shares->getShare($info['old_tasklist']);
         } catch (Horde_Share_Exception $e) {
             $notification->push(sprintf(_("Access denied deleting task: %s"), $e->getMessage()), 'horde.error');
             Horde::url('list.php', true)->redirect();
         $task = Nag::getTask($info['old_tasklist'], $info['task_id']);
         if (!$share->hasPermission($registry->getAuth(), Horde_Perms::DELETE)) {
             $notification->push(_("Access denied deleting task"), 'horde.error');
             Horde::url('list.php', true)->redirect();
         } else {
             $storage = $this->getInjector()->getInstance('Nag_Factory_Driver')->create($info['old_tasklist']);
             try {
                 $notification->push(_("Task successfully deleted"), 'horde.success');
                 Horde::url('list.php', true)->redirect();
             } catch (Nag_Exception $e) {
                 $notification->push(sprintf(_("Error deleting task: %s"), $e->getMessage()), 'horde.error');
                 Horde::url('list.php', true)->redirect();
     if ($prefs->isLocked('default_tasklist') || count($this->_getTasklists()) <= 1) {
         $info['tasklist_id'] = $info['old_tasklist'] = Nag::getDefaultTasklist(Horde_Perms::EDIT);
     try {
         $share = $nag_shares->getShare($info['tasklist_id']);
     } catch (Horde_Share_Exception $e) {
         $notification->push(sprintf(_("Access denied saving task: %s"), $e->getMessage()), 'horde.error');
         Horde::url('list.php', true)->redirect();
     if (!$share->hasPermission($registry->getAuth(), Horde_Perms::EDIT)) {
         $notification->push(_("Access denied saving task to this task list."), 'horde.error');
         Horde::url('list.php', true)->redirect();
     /* If a task id is set, we're modifying an existing task.  Otherwise,
      * we're adding a new task with the provided attributes. */
     if (!empty($info['task_id']) && !empty($info['old_tasklist'])) {
         $storage = $this->getInjector()->getInstance('Nag_Factory_Driver')->create($info['old_tasklist']);
         $info['tasklist'] = $info['tasklist_id'];
         try {
             $storage->modify($info['task_id'], $info);
         } catch (Nag_Exception $e) {
             $notification->push(sprintf(_("There was a problem saving the task: %s."), $e->getMessage()), 'horde.error');
             Horde::url('list.php', true)->redirect();
         $method = Nag::ITIP_UPDATE;
         $newid = array($info['task_id']);
     } else {
         /* Check permissions. */
         $perms = $this->getInjector()->getInstance('Horde_Core_Perms');
         if ($perms->hasAppPermission('max_tasks') !== true && $perms->hasAppPermission('max_tasks') <= Nag::countTasks()) {
             Horde::url('list.php', true)->redirect();
         /* Creating a new task. */
         $storage = $this->getInjector()->getInstance('Nag_Factory_Driver')->create($info['tasklist_id']);
         // These must be unset since the form sets them to NULL
         try {
             $newid = $storage->add($info);
         } catch (Nag_Exception $e) {
             $notification->push(sprintf(_("There was a problem saving the task: %s."), $e->getMessage()), 'horde.error');
             Horde::url('list.php', true)->redirect();
         $method = Nag::ITIP_REQUEST;
     if ($conf['assignees']['allow_external']) {
         Nag::sendITipNotifications($storage->get($newid[0]), $notification, $method);
     $notification->push(sprintf(_("Saved %s."), $info['name']), 'horde.success');
     /* Return to the last page or to the task list. */
     if ($vars->savenewbutton) {
         $url = Horde::url('task.php', true)->add(array('actionID' => 'add_task', 'tasklist_id' => $info['tasklist_id'], 'parent' => $info['parent']));
     } else {
         $url = Horde_Util::getFormData('url', (string) Horde::url('list.php', true));
         $url = Horde::url($url, true);