public function add()
     $gump = new GUMP();
     $gump->validation_rules(array('ip' => 'required|valid_ipv4', 'length' => 'required|integer', 'reason' => 'required'));
     $gump->filter_rules(array('ip' => 'trim', 'length' => 'trim|whole_number', 'reason' => 'trim|sanitize_string'));
     $valid_data = $gump->run($_POST);
     if ($valid_data === false) {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/core/ipblock_add', 0, 'Failed to add block!<br />Error: <code>Please check you have completed all fields as instructed.</code>', B_T_FAIL);
     $ipblock = new IpBan($this->parent->parent);
     if ($ipblock->ban($valid_data['reason'], $valid_data['length'], $valid_data['ip'])) {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/core/ipblock_view', 1, 'Succeesfully added block!', B_T_SUCCESS);
     } else {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/core/ipblock_add', 0, 'Failed to add block!', B_T_FAIL);
Example #2
 public function IPBanned()
     if (Yii::app()->params['ipLoginFiltering']) {
         // Check IP isn't banned
         $ip = IpBan::model()->findByAttributes(array('ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
         if (sizeof($ip)) {
             // this IP is banned
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;
Example #3
 public function login()
     if (Session::get($this::name_space, 'login_attempts') >= 10) {
         $ipBan = new IpBan($this->parent->parent);
         if ($ipBan->ban('Too many authentication failures', 15)) {
             Session::del($this::name_space, 'login_attempts');
             return new ActionResult($this, '/', 1, '', B_T_FAIL);
     $user = WebApp::post('user');
     $pass = WebApp::post('pwd');
     $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Logging in user...');
     $user_query = $this->mySQL_r->prepare("SELECT `id`, `username`, `act_b`, `chgPwd`, `en` FROM `core_users` WHERE `username`=? OR `email`=?");
     $user_query->bind_param('ss', $user, $user);
     $user_query->bind_result($id, $username, $activated, $chgPwd, $enabled);
     // Check we have a user to log into
     if ($user_query->num_rows != 1) {
         $login_attempts = Session::get($this::name_space, 'login_attempts') === NULL ? 0 : Session::get($this::name_space, 'login_attempts');
         $this->parent->parent->logEvent($this::name_space, 'Someone tried to login to user "' . $user . '" except they don\'t exist');
         $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Someone tried to login to user "' . $user . '" except they don\'t exist!');
         $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Number of attempts ' . $login_attempts);
         Session::set($this::name_space, 'login_attempts', $login_attempts + 1);
         return new ActionResult($this, '/user/login', 0, 'Invalid username or password!<br />' . PHP_EOL . 'Usernames and passwords are case sensitive.', B_T_FAIL, array('form' => array('pwd' => '')));
     while ($user_query->fetch()) {
         $active = intval($activated);
         $changePassword = intval($chgPwd);
         $enabled = intval($enabled);
         $id = $id;
     // Have they activated their account?
     if (!$active) {
         $this->parent->parent->logEvent($this::name_space, 'Unactivated user "' . $username . '" tried to log in');
         return new ActionResult($this, '/user/activate', 1, '');
     // Has the user been disabled?
     if (!$enabled) {
         $this->parent->parent->logEvent($this::name_space, 'Disabled user "' . $username . '" tried to log in');
         return new ActionResult($this, '/user/login', 0, 'Your account has been disabled. Contact the webmaster for further information.', B_T_FAIL, array('form' => array('user' => '', 'pwd' => '')));
     // Now we can see if they got the password correct
     if (!$this->parent->parent->user->authenticate($pass, $id, $username)) {
         $login_attempts = Session::get($this::name_space, 'login_attempts') === NULL ? 0 : Session::get($this::name_space, 'login_attempts');
         $this->parent->parent->logEvent($this::name_space, $username . ' failed to log in');
         $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': ' . $username . ' failed to log in');
         $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Number of attempts ' . $login_attempts);
         Session::set($this::name_space, 'login_attempts', $login_attempts + 1);
         return new ActionResult($this, '/user/login', 0, 'Invalid username or password!<br />' . PHP_EOL . 'Usernames and passwords are case sensitive.', B_T_FAIL, array('form' => array('pwd' => '')));
     // Now we can log them in
     Session::del($this::name_space, 'login_attempts');
     $this->parent->parent->logEvent($this::name_space, $username . ' logged in');
     if (!$this->parent->parent->user->session->create($id)) {
         $this->parent->parent->logEvent($this::name_space, 'Failed to create token!');
         return new ActionResult($this, '/user/login', 0, 'Login failed, please speak to webmaster', B_T_FAIL);
     Session::set('WebApp.User', 'loggedIn', true);
     Session::set('WebApp.User', 'username', $username);
     Session::set('WebApp.User', 'userID', $id);
     if ($changePassword == 1) {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/user/profile/password', 1, '');
     if (WebApp::post('r') !== NULL && WebApp::post('r') !== '') {
         $url = urldecode(WebApp::post('r'));
     } else {
         $url = '/user';
     return new ActionResult($this, $url, 1, '');
Example #4
  * Displays the login page
 public function actionLogin()
     $this->pageTitle = 'Login | ' . Yii::app()->name;
     $this->layout = '//layouts/accession';
     $LoginForm = new LoginForm();
     // if it is ajax validation request
     if (isset($_POST['ajax']) && $_POST['ajax'] === 'login-form') {
         echo CActiveForm::validate($LoginForm);
     // collect user input data
     if (isset($_POST['LoginForm'])) {
         if (Login::model()->IPBanned()) {
             // this IP is banned
             $LoginForm->addError('email', Yii::app()->params['ipBanMessage']);
         } else {
             $LoginForm->attributes = $_POST['LoginForm'];
             // validate user input and redirect to the previous page if valid
             if ($LoginForm->validate() && $LoginForm->login()) {
                 $User = User::model()->getUser();
                 if (!is_null($User)) {
                     // Admin user
                     $User->reset_hash = null;
                     $login = new Login();
                     $login->success = 1;
                     $login->user_id = $User->id;
                     $login->date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                     $login->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
                 } else {
                     // Accession user
                     // Go straight to their details page
             } else {
                 // Failed login
                 $login = new Login();
                 $login->success = 0;
                 $login->date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                 $login->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
                 // See if we can find the user
                 $User = User::model()->findByAttributes(array('email' => $_POST['LoginForm']['email']));
                 if ($User) {
                     $login->user_id = $User->id;
                 // Check how many failed logins we have in last hour
                 // If 5, we ban the IP
                 if (!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], Yii::app()->params['ipWhiteList'])) {
                     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
                     $criteria->condition = "date > :date AND success = 0 AND ip = :ip";
                     $criteria->params = array(':ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], ':date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('1 hour ago')));
                     $logins = Login::model()->findAll($criteria);
                     if (sizeof($logins) >= 5 && !in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], Yii::app()->params['ipWhiteList'])) {
                         // Ban the ip
                         $ipBan = new IpBan();
                         $ipBan->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
                         $LoginForm->addError('email', 'Your IP has been banned for repeated failed login attempts. Please contact the site administrator.');
                     } elseif (sizeof($logins) == 4) {
                         // Show warning
                         $LoginForm->addError('password', 'You only have 1 login attempt remaining in this hour period. Another failed attempt within an hour and your IP will be banned.');
     // display the login form
     $this->render('login', array('LoginForm' => $LoginForm));
 public function Web()
     $this->debug($this::name_space . ': Checking for IP block...');
     $ipBan = new IpBan($this);
     if (!$ipBan->check()) {
     $this->debug($this::name_space . ': Sanitising input...');
     $this->debug($this::name_space . ': Generating catagories...');
     $this->debug($this::name_space . ': Setting HTTPS status');
     $file_size_max = $this->config->getOption('file_size_max');
     ini_set('upload_max_filesize', $file_size_max);
     ini_set('post_max_size', $file_size_max);
     $this->debug($this::name_space . ': Selecting Mode...');
     $class = 'Page';
     switch ($this::get('cat1')) {
         case 'fonts':
         case 'js':
         case 'css':
             $class = 'File';
         case 'images':
             $class = 'Image';
         case 'action':
             $class = 'Action';
         case 'ajax':
             $class = 'Ajax';
         case 'feed':
             $class = 'Feed';
     $method = 'set' . $class;
     $this->debug($this::name_space . ': MODE: ' . strtoupper($class));
     $this->ctrl = new $class($this);