Example #1
 public function get_flash_sale($goods)
     $flash_sale = array();
     if (!$goods) {
         $ret = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "没有该商品!");
         return $ret;
         // Tiny::log(__FILE__ . __LINE__ . "该商品为NULL");
     if (isset($goods['goods_id'])) {
         $goods_id = $goods['goods_id'];
         $model = new Model('flash_sale as fs');
         $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         // 正在进行的限时抢购
         $flash_sale = $model->join("left join goods as go on fs.goods_id=go.id")->fields("*")->where("fs.goods_id = {$goods_id} and start_time < '" . $time . "' and end_time > '" . $time . "'")->find();
         $ret = array("status" => 1, "msg" => "没有该商品!", "data" => $flash_sale);
         return $ret;
     } else {
         $ret = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "没有该商品!");
         return $ret;
Example #2
 protected function _fetcher(Model $fetcher, &$param)
Example #3
 public function flashbuy_num()
     $id = Filter::int(Req::args('id'));
     $num = Filter::int(Req::args('num'));
     if ($num <= 0) {
         $num = 1;
     $product_id = Filter::int(Req::args('pid'));
     $model = new Model("flash_sale as fb");
     $item = $model->join("left join goods as go on fb.goods_id=go.id left join products as pr on pr.id={$product_id}")->fields("*,pr.id as product_id")->where("fb.id={$id}")->find();
     $product = $this->packFlashbuyProducts($item, $num);
     echo JSON::encode($product);
 public function editmemberinfo()
     $wxid = $this->_get("wid");
     if (isset($wxid) && !IS_POST) {
         $where = array('tp_userinfo.token' => $this->token, 'tp_userinfo.status' => 1, 'tp_wecha_user.token' => $this->token, 'tp_member_card_create.token' => $this->token, 'tp_member_card_create.status' => 1, 'tp_wecha_user.id' => $wxid);
         $model = new Model('userinfo');
         //'tp_wecha_user as wu on wu.wecha_id = member.wecha_id left join tp_member_card_create as card on card.wecha_id = member.wecha_id ';
         $res = $model->join('tp_wecha_user on tp_wecha_user.wecha_id = tp_userinfo.wecha_id')->join('tp_member_card_create on tp_member_card_create.wecha_id = tp_userinfo.wecha_id')->where($where)->field(' tp_userinfo.token,
                                     tp_userinfo.memberinfo as extinfo, 
                                     tp_member_card_create.id as Member_card_create_id,
         $member_card_set = M('member_card_set')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->field('default_show_cols,text_cols,select_cols')->find();
         $extInfoData = unserialize($res['extinfo']);
         $addressInfoData = unserialize($res['address']);
         $this->assign('addressData', $addressInfoData);
         $this->assign('extDatas', $extInfoData);
         if (!empty($member_card_set['default_show_cols'])) {
             $this->assign('default_show_cols', unserialize($member_card_set['default_show_cols']));
         $text_cols = unserialize($member_card_set['text_cols']);
         if (!empty($text_cols)) {
             $this->assign('text_cols', $text_cols);
         $select_cols = unserialize($member_card_set['select_cols']);
         if (!empty($select_cols)) {
             $this->assign('select_cols', $select_cols);
         $class_con = array('token' => $this->token, 'status' => 1);
         $class_info = M('member_group')->where($class_con)->field('groupid,title')->select();
         if (empty($class_info)) {
             $class_info = C('MEMBER_GROUP');
         $this->assign('class_info', $class_info);
         $this->assign('memberSet', $memberSet);
         $this->assign('data', $res);
     if (IS_POST) {
         $wechauserinfo = M('wecha_user')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'id' => $wxid))->find();
         if (!$wechauserinfo) {
         $wecha_id = $wechauserinfo['wecha_id'];
         $defaultinfochanged = $_POST['defaultinfochanged'] || $_POST['oldbirthday'] != $_POST['birthday'];
         $classchanged = $_POST['oldgroupid'] != $_POST['groupid'];
         $extinfochanged = $_POST['extinfochanged'];
         $upUserinfoSuccess = false;
         $upMemberClassSuccess = false;
         $upExtInfoSuccess = false;
         $extinfo = array('select_cols' => $_POST['select_cols'], 'text_cols' => $_POST['text_cols']);
         $address = array('addr_detail' => $_POST['addr_detail'], 'addr_prov' => $_POST['addr_prov'], 'addr_city' => $_POST['addr_city'], 'addr_area' => $_POST['addr_area']);
         if ($defaultinfochanged) {
             $userupdata = array_diff($_POST, $extinfo, $address);
             $userupdata['token'] = $this->token;
             $userupdata['wecha_id'] = $wecha_id;
             $userupdata['address'] = serialize($address);
             $m = M('wecha_user');
             $upUserinfoSuccess = $m->where(array('id' => $_POST['id'], 'token' => $this->token))->save($userupdata);
         if ($extinfochanged) {
             $extinfodata['memberinfo'] = serialize($extinfo);
             $upExtInfoSuccess = M('userinfo')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'status' => 1))->save($extinfodata);
         if ($classchanged) {
             $updata = array('id' => $_POST['Member_card_create_id'], 'groupid' => $_POST['groupid']);
             $upMemberClassSuccess = M('Member_card_create')->where(array('id' => $updata['id'], 'token' => $this->token, 'status' => 1))->save($updata);
         $succ = ($infochanged ? $upUserinfoSuccess : true) && ($classchanged ? $upMemberClassSuccess : true) && ($extinfochanged ? $upExtInfoSuccess : true);
         if (!$succ) {
         } else {
Example #5
 public function customer_edit()
     $id = Req::args("id");
     $customer = Req::args();
     if ($id) {
         $model = new Model("customer as c");
         $customer = $model->join("user as u on c.user_id = u.id")->where("c.user_id=" . $id)->find();
     $this->redirect('customer_edit', false, $customer);
Example #6
 public function order_status()
     $parse_status = array('3' => '审核订单', '4' => '完成订单成功', '6' => '作废订单');
     $id = Filter::int(Req::args("id"));
     $status = Req::args("status");
     $admin_remark = Req::args("remark");
     $model = new Model("order");
     $order = $model->where("id={$id}")->find();
     $flag = false;
     $info = array();
     if ($order) {
         if ($status) {
             if ($order['status'] == 1 || $order['status'] == 2) {
                 if ($status == 3 || $status == 6) {
                     $flag = true;
                 /* S 二次开发 */
                 if ($status == 3) {
                     $user_id = $order['user_id'];
                     $user_model = new Model('user');
                     $user = $user_model->where('id=' . $user_id)->find();
                     $order_url = Url::fullUrlFormat("/ucenter/order_detail/id/{$order['id']}");
                     $email_message_model = new Model('email_message');
                     $email_message = $email_message_model->where('`trigger`=2 and status=1')->find();
                     if ($email_message) {
                         $body = str_replace(array('{$order_no}', '{$user_name}', '{$current_time}', '{$order_url}'), array($order['order_no'], $user['name'], date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $order_url), $email_message['content']);
                         $mail = new Mail();
                         $mail->send_email($user['email'], $email_message['title'], $body);
                 /* E 二次开发*/
             if ($order['status'] == 3) {
                 if ($status == 4 || $status == 6) {
                     $flag = true;
                 if ($status == 4) {
                     $payment_plugin = Common::getPaymentInfo($order['payment']);
                     if ($payment_plugin != null && $payment_plugin['class_name'] == 'received') {
                     $model_tem = new Model('order');
                     $model_tem->where("id={$id}")->data(array('delivery_status' => 2, 'status' => 4, 'completion_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')))->update();
                     $model_tem = new Model('order as od');
                     $products = $model_tem->join('left join order_goods as og on od.id=og.order_id')->where('od.id=' . $id)->findAll();
                     foreach ($products as $product) {
                         $data = array('goods_id' => $product['goods_id'], 'user_id' => $order['user_id'], 'order_no' => $product['order_no'], 'buy_time' => $product['create_time']);
             if ($order['status'] == 4 && $status == 6) {
                 $flag = true;
             if ($flag) {
                 $model->where("id={$id}")->data(array('status' => $status, 'admin_remark' => $admin_remark))->update();
                 $info = array('status' => 'success', 'msg' => $parse_status[$status]);
             } else {
                 $info = array('status' => 'fail', 'msg' => $parse_status[$status]);
         } else {
             $op = Req::args("op");
             if ($op == 'note') {
                 $model->where("id={$id}")->data(array('admin_remark' => $admin_remark))->update();
                 $info = array('status' => 'success', 'msg' => '备注');
             } else {
                 if ($op == 'del') {
                     $info = array('status' => 'success', 'msg' => '删除');
     } else {
         $info = array('status' => 'fail', 'msg' => '不存在此订单');
     echo JSON::encode($info);
Example #7
 public function payment_list()
     $model = new Model('payment as pa');
     $list = $model->join("left join pay_plugin as pi on pa.plugin_id = pi.id")->fields("pa.id,pa.plugin_id,pa.pay_name,pa.description as pay_description,pa.status,pi.description,pi.logo,pi.class_name")->order('pa.sort desc')->findAll();
     $this->assign("payment_list", $list);
Example #8
 public function hot()
     $model = new Model("order_goods as og");
     $cal = $this->calendar();
     $stime = $cal['start'];
     $etime = $cal['end'];
     $s_time = $cal['str'];
     $days = $cal['days'];
     $monthData = array();
     $xdata = array();
     if ($days < 3) {
         $rows = $model->join("left join order as od on od.id = og.order_id")->fields("count(og.id) as num,og.goods_id,TIME_FORMAT(od.create_time, '%H:00') as day ,od.order_amount as amount")->where("od.create_time between '{$stime}' and '{$etime}' and od.pay_status=1")->order('num desc')->group("og.goods_id")->limit(3)->findAll();
         for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) {
             $xdata[($i < 10 ? '0' . $i : $i) . ':00'] = 0.0;
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $monthData[$row['goods_id']] = $xdata;
     } else {
         $rows = $model->join("left join order as od on od.id = og.order_id")->fields("count(og.id) as num,og.goods_id,date_format(od.create_time,'%m-%d') as day ,od.order_amount as amount")->where("od.create_time between '{$stime}' and '{$etime}' and od.pay_status=1")->order('num desc')->group("og.goods_id")->limit(3)->findAll();
         $month_day = null;
         for ($i = 0; $i < $days; $i++) {
             $month_day = date("m-d", strtotime($stime . '+' . $i . 'day'));
             $xdata[$month_day] = 0.0;
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $monthData[$row['goods_id']] = $xdata;
     if ($rows) {
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $monthData[$row['goods_id']][$row['day']] = $row['amount'];
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $data[$row['goods_id']] = implode(",", $monthData[$row['goods_id']]);
         $goods_id = implode(",", array_keys($data));
         $goods = $model->table("goods")->where("id in ({$goods_id})")->findAll();
         $parse_goods = array();
         foreach ($goods as $v) {
             $parse_goods[$v['id']] = $v['name'];
         $this->assign("parse_goods", $parse_goods);
     $month = implode("','", array_keys($xdata));
     $this->assign("nodata", implode(",", array_values($xdata)));
     $this->assign("s_time", $s_time);
     $this->assign("month", "'{$month}'");
     $this->assign("data", isset($data) ? $data : array());
Example #9
 public function __construct($payment_id)
     $this->payment_id = $payment_id;
     $model = new Model("payment as pa");
     $this->payment = $model->join("left join pay_plugin as pi on pa.plugin_id = pi.id")->where("pa.id = " . $payment_id)->find();
Example #10
 static function getPaymentInfo($id)
     $model = new Model('payment as pa');
     $payment = $model->join('left join pay_plugin as pp on pa.plugin_id = pp.id')->where("pa.id = " . $id)->find();
     return $payment;
Example #11
 public function flash()
     $this->assign('seo_title', '精品热卖');
     $this->assign('seo_keywords', '抢购,优惠促销精选,限时抢购,更多优惠.');
     $model = new Model('flash_sale as fs');
     // EC 变更 2015-06-08 16:05 今日特卖没有的场合,bug对应 START
     //        $listTop = array();
     //        $listPart = array();
     $listTop = null;
     $listPart = null;
     // EC 变更 2015-06-08 16:05 今日特卖没有的场合,bug对应 END
     $current_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $isEnd_0 = 'fs.is_end = 0';
     $isEnd_1 = 'fs.is_end = 1';
     $beforeNow = 'fs.start_time <= "' . $current_time . '"';
     $afterNow = 'fs.start_time > "' . $current_time . '"';
     $start_time_DESC = 'fs.start_time DESC';
     $start_time_ASC = 'fs.start_time ASC';
     $left_join = 'left join goods as gd on gd.id = fs.goods_id';
     $and = ' and ';
     $hasFlash = $model->where($isEnd_0 . $and . $beforeNow)->find();
     $willFlash = $model->where($isEnd_1 . $and . $afterNow)->find();
     //进行中和马上开始 混在
     if ($hasFlash && $willFlash) {
         // EC 变更 2015-06-22 12:05 今日特卖宣传图片不表示的场合,bug对应 START
         // $listTop = $model->join($left_join)->where($isEnd_0.$and.$beforeNow)->order($start_time_DESC)->find();
         $listTop = $model->fields("fs.id, fs.title, fs.max_num, fs.quota_num, fs.price, fs.goods_id, fs.description, fs.start_time, fs.end_time, fs.goods_num, fs.order_num, fs.is_end, fs.img as fs_img, gd.*")->join($left_join)->where($isEnd_0 . $and . $beforeNow)->order($start_time_DESC)->find();
         // EC 变更 2015-06-22 12:05 今日特卖宣传图片不表示的场合,bug对应 END
         $list1 = $model->join($left_join)->where($isEnd_0 . $and . $beforeNow . $and . 'fs.goods_id <>' . $listTop['goods_id'])->order($start_time_DESC)->findAll();
         $list2 = $model->join($left_join)->where($isEnd_1 . $and . $afterNow)->order($start_time_ASC)->findAll();
         $listPart = array_merge($list1, $list2);
     if ($hasFlash && !$willFlash) {
         // EC 变更 2015-06-22 12:05 今日特卖宣传图片不表示的场合,bug对应 START
         // $listTop = $model->join($left_join)->where($isEnd_0.$and.$beforeNow)->order($start_time_DESC)->find();
         $listTop = $model->fields("fs.id, fs.title, fs.max_num, fs.quota_num, fs.price, fs.goods_id, fs.description, fs.start_time, fs.end_time, fs.goods_num, fs.order_num, fs.is_end, fs.img as fs_img, gd.*")->join($left_join)->where($isEnd_0 . $and . $beforeNow)->order($start_time_DESC)->find();
         // EC 变更 2015-06-22 12:05 今日特卖宣传图片不表示的场合,bug对应 END
         $list1 = $model->join($left_join)->where($isEnd_0 . $and . $beforeNow . $and . 'fs.goods_id <>' . $listTop['goods_id'])->order($start_time_DESC)->findAll();
         $listPart = array_merge($list1);
     if (!$hasFlash && $willFlash) {
         // EC 变更 2015-06-22 12:05 今日特卖宣传图片不表示的场合,bug对应 START
         // $listTop = $model->join($left_join)->where($isEnd_1.$and.$afterNow)->order($start_time_ASC)->find();
         $listTop = $model->fields("fs.id, fs.title, fs.max_num, fs.quota_num, fs.price, fs.goods_id, fs.description, fs.start_time, fs.end_time, fs.goods_num, fs.order_num, fs.is_end, fs.img as fs_img, gd.*")->join($left_join)->where($isEnd_1 . $and . $afterNow)->order($start_time_ASC)->find();
         // EC 变更 2015-06-22 12:05 今日特卖宣传图片不表示的场合,bug对应 END
         $list1 = $model->join($left_join)->where($isEnd_1 . $and . $afterNow . $and . 'fs.goods_id <>' . $listTop['goods_id'])->order($start_time_ASC)->findAll();
         $listPart = array_merge($list1);
     //        $instFlashSale = new FlashSale();
     //        $goodSel = $instFlashSale->getFlashSaleWithProducts();
     // EC 变更 2015-06-22 12:05 今日特卖宣传图片不表示的场合,bug对应 START
     if (!isset($listTop["fs_img"]) || $listTop["fs_img"] == "") {
         $listTop["is_has_fs_img"] = false;
     } else {
         $listTop["is_has_fs_img"] = true;
     // EC 变更 2015-06-22 12:05 今日特卖宣传图片不表示的场合,bug对应 END
     $this->assign("listPart", $listPart);
     $this->assign("listTop", $listTop);
     // EC 变更 2015-06-08 16:05 今日特卖没有的场合,bug对应 START
     $listAll = null;
     if ($listTop) {
         $listTmp = array();
         array_push($listTmp, $listTop);
         $listAll = $listTmp;
         if ($listPart) {
             $listAll = array_merge($listTmp, $listPart);
             $this->assign("listAll", $listAll);
     // EC 变更 2015-06-08 16:05 今日特卖没有的场合,bug对应 END
     $this->assign("listAll", $listAll);