Example #1
    protected function initAttachments($feedAutoId, Form $form)
        $attachmentInputId = $form->getElement('attachment')->getId();
        $attachmentId = 'nfa-' . $feedAutoId;
        $inputId = $form->getElement('status')->getId();
        $js = 'OWLinkObserver.observeInput("' . $inputId . '", function(link){
            var ac = $("#attachment_preview_' . $attachmentId . '");
            ac.show().html("<div class=\\"ow_preloader\\" style=\\"height: 30px;\\"></div>");

            this.requestResult(function( r )

            this.onResult = function( r )
                $("#' . $attachmentInputId . '").val(JSON.stringify(r));

        $this->assign('uniqId', $attachmentId);
        $attachment = new BASE_CLASS_Attachment($attachmentId);
        $this->addComponent('attachment', $attachment);
        $js = 'owForms[{$form}].bind("success", function(data){
                    OW.trigger("base.init_attachment", {$uniqId});
                    OWLinkObserver.getObserver("' . $inputId . '").resetObserver();
                owForms[{$form}].reset = false;
                        if( data.uid == {$uniqId} ){

                        if( data.uid == {$uniqId} ){
                            OWLinkObserver.getObserver("' . $inputId . '").resetObserver();
        $js = UTIL_JsGenerator::composeJsString($js, array('form' => $form->getName(), 'uniqId' => $attachmentId));
Example #2
 function testShouldListPossibleParents()
     $mapper = new DataMapper($this->db);
     $parent1_id = $mapper->save(array('name' => 'Parent 1'));
     $mapper = new DataMapper($this->db);
     $parent2_id = $mapper->save(array('name' => 'Parent 1a', 'paths' => array($parent1_id)));
     $form = new Form($mapper);
     $expected = array($parent1_id => 'Parent 1', $parent1_id . '/' . $parent2_id => 'Parent 1a');
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $form->getElement('paths')->getMultiOptions());
Example #3
 function testShouldListPossibleCategories()
     $mapper = new \Metator\Category\DataMapper($this->db);
     $parent1_id = $mapper->save(array('name' => 'Parent 1'));
     $mapper = new \Metator\Category\DataMapper($this->db);
     $parent2_id = $mapper->save(array('name' => 'Parent 2', 'paths' => array($parent1_id)));
     $mapper = new \Metator\Category\DataMapper($this->db);
     $parent3_id = $mapper->save(array('name' => 'Parent 3', 'paths' => array($parent1_id . '/' . $parent2_id)));
     $form = new Form($mapper);
     $expected = array($parent1_id => 'Parent 1', $parent2_id => '-Parent 2', $parent3_id => '--Parent 3');
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $form->getElement('categories')->getMultiOptions());
Example #4
 public static function setLabels(Form $form, array $questions)
     foreach ($questions as $question) {
         if (!empty($question['required'])) {
             /* @var $element FormElement */
             $element = $form->getElement($question['name']);
             if (empty($element)) {
             $label = $element->getLabel();
             $label .= '<span class="owm_required_star">*<span>';
             if ($question['name'] == 'password') {
                 $element = $form->getElement('repeatPassword');
                 $label = $element->getLabel();
                 $label .= '<span class="owm_required_star">*<span>';
Example #5
 public function __construct($entityType, $entityId, $displayType, $pluginKey, $ownerId, $commentCountOnPage, $id, $cmpContextId, $formName)
     $language = OW::getLanguage();
     //comment form init
     $form = new Form($formName);
     $textArea = new Textarea('commentText');
     $entityTypeField = new HiddenField('entityType');
     $entityIdField = new HiddenField('entityId');
     $displayTypeField = new HiddenField('displayType');
     $pluginKeyField = new HiddenField('pluginKey');
     $ownerIdField = new HiddenField('ownerId');
     $attch = new HiddenField('attch');
     $cid = new HiddenField('cid');
     $commentsOnPageField = new HiddenField('commentCountOnPage');
     $submit = new Submit('comment-submit');
     $submit->setValue($language->text('base', 'comment_add_submit_label'));
     $form->setAction(OW::getRouter()->urlFor('BASE_CTRL_Comments', 'addComment'));
     $form->bindJsFunction(Form::BIND_SUBMIT, "function(){ \$('#comments-" . $id . " .comments-preloader').show();}");
     $form->bindJsFunction(Form::BIND_SUCCESS, "function(){ \$('#comments-" . $id . " .comments-preloader').hide();}");
     if (BOL_TextFormatService::getInstance()->isCommentsRichMediaAllowed()) {
         $attachmentCmp = new BASE_CLASS_Attachment($id);
         $this->addComponent('attachment', $attachmentCmp);
     OW::getDocument()->addOnloadScript("owCommentCmps['{$id}'].initForm('" . $form->getElement('commentText')->getId() . "', '" . $form->getElement('attch')->getId() . "');");
     $this->assign('form', true);
     $this->assign('id', $id);
     if (OW::getUser()->isAuthenticated()) {
         $currentUserInfo = BOL_AvatarService::getInstance()->getDataForUserAvatars(array(OW::getUser()->getId()));
         $this->assign('currentUserInfo', $currentUserInfo[OW::getUser()->getId()]);
 public static function SaveWidgetHandler(Form $form)
     $id = $form->getElement('id')->get('value');
     // ID can be null, that just means it's a new widget!
     if (!$id) {
         // Generate an id!
         $id = Core::GenerateUUID();
     $model = new WidgetModel('/gallery/view/' . $id);
     $model->set('editurl', '/gallerywidget/update/' . $id);
     $model->set('deleteurl', '/gallerywidget/delete/' . $id);
     $model->set('title', $form->getElement('title')->get('value'));
     $model->setSetting('album', $form->getElement('album')->get('value'));
     $model->setSetting('count', $form->getElement('count')->get('value'));
     $model->setSetting('order', $form->getElement('order')->get('value'));
     $model->setSetting('dimensions', $form->getElement('dimensions')->get('value'));
     $model->setSetting('uselightbox', $form->getElement('uselightbox')->get('value'));
     return 'back';
Example #7
  * Get the form for article creation and updating.
  * @param BlogArticleModel $article
  * @return Form
 public static function GetArticleForm(BlogArticleModel $article)
     $page = $article->getLink('Page');
     $blog = $article->getLink('Blog');
     $page->set('parenturl', $blog->get('baseurl'));
     $form = new Form();
     $form->set('callsmethod', 'BlogHelper::BlogArticleFormHandler');
     $form->addModel($page, 'page');
     $form->addModel($article, 'model');
     if (Core::IsComponentAvailable('facebook') && Core::IsLibraryAvailable('jquery')) {
         // Is this article already posted?
         if ($article->get('fb_post_id')) {
             $form->addElement('select', ['disabled' => true, 'title' => 'Post to Facebook', 'options' => ['' => 'Posted!'], 'group' => 'Publish Settings']);
         } else {
             $form->addElement('select', ['class' => 'facebook-post-to-select', 'title' => 'Post to Facebook', 'name' => 'facebook_post', 'options' => ['' => '-- Please enable javascript --'], 'group' => 'Publish Settings']);
     // Lock in some elements for this blog article page.
     $form->getElement('page[parenturl]')->setFromArray(array('value' => $blog->get('baseurl'), 'readonly' => 'readonly'));
     // And remove a few other elements.
     return $form;
Example #8
	public static function UpdateHandler(\Form $form){

		/** @var \UserModel $user */
		$user        = $form->getElement('user')->get('value');
		$userid      = $user->get('id');
		$usermanager = \Core\user()->checkAccess('p:/user/users/manage');

		// Only allow this if the user is either the same user or has the user manage permission.
		if(!($userid == \Core\user()->get('id') || $usermanager)){
			return false;

			return false;

		$userisactive = $user->get('active');


		if($userisactive == 1 && $user->get('active') == 0){
			// User was set from active to inactive.
			// Instead of setting to a new account, set to deactivated.
			$user->set('active', '-1');
		elseif($userisactive == -1 && $user->get('active') == 0){
			// User was deactivated before, reset back to that.
			// This is because the active form element is simply an on/off checkbox.
			$user->set('active', '-1');


		if($userisactive == 0 && $user->get('active') == 1){
			// If the user wasn't active before, but is now....
			// Send an activation notice email to the user.
				$email = new \Email();
				$email->templatename = 'emails/user/activation.tpl';
				$email->assign('user', $user);
				$email->assign('sitename', SITENAME);
				$email->assign('rooturl', ROOT_URL);
				$email->assign('loginurl', \Core\resolve_link('/user/login'));
				$email->setSubject('Welcome to ' . SITENAME);

				// TESTING
			catch(\Exception $e){

		// If this was the current user, update the session data too!
		if($user->get('id') == \core\user()->get('id')){

			if(\ConfigHandler::Get('/user/profileedits/requireapproval') && \Core::IsComponentAvailable('model-audit')){

		return true;
    protected function initAttachments($feedAutoId, Form $form)
        $attachmentInputId = $form->getElement('attachment')->getId();
        $attachmentId = uniqid('nfa-' . $feedAutoId);
        $attachmentBtnId = $attachmentId . "-btn";
        $inputId = $form->getElement('status')->getId();
        $js = 'OWLinkObserver.observeInput("' . $inputId . '", function(link){
            var ac = $("#attachment_preview_' . $attachmentId . '-oembed");
            if ( ac.data("sleep") ) return;

            ac.show().html("<div class=\\"ow_preloader\\" style=\\"height: 30px;\\"></div>");

            this.requestResult(function( r )

            this.onResult = function( r )
                $("#' . $attachmentInputId . '").val(JSON.stringify(r));

        $this->assign('uniqId', $attachmentId);
        $attachment = new BASE_CLASS_Attachment("newsfeed", $attachmentId, $attachmentBtnId);
        $this->addComponent('attachment', $attachment);
        $js = 'var attUid = {$uniqId}, uidUniq = 0; owForms[{$form}].bind("success", function(data){
                    OW.trigger("base.photo_attachment_reset", {pluginKey:"newsfeed", uid:attUid});
                    OWLinkObserver.getObserver("' . $inputId . '").resetObserver();
                    $("#attachment_preview_" + {$uniqId} + "-oembed").data("sleep", false).empty();
                    var attOldUid = attUid;
                    attUid = {$uniqId} + (uidUniq++);
                    OW.trigger("base.photo_attachment_uid_update", {
                        uid: attOldUid,
                        newUid: attUid
                owForms[{$form}].reset = false;
                        if( data.uid == attUid ) {
                            $("#attachment_preview_" + {$uniqId} + "-oembed").hide().empty();
                            $("#attachment_preview_" + {$uniqId} + "-oembed").data("sleep", true);

                        if( data.uid == attUid ) {
                            $("#" + {$uniqId} + "-btn-cont").hide();
                        if( data.uid == attUid ) {
                            $("#" + {$uniqId} + "-btn-cont").show();

                        if( data.uid == attUid ) {
                            data.type = "photo";

                        if( data.uid == attUid ){
                            $("#attachment_preview_" + {$uniqId} + "-oembed").data("sleep", false).empty();
                            OWLinkObserver.getObserver("' . $inputId . '").resetObserver();
        $js = UTIL_JsGenerator::composeJsString($js, array('form' => $form->getName(), 'uniqId' => $attachmentId));
	public static function _UploadHandler(Form $form) {
		$localfile = \Core\Filestore\Factory::File($form->getElement('upload')->get('value'));
		$localobj = $localfile->getContentsObject();
		if(!$localobj instanceof Core\Filestore\Contents\ContentTGZ){
			\Core\set_message('Invalid file uploaded', 'error');
			return false;
		$tmpdir = $localobj->extract('tmp/installer-' . Core::RandomHex(4));
		// There should now be a package.xml metafile inside that temporary directory.
		// Parse it to get the necessary information for this package.
		$metafile = \Core\Filestore\Factory::File($tmpdir->getPath() . 'package.xml');
			\Core\set_message('Invalid package, package does not contain a "package.xml" file.');
			return false;
		$pkg     = new PackageXML($metafile->getFilename());
		$key     = str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower($pkg->getName()));
		$name    = $pkg->getName();
		$type    = $pkg->getType();
		$version = $pkg->getVersion();
		// Validate the contents of the package.
			$type == 'component' ||
			$type == 'theme' ||
			$type == 'core'
			\Core\set_message('Invalid package, package does not appear to be a valid Core package.');
			return false;

		// Now that the data is extracted in a temporary directory, extract every file in the destination.
		/** @var $datadir \Core\Filestore\Directory */
		$datadir = $tmpdir->get('data/');
			\Core\set_message('Invalid package, package does not contain a "data" directory.');
			return false;
		if($type == 'component'){
			$destdir = ROOT_PDIR . 'components/' . $key . '/';
		elseif($type == 'theme'){
			$destdir = ROOT_PDIR . 'themes/' . $key . '/';
			$destdir = ROOT_PDIR . '/';

			// Will give me an array of Files in the data directory.
			$files = $datadir->ls(null, true);
			// Used to get the relative path for each contained file.
			$datalen = strlen($datadir->getPath());
			foreach($files as $file){
				if(!$file instanceof \Core\Filestore\Backends\FileLocal) continue;

				// It's a file, copy it over.
				// To do so, resolve the directory path inside the temp data dir.
				$dest = \Core\Filestore\Factory::File($destdir . substr($file->getFilename(), $datalen));
				/** @var $dest \Core\Filestore\Backends\FileLocal */
				$dest->copyFrom($file, true);
		catch(Exception $e){
			// OH NOES!
			\Core\set_message($e->getMessage(), 'error');
			return false;
		// Cleanup everything

		// Clear the cache so the next pageload will pick up on the new components and goodies.
		// Print a nice message to the user that it completed.
		\Core\set_message('Successfully installed ' . $name . ' ' . $version, 'success');
		return '/updater';
	public static function _UpdateFormHandler(Form $form){

			/** @var UserGroupModel $model */
			$model = $form->getModel();

				// hehe... this is kind of a hack that works.
				// it's a hack because "getElement" returns only 1 element, but it works
				// because all those elements share the same POST name.
				// As such, the value from all permission[] checkboxes actually get transposed to all
				// form elements with that same base name.

			if($model->get('context') != ''){
				// Non-global context groups can never be default!
				$model->set('default', 0);

		catch(ModelValidationException $e){
			\Core\set_message($e->getMessage(), 'error');
			return false;
		catch(Exception $e){
			\Core\set_message($e->getMessage(), 'error');
			return false;

		return '/usergroupadmin';
	 * Form Handler for logging in.
	 * @static
	 * @param \Form $form
	 * @return bool|null|string
	public static function LoginHandler(\Form $form){
		/** @var \FormElement $e */
		$e = $form->getElement('email');
		/** @var \FormElement $p */
		$p = $form->getElement('pass');

		/** @var \UserModel $u */
		$u = \UserModel::Find(array('email' => $e->get('value')), 1);

			// Log this as a login attempt!
			$logmsg = 'Failed Login. Email not registered' . "\n" . 'Email: ' . $e->get('value') . "\n";
			\SystemLogModel::LogSecurityEvent('/user/login', $logmsg);
			return false;

		if($u->get('active') == 0){
			// The model provides a quick cut-off for active/inactive users.
			// This is the control managed with in the admin.
			$logmsg = 'Failed Login. User tried to login before account activation' . "\n" . 'User: '******'email') . "\n";
			\SystemLogModel::LogSecurityEvent('/user/login', $logmsg, null, $u->get('id'));
			return false;
		elseif($u->get('active') == -1){
			// The model provides a quick cut-off for active/inactive users.
			// This is the control managed with in the admin.
			$logmsg = 'Failed Login. User tried to login after account deactivation.' . "\n" . 'User: '******'email') . "\n";
			\SystemLogModel::LogSecurityEvent('/user/login', $logmsg, null, $u->get('id'));
			return false;

			/** @var \Core\User\AuthDrivers\datastore $auth */
			$auth = $u->getAuthDriver('datastore');
		catch(Exception $e){
			return false;

		// This is a special case if the password isn't set yet.
		// It can happen with imported users or if a password is invalidated.
		if($u->get('password') == ''){
			// Use the Nonce system to generate a one-time key with this user's data.
			$nonce = \NonceModel::Generate(
				'20 minutes',
				['type' => 'password-reset', 'user' => $u->get('id')]

			$link = '/datastoreauth/forgotpassword?e=' . urlencode($u->get('email')) . '&n=' . $nonce;

			$email = new \Email();
			$email->setSubject('Initial Password Request');
			$email->assign('link', \Core\resolve_link($link));
			$email->assign('ip', REMOTE_IP);
			$email->templatename = 'emails/user/initialpassword.tpl';
				\SystemLogModel::LogSecurityEvent('/user/initialpassword/send', 'Initial password request sent successfully', null, $u->get('id'));

				return true;
			catch(\Exception $e){
				return false;


			// Log this as a login attempt!
			$logmsg = 'Failed Login. Invalid password' . "\n" . 'Email: ' . $e->get('value') . "\n";
			\SystemLogModel::LogSecurityEvent('/user/login/failed_password', $logmsg, null, $u->get('id'));

			// Also, I want to look up and see how many login attempts there have been in the past couple minutes.
			// If there are too many, I need to start slowing the attempts.
			$time = new \CoreDateTime();
			$time->modify('-5 minutes');

			$securityfactory = new \ModelFactory('SystemLogModel');
			$securityfactory->where('code = /user/login/failed_password');
			$securityfactory->where('datetime > ' . $time->getFormatted(\Time::FORMAT_EPOCH, \Time::TIMEZONE_GMT));
			$securityfactory->where('ip_addr = ' . REMOTE_IP);

			$attempts = $securityfactory->count();
			if($attempts > 4){
				// Start slowing down the response.  This should help deter brute force attempts.
				// (x+((x-7)/4)^3)-4
				sleep( ($attempts+(($attempts-7)/4)^3)-4 );
				// This makes a nice little curve with the following delays:
				// 5th  attempt: 0.85
				// 6th  attempt: 2.05
				// 7th  attempt: 3.02
				// 8th  attempt: 4.05
				// 9th  attempt: 5.15
				// 10th attempt: 6.52
				// 11th attempt: 8.10
				// 12th attempt: 10.05

			$p->set('value', '');
			return false;

			// The page was set via client-side javascript on the login page.
			// This is the most reliable option.
			$url = $form->getElementValue('redirect');
		elseif(REL_REQUEST_PATH == '/user/login'){
			// If the user came from the registration page, get the page before that.
			$url = $form->referrer;
			// else the registration link is now on the same page as the 403 handler.

		// Well, record this too!
		\SystemLogModel::LogSecurityEvent('/user/login', 'Login successful (via password)', null, $u->get('id'));

		// yay...
		$u->set('last_login', \CoreDateTime::Now('U', \Time::TIMEZONE_GMT));

		// Allow an external script to override the redirecting URL.
		$overrideurl = \HookHandler::DispatchHook('/user/postlogin/getredirecturl');
			$url = $overrideurl;

		return $url;
Example #13
 public function google($params)
     $this->addComponent('menu', new CONTACTIMPORTER_CMP_AdminTabs());
     $clientId = OW::getConfig()->getValue('contactimporter', 'google_client_id');
     $clientSecret = OW::getConfig()->getValue('contactimporter', 'google_client_secret');
     $form = new Form('google_settings');
     $element = new TextField('clientId');
     $element->setLabel(OW::getLanguage()->text('contactimporter', 'google_client_id'));
     $element = new TextField('clientSecret');
     $element->setLabel(OW::getLanguage()->text('contactimporter', 'google_client_secret'));
     $element = new Submit('save');
     $element->setValue(OW::getLanguage()->text('contactimporter', 'save_btn_label'));
     if (OW::getRequest()->isPost() && $form->isValid($_POST)) {
         OW::getConfig()->saveConfig('contactimporter', 'google_client_id', trim($form->getElement('clientId')->getValue()));
         OW::getConfig()->saveConfig('contactimporter', 'google_client_secret', trim($form->getElement('clientSecret')->getValue()));
         OW::getFeedback()->info(OW::getLanguage()->text('contactimporter', 'admin_settings_updated'));
     $manualUrl = 'http://docs.oxwall.org/plugin-tuts:contact-importer#google';
     if (defined('OW_PLUGIN_XP')) {
         $manualUrl = 'http://docs.wall.fm/faq:site_configuration:contact_importer_setup#google_application_configuration';
     $this->assign('manualUrl', $manualUrl);
Example #14
  * Update an existing blog page
 public function update()
     if (!$this->setAccess('p:/blog/manage_all')) {
         return View::ERROR_ACCESSDENIED;
     $view = $this->getView();
     $request = $this->getPageRequest();
     $blog = new BlogModel($request->getParameter(0));
     if (!$blog->exists()) {
         return View::ERROR_NOTFOUND;
     $form = new Form();
     $form->set('callsmethod', 'BlogHelper::BlogFormHandler');
     $form->addModel($blog->getLink('Page'), 'page');
     $form->addModel($blog, 'model');
     $form->addElement('submit', array('value' => 'Update'));
     // Some elements of the form need to be readonly.
     $form->getElement('model[type]')->set('disabled', true);
     $view->addBreadcrumb($blog->get('title'), $blog->get('rewriteurl'));
     $view->mastertemplate = 'admin';
     $view->title = 'Update Blog Listing';
     $view->assignVariable('form', $form);
Example #15
 function getElement($short_name, $obligatory = true)
     if ($short_name == 'Save') {
     return parent::getElement($short_name, $obligatory);
  * Add or edit an existing directory.
  * @return int
 public function update()
     $view = $this->getView();
     $request = $this->getPageRequest();
     if (!$this->setAccess('p:/content/manage_all')) {
         return View::ERROR_ACCESSDENIED;
     $info = $this->_resolveInfoFromURL();
     if ($info['status'] !== 200) {
         return $info['status'];
     /** @var \Core\Filestore\File $file */
     $file = $info['file'];
     /** @var PageModel $page */
     $page = $info['page'];
     $contents = $file->getContents();
     // Convert these contents from markdown to HTML.
     $processor = new \Core\MarkdownProcessor();
     $html = $processor->transform($contents);
     // Pre-populate this page with information from the rendered markdown document.
     // If this page exists, then it'll be updated and kept in sync.
     // Else, it'll still be set with what's in the document and kept in sync.
     $page->set('title', $processor->getMeta('title'));
     $page->set('body', $html);
     if (!$page->exists()) {
         $page->set('baseurl', '/markdownbrowser/view' . $info['url']);
         $page->set('rewriteurl', '/markdownbrowser/view' . $info['url']);
         $page->set('editurl', '/markdownbrowser/update' . $info['url']);
         $page->set('component', 'markdown-browser');
         $page->set('selectable', 1);
         $page->set('published', $file->getMTime());
         $page->set('updated', $file->getMTime());
         $page->set('created', $file->getMTime());
     $form = new Form();
     $form->set('callsmethod', 'MarkdownBrowserController::_SaveHandler');
     $form->addModel($page, 'page');
     // Many of these elements are readonly!
     $form->getElement('page[title]')->set('readonly', true);
     // Tack on a submit button
     $form->addElement('submit', ['value' => $page->exists() ? t('STRING_UPDATE') : t('STRING_REGISTER_PAGE')]);
     // Give some useful instructions on why everything on this page is disabled!
     $view->templatename = '/pages/markdownbrowser/update.tpl';
     //$view->addBreadcrumb('Markdown Directory Listings', '/markdownbrowser');
     $view->title = ($page->exists() ? t('STRING_UPDATE') : t('STRING_REGISTER_PAGE')) . ' ' . $info['relative_file'];
     $view->assignVariable('page', $page);
     $view->assignVariable('form', $form);
  * Save the site password.
  * @param Form $form
  * @return bool
 public static function SitePasswordSave(Form $form)
     $pass = $form->getElement('config[/security/site_password]')->get('value');
     \ConfigHandler::Set('/security/site_password', $pass);
     return true;
  * Save handler for the form_metadata page.
  * @param Form $form
 public static function FileMetadataSaveHandler(Form $form)
     $filename = $form->getElement('file')->get('value');
     $file = \Core\Filestore\Factory::File($filename);
     $helper = new \Core\Filestore\FileMetaHelper($file);
     // Run through each element and save its metadata to the table.
     foreach ($form->getElements() as $el) {
         /** @var $el FormElement */
         $name = $el->get('name');
         if ($name == 'file') {
         if ($name == '___formid') {
         if ($name == 'submit') {
         $helper->setMeta($name, $el->get('value'));
     return true;
	public static function _CreateUpdateHandler(Form $form){
		$baseurl = $form->getElement('baseurl')->get('value');

		$model = new WidgetModel($baseurl);
		$model->set('editurl', '/admin/widget/update?baseurl=' . $baseurl);
		$model->set('deleteurl', '/admin/widget/delete?baseurl=' . $baseurl);
		$model->set('title', $form->getElement('title')->get('value'));

		$elements = $form->getElements();
		foreach($elements as $el){
			/** @var FormElement $el */
			if(strpos($el->get('name'), 'setting[') === 0){
				$name = substr($el->get('name'), 8, -1);
				$model->setSetting($name, $el->get('value'));

		return 'back';

require_once '../defaults.php';
require_once 'class/LoginUser.class.php';
$formelements = array("username" => array('required' => true, 'label' => 'Username or Email'), "password" => array('required' => true));
$form = new Form($formelements);
$status = "";
if (isset($_REQUEST['status'])) {
    $status = $_REQUEST["status"];
if ($form->valid()) {
    // Basic form validation
    $username = $form->getElement("username");
    $unvalue = $username->value;
    $unmatches = db_get("SELECT 1 FROM login_user WHERE upper(username) = upper('{$unvalue}')", 'column');
    $emailmatches = db_get("SELECT 1 FROM login_user WHERE upper(email) = upper('{$unvalue}')", 'column');
    if (!empty($unmatches[1])) {
        $field = 'username';
    } else {
        if (!empty($emailmatches[1])) {
            $field = 'email';
        } else {
            $form->errors[] = "No user found with username or email <strong>" . $unvalue . "</strong>";
            $form->valid = false;
    if (isset($field)) {
        $userrow = db_get("SELECT * FROM login_user WHERE upper({$field}) = upper('{$unvalue}')", 'row');
        $passhashvalue = $userrow[0]['PASS'];
        $bcrypt = new Bcrypt(15);
        $isGood = $bcrypt->verify($_REQUEST['password'], $passhashvalue);
Example #21
 public function __construct($entityType, $entityId, $displayType, $pluginKey, $ownerId, $commentCountOnPage, $id, $cmpContextId, $formName)
     $language = OW::getLanguage();
     //comment form init
     $form = new Form($formName);
     $textArea = new Textarea('commentText');
     $entityTypeField = new HiddenField('entityType');
     $entityIdField = new HiddenField('entityId');
     $displayTypeField = new HiddenField('displayType');
     $pluginKeyField = new HiddenField('pluginKey');
     $ownerIdField = new HiddenField('ownerId');
     $attch = new HiddenField('attch');
     $cid = new HiddenField('cid');
     $commentsOnPageField = new HiddenField('commentCountOnPage');
     $submit = new Submit('comment-submit');
     $submit->setValue($language->text('base', 'comment_add_submit_label'));
     $form->setAction(OW::getRouter()->urlFor('BASE_CTRL_Comments', 'addComment'));
     $form->bindJsFunction(Form::BIND_SUBMIT, "function(){ \$('#comments-" . $id . " .comments-preloader').show();}");
     $form->bindJsFunction(Form::BIND_SUCCESS, "function(){ \$('#comments-" . $id . " .comments-preloader').hide();}");
     $attachmentsId = null;
     if (BOL_TextFormatService::getInstance()->isCommentsRichMediaAllowed()) {
         $attachmentsId = $this->initAttachments();
         $attControlUniq = uniqid('attpControl');
         $js = UTIL_JsGenerator::newInstance()->newObject(array('ATTP.CORE.ObjectRegistry', $attControlUniq), 'ATTP.AttachmentsControl', array($cmpContextId, array('attachmentId' => $attachmentsId, 'attachmentInputId' => $attch->getId(), 'inputId' => $textArea->getId(), 'formName' => $form->getName())));
     OW::getDocument()->addOnloadScript("owCommentCmps['{$id}'].initForm('" . $form->getElement('commentText')->getId() . "', '" . $form->getElement('attch')->getId() . "');");
         owForms[{$formName}].bind("success", function(data) {
             var attachId = {$attcachmentId};
             if ( attachId && ATTP.CORE.ObjectRegistry[attachId] )
     ', array('formName' => $form->getName(), 'attcachmentId' => $attachmentsId)));
     $this->assign('form', true);
     $this->assign('id', $id);
     if (OW::getUser()->isAuthenticated()) {
         $currentUserInfo = BOL_AvatarService::getInstance()->getDataForUserAvatars(array(OW::getUser()->getId()));
         $this->assign('currentUserInfo', $currentUserInfo[OW::getUser()->getId()]);
Example #22
	 * Handler to actually perform the import.
	 * @param \Form $form
	 * @return bool
	public static function FormHandler2(\Form $form) {
		$filename = Session::Get('user-import/file');
		$file = Factory::File($filename);
		/** @var $contents \Core\Filestore\Contents\ContentCSV */
		$contents = $file->getContentsObject();

		// If the user checked that it has a header... do that.
		$contents->_hasheader = $form->getElement('has_header')->get('checked');

		// Merge
		$merge = $form->getElement('merge_duplicates')->get('checked');

		// Handle the map-to directives.
		$maptos = array();
		foreach($form->getElements() as $el){
			if(strpos($el->get('name'), 'mapto[') === 0 && $el->get('value')){
				$k = substr($el->get('name'), 6, -1);
				$maptos[$k] = $el->get('value');

		// Handle the group mappings
		$groups = $form->getElement('groups[]')->get('value');

		// And keep a log of the bad transfers and some other data.
		$counts = ['created' => 0, 'updated' => 0, 'failed' => 0, 'skipped' => 0];
		Session::Set('user-import/fails', []);

		$incoming = $contents->parse();
		foreach($incoming as $record){
				// Create a data map of this record for fields to actually map over.
				$dat = array();
				foreach($maptos as $recordkey => $userkey){
					$dat[$userkey] = $record[$recordkey];

				// No email, NO IMPORT!

				// Try to find this record by email, since that's a primary key.
				$existing = \UserModel::Find(['email = ' . $dat['email'] ], 1);
				if($existing && !$merge){
					// Skip existing records.
					// Update!

					$new = new \UserModel();
			catch(\Exception $e){
				// @todo Handle this

		Session::Set('user-import/counts', $counts);

		return true;
 public static function _SaveEditorHandler(Form $form)
     $newmodel = $form->getModel();
     $file = $form->getElement('file')->get('value');
     $activefile = $form->getElement('filetype')->get('value');
     // The inbound file types depends on how to read the file.
     switch ($activefile) {
         case 'template':
             $filename = \Core\Templates\Template::ResolveFile($file);
             $customfilename = ROOT_PDIR . 'themes/custom/' . $file;
         case 'file':
             $filename = $file;
             // It'll get transposed.
             $customfilename = ROOT_PDIR . 'themes/custom/' . $file;
             \Core\set_message('Unsupported file type: ' . $activefile, 'error');
             return false;
     $customfh = \Core\Filestore\Factory::File($customfilename);
     if ($customfh->exists()) {
         // If the custom one exists... this will be the source file too!
         $sourcefh = $customfh;
     } else {
         $sourcefh = \Core\Filestore\Factory::File($filename);
     // Check and see if they're the same, ie: no change.  I don't want to create a bunch of moot revisions.
     if ($newmodel->get('content') == $sourcefh->getContents()) {
         \Core\set_message('No changes performed.', 'info');
         return '/theme';
     // Before I overwrite this file, check and see if the original has been snapshot first!
     $c = ThemeTemplateChangeModel::Count(['filename = ' . $file]);
     if (!$c) {
         $original = new ThemeTemplateChangeModel();
         $original->setFromArray(['comment' => 'Original File', 'filename' => $file, 'content' => $sourcefh->getContents(), 'content_md5' => $sourcefh->getHash(), 'updated' => $sourcefh->getMTime()]);
     // All destination files get written to the custom directory!
     $hash = $customfh->getHash();
     		// What happens now is based on the type of the inbound file.
     			case 'skin':
     				// Just replace the contents of that file.
     				$hash = $fh->getHash();
     			case 'template':
     				// This gets written into the current theme directory.
     				$themefh = \Core\Filestore\Factory::File(ROOT_PDIR . 'themes/' . ConfigHandler::Get('/theme/selected') . '/' . $file);
     				$hash = $themefh->getHash();
     			case 'style':
     			case 'file':
     				// This gets written into the current theme directory.
     				$themefh = \Core\Filestore\Factory::File(ROOT_PDIR . 'themes/' . ConfigHandler::Get('/theme/selected') . '/' . $file);
     				$hash = $themefh->getHash();
     				// This is required to get assets updated to the CDN correctly.
     				$theme = ThemeHandler::GetTheme();
     				$hash = $themefh->getHash();
     				$theme->addAssetFile(array('file' => $file, 'md5' => $hash));
     // Make a record of this change too!
     $change = new ThemeTemplateChangeModel();
     $change->setFromArray(['comment' => $newmodel->get('comment'), 'filename' => $file, 'content' => $newmodel->get('content'), 'content_md5' => $hash]);
     if ($activefile == 'file') {
         // Reinstall all assets too!
         foreach (Core::GetComponents() as $component) {
         // And the current theme.
     \Core\set_message('Updated file successfully', 'success');
     return '/theme';
Example #24
	public static function _i18nSaveHandler(Form $form) {
		// NEW IDEA!
		// Instead of setting the override for keys, (possibly useful, just somewhere else)...
		// Set the enabled languages for this site.
		// This allows site administrators to NOT have every language under the sun appear if they're running SuSE.
		$selected = $form->getElement('languages[]')->get('value');
		// Implode them into a single string.
		$enabled = implode('|', $selected);
		// Strip out any invalid character.
		$enabled = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z_|]/', '', $enabled);
		// And save!
		ConfigHandler::Set('/core/language/languages_enabled', $enabled);
		return true;
		// Create a custom ini for just these options.
		// This will allow the site admin to change a string without worrying about it getting overridden from an update.

		$lang = $form->getElementValue('lang');
		$ini = "[$lang]\n; Custom locale strings set by the site manager!\n\n";

		foreach($form->getElements() as $el){
			/** @var FormElement $el */

			$name = $el->get('name');
			$val  = $el->get('value');

			if(strpos($name, 'MESSAGE') === 0 || strpos($name, 'FORMAT') === 0 || strpos($name, 'STRING') === 0){
				$ini .= $name . ' = "' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $val) . '";' . "\n";

		// Save this ini out to a custom i18n file.
		$fileout = \Core\Filestore\Factory::File(ROOT_PDIR . 'themes/custom/i18n/' . $lang . '.ini');

		return true;
Example #25
	 * Populate this user object from a form
	 * @param Form $form
	 * @param null $prefix
	 * @return bool
	 * @throws ModelValidationException
	public function setFromForm(Form $form, $prefix = null) {
		foreach($form->getElements() as $el) {
			/** @var $el FormElement */

			$name  = $el->get('name');
			$value = $el->get('value');

			// If a prefix was requested and it doesn't match, skip this element.
			if($prefix && strpos($name, $prefix . '[') !== 0){

			// Otherwise if there is a prefix, trim it off from the name.
			if($prefix) {
				// Some of the options may be nested arrays, they'll need to be treated differently since the format is different,
				// prefix[option][phone] vs prefix[email]
				if(strpos($name, '][')) {
					$name = str_replace('][', '[', substr($name, strlen($prefix) + 1));
				else {
					$name = substr($name, strlen($prefix) + 1, -1);

			if($name == 'groups[]') {
			elseif($name == 'contextgroup[]') {
				// This is a two-part system with data pulling from contextgroup and contextgroupcontext.
				$gids       = $value;
				$contextpks = $form->getElement('contextgroupcontext[]')->get('value');
				$groups     = [];

				foreach($gids as $key => $gid) {
					// Skip blank group selections.
					if(!$gid) continue;

					// Pull the group information for this gid since that will contain the context.
					$group = UserGroupModel::Construct($gid);

					$context   = $group->get('context');
					$contextpk = $contextpks[ $key ];

					$groups[] = [
						'group_id'   => $gid,
						'context'    => $context,
						'context_pk' => $contextpk,

			elseif($name == 'active'){
				$current = $this->get('active');
				// The incoming value will probably be 'on' or NULL.
				// This is because the form displays as a BOOL even though the backend field is an ENUM.
				$new = ($value) ? '1' : '0';
				// -1 => 0 = -1 (Disabled to unchecked, no change)
				// -1 => 1 =  1 (Disabled to checked, activate)
				//  0 => 0 =  0 (New to unchecked, wot?)
				//  0 => 1 =  1 (New to checked, activate... still shouldn't happen though)
				//  1 => 0 = -1 (Enabled to unchecked, disable)
				//  1 => 1 =  1 (Enabled to checked, no change)
				if($current == '1' && $new == '0'){
					// User was set from active to inactive.
					// Instead of setting to a new account, set to deactivated.
					$this->set('active', '-1');
				elseif($current == '-1' && $new == '0'){
					// No change!
					// Otherwise, allow the change to go through.
					$this->set('active', $new);
			elseif($name != 'user'){
				// Skip the user record,
				// otherwise Default behaviour
				$this->set($name, $value);
		} // foreach(elements)