loadHistory() public method

Retrieves history information for this event from the history backend.
public loadHistory ( )
Example #1
 public function html($active = true)
     if (!$this->_event) {
         echo '<h3>' . _("Event not found") . '</h3>';
     if (is_string($this->_event)) {
         echo '<h3>' . $this->_event . '</h3>';
     global $conf, $prefs;
     $creatorId = $this->_event->creator;
     $description = $this->_event->description;
     $location = $this->_event->location;
     $eventurl = $this->_event->url;
     $private = $this->_event->isPrivate();
     $owner = Kronolith::getUserName($creatorId);
     $status = Kronolith::statusToString($this->_event->status);
     $attendees = $this->_event->attendees;
     $resources = $this->_event->getResources();
     if ($datetime = Horde_Util::getFormData('datetime')) {
         $datetime = new Horde_Date($datetime);
         $month = $datetime->month;
         $year = $datetime->year;
     } else {
         $month = (int) Horde_Util::getFormData('month', date('n'));
         $year = (int) Horde_Util::getFormData('year', date('Y'));
     $dateFormat = $prefs->getValue('date_format');
     $timeFormat = $prefs->getValue('twentyFour') ? 'G:i' : 'g:ia';
     // Tags
     $tags = implode(', ', $this->_event->tags);
     echo '<div id="Event"' . ($active ? '' : ' style="display:none"') . '>';
     require KRONOLITH_TEMPLATES . '/view/view.inc';
     echo '</div>';
     if ($active && $GLOBALS['browser']->hasFeature('dom')) {
         /* We check for read permissions, because we can always save a
          * copy if we can read the event. */
         if ($this->_event->hasPermission(Horde_Perms::READ) && Kronolith::getDefaultCalendar(Horde_Perms::EDIT)) {
             $edit = new Kronolith_View_EditEvent($this->_event);
         if ($this->_event->hasPermission(Horde_Perms::DELETE)) {
             $delete = new Kronolith_View_DeleteEvent($this->_event);
Example #2
File: Dav.php Project: horde/horde
  * Responsible for any logic needed before the event is saved. Called for
  * EVERY component in the iCalendar object. Returning false from this method
  * will cause the current component to be ignored. Returning true causes it
  * to be processed.
  * @param  Horde_Icalendar $component  The iCalendar component.
  * @return boolean  True to continue processing, false to ignore.
 protected function _preSave($component)
     // Short circuit if we know we don't pass the parent test.
     if (!parent::_preSave($component)) {
         return false;
     // Ensure we start with a fresh state.
     $this->_existingEvent = null;
     $this->_oldAttendees = new Kronolith_Attendee_List();
     $this->_noItips = array();
     // Get the internal id of the existing copy of the event, if it exists.
     try {
         $existing_id = $this->_dav->getInternalObjectId($this->_params['object'], $this->_calendar) ?: preg_replace('/\\.ics$/', '', $this->_params['object']);
     } catch (Horde_Dav_Exception $e) {
         $existing_id = $this->_params['object'];
     // Check that we don't have newer information already on the server.
     try {
         // Exception event, so we can't compare timestamps using ids.
         // Instead look for baseid/recurrence-id.
         $rid = $component->getAttribute('RECURRENCE-ID');
         $uid = $component->getAttribute('UID');
         if (!empty($rid) && !empty($uid)) {
             $search = new stdClass();
             $search->baseid = $uid;
             $search->recurrenceid = $rid;
             $results = $this->_driver->search($search);
             foreach ($results as $days) {
                 foreach ($days as $exception) {
                     // Should only be one...
                     $modified = $exception->modified ?: $exception->created;
     } catch (Horde_Icalendar_Exception $e) {
         // Base event or event with no recurrence.
         try {
             $this->_existingEvent = $this->_driver->getEvent($existing_id);
             $modified = $this->_existingEvent->modified ?: $this->_existingEvent->created;
             // Get list of existing attendees.
             $this->_oldAttendees = $this->_existingEvent->attendees;
         } catch (Horde_Exception_NotFound $e) {
             $this->_existingEvent = null;
     try {
         if (!empty($modified) && $component->getAttribute('LAST-MODIFIED') < $modified->timestamp()) {
             /* LAST-MODIFIED timestamp of existing entry is newer:
              * don't replace it. */
             return false;
     } catch (Horde_Icalendar_Exception $e) {
     try {
         $organizer = $component->getAttribute('ORGANIZER');
         $organizer_params = $component->getAttribute('ORGANIZER', true);
         if (!empty($organizer_params[0]['SCHEDULE-AGENT']) && ($organizer_params[0]['SCHEDULE-AGENT'] == 'CLIENT' || $organizer_params[0]['SCHEDULE-AGENT'] == 'NONE')) {
             $tmp = str_replace(array('MAILTO:', 'mailto:'), '', $organizer);
             $tmp = new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_Address($tmp);
             $this->_noItips[] = $tmp->bare_address;
     } catch (Horde_Icalendar_Exception $e) {
     try {
         $attendee = $component->getAttribute('ATTENDEE');
         $params = $component->getAttribute('ATTENDEE', true);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($attendee); ++$i) {
             if (!empty($params[$i]['SCHEDULE-AGENT']) && ($params[$i]['SCHEDULE-AGENT'] == 'CLIENT' || $params[$i]['SCHEDULE-AGENT'] == 'NONE')) {
                 $tmp = str_replace(array('MAILTO:', 'mailto:'), '', $attendee[$i]);
                 $tmp = new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_Address($tmp);
                 $this->_noItips[] = $tmp->bare_address;
     } catch (Horde_Icalendar_Exception $e) {
     return true;