function overview()
     $this->pics_scaff->template_vars['Name_value'] = $_GET['Name'] ? $_GET['Name'] : '';
     if ($name = $_GET['Name']) {
         $_GET['Name'] = "%{$name}%";
     $this->pics_scaff->template_vars['Jahr_value'] = $_GET['Jahr'] ? $_GET['Jahr'] : '';
     if ($jahr = $_GET['Jahr']) {
         $_GET['Jahr'] = "%{$jahr}%";
     $where = array();
     foreach ($this->pics_scaff->enable_search_for as $spalte) {
         if ($_GET[$spalte]) {
             $value = General::input_clean($_GET[$spalte], true);
             $where[] = "`{$spalte}` LIKE '{$value}'";
     $where = $where ? "WHERE " . implode($this->pics_scaff->search_combinate, $where) : '';
     $images_sql = $all_images_sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->pics_db_table}` {$where}";
     $order = $_GET['order'] ? "&order=" . $_GET['order'] : '';
     if ($_GET['dir'] == 'desc') {
         $auf = 'Aufsteigend';
         $ab = Html::bold(Html::italic('Absteigend'));
         $dir = 'DESC';
         $desc = '&dir=asc';
     } else {
         if ($_GET['dir'] == 'asc') {
             $auf = Html::bold(Html::italic('Aufsteigend'));
             $ab = 'Absteigend';
             $dir = 'ASC';
             $desc = '&dir=desc';
         } else {
             $dir = 'ASC';
             $desc = '&dir=desc';
     $return .= ' ';
     $this->pics_scaff->edit_enabled = true;
     foreach ($this->pics_scaff->cols_array as $col) {
         $name = $_GET['order'] == $col['name'] ? Html::bold(Html::italic($col['name'])) : $col['name'];
         $desc = $_GET['order'] == $col['name'] ? $_GET['dir'] == 'desc' ? '&dir=asc' : '&dir=desc' : '&dir=desc';
         $this->pics_scaff->template_vars[$col['name'] . '_button'] = Html::a('/Admin/RheinaufExhibitionAdmin/Pictures?order=' . rawurlencode($col['name']) . $desc, $name);
     $this->pics_scaff->results_per_page = 30;
     $pages = $this->pics_scaff->get_pages($all_images_sql);
     $pagination = $this->pics_scaff->num_rows . " Bilder auf {$pages} Seiten  ";
     $prev_link = ($prev = $this->pics_scaff->prev_link()) ? Html::a(SELF . '?order=' . $_GET['order'] . '&amp;dir=' . $_GET['dir'] . '&amp;' . $prev, '<<<', array('class' => 'button')) : '';
     $next_link = ($next = $this->pics_scaff->next_link()) ? Html::a(SELF . '?order=' . $_GET['order'] . '&amp;dir=' . $_GET['dir'] . '&amp;' . $next, '>>>', array('class' => 'button')) : '';
     $this->pics_scaff->template_vars['pagination'] = $pagination . $prev_link . "Seite " . $this->pics_scaff->get_page() . ' von ' . $pages . ' ' . $next_link;
     $order = $_GET['order'] ? rawurldecode($_GET['order']) : 'Name';
     return Html::h(2, 'Alle Bilder') . $this->pics_scaff->make_table("{$images_sql} ORDER BY {$order} {$dir}", INSTALL_PATH . '/Module/RheinaufExhibition/Backend/Templates/ExhibitionPicturesOverview.template.html');
Example #2
  * Tests Html::h()
  * @test
 public function test_h()
     $output = Html::h('Example');
     $expected = "<h1>Example</h1>";
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $output);
     $output = Html::h('Some other example', '2', array('id' => 'h2', 'class' => 'sample', 'style' => 'color:red;'));
     $expected = '<h2 id="h2" class="sample" style="color:red;">Some other example</h2>';
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $output);
     $attributes = array('id' => 'sample', 'class' => 'sample', 'style' => 'color:blue;');
     $output = Html::h('Variable!', '3', $attributes);
     $expected = '<h3 id="sample" class="sample" style="color:blue;">Variable!</h3>';
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $output);
 function show()
     $year = date("Y");
     $month = date("n");
     $monate = Date::monate();
     $monat = $monate[$month];
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->db_table}` WHERE `BDM_Monat`='{$month}' AND `BDM_Jahr`='{$year}'";
     $result = $this->connection->db_single_row($sql);
     $img = Html::img('/Images/Galerie/' . $Dateiname, $Name, array('width' => 450, 'class' => 'rahmen', 'title' => $Name . ' - klicken für mehr Informationen'));
     $link = Html::a('/Bilder?Detailid=' . $id, $img);
     $return = $link . Html::h(2, "Bild des Monats {$monat} {$year}", array('style' => 'font-size:18px;text-indent:3px;'));
     $return .= Html::p("\"{$Name}\"", array('style' => 'color:white;font-size:18px;margin-top:15px;text-indent:3px;'));
     $return .= Html::p("{$Technik}, {$Jahr}", array('style' => 'text-indent:3px;'));
     return $return;
 function show()
     if (!$this->check_right('ExhibitionAdmin')) {
         return Html::h(2, 'Dazu haben Sie kein Recht!');
     $this->system->backend->tabs = $this->obere_navi();
     if ($this->check_folder_rights()) {
         return $this->check_folder_rights();
     if (preg_match('/Scan$/', SELF)) {
         $this->return .= $this->scan();
     if (preg_match('/Upload$/', SELF)) {
         $this->return .= $this->upload();
     if (preg_match('/Rooms$/', SELF)) {
         include_once INSTALL_PATH . '/Module/RheinaufExhibition/Backend/rooms.php';
         $rooms = new rooms($this->scaff, $this->system);
         $this->return .= $GLOBALS['backchannel'];
         $this->return .= $rooms->show();
     if (preg_match('/Exhibitions$/', SELF)) {
         include_once INSTALL_PATH . '/Module/RheinaufExhibition/Backend/exhibitions.php';
         $instance = new exhibitions($this->scaff, $this->system);
         $this->return .= $GLOBALS['backchannel'];
         $this->return .= $instance->show();
     if (preg_match('/Pictures$/', SELF)) {
         include_once INSTALL_PATH . '/Module/RheinaufExhibition/Backend/pictures.php';
         $instance = new pictures($this->scaff, $this->system);
         return $this->return .= $instance->show();
     if (preg_match('/Locations$/', SELF)) {
         include_once INSTALL_PATH . '/Module/RheinaufExhibition/Backend/LocationsBackend.php';
         $instance = new LocationsBackend($this->system);
         return $this->return .= $instance->show();
     if (preg_match('/BildDesMonats$/', SELF)) {
         include_once INSTALL_PATH . '/Module/RheinaufExhibition/Backend/bdm.php';
         $instance = new bdm($this->scaff, $this->system);
         return $this->return .= $instance->show();
     return $this->return;
 function edit_loc()
     $loc_id = $_GET['editloc'];
     $js = $this->get_lat_long_js();
     $this->scaff->cols_array['js']['type'] = 'custom';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['js']['custom_input'] = Html::script($js);
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Location_id']['type'] = 'hidden';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Location_name']['name'] = 'Name';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Jahr']['type'] = 'ignore';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Werk']['type'] = 'ignore';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Beschreibung']['type'] = 'ignore';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Technik']['type'] = 'ignore';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Mitarbeit']['type'] = 'ignore';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Ausführung']['type'] = 'ignore';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Architekten']['type'] = 'ignore';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Literatur']['type'] = 'ignore';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Bilder']['type'] = 'ignore';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['getcoords']['type'] = 'custom';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['getcoords']['custom_input'] = Html::a("javascript:getLatLong();", 'Koordinaten abfragen');
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Location_edit']['type'] = 'hidden';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Location_edit']['value'] = 'edit';
     return Html::h(2, 'Ort bearbeiten') . $this->scaff->make_form($loc_id);
 function title()
     $this->return .= Html::h(2, $title);
 function module_table()
     $this->installed = $this->connection->db_assoc("SELECT * FROM `RheinaufCMS>Module` WHERE `SYSTEM` = 0 ORDER BY `id` ASC");
     $this->available_modules = RheinaufFile::dir_array(INSTALL_PATH . '/Module', false, 'php');
     foreach ($this->available_modules as $module) {
         $class_name = preg_replace('/\\.php/', '', $module);
         if ($module != 'Navi.php') {
             if (RheinaufFile::is_file(INSTALL_PATH . '/Module/' . $class_name . '/Install.php')) {
                 include_once INSTALL_PATH . '/Module/' . $class_name . '/Install.php';
                 $class_name .= 'Install';
             } else {
                 include_once $module;
         if (is_callable(array($class_name, 'about'))) {
             eval('$module_about = ' . $class_name . '::about();');
             switch ($module_about['type']) {
                 case 'inPage':
                     $this->inPageModules[] = $module_about;
                 case 'installable':
                     $this->installableModules[] = $module_about;
     $return_string = '';
     $this->return .= Html::h(3, 'Installierbare Module');
     $table = new Table(2);
     $table->add_th(array('Installierbare Module', 'Installierte Module'));
     $form = new Form();
     $installed_modules = array();
     foreach ($this->installed as $installed) {
         $installed_modules[] = $installed['Name'];
     $installables_select = new Select('installable', array('size' => '10', 'style' => 'width:150px'));
     foreach ($this->installableModules as $modul) {
         if (!in_array($modul['Name'], $installed_modules)) {
             $installables_select->add_option(rawurlencode($modul['Name']), $modul['Name']);
     $installed_select = new Select('installed', array('size' => '10', 'style' => 'width:150px'));
     foreach ($installed_modules as $modul) {
         $installed_select->add_option(rawurlencode($modul), $modul);
     $table->add_td(array($installables_select->flush_select(), $installed_select->flush_select()));
     $install_submit = Form::add_input('submit', 'install', 'Installieren');
     $uninstall_submit = Form::add_input('submit', 'uninstall', 'Deinstallieren');
     $table->add_td(array($install_submit, $uninstall_submit), array('style' => 'text-align:center'));
     $this->return .= $form->flush_form();
     $this->return .= Html::h(3, 'Aufruf über Template');
     $table = new Table(2, array('style' => 'width:500px'));
     $table->add_th(array('Modul', 'Einbindung'));
     foreach ($this->inPageModules as $module) {
         $table->add_td(array(Html::bold($module['Name']), $module['Usage']));
     $this->return .= $table->flush_table();
 function overview()
     $this->pics_scaff->template_vars['Name_value'] = $_GET['Name'] ? $_GET['Name'] : '';
     if ($name = $_GET['Name']) {
         $_GET['Name'] = "%{$name}%";
     $this->pics_scaff->template_vars['Jahr_value'] = $_GET['Jahr'] ? $_GET['Jahr'] : '';
     if ($jahr = $_GET['Jahr']) {
         $_GET['Jahr'] = "%{$jahr}%";
     $where = array();
     foreach ($this->pics_scaff->enable_search_for as $spalte) {
         if ($_GET[$spalte]) {
             $value = General::input_clean($_GET[$spalte], true);
             $where[] = "`{$spalte}` LIKE '{$value}'";
     $where = $where ? "WHERE " . implode($this->pics_scaff->search_combinate, $where) : '';
     $images_sql = $all_images_sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->pics_db_table}` {$where}";
     $order = $_GET['order'] ? "&amp;order=" . $_GET['order'] : '';
     if ($_GET['dir'] == 'desc') {
         $auf = 'Aufsteigend';
         $ab = Html::bold(Html::italic('Absteigend'));
         $dir = 'DESC';
         $desc = '&amp;dir=asc';
     } else {
         if ($_GET['dir'] == 'asc') {
             $auf = Html::bold(Html::italic('Aufsteigend'));
             $ab = 'Absteigend';
             $dir = 'ASC';
             $desc = '&amp;dir=desc';
         } else {
             $dir = 'ASC';
             $desc = '&amp;dir=desc';
     $return .= '&nbsp;';
     $this->pics_scaff->edit_enabled = true;
     foreach ($this->pics_scaff->cols_array as $col) {
         $name = $_GET['order'] == $col['name'] ? Html::bold(Html::italic($col['name'])) : $col['name'];
         $desc = $_GET['order'] == $col['name'] ? $_GET['dir'] == 'desc' ? '&amp;dir=asc' : '&amp;dir=desc' : '&amp;dir=desc';
         $this->pics_scaff->template_vars[$col['name'] . '_button'] = Html::a('/Admin/RheinaufExhibitionAdmin/Pictures?order=' . rawurlencode($col['name']) . $desc, $name);
     $this->pics_scaff->results_per_page = 30;
     $pages = $this->pics_scaff->get_pages($all_images_sql);
     $pagination = $this->pics_scaff->num_rows . " Bilder auf {$pages} Seiten  ";
     $prev_link = ($prev = $this->pics_scaff->prev_link()) ? Html::a(SELF . '?order=' . $_GET['order'] . '&amp;dir=' . $_GET['dir'] . '&amp;' . $prev, htmlspecialchars('<<<'), array('class' => 'button')) : '';
     $next_link = ($next = $this->pics_scaff->next_link()) ? Html::a(SELF . '?order=' . $_GET['order'] . '&amp;dir=' . $_GET['dir'] . '&amp;' . $next, htmlspecialchars('>>>'), array('class' => 'button')) : '';
     $this->pics_scaff->template_vars['pagination'] = $pagination . $prev_link . "Seite " . $this->pics_scaff->get_page() . ' von ' . $pages . ' ' . $next_link;
     $order = $_GET['order'] ? rawurldecode($_GET['order']) : 'Name';
     //Bild des Monats
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->db_table}` WHERE `BildDesMonats` != '' ORDER BY `BildDesMonats` DESC";
     //BDM_Monat`='$month' AND `BDM_Jahr`='$year'";
     $result = $this->connection->db_single_row($sql);
     $last_bdm = $result['BildDesMonats'];
     $this->pics_scaff->template_vars['next_bdm'] = $next_bdm = substr(Date::add($last_bdm . '01', 'month', 1), 0, 6);
     $this->pics_scaff->template_vars['next_bdm_str'] = substr($next_bdm, 4, 2) . '/' . substr($next_bdm, 0, 4);
     $this->pics_scaff->cols_array['BildDesMonats']['transform'] = '($value) ? substr($value,4,2). "/" .substr($value,0,4):"";';
     $this->pics_scaff->cols_array['Beschreibung']['transform'] = '($value) ? "ja":"nein";';
     $this->pics_scaff->cols_array['Höhe']['transform'] = '($value) ? $value :"n.a.";';
     $this->pics_scaff->cols_array['Breite']['transform'] = '($value) ? $value :"n.a.";';
     $this->pics_scaff->cols_array['Name']['transform'] = 'General::wrap_string($value,20);';
     $sql = "{$images_sql} ORDER BY {$order} {$dir}";
     return Html::h(2, 'Alle Bilder') . $this->pics_scaff->make_table($sql, INSTALL_PATH . '/Module/RheinaufExhibition/Backend/Templates/ExhibitionPicturesOverview.template.html');
 function order_images()
     $images_sql = "SELECT bilder.*, indices.Bild_id,indices.Raum_id,indices.index\n\t\tFROM `{$this->pics_db_table}` `bilder`\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$this->indices_db_table}` `indices`\n\t\t     ON = indices.Bild_id\n\t\tWHERE indices.Raum_id = " . $_GET['order'] . "\n\t\tORDER BY indices.index, ASC, bilder.Name ASC";
     $images = $this->connection->db_assoc($images_sql);
     $room_info = $this->get_room_info($_GET['order']);
     $return = Html::h(2, $room_info['Roomname'] . ': Reihenfolge bearbeiten');
     $return .= Form::form_tag(SELF . '?order=' . $_GET['order'], '', '', array('onsubmit' => 'updateOrder()', 'id' => 'orderform', 'style' => 'float:left;margin-right:20px;'));
     $GLOBALS['scripts'] .= Html::script('', array('src' => '/' . INSTALL_PATH . '/Module/RheinaufExhibition/Backend/order.js'));
     $select = new Select('select[]', array('size' => 24, 'id' => 'select', 'onclick' => "preview(this)", 'style' => 'min-width:220px;'));
     foreach ($images as $img) {
         $dateiname = $img['Dateiname'];
         $select->add_option($img['id'], $dateiname . '  ' . $img['Name'], array('filename' => $dateiname));
     $return .= $select->flush_select() . Html::br();
     $return .= Html::a('javascript:void(0);', 'Hoch', array('class' => 'button', 'onclick' => 'up()'));
     $return .= Html::a('javascript:void(0);', 'Runter', array('class' => 'button', 'onclick' => 'down()'));
     $return .= Html::a('javascript:void(0);', 'Löschen', array('class' => 'button', 'onclick' => 'del()'));
     $return .= Html::a('javascript:void(0);', 'Titelbild', array('class' => 'button', 'onclick' => 'coverpic()'));
     if (!$room_info['Titelbild']) {
         $room_info['Titelbild'] = $images[0]['Dateiname'];
     $return .= Form::add_input('hidden', 'coverpic', $room_info['Titelbild'], array('id' => 'coverpic'));
     $return .= Form::add_input('submit', 'submit', 'Speichern', array('class' => 'button'));
     $return .= Html::a(SELF, 'Zurück', array('class' => 'button', 'onclick' => 'return getChanged()'));
     $return .= Form::close_form();
     $return .= Html::div('Ausgewähltes Bild' . Html::br() . Html::img('', '', array('id' => 'selected_preview')), array('style' => 'display:none'));
     $return .= Html::br();
     $return .= 'Titelbild' . Html::br();
     $return .= Html::img('/' . $this->filepath . $this->landscape_thumb_dir . $room_info['Titelbild'], 'Noch nicht festgelegt', array('id' => 'coverpic_preview'));
     return $return;
 function order_rooms()
     $rooms_sql = "SELECT rooms.*, indices.Exhibition_id,indices.Exhibition_id,indices.index\n\t\tFROM `{$this->rooms_db_table}` `rooms`\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$this->indices_db_table}` `indices`\n\t\t     ON rooms.RoomId = indices.Raum_id\n\t\tWHERE indices.Exhibition_id = " . $_GET['order'] . "\n\t\tORDER BY indices.index ASC, ASC";
     $rooms = $this->connection->db_assoc($rooms_sql);
     $script = $this->order_script();
     $return = Html::h(2, $this->get_exhibition_name('order') . ': Reihenfolge bearbeiten');
     $return .= Form::form_tag(SELF . '?order=' . $_GET['order'], '', '', array('onsubmit' => 'updateOrder()', 'id' => 'orderform'));
     $GLOBALS['scripts'] .= Html::script($script);
     $select = new Select('select[]', array('size' => 24, 'id' => 'select'));
     foreach ($rooms as $room) {
         $select->add_option($room['RoomId'], $room['Roomname']);
     $return .= $select->flush_select() . Html::br();
     $return .= Html::a('javascript:up();', 'Hoch', array('class' => 'button'));
     $return .= Html::a('javascript:down();', 'Runter', array('class' => 'button'));
     $return .= Html::a('javascript:del();', 'Löschen', array('class' => 'button'));
     $return .= Form::add_input('submit', 'submit', 'Speichern', array('class' => 'button'));
     $return .= Html::a(SELF, 'Zurück', array('class' => 'button', 'onclick' => 'return getChanged()'));
     $return .= Form::close_form();
     return $return;
 function edit_loc()
     $loc_id = $_GET['editloc'];
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Location_id']['type'] = 'hidden';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Location_name']['name'] = 'Name';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Jahr']['type'] = 'ignore';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Werk']['type'] = 'ignore';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Beschreibung']['type'] = 'ignore';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Technik']['type'] = 'ignore';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Mitarbeit']['type'] = 'ignore';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Ausführung']['type'] = 'ignore';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Architekten']['type'] = 'ignore';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Literatur']['type'] = 'ignore';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Bilder']['type'] = 'ignore';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Location_edit']['type'] = 'hidden';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Location_edit']['value'] = 'edit';
     return Html::h(2, 'Ort bearbeiten') . $this->scaff->make_form($loc_id);
 function order_images()
     $images_sql = "SELECT bilder.*, indices.Bild_id,indices.Raum_id,indices.index\r\n\t\tFROM `{$this->pics_db_table}` `bilder`\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$this->indices_db_table}` `indices`\r\n\t\t     ON = indices.Bild_id\r\n\t\tWHERE indices.Raum_id = " . $_GET['order'] . "\r\n\t\tORDER BY indices.index,bilder.Name ASC";
     $images = $this->connection->db_assoc($images_sql);
     $script = $this->order_script();
     $room_info = $this->get_room_info($_GET['order']);
     $return = Html::h(2, $room_info['Roomname'] . ': Reihenfolge bearbeiten');
     $return .= Form::form_tag(SELF . '?order=' . $_GET['order'], '', '', array('onsubmit' => 'updateOrder()', 'id' => 'orderform', 'style' => 'float:left;margin-right:20px;'));
     $GLOBALS['scripts'] .= Html::script($script);
     $select = new Select('select[]', array('size' => 24, 'id' => 'select'));
     foreach ($images as $img) {
         $select->add_option($img['id'], $img['Dateiname']);
     $return .= $select->flush_select() . Html::br();
     $return .= Html::a('javascript:up();', 'Hoch', array('class' => 'button'));
     $return .= Html::a('javascript:down();', 'Runter', array('class' => 'button'));
     $return .= Html::a('javascript:del();', 'Löschen', array('class' => 'button'));
     $return .= Html::a('javascript:coverpic();', 'Titelbild', array('class' => 'button'));
     if (!$room_info['Titelbild']) {
         $room_info['Titelbild'] = $images[0]['Dateiname'];
     $return .= Form::add_input('hidden', 'coverpic', $room_info['Titelbild'], array('id' => 'coverpic'));
     $return .= Form::add_input('submit', 'submit', 'Speichern', array('class' => 'button'));
     $return .= Html::a(SELF, 'Zurück', array('class' => 'button', 'onclick' => 'return getChanged()'));
     $return .= Form::close_form();
     $return .= 'Titelbild' . Html::br();
     $return .= Html::img('/Images/Galerie/180/' . $room_info['Titelbild'], 'Noch nicht festgelegt', array('id' => 'coverpic_preview'));
     return $return;