
/*Name: Alex Yee, Bijan Anjavi
  Course: CSC 337
  TA(s): Hasanain Jamal
  Description: movieSearch.php is used to construct a JSON representation of the
  titles in the database that match what the user is entering on index.php via AJAX
require_once './model.php';
$modelMethods = new Model();
$arrayOfTitles = $modelMethods->getAllTitles();
$searchKey = $_GET['searchKey'];
$JSONArray = '[';
//begin JSONArray string
foreach ($arrayOfTitles as $record) {
    $title = $record['title'];
    if (strpos($title, $searchKey) !== false) {
        $JSONArray = $JSONArray . ' " ' . $title . ' ",';
$JSONArray = rtrim($JSONArray, ",");
//remove last comma
$JSONArray = $JSONArray . ']';
//end JSONArray string
echo $JSONArray;
//echo for use in AJAX in index.php