Example #1
 function before_filter(&$action, &$args)
     if (Request::option('auswahl')) {
         Request::set('cid', Request::option('auswahl'));
     parent::before_filter($action, $args);
     $this->institute = Institute::findCurrent();
     if (!$this->institute) {
         throw new CheckObjectException(_('Sie haben kein Objekt gewählt.'));
     $this->institute_id = $this->institute->id;
     //set visitdate for institute, when coming from meine_seminare
     if (Request::option('auswahl')) {
         object_set_visit($this->institute_id, "inst");
     //gibt es eine Anweisung zur Umleitung?
     if (Request::get('redirect_to')) {
         $query_parts = explode('&', stristr(urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), 'redirect_to'));
         list(, $where_to) = explode('=', array_shift($query_parts));
         $new_query = $where_to . '?' . join('&', $query_parts);
         $new_query = preg_replace('/[^:0-9a-z+_\\-.#?&=\\/]/i', '', $new_query);
         header('Location: ' . URLHelper::getURL($new_query, array('cid' => $this->institute_id)));
     PageLayout::setTitle($this->institute->getFullName() . " - " . _("Kurzinfo"));
Example #2
  * Renders the sidebar.
  * The sidebar will only be rendered if it actually contains any widgets.
  * It will use the template "sidebar.php" located at "templates/sidebar".
  * A notification is dispatched before and after the actual rendering
  * process.
  * @return String The HTML code of the rendered sidebar.
 public function render()
     $content = '';
     if ($this->context_avatar === null) {
         $breadcrumbs = $this->getBreadCrumbs();
         $keys = array_keys($breadcrumbs);
         if (reset($keys) === 'course') {
             $course = Course::findCurrent();
             if ($course) {
                 if ($course->getSemClass()->offsetGet('studygroup_mode')) {
                     $avatar = StudygroupAvatar::getAvatar($course->id);
                 } else {
                     $avatar = CourseAvatar::getAvatar($course->id);
             } else {
                 $institute = Institute::findCurrent();
                 $avatar = InstituteAvatar::getAvatar($institute->id);
     NotificationCenter::postNotification('SidebarWillRender', $this);
     if ($this->hasWidgets()) {
         $template = $GLOBALS['template_factory']->open('sidebar/sidebar');
         $template->widgets = $this->widgets;
         $template->image = $this->getImage();
         $template->title = $this->getTitle();
         $template->avatar = $this->context_avatar;
         $content = $template->render();
     NotificationCenter::postNotification('SidebarDidRender', $this);
     return $content;
Example #3

# Lifter002: TEST
# Lifter007: TEST
 * admin_search_form.inc.php - Suche fuer die Verwaltungsseiten von Stud.IP.
 * @author Stefan Suchi <*****@*****.**>
 * @author Ralf Stockmann <*****@*****.**>
 * @author Cornelis Kater <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright 2001
 * @license GPL2 or any later version
if (!Institute::findCurrent()) {
    $template = $GLOBALS['template_factory']->open('admin/institute_search.php');
    $template->institutes = Institute::getMyInstitutes($GLOBALS['user']->id);
    echo $template->render();
Example #4
 * This function "selects" an Einrichtung to work with it
 * Note: Stud.IP treats Einrichtungen like Veranstaltungen, yu can see this
 * especially if you look at the variable names....
 * The following variables will bet set:
 *   $SessionSeminar                 Einrichtung id<br>
 *   $SessSemName[0]                 Einrichtung name<br>
 *   $SessSemName[1]                 Einrichtung id<br>
 *   $SessSemName["art"]             Einrichtung type in alphanumeric form<br>
 *   $SessSemName["art_num"]         Einrichtung type in numeric form<br>
 *   $SessSemName["art_generic"]     Einrichtung generic type in alhanumeric form (self description)<br>
 *   $SessSemName["class"]               Einrichtung class (sem or inst, in this function always inst)<br>
 *   $SessSemName["header_line"]     the header-line to use on every page of the Einrichtung<br>
 * @param string $inst_id the id of the Veranstaltung
 * @return boolean  true if successful
function selectInst($inst_id)
    global $SessionSeminar, $SessSemName, $INST_TYPE, $SemUserStatus, $rechte, $perm, $auth;
    if (!get_config('ENABLE_FREE_ACCESS') && !$perm->have_perm('user')) {
        // redirect to login page if user is not logged in
        $auth->login_if($auth->auth["uid"] == "nobody");
        throw new AccessDeniedException();
    $SessionSeminar = $inst_id;
    $institute = Institute::findCurrent();
    if ($institute) {
        if (!($SemUserStatus = $perm->get_studip_perm($institute["Institut_id"]))) {
            $SemUserStatus = 'nobody';
        $rechte = $perm->have_studip_perm("tutor", $institute["Institut_id"]);
        $SessionSeminar = $institute["Institut_id"];
        $SessSemName[0] = $institute["Name"];
        $SessSemName[1] = $institute["Institut_id"];
        $SessSemName["art_generic"] = _("Einrichtung");
        $SessSemName["art"] = $INST_TYPE[$row["type"]]["name"];
        if (!$SessSemName["art"]) {
            $SessSemName["art"] = $SessSemName["art_generic"];
        $SessSemName["class"] = "inst";
        $SessSemName["is_fak"] = $institute["is_fak"];
        $SessSemName["art_num"] = $institute["type"];
        $SessSemName["fak"] = $institute["fakultaets_id"];
        $SessSemName["header_line"] = $institute->getFullname();
        $_SESSION['SessionSeminar'] =& $SessionSeminar;
        $_SESSION['SessSemName'] =& $SessSemName;
        URLHelper::addLinkParam('cid', $SessionSeminar);
        return true;
    } else {
        $SessionSeminar = null;
        return false;