Example #1
  * Quotes and prepares fields and values for an SQL UPDATE statement
  * @param Model $model
  * @param array $fields
  * @param boolean $quoteValues If values should be quoted, or treated as SQL snippets
  * @param boolean $alias Include the model alias in the field name
  * @return array Fields and values, quoted and preparted
  * @access protected
 function _prepareUpdateFields(&$model, $fields, $quoteValues = true, $alias = false)
     $quotedAlias = $this->startQuote . $model->alias . $this->endQuote;
     $updates = array();
     foreach ($fields as $field => $value) {
         if ($alias && strpos($field, '.') === false) {
             $quoted = $model->escapeField($field);
         } elseif (!$alias && strpos($field, '.') !== false) {
             $quoted = $this->name(str_replace($quotedAlias . '.', '', str_replace($model->alias . '.', '', $field)));
         } else {
             $quoted = $this->name($field);
         if ($value === null) {
             $updates[] = $quoted . ' = NULL';
         $update = $quoted . ' = ';
         if ($quoteValues) {
             $update .= $this->value($value, $model->getColumnType($field), false);
         } elseif (!$alias) {
             $update .= str_replace($quotedAlias . '.', '', str_replace($model->alias . '.', '', $value));
         } else {
             $update .= $value;
         $updates[] = $update;
     return $updates;
Example #2
  * get the maximum index value in the table.
  * @param Model $Model
  * @param string $scope
  * @param string $right
  * @param integer $recursive
  * @param boolean $created
  * @return integer
 protected function _getMax($Model, $scope, $right, $recursive = -1, $created = false)
     $db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource($Model->useDbConfig);
     if ($created) {
         if (is_string($scope)) {
             $scope .= " AND {$Model->alias}.{$Model->primaryKey} <> ";
             $scope .= $db->value($Model->id, $Model->getColumnType($Model->primaryKey));
         } else {
             $scope['NOT'][$Model->alias . '.' . $Model->primaryKey] = $Model->id;
     $name = $Model->alias . '.' . $right;
     list($edge) = array_values($Model->find('first', array('conditions' => $scope, 'fields' => $db->calculate($Model, 'max', array($name, $right)), 'recursive' => $recursive)));
     return empty($edge[$right]) ? 0 : $edge[$right];
Example #3
  * Replaces `{$__cakeID__$}` and `{$__cakeForeignKey__$}` placeholders in query data.
  * @param string $query Query string needing replacements done.
  * @param array $data Array of data with values that will be inserted in placeholders.
  * @param string $association Name of association model being replaced
  * @param array $assocData
  * @param Model $model Instance of the model to replace $__cakeID__$
  * @param Model $linkModel Instance of model to replace $__cakeForeignKey__$
  * @param array $stack
  * @return string String of query data with placeholders replaced.
 public function insertQueryData($query, $data, $association, $assocData, Model $model, Model $linkModel, $stack)
     $keys = array('{$__cakeID__$}', '{$__cakeForeignKey__$}');
     foreach ($keys as $key) {
         $val = null;
         $type = null;
         if (strpos($query, $key) !== false) {
             switch ($key) {
                 case '{$__cakeID__$}':
                     if (isset($data[$model->alias]) || isset($data[$association])) {
                         if (isset($data[$model->alias][$model->primaryKey])) {
                             $val = $data[$model->alias][$model->primaryKey];
                         } elseif (isset($data[$association][$model->primaryKey])) {
                             $val = $data[$association][$model->primaryKey];
                     } else {
                         $found = false;
                         foreach (array_reverse($stack) as $assoc) {
                             if (isset($data[$assoc]) && isset($data[$assoc][$model->primaryKey])) {
                                 $val = $data[$assoc][$model->primaryKey];
                                 $found = true;
                         if (!$found) {
                             $val = '';
                     $type = $model->getColumnType($model->primaryKey);
                 case '{$__cakeForeignKey__$}':
                     foreach ($model->associations() as $name) {
                         foreach ($model->{$name} as $assocName => $assoc) {
                             if ($assocName === $association) {
                                 if (isset($assoc['foreignKey'])) {
                                     $foreignKey = $assoc['foreignKey'];
                                     $assocModel = $model->{$assocName};
                                     $type = $assocModel->getColumnType($assocModel->primaryKey);
                                     if (isset($data[$model->alias][$foreignKey])) {
                                         $val = $data[$model->alias][$foreignKey];
                                     } elseif (isset($data[$association][$foreignKey])) {
                                         $val = $data[$association][$foreignKey];
                                     } else {
                                         $found = false;
                                         foreach (array_reverse($stack) as $assoc) {
                                             if (isset($data[$assoc]) && isset($data[$assoc][$foreignKey])) {
                                                 $val = $data[$assoc][$foreignKey];
                                                 $found = true;
                                         if (!$found) {
                                             $val = '';
                                 break 3;
             if (empty($val) && $val !== '0') {
                 return false;
             $query = str_replace($key, $this->value($val, $type), $query);
     return $query;
Example #4
  * Returns the column type of a given
  * @param Model $model
  * @param string $field
 function getColumnType(&$model, $field)
     return $model->getColumnType($field);
Example #5
  * Extracts a Model.field identifier and an SQL condition operator from a string, formats
  * and inserts values, and composes them into an SQL snippet.
  * @param string $key An SQL key snippet containing a field and optional SQL operator
  * @param mixed $value The value(s) to be inserted in the string
  * @param Model $Model Model object initiating the query
  * @return string
 protected function _parseKey($key, $value, Model $Model = null)
     $operatorMatch = '/^(((' . implode(')|(', $this->_sqlOps);
     $operatorMatch .= ')\\x20?)|<[>=]?(?![^>]+>)\\x20?|[>=!]{1,3}(?!<)\\x20?)/is';
     $bound = strpos($key, '?') !== false || is_array($value) && strpos($key, ':') !== false;
     $key = trim($key);
     if (strpos($key, ' ') === false) {
         $operator = '=';
     } else {
         list($key, $operator) = explode(' ', $key, 2);
         if (!preg_match($operatorMatch, trim($operator)) && strpos($operator, ' ') !== false) {
             $key = $key . ' ' . $operator;
             $split = strrpos($key, ' ');
             $operator = substr($key, $split);
             $key = substr($key, 0, $split);
     $virtual = false;
     $type = null;
     if ($Model !== null) {
         if ($Model->isVirtualField($key)) {
             $key = $this->_quoteFields($Model->getVirtualField($key));
             $virtual = true;
         $type = $Model->getColumnType($key);
     $null = $value === null || is_array($value) && empty($value);
     if (strtolower($operator) === 'not') {
         $data = $this->conditionKeysToString(array($operator => array($key => $value)), true, $Model);
         return $data[0];
     $value = $this->value($value, $type);
     if (!$virtual && $key !== '?') {
         $isKey = strpos($key, '(') !== false || strpos($key, ')') !== false || strpos($key, '|') !== false;
         $key = $isKey ? $this->_quoteFields($key) : $this->name($key);
     if ($bound) {
         return CakeText::insert($key . ' ' . trim($operator), $value);
     if (!preg_match($operatorMatch, trim($operator))) {
         $operator .= is_array($value) ? ' IN' : ' =';
     $operator = trim($operator);
     if (is_array($value)) {
         $value = implode(', ', $value);
         switch ($operator) {
             case '=':
                 $operator = 'IN';
             case '!=':
             case '<>':
                 $operator = 'NOT IN';
         $value = "({$value})";
     } elseif ($null || $value === 'NULL') {
         switch ($operator) {
             case '=':
                 $operator = 'IS';
             case '!=':
             case '<>':
                 $operator = 'IS NOT';
     if ($virtual) {
         return "({$key}) {$operator} {$value}";
     return "{$key} {$operator} {$value}";
  * Soft deletes a record
  * @param Model $Model using this behavior of model
  * @param int $id record id
  * @return bool
 public function softdelete(Model $Model, $id = null)
     if ($id) {
         $Model->id = $id;
     if (!$Model->id) {
         return false;
     $deleteCol = 'deleted';
     if (!$Model->hasField($deleteCol)) {
         return false;
     $db = $Model->getDataSource();
     $now = time();
     $default = array('formatter' => 'date');
     $colType = array_merge($default, $db->columns[$Model->getColumnType($deleteCol)]);
     $time = $now;
     if (array_key_exists('format', $colType)) {
         $time = call_user_func($colType['formatter'], $colType['format']);
     if (!empty($Model->whitelist)) {
         $Model->whitelist[] = $deleteCol;
     $Model->set($deleteCol, $time);
     return $Model->saveField($deleteCol, $time);
Example #7
  * Quotes and prepares fields and values for an SQL UPDATE statement
  * @param Model $Model       The model to prepare fields for.
  * @param array $fields      The fields to update.
  * @param bool  $quoteValues If values should be quoted, or treated as SQL snippets
  * @param bool  $alias       Include the model alias in the field name
  * @return array Fields and values, quoted and prepared
 protected function _prepareUpdateFields(Model $Model, $fields, $quoteValues = TRUE, $alias = FALSE)
     $quotedAlias = $this->startQuote . $Model->alias . $this->endQuote;
     $schema = $Model->schema();
     $updates = array();
     foreach ($fields as $field => $value) {
         if ($alias && strpos($field, '.') === FALSE) {
             $quoted = $Model->escapeField($field);
         } elseif (!$alias && strpos($field, '.') !== FALSE) {
             $quoted = $this->name(str_replace($quotedAlias . '.', '', str_replace($Model->alias . '.', '', $field)));
         } else {
             $quoted = $this->name($field);
         if ($value === NULL) {
             $updates[] = $quoted . ' = NULL';
         $update = $quoted . ' = ';
         if ($quoteValues) {
             $update .= $this->value($value, $Model->getColumnType($field), isset($schema[$field]) ? $schema[$field]['null'] : TRUE);
         } elseif ($Model->getColumnType($field) === 'boolean' && (is_int($value) || is_bool($value))) {
             $update .= $this->boolean($value, TRUE);
         } elseif (!$alias) {
             $update .= str_replace($quotedAlias . '.', '', str_replace($Model->alias . '.', '', $value));
         } else {
             $update .= $value;
         $updates[] = $update;
     return $updates;
Example #8
  * Caches the sum of the different ratings for each of them
  * For example a rating of 1 will increase the value in the field "rating_1" by 1,
  * a rating of 2 will increase "rating_2" by one...
  * @param Model $Model
  * @param array Data passed to afterRate() or similar structure
  * @return boolean True on success
 public function cacheRatingStatistics(Model $Model, $data = array())
     if ($result) {
         if ($type == 'removeRating') {
             $value = $oldRating['Rating']['value'];
         if ($Model->getColumnType($this->_fieldName(round($value, 0)))) {
             $data = $Model->find('first', array('conditions' => array($Model->alias . '.' . $Model->primaryKey => $foreignKey), 'recursive' => -1));
             if (($update == true || $type == 'removeRating') && !empty($oldRating['Rating'])) {
                 $oldId = round($oldRating['Rating']['value']);
                 $data[$Model->alias][$this->_fieldName($oldId)] -= 1;
             if ($type == 'saveRating') {
                 $newId = round($value);
                 $data[$Model->alias][$this->_fieldName($newId)] += 1;
             return $Model->save($data, array('validate' => $this->settings[$Model->alias]['modelValidate'], 'callbacks' => $this->settings[$Model->alias]['modelCallbacks']));
  * Get now()
  * @param Model $model Model using this behavior
  * @param string $field Room data
  * @return string now()
 private function __now(Model $model, $field)
     $db = $model->getDataSource();
     $colType = array_merge(array('formatter' => 'date'), $db->columns[$model->getColumnType($field)]);
     $time = time();
     if (array_key_exists('format', $colType)) {
         $time = call_user_func($colType['formatter'], $colType['format']);
     return $time;
Example #10
  * Get time format for the specified column
  * @param Model $Model Model instance
  * @param string $column Column name
  * @return string Formatted time
 protected function _formatForColumn(&$Model, $column)
     $default = array('formatter' => 'date');
     $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($Model->useDbConfig);
     $colType = array_merge($default, $db->columns[$Model->getColumnType($column)]);
     if (!array_key_exists('format', $colType)) {
         $time = strtotime('now');
     } else {
         $time = $colType['formatter']($colType['format']);
     return $time;
 protected function getDeletedFieldColumnType(Model $model)
     if (empty($this->settings[$model->alias]['column_type'])) {
         $this->settings[$model->alias]['column_type'] = $model->getColumnType($this->getFieldName($model));
     return $this->settings[$model->alias]['column_type'];
  * Is Numberic
  * @author	Everton Yoshitani <*****@*****.**>
  * @since	1.0
  * @param	Model $Model
  * @param	string $column
  * @return	boolean
 public function isNumeric(Model $Model, $column = null)
     $types = array('biginteger', 'integer');
      * This is repetitive, but it's worth NOT putting in a function since it's called
      * so much and function calls are expensive. 
     if (!array_key_exists($Model->name, $this->_column_type_cache) || !array_key_exists($column, $this->_column_type_cache[$Model->name])) {
         $this->_column_type_cache[$Model->name][$column] = $Model->getColumnType($column);
     return in_array($this->_column_type_cache[$Model->name][$column], $types);