Example #1
  * @param string $path
  * @return string
 protected function _compile($path)
     try {
         $resultCss = $this->_processor->getCss();
         $this->_cacheMix = $this->_processor->allParsedFiles();
         return $resultCss;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         die('<strong>Less Error (JBlank):</strong><br/><pre>' . $ex->getMessage() . '</pre>');
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function compile($path, $relativePath)
     $this->parsedFiles = array();
     $parser = new \Less_Parser(array('compress' => true));
     if (!empty($this->importDirs)) {
     $css = $parser->getCss();
     $this->parsedFiles = $parser->allParsedFiles();
     return $css;
 public static function Cache(&$less_files, $parser_options = array()) {
   $file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/Less.php';
   if (file_exists($file) && !class_exists('Less_Parser')) {
   }$parser_options['cache_dir'] = Less_Cache::$cache_dir;
   $parser = new Less_Parser($parser_options);
   foreach ($less_files as $file_path => $uri_or_less) {
     if (strpos($uri_or_less, "\n") !== false) {
     }$parser->ParseFile($file_path, $uri_or_less);
   }$compiled = $parser->getCss();
   $less_files = $parser->allParsedFiles();
   return $compiled;
Example #4
  * Compiles the LESS code into a single CSS file.
 public function compile()
     try {
         $dest = $this->paths->get('css.compressed');
         $compile = $this->params->get('compile_less', 1);
         $changed = (bool) $this->isLessUpdated();
         $generateSourceMap = $this->params->get('generate_css_sourcemap', false);
         JLog::add('LESS cache changed: ' . ((bool) $changed ? 'true' : 'false'), JLog::DEBUG, $this->logger);
         $force = (bool) ($compile == 2);
         $changed = (bool) ($compile == 1 && $changed);
         JLog::add('Force LESS compilation: ' . ((bool) $force ? 'true' : 'false'), JLog::DEBUG, $this->logger);
         JLog::add('Compiling LESS: ' . ((bool) $changed ? 'true' : 'false'), JLog::DEBUG, $this->logger);
         if (!JFile::exists($dest) || $changed || $force) {
             JLog::add('Generate CSS sourcemap: ' . ((bool) $generateSourceMap ? 'true' : 'false'), JLog::DEBUG, $this->logger);
             $options = array('compress' => true);
             $cssSourceMapUri = str_replace(JPATH_ROOT, JURI::base(), $this->paths->get('css.sourcemap'));
             // Build source map with minified code.
             if ($this->params->get('generate_css_sourcemap', false)) {
                 $options['sourceMap'] = true;
                 $options['sourceMapWriteTo'] = $this->paths->get('css.sourcemap');
                 $options['sourceMapURL'] = $cssSourceMapUri;
                 $options['sourceMapBasepath'] = JPATH_ROOT;
                 $options['sourceMapRootpath'] = JUri::base();
             } else {
             $less = new Less_Parser($options);
             $less->parseFile($this->paths->get('css.less'), JUri::base());
             $css = $less->getCss();
             JLog::add('Writing CSS to: ' . $dest, JLog::DEBUG, $this->logger);
             JFile::write($dest, $css);
             $files = $less->allParsedFiles();
             // update cache.
             $this->updateCache(self::CACHEKEY . '.files.less', $files);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         JLog::add($e->getMessage(), JLog::ERROR, $this->logger);
         return false;
Example #5
 public static function Cache(&$less_files, $parser_options = array())
     // get less.php if it exists
     $file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/Less.php';
     if (file_exists($file) && !class_exists('Less_Parser')) {
         require_once $file;
     $parser_options['cache_dir'] = Less_Cache::$cache_dir;
     $parser = new Less_Parser($parser_options);
     // combine files
     foreach ($less_files as $file_path => $uri_or_less) {
         //treat as less markup if there are newline characters
         if (strpos($uri_or_less, "\n") !== false) {
         $parser->ParseFile($file_path, $uri_or_less);
     $compiled = $parser->getCss();
     $less_files = $parser->allParsedFiles();
     return $compiled;
Example #6
  * Handle the processing of multiple less files into css
  * @return mixed Compiled css string or false
 static function ParseLess(&$less_files)
     global $dataDir;
     $compiled = false;
     // don't use less if the memory limit is less than 64M
     $limit = @ini_get('memory_limit');
     if ($limit) {
         $limit = \gp\tool::getByteValue($limit);
         //if less than 64M, disable less compiler if we can't increase
         if ($limit < 67108864 && @ini_set('memory_limit', '96M') === false) {
             if (\gp\tool::LoggedIn()) {
                 msg('LESS compilation disabled. Please increase php\'s memory_limit');
             return false;
             //if less than 96M, try to increase
         } elseif ($limit < 100663296) {
             @ini_set('memory_limit', '96M');
     //compiler options
     $options = array();
     //prepare the compiler
     $parser = new \Less_Parser($options);
     $import_dirs[$dataDir] = \gp\tool::GetDir('/');
     $parser->cache_method = 'php';
     $parser->SetCacheDir($dataDir . '/data/_cache');
     // combine files
     try {
         foreach ($less_files as $less) {
             //treat as less markup if there are newline characters
             if (strpos($less, "\n") !== false) {
             // handle relative and absolute paths
             if (!empty($dataDir) && strpos($less, $dataDir) === false) {
                 $relative = $less;
                 $less = $dataDir . '/' . ltrim($less, '/');
             } else {
                 $relative = substr($less, strlen($dataDir));
             $parser->ParseFile($less, \gp\tool::GetDir(dirname($relative)));
         $compiled = $parser->getCss();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if (\gp\tool::LoggedIn()) {
             msg('LESS Compile Failed: ' . $e->getMessage());
         return false;
     // significant difference in used memory 15,000,000 -> 6,000,000. Max still @ 15,000,000
     if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) {
     $less_files = $parser->allParsedFiles();
     return $compiled;
Example #7
 public static function Cache(&$less_files, $parser_options = array())
     //prepare the processor
     if (!class_exists('Less_Parser')) {
         include_once 'Less.php';
     $parser = new Less_Parser($parser_options);
     // combine files
     try {
         foreach ($less_files as $file_path => $uri_or_less) {
             //treat as less markup if there are newline characters
             if (strpos($uri_or_less, "\n") !== false) {
             $parser->ParseFile($file_path, $uri_or_less);
         $compiled = $parser->getCss();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         self::$error = $e;
         return false;
     $less_files = $parser->allParsedFiles();
     return $compiled;
Example #8
        $dirLen = $index - $lastOffset + 1;
        // include /
        $dir = substr($paths[0], $lastOffset, $dirLen);
        foreach ($paths as $path) {
            if (substr($path, $lastOffset, $dirLen) != $dir) {
                return $common;
        $common .= $dir;
        $lastOffset = $index + 1;
    return substr($common, 0, -1);
if ($regenerate) {
    // chop absolute path to a common denominator
    $allIncluded = $parser->allParsedFiles();
    $prefix = getCommonPath($allIncluded);
    $allIncluded = array_map(function ($x) use($prefix) {
        return substr($x, strlen($prefix));
    }, $allIncluded);
    $allIncluded = implode(' ', $allIncluded);
} else {
    $allIncluded = 'Can only say when regenerating.';
if ($status_only) {
    if ($regenerated) {
        print "Regenerated CSS file.";
    } else {
        print "Did not regenerate CSS file. Would just output the cache file.";
Example #9
 if ($custom_css == 1 && $compile_css == 1) {
     $parser->ModifyVars(array('custom_css' => '"../../../../../../templates/' . $this->template . '/css/custom.css"'));
 } else {
     $parser->ModifyVars(array('custom_css' => '"custom.less"'));
 if ($compile_css == 1) {
     $parser->ModifyVars(array('loadall' => 'true', 'bootstrap' => '"../less/bootstrap.less"', 'yjsgless' => '"yjsg.less"', 'sitelinkcolor' => '#' . $valid_color, 'normalize' => '"../../../../../../plugins/system/yjsg' . $cssFolder . 'normalize.css"', 'yjsg_layout' => '"../../../../../../plugins/system/yjsg' . $cssFolder . 'yjsg_layout.css"', 'newsitems' => '"../../../../../../plugins/system/yjsg' . $cssFolder . 'newsitems.css"', 'typo' => '"../../../../../../plugins/system/yjsg' . $cssFolder . 'typo.css"', 'joomladefaults' => '"../../../../../../plugins/system/yjsg' . $cssFolder . 'joomladefaults.css"', 'template_css' => '"../../../../../../plugins/system/yjsg' . $cssFolder . 'template.css"', 'yjsg_responsive' => '"../../../../../../plugins/system/yjsg' . $cssFolder . 'yjresponsive.css"', 'menus_css' => $menus, 'layout_css' => '"../../../../../../templates/' . $this->template . '/css/layout.css"', 'custom_responsive' => '"../../../../../../templates/' . $this->template . '/css/custom_responsive.css"', 'template_style' => '"../../../../../../templates/' . $this->template . '/css/' . $css_file . '.css"'));
 } else {
     $parser->ModifyVars(array('loadall' => 'false', 'bootstrap' => '"../less/bootstrap.less"', 'yjsgless' => '"yjsg.less"', 'sitelinkcolor' => '#' . $valid_color));
 $parser->parseFile($input_less, false);
 if ($selectors_override == 1 && $selectors_override_type == 3 && $compile_css == 1) {
     $parser->parseFile($fontfacekit, false);
 $output_cssContents = $parser->getCss();
 $imported_files = $parser->allParsedFiles();
 $newCache = $yjsgLess->newCache($imported_files);
 //  replace all calls for assets folder with actual path and remove @imports generated by compiler if we are compiling everything
 if ($compile_css == 1) {
     $output_cssContents = str_replace('../../../../../plugins/system/yjsg/assets/', YJSG_ASSETS, $output_cssContents);
     $output_cssContents = preg_replace('/(@import(.*?);)/s', '', $output_cssContents);
 // replace @font-face kit font strings if the settings is on
 if ($selectors_override == 1 && $selectors_override_type == 3 && $compile_css == 1) {
     $output_cssContents = preg_replace("/(url\\('(?!\\.)(?!\\/))/s", "url('" . YJSGSITE_PATH . 'css/fontfacekits/' . $fontfacekit_font_family . '/', $output_cssContents);
 // replace @font-face font strings for fontawesome
 $getfontawesome = '';
 if ($compile_css == 1) {
     $getfontawesome = JFile::read($fontawesome);
     $getfontawesome = str_replace('../../../../../plugins/system/yjsg/assets/', YJSG_ASSETS, $getfontawesome);