Example #1
  * 根据关注openid从微信端更新用户资料
  * @param $openid 关注者openid
  * @return bool
 public function updateUserByOpenid($openid)
     $openid = strval($openid);
     if (!$openid) {
         return false;
     $user = $this->getRow(array('openid' => $openid));
     $weixin = InitPHP::getLibrarys('weixin');
     $accessToken = InitPHP::getMongoDao('weixinAccessToken', 'mongo/bi');
     $access_token = $accessToken->getAccessToken();
     $wxuser = [];
     if ($access_token) {
         $wxuser = $weixin->getUserinfoByAccessToken($access_token, $openid);
         if (!$wxuser || !is_array($wxuser)) {
             $wxuser = [];
     $now = time();
     $tmpuser = ['openid' => $openid, 'update_time' => $now];
     $tmpuser = array_merge($wxuser, $tmpuser);
     if (!$user || !is_array($user)) {
         $tmpuser['create_time'] = $now;
         return $this->add($tmpuser);
     return $this->mupdate($tmpuser, ['openid' => $openid]);
Example #2
  * 从微信刷新access_token
  * @return null
 public function refreshAccessToken()
     $weixin = InitPHP::getLibrarys('weixin');
     $res = $weixin->refreshAccessToken();
     if ($res && is_array($res)) {
         $ires = $this->add(array('access_token' => $res['access_token'], 'create_time' => time(), 'expires_in' => $res['expires_in']));
         return $ires ? $res['access_token'] : null;
     return null;
Example #3
  * 从微信刷新jsapi_ticket
  * @param $access_token
 public function refreshJsapiTicket($access_token)
     $weixin = InitPHP::getLibrarys('weixin');
     $ticket = $weixin->getJsapiTicket($access_token);
     if (!$ticket || !is_array($ticket)) {
         return null;
     $ires = $this->add(['jsapi_ticket' => strval($ticket['ticket']), 'create_time' => time(), 'expires_in' => intval($ticket['expires_in'])]);
     return $ires ? $ticket['ticket'] : null;
Example #4
  * 启动RPC服务
  * 1. 最好只支持内网服务器之间的服务调用
  * 2. 开启RPC调用后,不同的程序可以直接调用Service的方法。
  * 3. 返回code=405  :调用失败,调用失败原因和调用的方式有关系
  * 4. 返回code=200 : 调用成功,返回业务结果
  * 5. 返回code=500 : 业务层面抛出异常
 public static function rpc_init()
     $ret = array();
     $params = json_decode(urldecode($_POST['params']), true);
     if (!is_array($params) || !$params['class'] || !$params['method']) {
         return InitPHP::rpc_ret(405, "params is error");
     $class = $params['class'];
     $method = $params['method'];
     $path = $params['path'];
     $args = $params['args'];
     $InitPHP_conf = InitPHP::getConfig();
     $fullClass = $path != "" ? rtrim($path, '/') . '/' . $class : $class;
     if (!isset($InitPHP_conf['provider']['allow']) || !in_array($fullClass, $InitPHP_conf['provider']['allow'])) {
         return InitPHP::rpc_ret(405, "This class is not allow to access");
     $ipLib = InitPHP::getLibrarys("ip");
     $ip = $ipLib->get_ip();
     $isAllowIp = true;
     if (isset($InitPHP_conf['provider']['allow_ip']) && is_array($InitPHP_conf['provider']['allow_ip'])) {
         $isAllowIp = false;
         foreach ($InitPHP_conf['provider']['allow_ip'] as $v) {
             if ($ip == $v) {
                 $isAllowIp = true;
             } else {
                 if ($ipLib->ip_in_range($ip, $v) == true) {
                     $isAllowIp = true;
     if ($isAllowIp == false) {
         return InitPHP::rpc_ret(405, "This ip address is not allow to access");
     $obj = InitPHP::getService($class, $path);
     if (!$obj) {
         return InitPHP::rpc_ret(405, "can not find this class");
     $InitPHP_conf = InitPHP::getConfig();
     $classFullName = $class . $InitPHP_conf['service']['service_postfix'];
     if (!method_exists($obj, $method)) {
         return InitPHP::rpc_ret(405, "can not find this method");
     $method = new ReflectionMethod($classFullName, $method);
     if (!$method || !$method->isPublic()) {
         return InitPHP::rpc_ret(405, "can not find this method");
     try {
         if ($args == "" || !is_array($args)) {
             $result = $method->invoke($obj);
         } else {
             $result = $method->invokeArgs($obj, $args);
         return InitPHP::rpc_ret(200, "SUCCESS", $result);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return InitPHP::rpc_ret(500, "Exception", $e->getMessage());