Example #1
  * Returns an array containing information on an API.
  * @return array info on an API
 public function execute()
     $_apiNamePieces = explode('.', $this->apiName);
     $_apiNamespace = $_apiNamePieces[0];
     $_apiPkg = $_apiNamePieces[1];
     $_apiShortName = $_apiNamePieces[2];
     $_apiClassFile = ucfirst($_apiPkg) . ucfirst($_apiShortName) . '.php';
     // we need to scan the rest locations so we can get the full path info
     $_restLocations = M3_Util_Settings::getRestLocations();
     $_deployedApiLocations = M3_Util_Settings::getDeployedApiLocations();
     $_foundPathname = null;
     foreach ($_restLocations as $_restLocation) {
         foreach ($_deployedApiLocations as $_deployedApiLocation) {
             $_dir = M3_Util_File::buildPathName($_restLocation, $_deployedApiLocation);
             $_pathname = M3_Util_File::buildPathName($_dir, $_apiClassFile);
             if (file_exists($_pathname)) {
                 $_foundPathname = $_pathname;
         if (!is_null($_foundPathname)) {
     $_info = array();
     if (!is_null($_foundPathname)) {
         $_info['api_name'] = $this->apiName;
         $_info['pathname'] = $_foundPathname;
     return array('api' => $_info);
 public function validateRequest()
     $this->pathname = $this->getRequiredApiParam("pathname");
     $this->useIncludePath = $this->getApiParam("useIncludePath");
     // not allowed to look for files in parent directories
     if (preg_match("/\\.\\./", $this->pathname)) {
         throw new OpenFBAPIException("Illegal pathname has been rejected");
     if (isset($this->useIncludePath) && $this->useIncludePath == "true") {
         $this->pathname = M3_Util_File::findFileInIncludePath($this->pathname);
     } else {
         $_installDir = M3_Util_Settings::getRingsideServerInstallDir();
         $this->pathname = M3_Util_File::buildPathName($_installDir, $this->pathname);
     if (!file_exists($this->pathname)) {
         throw new OpenFBAPIException("File [{$this->pathname}] does not exist");
     // don't process request for any content larger than 1MB
     $_size = filesize($this->pathname);
     if ($_size >= M3_Util_Settings::getMaxSizeAllowedOperationGetFileContent()) {
         throw new OpenFBAPIException("File [{$this->pathname}] is too large [{$_size}]");
Example #3
  * We only store MD5 hashs of queries in the metrics file so limit the size of that file.
  * We store the real query string in a file whose name is the MD5 of the query.
  * This creates that MD5 file if it does not yet exist.
  * @return this returns the MD5 of the query, or "" if $query is empty
 private function createQueryMD5File($query)
     if (empty($query)) {
         return "";
     $_md5 = md5($query);
     // first see if we haven't seen this query yet
     if (!isset($this->md5FilesCreated[$_md5])) {
         // now see if the file isn't created yet
         $_pathname = M3_Util_File::buildPathName($this->dataDirectory, $_md5 . ".md5");
         if (!file_exists($_pathname)) {
             M3_Util_File::lockAndAppendFile($_pathname, $query);
         $this->md5FilesCreated[$_md5] = true;
     return $_md5;