public static function getCachedQueryResults(Criteria $criteria, $queryType, $peerClassName, &$cacheKey, &$queryDB)
     if (!kConf::get("query_cache_enabled")) {
         return null;
     // if the criteria has an empty IN, no need to go to the DB or memcache - return an empty array
     foreach ($criteria->getMap() as $criterion) {
         if (in_array(Criterion::ODER, $criterion->getConjunctions())) {
         if ($criterion->getComparison() == Criteria::IN && !$criterion->getValue()) {
             KalturaLog::debug("kQueryCache: criteria has empty IN, returning empty result set, peer={$peerClassName}");
             return array();
     // initialize
     $invalidationKeyRules = call_user_func(array($peerClassName, 'getCacheInvalidationKeys'));
     $invalidationKeys = self::getInvalidationKeysForQuery($invalidationKeyRules, $criteria);
     if (!$invalidationKeys) {
         return null;
     if (self::$s_memcacheQueries === null) {
         return null;
     // build memcache query
     foreach ($invalidationKeys as $index => $invalidationKey) {
         $invalidationKeys[$index] = self::CACHE_PREFIX_INVALIDATION_KEY . $invalidationKey;
     $keysToGet = $invalidationKeys;
     $keysToGet[] = self::DONT_CACHE_KEY;
     $queryStart = microtime(true);
     $cacheResult = self::$s_memcacheKeys->multiGet($keysToGet);
     KalturaLog::debug("kQueryCache: keys query took " . (microtime(true) - $queryStart) . " seconds");
     if ($cacheResult === false) {
         KalturaLog::debug("kQueryCache: failed to query keys memcache, not using query cache");
         return null;
     // don't cache the result if the 'dont cache' flag is enabled
     $cacheQuery = true;
     if (array_key_exists(self::DONT_CACHE_KEY, $cacheResult)) {
         if ($cacheResult[self::DONT_CACHE_KEY]) {
             KalturaLog::debug("kQueryCache: dontCache key is set -> not caching the result");
             if (class_exists('KalturaResponseCacher')) {
             $cacheQuery = false;
     // check whether we should query the master
     $queryDB = self::QUERY_DB_SLAVE;
     $currentTime = time();
     foreach ($cacheResult as $invalidationKey => $invalidationTime) {
         if ($currentTime < $invalidationTime + self::QUERY_MASTER_TIME_MARGIN_SEC) {
             KalturaLog::debug("kQueryCache: changed recently -> query master, peer={$peerClassName}, invkey={$invalidationKey} querytime={$currentTime} invtime={$invalidationTime}");
             $queryDB = self::QUERY_DB_MASTER;
             if ($currentTime < $invalidationTime + self::INVALIDATION_TIME_MARGIN_SEC) {
                 return null;
                 // The query won't be cached since cacheKey is null, it's ok cause it won't be used anyway
     if (class_exists('KalturaResponseCacher')) {
         $invalidationTime = 0;
         if ($cacheResult) {
             $invalidationTime = max($cacheResult);
         KalturaResponseCacher::addInvalidationKeys($invalidationKeys, $invalidationTime);
     // check whether we have a valid cached query
     $origCacheKey = self::CACHE_PREFIX_QUERY . $queryType . md5(serialize($criteria) . self::CACHE_VERSION);
     if ($cacheQuery) {
         $cacheKey = $origCacheKey;
     $queryStart = microtime(true);
     $queryResult = self::$s_memcacheQueries->get($origCacheKey);
     KalturaLog::debug("kQueryCache: query took " . (microtime(true) - $queryStart) . " seconds");
     if (!$queryResult) {
         KalturaLog::debug("kQueryCache: cache miss, peer={$peerClassName}, key={$origCacheKey}");
         return null;
     list($queryResult, $queryTime, $debugInfo) = $queryResult;
     $existingInvKeys = array();
     foreach ($cacheResult as $invalidationKey => $invalidationTime) {
         $existingInvKeys[] = "{$invalidationKey}:{$invalidationTime}";
         if ($queryTime < $invalidationTime + self::INVALIDATION_TIME_MARGIN_SEC) {
             KalturaLog::debug("kQueryCache: cached query invalid, peer={$peerClassName}, key={$origCacheKey}, invkey={$invalidationKey} querytime={$queryTime} debugInfo={$debugInfo} invtime={$invalidationTime}");
             return null;
     // return from memcache
     $existingInvKeys = implode(',', $existingInvKeys);
     KalturaLog::debug("kQueryCache: returning from memcache, peer={$peerClassName}, key={$origCacheKey} queryTime={$queryTime} debugInfo={$debugInfo} invkeys=[{$existingInvKeys}]");
     return $queryResult;