// Formatting text as a date $date = new DateTime('2021-01-01'); $formattedDate = JText::date($date, 'F j, Y'); echo $formattedDate; // Output: January 1, 2021
// Encoding and decoding HTML entities $html = 'In this example, the JText::htmlentities() method is used to encode the HTML entities in a string, replacing special characters with their corresponding HTML entity codes. The JText::html_entity_decode() method is then used to decode the encoded HTML entities back into their original characters. These methods come from the "html" package within the JText library. Overall, the JText library is a useful tool for manipulating text data in PHP. Its various packages provide flexibility in handling different types of text manipulation tasks.This is a paragraph with a & character.
'; $encodedHtml = JText::htmlentities($html); echo $encodedHtml; // Output: <p>This is a paragraph with a & character.</p> $decodedHtml = JText::html_entity_decode($encodedHtml); echo $decodedHtml; // Output:This is a paragraph with a & character.