  * Gets the heading, or label, for the interface, e.g. "Select the categories for this product"
  * @return string
 public function getHeading()
     if (!$this->get('Heading')) {
         return FormField::name_to_label($this->getParentNode()->transform("BedrockComponent")->getName());
     return $this->get('Heading');
 public function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields)
     $extFields = self::$db;
     if (!$this->owner->WordpressID) {
     $compositeFields = array();
     foreach ($extFields as $name => $type) {
         $value = $this->owner->getField($name);
         $compositeFields[$name] = ReadonlyField::create($name . '_Readonly', FormField::name_to_label($name), $value);
     if ($compositeFields) {
         $wordpressCompositeField = ToggleCompositeField::create('WordpressCompositeField', 'Wordpress', $compositeFields)->setHeadingLevel(4);
         if ($fields->fieldByName('Metadata')) {
             $fields->insertBefore($wordpressCompositeField, 'Metadata');
         } else {
             if ($fields->fieldByName('Root')) {
                 $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', $wordpressCompositeField);
             } else {
Example #3
 protected function handlePost(array $data, $settings = [])
     $post = ['ID' => isset($data['id']) && isset($data['id']['videoId']) ? $data['id']['videoId'] : '0', 'Author' => isset($data['snippet']) && isset($data['snippet']['channelTitle']) ? \FormField::name_to_label($data['snippet']['channelTitle']) : '', 'AuthorID' => isset($data['snippet']) && isset($data['snippet']['channelId']) ? $data['snippet']['channelId'] : 0, 'AuthorURL' => isset($data['snippet']) && isset($data['snippet']['channelId']) ? \Controller::join_links($this->url, 'channel', $data['snippet']['channelId']) : '', 'Title' => isset($data['snippet']) && isset($data['snippet']['title']) ? $data['snippet']['title'] : '', 'Content' => isset($data['snippet']) && isset($data['snippet']['description']) ? $this->textParser()->text($data['snippet']['description']) : '', 'Priority' => isset($data['snippet']) && isset($data['snippet']['publishedAt']) ? strtotime($data['snippet']['publishedAt']) : 0, 'Posted' => isset($data['snippet']) && isset($data['snippet']['publishedAt']) ? \DBField::create_field('SS_Datetime', strtotime($data['snippet']['publishedAt'])) : null];
     if (isset($data['snippet']) && isset($data['snippet']['thumbnails'])) {
         if (isset($data['snippet']['thumbnails']['high']) && isset($data['snippet']['thumbnails']['high']['url'])) {
             $post['Cover'] = $data['snippet']['thumbnails']['high']['url'];
         } else {
             if (isset($data['snippet']['thumbnails']['medium']) && isset($data['snippet']['thumbnails']['medium']['url'])) {
                 $post['Cover'] = $data['snippet']['thumbnails']['medium']['url'];
             } else {
                 if (isset($data['snippet']['thumbnails']['default']) && isset($data['snippet']['thumbnails']['default']['url'])) {
                     $post['Cover'] = $data['snippet']['thumbnails']['default']['url'];
     if ($post['ID']) {
         $params = (array) singleton('env')->get('Youtube.video_params');
         if (isset($settings['videoParams'])) {
             $params = array_merge($params, (array) $settings['videoParams']);
         $params['v'] = $post['ID'];
         $post['Link'] = \Controller::join_links($this->url, 'watch', '?' . http_build_query($params));
     if (isset($post['ObjectDescription']) && $post['ObjectDescription'] == $post['Content']) {
     if (isset($post['Description']) && $post['Description'] == $post['Content']) {
     return $post;
  * @param string $name Identifier
  * @param string $title (Optional) Natural language title of the tabset
  * @param Tab|TabSet $unknown All further parameters are inserted as children into the TabSet
 public function __construct($name)
     $args = func_get_args();
     $name = array_shift($args);
     if (!is_string($name)) {
         user_error('TabSet::__construct(): $name parameter to a valid string', E_USER_ERROR);
     $this->name = $name;
     $this->id = $name;
     // Legacy handling: only assume second parameter as title if its a string,
     // otherwise it might be a formfield instance
     if (isset($args[0]) && is_string($args[0])) {
         $title = array_shift($args);
     $this->title = isset($title) ? $title : FormField::name_to_label($name);
     if ($args) {
         foreach ($args as $tab) {
             $isValidArg = is_object($tab) && (!$tab instanceof Tab || !$tab instanceof TabSet);
             if (!$isValidArg) {
                 user_error('TabSet::__construct(): Parameter not a valid Tab instance', E_USER_ERROR);
  * Gets an array of all areas defined for the current theme that are compatible
  * with pages of type $class
  * @param string $class
  * @return array $areas
 public function getAreasForPageType($class)
     $areas = $this->getAreasForTheme(null, false);
     if (!$areas) {
         return false;
     foreach ($areas as $area => $config) {
         if (!is_array($config)) {
         if (isset($config['except'])) {
             $except = $config['except'];
             if (is_array($except) ? in_array($class, $except) : $except == $class) {
         if (isset($config['only'])) {
             $only = $config['only'];
             if (is_array($only) ? !in_array($class, $only) : $only != $class) {
     if (count($areas)) {
         foreach ($areas as $k => $v) {
             $areas[$k] = FormField::name_to_label($k);
         return $areas;
     } else {
         return $areas;
 public function updateFieldLabels(&$labels)
     foreach (array('db', 'has_one', 'has_many', 'many_many', 'belongs_many_many') as $type) {
         if (property_exists(__CLASS__, $type)) {
             foreach (self::${$type} as $name => $val) {
                 $labels[$name] = _t(__CLASS__ . ".{$type}_{$name}", FormField::name_to_label($name));
  * @param FieldList $fields
  * @return FieldList
 public function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields)
     if ($this->currencyService instanceof CurrencyServiceInterface) {
         foreach ($this->currencyService->getCurrencies() as $currency) {
             $columnName = $this->getColumnName($currency);
             $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Prices', new NumericField($columnName, \FormField::name_to_label($columnName)));
     return $fields;
 public function __construct($name)
     Requirements::css(RIGHTSIDEBAR_DIR . '/css/cms.css');
     Requirements::javascript(RIGHTSIDEBAR_DIR . '/js/cms.js');
     $args = func_get_args();
     $name = array_shift($args);
     if (!is_string($name)) {
         user_error('RightSidebar::__construct(): $name parameter to a valid string', E_USER_ERROR);
     $this->name = $name;
     $this->id = preg_replace('/[^0-9A-Za-z]+/', '', $name);
     $this->title = isset($title) ? $title : FormField::name_to_label($name);
  * Generates the edit lock warning message displayed to the user
  * @return String
 public function getLockedMessage()
     $editor = $this->Editor();
     $editorString = $editor->getTitle();
     if ($editor->Email) {
         $editorString .= " &lt;<a href='mailto:{$editor->Email}'>{$editor->Email}</a>&gt;";
     $message = sprintf(_t('RecordBeingEdited.LOCKEDMESSAGE', 'Sorry, this %s is currently being edited by %s. To avoid conflicts and data loss, editing will be locked until they are finished.'), FormField::name_to_label($this->RecordClass), $editorString);
     if ($this->canEditAnyway()) {
         $editAnywayLink = Controller::join_links(Controller::curr()->getRequest()->requestVar('url'), '?editanyway=1');
         $message .= "<span style='float:right'>";
         $message .= sprintf(_t('RecordBeingEdited.EDITANYWAY', 'I understand the risks, %s edit anyway %s'), "<a href='{$editAnywayLink}'>", "</a>");
         $message .= "</span>";
     return $message;
Example #10
  * @uses FormField::name_to_label()
  * @param string $name Identifier of the tab, without characters like dots or spaces
  * @param string $title Natural language title of the tab. If its left out,
  *  the class uses {@link FormField::name_to_label()} to produce a title from the {@link $name} parameter.
  * @param FormField All following parameters are inserted as children to this tab
 public function __construct($name)
     $args = func_get_args();
     $name = array_shift($args);
     if (!is_string($name)) {
         user_error('TabSet::__construct(): $name parameter to a valid string', E_USER_ERROR);
     $this->name = $name;
     $this->id = preg_replace('/[^0-9A-Za-z]+/', '', $name);
     // Legacy handling: only assume second parameter as title if its a string,
     // otherwise it might be a formfield instance
     if (isset($args[0]) && is_string($args[0])) {
         $title = array_shift($args);
     $this->title = isset($title) ? $title : FormField::name_to_label($name);
 public function getCMSFields()
     $fields = parent::getCMSFields();
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root', new TabSet('Profile', _t('MemberProfiles.PROFILE', 'Profile')));
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root', new Tab('ContentBlocks', _t('MemberProfiles.CONTENTBLOCKS', 'Content Blocks')));
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root', new Tab('Email', _t('MemberProfiles.Email', 'Email')));
     $fields->fieldByName('Root.Main')->setTitle(_t('MemberProfiles.MAIN', 'Main'));
     $fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.Profile', array(new Tab('Fields', _t('MemberProfiles.FIELDS', 'Fields'), new GridField('Fields', _t('MemberProfiles.PROFILEFIELDS', 'Profile Fields'), $this->Fields(), $grid = GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create()->removeComponentsByType('GridFieldDeleteAction')->removeComponentsByType('GridFieldAddNewButton'))), new Tab('Groups', _t('MemberProfiles.GROUPS', 'Groups'), $groups = new TreeMultiselectField('Groups', _t('MemberProfiles.GROUPS', 'Groups'), 'Group'), $selectable = new TreeMultiselectField('SelectableGroups', _t('MemberProfiles.SELECTABLEGROUPS', 'Selectable Groups'), 'Group')), new Tab('PublicProfile', _t('MemberProfiles.PUBLICPROFILE', 'Public Profile'), new GridField('Sections', _t('MemberProfiles.PROFILESECTIONS', 'Profile Sections'), $this->Sections(), GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create()->removeComponentsByType('GridFieldAddNewButton')->addComponent(new MemberProfilesAddSectionAction())))));
     $grid->getComponentByType('GridFieldDataColumns')->setFieldFormatting(array('Unique' => function ($val, $obj) {
         return $obj->dbObject('Unique')->Nice();
     }, 'Required' => function ($val, $obj) {
         return $obj->dbObject('Required')->Nice();
     if (class_exists('GridFieldOrderableRows')) {
         $grid->addComponent(new GridFieldOrderableRows('Sort'));
     } elseif (class_exists('GridFieldSortableRows')) {
         $grid->addComponent(new GridFieldSortableRows('Sort'));
     if (!$this->AllowProfileViewing) {
         $disabledNote = new LiteralField('PublisProfileDisabledNote', sprintf('<p class="message notice">%s</p>', _t('MemberProfiles.PUBLICPROFILEDISABLED', 'Public profiles are currently disabled, you can enable them ' . 'in the "Settings" tab.')));
         $fields->insertBefore($disabledNote, 'Sections');
     $groups->setDescription(_t('MemberProfiles.GROUPSNOTE', 'Any users registering via this page will always be added to ' . 'these groups (if registration is enabled). Conversely, a member ' . 'must belong to these groups in order to edit their profile on ' . 'this page.'));
     $selectable->setDescription(_t('MemberProfiles.SELECTABLENOTE', 'Users can choose to belong to these groups, if the  "Groups" field ' . 'is enabled in the "Fields" tab.'));
     $fields->removeByName('Content', true);
     $contentFields = array();
     if ($this->AllowRegistration) {
         $contentFields[] = 'Registration';
         $contentFields[] = 'AfterRegistration';
     if ($this->AllowProfileEditing) {
         $contentFields[] = 'Profile';
     foreach ($contentFields as $type) {
         $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.ContentBlocks", new ToggleCompositeField("{$type}Toggle", _t('MemberProfiles.' . strtoupper($type), FormField::name_to_label($type)), array(new TextField("{$type}Title", _t('MemberProfiles.TITLE', 'Title')), $content = new HtmlEditorField("{$type}Content", _t('MemberProfiles.CONTENT', 'Content')))));
     $fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.Email', array(new OptionsetField('EmailType', _t('MemberProfiles.EMAILSETTINGS', 'Email Settings'), array('Validation' => _t('MemberProfiles.EMAILVALIDATION', 'Require email validation'), 'Confirmation' => _t('MemberProfiles.EMAILCONFIRMATION', 'Send a confirmation email'), 'None' => _t('MemberProfiles.NONE', 'None'))), new ToggleCompositeField('EmailContentToggle', _t('MemberProfiles.EMAILCONTENT', 'Email Content'), array(new TextField('EmailSubject', _t('MemberProfiles.EMAILSUBJECT', 'Email subject')), new TextField('EmailFrom', _t('MemberProfiles.EMAILFROM', 'Email from')), new TextareaField('EmailTemplate', _t('MemberProfiles.EMAILTEMPLATE', 'Email template')), new LiteralField('TemplateNote', sprintf('<div class="field">%s</div>', MemberConfirmationEmail::TEMPLATE_NOTE)))), new ToggleCompositeField('ConfirmationContentToggle', _t('MemberProfiles.CONFIRMCONTENT', 'Confirmation Content'), array(new TextField('ConfirmationTitle', _t('MemberProfiles.TITLE', 'Title')), $confContent = new HtmlEditorField('ConfirmationContent', _t('MemberProfiles.CONTENT', 'Content'))))));
     return $fields;
  * A wildcard method for accepting any FormField object as a method.
  * Ex: text(), currency(), dropdown(), treeDropdown(), htmlEditor()
  * @param   string The method being called
  * @param   array The arguments to the method
  * @return  FieldList
 public function __call($method, $args)
     $formFieldClass = ucfirst($method) . "Field";
     $getter = "get" . ucfirst($method);
     if ($this->owner->hasMethod($getter)) {
         return $this->owner->{$getter}();
     if (is_subclass_of($formFieldClass, "FormField")) {
         if (!isset($args[0])) {
             user_error("FieldList::{$method} -- Missing argument 1 for field name", E_ERROR);
         if (!isset($args[1])) {
             $args[1] = FormField::name_to_label($args[0]);
         $field = Injector::inst()->createWithArgs($formFieldClass, $args);
         $this->field = $field;
         $field->FieldList = $this->owner;
         return $this->owner;
     } else {
         user_error("FieldList::{$method} -- {$formFieldClass} is not a FormField.", E_ERROR);
 public function collectFromEntityProviders($filePath, $module = null)
     $entities = [];
     // HACK Ugly workaround to avoid "Cannot redeclare class PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult" error
     // when running text collector with PHPUnit 3.4. There really shouldn't be any dependencies
     // here, but the class reflection enforces autloading of seemingly unrelated classes.
     // The main problem here is the CMSMenu class, which iterates through test classes,
     // which in turn trigger autoloading of PHPUnit.
     $phpunitwrapper = PhpUnitWrapper::inst();
     $classes = ClassInfo::classes_for_file($filePath);
     if ($classes) {
         foreach ($classes as $class) {
             // Not all classes can be instanciated without mandatory arguments,
             // so entity collection doesn't work for all SilverStripe classes currently
             // Requires PHP 5.1+
             if (class_exists($class) && in_array('i18nEntityProvider', class_implements($class))) {
                 $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($class);
                 if ($reflectionClass->isAbstract()) {
                 $obj = singleton($class);
                 $entities = array_merge($entities, (array) $obj->provideI18nEntities());
                 if ($obj->is_a('DataObject')) {
                     foreach (['db', 'has_one', 'has_many', 'many_many', 'belongs_many_many'] as $type) {
                         foreach ((array) Config::inst()->get($obj->class, $type, Config::UNINHERITED) as $name => $spec) {
                             $entities["{$obj->class}.{$type}_{$name}"] = [FormField::name_to_label($name)];
     return $entities;
  * Add a new provider (triggered by the ExternalContentAdmin_left template)
  * @return unknown_type
 public function addprovider()
     // Providers are ALWAYS at the root
     $parent = 0;
     $name = isset($_REQUEST['Name']) ? basename($_REQUEST['Name']) : _t('ExternalContent.NEWCONNECTOR', "New Connector");
     $type = $_REQUEST['ProviderType'];
     $providerClasses = ClassInfo::subclassesFor(self::$tree_class);
     if (!in_array($type, $providerClasses)) {
         throw new Exception("Invalid connector type");
     $parentObj = null;
     // Create object
     $record = new $type();
     $record->ParentID = $parent;
     $record->Name = $record->Title = $name;
     // if (isset($_REQUEST['returnID'])) {
     // 	return $p->ID;
     // } else {
     // 	return $this->returnItemToUser($p);
     // }
     try {
     } catch (ValidationException $ex) {
         $form->sessionMessage($ex->getResult()->message(), 'bad');
         return $this->getResponseNegotiator()->respond($this->request);
     Session::set("FormInfo.Form_EditForm.formError.message", sprintf(_t('ExternalContent.SourceAdded', 'Successfully created %s'), $type));
     Session::set("FormInfo.Form_EditForm.formError.type", 'good');
     $msg = "New " . FormField::name_to_label($type) . " created";
     $this->response->addHeader('X-Status', rawurlencode(_t('ExternalContent.PROVIDERADDED', $msg)));
     return $this->getResponseNegotiator()->respond($this->request);
 public function getDashletsList()
     if ($this->allowedDashlets) {
         return $this->allowedDashlets;
     $dashlets = self::get_allowed_dashlets();
     // prune any that have specific requirements
     foreach ($dashlets as $cls => $title) {
         $clazz = is_int($cls) ? $title : $cls;
         $dummy = singleton($clazz);
         if (!$dummy->canCreate()) {
     $keys = array_keys($dashlets);
     if (count($keys) && is_int($keys[0])) {
         foreach (array_values($dashlets) as $dashletClass) {
             $title = Config::inst()->get($dashletClass, 'title');
             if (!$title) {
             $this->allowedDashlets[$dashletClass] = $title;
     } else {
         $this->allowedDashlets = $dashlets;
     return $this->allowedDashlets;
 public static function getHrefField(DataObject $do, $property = 'Href')
     /** @var MapaelCountryPageExtension|MapaelCity $do */
     return new TextField($property, _t(__CLASS__ . '.db_Href', FormField::name_to_label($property)), $do->{$property});
  * @todo Explain different source data that can be used with this field,
  * e.g. SQLMap, DataObjectSet or an array.
  * @todo Should use CheckboxField FieldHolder rather than constructing own markup.
 function Field()
     Requirements::css(NEWSLETTER_DIR . '/css/CheckboxSetWithExtraField.css');
     $source = $this->source;
     $values = $this->value;
     // Get values from the join, if available
     if (is_object($this->form)) {
         $record = $this->form->getRecord();
         if (!$values && $record && $record->hasMethod($this->name)) {
             $funcName = $this->name;
             $join = $record->{$funcName}();
             if ($join) {
                 foreach ($join as $joinItem) {
                     $values[] = $joinItem->ID;
     // Source is not an array
     if (!is_array($source) && !is_a($source, 'SQLMap')) {
         if (is_array($values)) {
             $items = $values;
         } else {
             // Source and values are DataObject sets.
             if ($values && is_a($values, 'DataObjectSet')) {
                 foreach ($values as $object) {
                     if (is_a($object, 'DataObject')) {
                         $items[] = $object->ID;
             } elseif ($values && is_string($values)) {
                 $items = explode(',', $values);
                 $items = str_replace('{comma}', ',', $items);
     } else {
         // Sometimes we pass a singluar default value thats ! an array && !DataObjectSet
         if (is_a($values, 'DataObjectSet') || is_array($values)) {
             $items = $values;
         } else {
             $items = explode(',', $values);
             $items = str_replace('{comma}', ',', $items);
     if (is_array($source)) {
     $odd = 0;
     $options = '';
     if ($source == null) {
         $source = array();
         $options = "<tr><td>No options available</td></tr>";
     } else {
         $header = "<thead><tr><th>Checked?</th>";
         $footer = "<tfoot><tr><td>Checked?</td>";
         if (!empty($this->extra)) {
             foreach ($this->extra as $label => $type) {
                 $fieldLabel = FormField::name_to_label($label);
                 $header .= "<th>{$fieldLabel}</th>";
                 $footer .= "<td>{$fieldLabel}</td>";
         //add a column for drag&drop icon
         if ($this->tragable) {
             $header .= "<th></th>";
             $footer .= "<td></td>";
         $header .= "</tr></thead>";
         $footer .= "</tr></tfoot>";
         foreach ($source as $index => $item) {
             if (is_a($item, 'DataObject')) {
                 $key = $item->ID;
                 $value = $item->Title;
             } else {
                 $key = $index;
                 $value = $item;
             $odd = ($odd + 1) % 2;
             $extraClass = $odd ? 'odd' : 'even';
             $extraClass .= ' val' . str_replace(' ', '', $key);
             $itemID = $this->id() . '_' . ereg_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9]+', '', $key);
             $checked = '';
             if (isset($items)) {
                 $checked = in_array($key, $items) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
             $disabled = isset($this->cellDisabled[$key]) && in_array('Value', $this->cellDisabled[$key]) ? $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"' : '';
             $options .= "<tr class=\"{$extraClass}\">\n\t\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t<input id=\"{$itemID}\" name=\"{$this->name}[{$key}][Value]\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$key}\"{$checked} {$disabled} class=\"checkbox\" /> {$value}\n\t\t\t\t</td>";
             if (!empty($this->extraValue)) {
                 foreach ($this->extraValue as $label => $val) {
                     if ($val) {
                         $extraValue[$label] = Convert::json2array($val);
             if (!empty($this->extra)) {
                 foreach ($this->extra as $label => $fieldType) {
                     $value = "";
                     if (isset($extraValue[$label][$key])) {
                         $value = $extraValue[$label][$key];
                     $dbField = DBField::create($fieldType, $value, $this->name . "[" . $key . "][" . $label . "]");
                     $extraField = $dbField->scaffoldFormField($this->name . "[" . $key . "][" . $label . "]");
                     if (isset($this->cellDisabled[$key]) && in_array($label, $this->cellDisabled[$key])) {
                     $options .= "<td>" . $extraField->Field() . "</td>";
             $options .= "<td class=\"dragHandle\"></td>";
             $options .= "</tr>";
     return "<table id=\"{$this->id()}\" class=\"optionset checkboxsetwithextrafield{$this->extraClass()}\">" . $header . $footer . $options . "</table>\n";
  * Present translatable form fields in a more readable fashion
  * @see DataExtension::updateFieldLabels()
  * @inheritdoc
 public function updateFieldLabels(&$labels)
     $statics = self::$collectorCache[$this->ownerBaseClass];
     foreach ($statics as $field => $type) {
         $parts = explode(TRANSLATABLE_COLUMN_SEPARATOR, $field);
         $labels[$field] = FormField::name_to_label($parts[0]) . ' (' . $parts[1] . ')';
 public function getCMSFields()
     $this->beforeExtending('updateCMSFields', function ($fields) {
         // Disables the default firing of sent to customer flag
         // Status Field
         $allSuggestedStatuses = (array) $this->config()->status_list;
         $statusesWithIcons = $otherStatuses = [];
         // Check if readonly
         $editable = $this->canEdit();
         $simplified = !Permission::check('ADMIN') && $this->Automated && !in_array($this->Status, static::$DETAILED_STATUS);
         $dataFields = $fields->dataFields();
         if ($editable) {
             foreach ($allSuggestedStatuses as $status => $options) {
                 if (is_array($options) && !empty($options['icon'])) {
                     $statusesWithIcons[$status] = isset($options['title']) ? $options['icon'] . ' ' . $options['title'] : $options['icon'] . ' ' . $status;
                 } else {
                     if (is_array($options) && !empty($options['title'])) {
                         $otherStatuses[$status] = $options['title'];
                     } else {
                         $otherStatuses[$status] = $options;
             $otherStatuses = array_merge($otherStatuses, $this->get()->exclude('Status', array_merge(array_keys($allSuggestedStatuses)))->sort('Status', 'ASC')->map('Status', 'Status')->toArray());
             $statuses = ['Common Statuses' => $statusesWithIcons];
             if (!empty($otherStatuses)) {
                 $statuses['Other Status'] = $otherStatuses;
                 foreach ($statuses['Other Status'] as $status => $title) {
                     $statuses['Other Status'][$status] = FormField::name_to_label($title);
             $fields->insertBefore($statusField = Select2Field::create('Status', 'Status', '', $statuses)->setMinimumSearchLength(0)->setEmptyString('You can select from suggested statuses, or create a new status')->setAttribute('data-format-searching', _t('OrderLog.SEARCHING-Status', 'Loading statuses...')), 'Title');
             $statusField->requireSelection = false;
             if (!Permission::check('ADMIN')) {
                 $statusField->disabledOptions = $this->config()->disallowed_multiple_statuses;
             if ($this->exists() && !Permission::check('ADMIN') && ($this->Automated || $this->AuthorID != Member::currentUserID())) {
                 $statusField->setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
             } elseif ($editable) {
                 $statusField->setDescription(_t('OrderLog.DESC-Status', 'Note: {updated} is a special status. If there are more than {limit} logs for an order, it will automatically delete statuses classed as {updated}, so use with caution.', ['updated' => implode(', ', (array) static::$GENERIC_STATUS), 'limit' => $this->config()->max_records_per_order]));
             $statusField->allowHTML = true;
             $statusField->prefetch = true;
         } elseif (isset($dataFields['Status'])) {
             $fields->insertBefore('Title', $dataFields['Status']);
         if (isset($dataFields['Title']) && $editable) {
             $dataFields['Title']->setDescription(_t('OrderLog.DESC-Title', 'If not set, will automatically use the Status above'));
         } elseif (!$editable && $this->Title == $this->Status) {
         $lastField = 'Title';
         if (!$editable && !$this->Note) {
         } elseif ($editable && isset($dataFields['Note']) && $dataFields['Note'] instanceof TextareaField) {
             $lastField = 'Note';
         } else {
             $lastField = 'Note';
         $fieldSet = [];
         foreach (['Public', 'Unread'] as $field) {
             if (isset($dataFields[$field])) {
                 $fieldSet[$field] = $dataFields[$field];
         if (!empty($fieldSet)) {
             if (isset($fieldSet['Public'])) {
                 $fieldSet['Public']->setTitle($fieldSet['Public']->Title() . ' (' . _t('OrderLog.DESC-Public', 'If checked, user can view this log on the front-end when checking the status of their orders') . ')');
             if ($this->FirstRead) {
                 $fieldSet['FirstRead'] = DatetimeField::create('FirstRead');
             $fields->insertAfter(FieldGroup::create($fieldSet)->setTitle('Public Visibility')->setName('PublicFields')->addExtraClass('hero-unit stacked-items'), $lastField);
             $fieldSet = [];
             $lastField = 'PublicFields';
         foreach (['DispatchTicket', 'DispatchedBy', 'DispatchedOn'] as $field) {
             if (($simplified || !$editable) && !$this->{$field}) {
             if (isset($dataFields[$field])) {
                 $fieldSet[$field] = $dataFields[$field];
                 if ($fieldSet[$field] instanceof DateField) {
                     $fieldSet[$field]->setConfig('showcalendar', true);
                 if ($field == 'DispatchTicket') {
                     $fieldSet[$field]->setTitle(_t('OrderLog.TRACKING_ID', 'Tracking ID'));
                 } elseif ($field == 'DispatchedBy') {
                     $fieldSet[$field]->setTitle(_t('OrderLog.VIA', 'via'));
                 } elseif ($field == 'DispatchedOn') {
                     $fieldSet[$field]->setTitle(_t('OrderLog.ON', 'on'));
         if (!empty($fieldSet)) {
             $fields->insertAfter($dispatched = CompositeField::create(FieldGroup::create($fieldSet)->setTitle('Dispatched')->setName('DispatchedDetails'))->setName('Dispatched')->addExtraClass('hero-unit'), $lastField);
             if ($editable || $this->DispatchUri) {
                 $dispatched->push(TextField::create('DispatchUri', _t('OrderLog.DispatchUri', 'Tracking URL'))->setDescription(_t('OrderLog.DESC-DispatchUri', 'If none provided, will attempt to use the URL of the carrier')));
             $fieldSet = [];
             $lastField = 'Dispatched';
         } elseif (($simplified || !$editable) && !$this->DispatchUri) {
         foreach (['PaymentCode', 'PaymentOK'] as $field) {
             if (($simplified || !$editable) && !$this->{$field}) {
             if (isset($dataFields[$field])) {
                 $fieldSet[$field] = $dataFields[$field];
                 if ($field == 'PaymentCode') {
                     $fieldSet[$field]->setTitle(_t('OrderLog.CODE', 'Code'));
         if (!empty($fieldSet)) {
             $fields->insertAfter(FieldGroup::create($fieldSet)->setTitle('Payment')->setName('Payment')->addExtraClass('hero-unit'), $lastField);
             $fieldSet = [];
         // Email Fields
         if (($simplified || !$editable) && !$this->Sent) {
         $fields->addFieldsToTab('Root', [Tab::create('Email', _t('OrderLog.EMAIL', 'Email'))]);
         $emailFields = ['Send_To' => TextField::create('Send_To', _t('OrderLog.Send_To', 'Send to')), 'Send_From' => TextField::create('Send_From', _t('OrderLog.Send_From', 'From')), 'Send_Subject' => TextField::create('Send_Subject', _t('OrderLog.Send_Subject', 'Subject'))->setAttribute('placeholder', _t('Order.RECEIPT_SUBJECT', 'Web Order - {reference}', ['reference' => $this->Order()->Reference])), 'Send_HideOrder' => CheckboxField::create('Send_HideOrder', _t('OrderLog.Send_HideOrder', 'Hide order from email')), 'Send_Body' => HTMLEditorField::create('Send_Body', _t('OrderLog.Send_Body', 'Body'))->setRows(2)->addExtraClass('limited limited-with-source limited-with-links')->setDescription(_t('OrderLog.DESC-Send_Body', 'If no body is provided, will use the log notes (as seen below)')), 'EmailPreview' => DataObjectPreviewField::create(get_class($this) . '_EmailPreview', new Preview($this), new DataObjectPreviewer(new Preview($this)))];
         if ($this->Sent || !$editable) {
             $readOnlyEmailFields = [];
             foreach ($emailFields as $emailField) {
                 if ($emailField->Name != 'Send_Body' && !$emailField instanceof DataObjectPreviewField) {
                     $readOnlyEmailFields[] = $emailField->performReadonlyTransformation();
                 } elseif ($emailField instanceof DataObjectPreviewField) {
                     $readOnlyEmailFields[] = $emailField;
             $fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.Email', array_merge([ReadonlyField::create('READONLY_Sent', _t('OrderLog.Sent', 'Sent'), $this->obj('Sent')->Nice())], $readOnlyEmailFields));
         } else {
             $fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.Email', [$selectionGroup = TabbedSelectionGroup::create('Send', [SelectionGroup_Item::create(0, CompositeField::create(), _t('OrderLog.Send-NO', 'No')), SelectionGroup_Item::create(1, CompositeField::create($emailFields), _t('OrderLog.Send-YES', 'Yes'))])->addExtraClass('selectionGroup--minor')->showAsDropdown(true)->setTitle(_t('OrderLog.Send', 'Send as an email?'))]);
     return parent::getCMSFields();
 public function RenderForm()
     if ($form_fields = $this->FormFields()) {
         $fields = new FieldList();
         if ($form_error = Session::get('FormError')) {
             Session::set('FormError', false);
             $fields->push(new LiteralField('form_error', '<p class="form-error">' . $form_error . '</p>'));
         $validator = new RequiredFields();
         $utils = new FormUtilities();
         $fieldGroups = array();
         foreach ($form_fields as $FieldName => $data) {
             if ($data['Value'] && is_string($data['Value'])) {
                 $method_home = method_exists($this, $data['Value']) ? $this : (method_exists($utils, $data['Value']) ? $utils : false);
                 $data['Value'] = $method_home ? $method_home->{$data}['Value']() : $data['Value'];
             $Label = $data['Group'] ? '' : ($data['Label'] ? $data['Label'] : FormField::name_to_label($FieldName));
             $field = new $data['FieldType']($FieldName, $Label, $data['Value'] ? $data['Value'] : null, $data['Default'] ? $data['Default'] : null);
             if ($data['ExtraClass']) {
             if ($data['Config'] && is_array($data['Config'])) {
                 foreach ($data['Config'] as $key => $value) {
                     $field->setConfig($key, $value);
             if ($data['Required']) {
             if ($data['Group']) {
                 if (!isset(${$data['Group']})) {
                     ${$data['Group']} = new FieldGroup($data['Group']);
                     ${$data['Group']}->FieldCount = 0;
                     $fieldGroups[] = ${$data['Group']};
                 $field->setRightTitle($data['Label'] ? $data['Label'] : FormField::name_to_label($FieldName));
             } else {
         // update the class on the field groups to properly display the grouped fields horizontally
         foreach ($fieldGroups as $fieldGroup) {
             $fieldGroup->addExtraClass('stacked col' . $fieldGroup->FieldCount);
         $submitText = "Submit";
         if ($config = $this->FormConfig()) {
             $submitText = $config['submitText'] ? $config['submitText'] : $submitText;
         $actions = new FieldList(new FormAction('SubmitForm', $submitText));
         $form = new Form($this, 'RenderForm', $fields, $actions, $validator);
         if ($defaults = Session::get("FormInfo.Form_RenderForm.data")) {
             Session::set("FormInfo.Form_RenderForm.data", false);
         return $form;
     return false;
Example #21
  * Get a human-readable label for a single field,
  * see {@link fieldLabels()} for more details.
  * @uses fieldLabels()
  * @uses FormField::name_to_label()
  * @param string $name Name of the field
  * @return string Label of the field
 public function fieldLabel($name)
     $labels = $this->fieldLabels();
     return isset($labels[$name]) ? $labels[$name] : FormField::name_to_label($name);
  * @return FieldSet
 public function getCMSFields()
     $fields = parent::getCMSFields();
     /* @var FieldSet $fields */
     $fields->replaceField('Content', new HtmlEditorField('Content', _t('ListingPage.CONTENT', 'Content (enter $Listing to display the listing)')));
     $templates = DataObject::get('ListingTemplate');
     if ($templates) {
         $templates = $templates->map();
     } else {
         $templates = array();
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.ListingSettings', new DropdownField('ListingTemplateID', _t('ListingPage.CONTENT_TEMPLATE', 'Listing Template'), $templates));
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.ListingSettings', new NumericField('PerPage', _t('ListingPage.PER_PAGE', 'Items Per Page')));
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.ListingSettings', new DropdownField('SortDir', _t('ListingPage.SORT_DIR', 'Sort Direction'), $this->dbObject('SortDir')->enumValues()));
     $listType = $this->ListType ? $this->ListType : 'Page';
     $objFields = $this->getSelectableFields($listType);
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.ListingSettings', new DropdownField('SortBy', _t('ListingPage.SORT_BY', 'Sort By'), $objFields));
     // $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Content.Main', new TextField('CustomSort', _t('ListingPage.CUSTOM_SORT', 'Custom sort field')));
     $types = ClassInfo::subclassesFor('DataObject');
     $source = array_combine($types, $types);
     $optionsetField = new DropdownField('ListType', _t('ListingPage.PAGE_TYPE', 'List items of type'), $source, 'Any');
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.ListingSettings', $optionsetField);
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.ListingSettings', new CheckboxField('StrictType', _t('ListingPage.STRICT_TYPE', 'List JUST this type, not descendents')));
     $sourceType = $this->effectiveSourceType();
     $parentType = $this->parentType($sourceType);
     if ($sourceType && $parentType) {
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.ListingSettings', new DropdownField('Depth', _t('ListingPage.DEPTH', 'Depth'), array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5)));
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.ListingSettings', new TreeDropdownField('ListingSourceID', _t('ListingPage.LISTING_SOURCE', 'Source of content for listing'), $parentType));
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.ListingSettings', new CheckboxField('ClearSource', _t('ListingPage.CLEAR_SOURCE', 'Clear listing source value')));
     $contentTypes = array('' => 'In Theme', 'text/html; charset=utf-8' => 'HTML Fragment', 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' => 'XML', 'application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8' => 'RSS (xml)', 'application/rdf+xml; charset=utf-8' => 'RDF (xml)', 'application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8' => 'ATOM (xml)');
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.ListingSettings', new DropdownField('ContentType', _t('ListingPage.CONTENT_TYPE', 'Content Type'), $contentTypes));
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.ListingSettings', new TextField('CustomContentType', _t('ListingPage.CUSTOM_CONTENT_TYPE', 'Custom Content Type')));
     if ($this->ListType) {
         $componentsManyMany = singleton($this->ListType)->config()->many_many;
         if (!is_array($componentsManyMany)) {
             $componentsManyMany = array();
         $componentNames = array();
         foreach ($componentsManyMany as $componentName => $className) {
             $componentNames[$componentName] = FormField::name_to_label($componentName) . ' (' . $className . ')';
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.ListingSettings', DropdownField::create('ComponentFilterName', _t('ListingPage.RELATION_COMPONENT_NAME', 'Filter by Relation'), $componentNames)->setEmptyString('(Select)')->setRightTitle('Will cause this page to list items based on the last URL part. (ie. ' . $this->AbsoluteLink() . '{$componentFieldName})'));
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.ListingSettings', $componentColumnField = DropdownField::create('ComponentFilterColumn', 'Filter by Relation Field')->setEmptyString('(Must select a relation and save)'));
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.ListingSettings', $componentListingField = DropdownField::create('ComponentListingTemplateID', _t('ListingPage.COMPONENT_CONTENT_TEMPLATE', 'Relation Listing Template'))->setEmptyString('(Must select a relation and save)'));
         if ($this->ComponentFilterName) {
             $componentClass = isset($componentsManyMany[$this->ComponentFilterName]) ? $componentsManyMany[$this->ComponentFilterName] : '';
             if ($componentClass) {
                 $componentFields = array();
                 foreach ($this->getSelectableFields($componentClass) as $columnName => $type) {
                     $componentFields[$columnName] = $columnName;
                 if (class_exists('KeyValueField')) {
                     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.ListingSettings', KeyValueField::create('ComponentFilterWhere', 'Constrain Relation By', $componentFields)->setRightTitle("Filter '{$this->ComponentFilterName}' with these properties."));
     return $fields;