Example #1
  * Get all the form contents for rendering
  * @return type renderable array
 function getForm($form, &$form_state, $disabled, $myvalues)
     $form["data_entry_area1"] = array('#prefix' => "\n<section class='raptor-dialog'>\n", '#suffix' => "\n</section>\n");
     $oContext = \raptor\Context::getInstance();
     $oWL = new \raptor\WorklistData($oContext);
     $raptor_worklist_rows = $oWL->getWorklistRows();
     $data_rows = $raptor_worklist_rows["DataRows"];
     $mdwsDao = $oContext->getMdwsClient();
     $aCancelOptions = MdwsUtils::getRadiologyCancellationReasons($mdwsDao);
     $form["data_entry_area1"]['metadata']['cancelreason'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#required' => TRUE, '#empty_value' => '', '#title' => t('Reason for Canceling Selected Orders'), '#options' => $aCancelOptions, '#default_value' => $myvalues['cancelreason'], '#description' => t('Select the reason for canceling the selected orders.'));
     $form["data_entry_area1"]['metadata']['cancelcomment'] = array('#type' => 'textarea', '#required' => FALSE, '#title' => t('Additional Cancellation Reason Comment'), '#default_value' => $myvalues['cancelcomment'], '#description' => t('Additional reason for the cancellation.'));
     $form["data_entry_area1"]['table_container'] = array('#type' => 'item', '#prefix' => '<div class="raptor-dialog-table-container"><p>Each of the rows with a checkmark in the table below is an order that is selected for cancellation.  Only place a checkmark on the orders you intend to cancel.</p>', '#suffix' => '</div>', '#tree' => TRUE);
     $rows = "\n";
     $rowcount = 0;
     foreach ($data_rows as $data_row) {
         if ($rowcount > 100) {
         if (!is_array($data_row) || count($data_row) == 0) {
         $aRankScoreDetails = $data_row[18];
         $score = $aRankScoreDetails[0];
         $aRSComment = $aRankScoreDetails[1];
         $rscomment = '';
         foreach ($aRSComment as $key => $value) {
             $rscomment .= "<br>{$key}={$value}";
         //$rsurl = getRankScoreIcon($score);
         // Change row background color if it is assigned to the current user
         $extra_row_class = is_array($data_row[12]) && $data_row[12]['uid'] == $m_oContext->getUID() ? "special-row" : "";
         $assignmentinfo = is_array($data_row[12]) ? '<span title="' . $data_row[12]['requester_notes_tx'] . '">' . $data_row[12]['fullname'] . '</span>' : $data_row[12];
         $ticketid = $data_row[0];
         $options[$data_row[0]] = array('ticketid' => $ticketid, 'patientname' => $data_row[WorklistData::WLIDX_PATIENTNAME], 'targetdate' => $data_row[3], 'ordereddate' => $data_row[4], 'modality' => $data_row[WorklistData::WLIDX_MODALITY], 'imagetype' => $data_row[17], 'study' => $data_row[WorklistData::WLIDX_STUDY], 'urgency' => $data_row[7], 'transport' => $data_row[WorklistData::WLIDX_TRANSPORT], 'patientlocation' => $data_row[WorklistData::WLIDX_PATIENTCATEGORYLOCATION], 'workflowstatus' => $data_row[WorklistData::WLIDX_WORKFLOWSTATUS], 'assignment' => $assignmentinfo, 'numpending' => $data_row[WorklistData::WLIDX_PENDINGORDERSSAMEPATIENT], 'scheduled' => $data_row[WorklistData::WLIDX_SCHEDINFO]['ShowTx'], 'seemore' => '<a href="#" title="click to see more info" onclick="alert(\'todo show data for ' . $ticketid . '\');return false;">see more</a>');
     $header = array('ticketid' => t('Ticket'), 'patientname' => t('Patient'), 'targetdate' => t('Date Desired'), 'ordereddate' => t('Date Order'), 'modality' => t('Modality'), 'imagetype' => t('Image Type'), 'study' => t('Study'), 'urgency' => t('Urgency'), 'transport' => t('Transport'), 'patientlocation' => t('Patient Category / Location'), 'workflowstatus' => t('Workflow Status'), 'assignment' => t('Assignment'), 'numpending' => t('#P'), 'scheduled' => t('Scheduled'), 'seemore' => t('More Info'));
     $form["data_entry_area1"]['table_container']['orders'] = array('#title' => 'Select Orders to Cancel', '#type' => 'tableselect', '#header' => $header, '#options' => $options, '#empty' => t('No content available.'));
     $form["data_entry_area1"]['table_container']['orders']['#attributes']['class']['dataTable'] = 'dataTable';
     $form['data_entry_area1']['action_buttons'] = array('#type' => 'item', '#prefix' => '<div class="raptor-action-buttons">', '#suffix' => '</div>', '#tree' => TRUE);
     $form['data_entry_area1']['action_buttons']['cancelorder'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Cancel the Selected Orders'));
     $form['data_entry_area1']['action_buttons']['cancel'] = array('#type' => 'item', '#markup' => '<input class="raptor-dialog-cancel" type="button" value="Exit without Canceling any Orders" />');
     return $form;
Example #2
  * Get all the form contents for rendering
  * @return type renderable array
 public function getForm($form, &$form_state, $disabled, $myvalues)
     $form['data_entry_area1'] = array('#prefix' => "\n<section class='user-profile-dataentry'>\n", '#suffix' => "\n</section>\n", '#disabled' => $disabled);
     //TODO real form fields
     $form['hiddenthings']['tid'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $myvalues['tid']);
     $form['hiddenthings']['procName'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $myvalues['procName']);
     $mdwsDao = $this->m_oContext->getMdwsClient();
     $aCancelOptions = MdwsUtils::getRadiologyCancellationReasons($mdwsDao);
     $form['data_entry_area1']['toppart']['reason'] = array("#type" => "select", "#title" => t("Reason"), "#options" => $aCancelOptions, "#description" => t("Select reason for cancelling this order."), "#required" => TRUE);
     $showcustomcomment = FALSE;
     if (!$showcustomcomment) {
         $form['hiddenthings']['notes_tx'] = '';
         $form['hiddenthings']['esig'] = '';
     } else {
         $form['data_entry_area1']['toppart']['notes_tx'] = array('#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => t('Comments'), '#disabled' => $disabled, '#default_value' => '');
         $form['data_entry_area1']['toppart']['esig'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Electronic Signature'), '#disabled' => $disabled, '#size' => 60, '#maxlength' => 128, '#default_value' => '', '#required' => TRUE);
     $form['data_entry_area1']['action_buttons'] = array('#prefix' => "\n<section class='raptor-action-buttons'>\n", '#suffix' => "\n</section>\n", '#disabled' => $disabled);
     $form['data_entry_area1']['action_buttons']['remove'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#attributes' => array('class' => array('admin-action-button')), '#value' => t('Cancel this Imaging Order'), '#disabled' => $disabled);
     $form['data_entry_area1']['action_buttons']['cancel'] = array('#type' => 'item', '#markup' => '<input class="raptor-dialog-cancel" type="button" value="Exit with No Changes">');
     return $form;