  * Compute the difference between two Foreign key objects
  * @param ForeignKey $fromFk
  * @param ForeignKey $toFk
  * @param boolean $caseInsensitive Whether the comparison is case insensitive.
  *                                 False by default.
  * @return boolean false if the two fks are similar, true if they have differences
 public static function computeDiff(ForeignKey $fromFk, ForeignKey $toFk, $caseInsensitive = false)
     // Check for differences in local and remote table
     $test = $caseInsensitive ? strtolower($fromFk->getTableName()) != strtolower($toFk->getTableName()) : $fromFk->getTableName() != $toFk->getTableName();
     if ($test) {
         return true;
     $test = $caseInsensitive ? strtolower($fromFk->getForeignTableName()) != strtolower($toFk->getForeignTableName()) : $fromFk->getForeignTableName() != $toFk->getForeignTableName();
     if ($test) {
         return true;
     // compare columns
     if (array_map('strtolower', $fromFk->getLocalColumns()) != array_map('strtolower', $toFk->getLocalColumns())) {
         return true;
     if (array_map('strtolower', $fromFk->getForeignColumns()) != array_map('strtolower', $toFk->getForeignColumns())) {
         return true;
     // compare on
     if ($fromFk->normalizeFKey($fromFk->getOnUpdate()) != $toFk->normalizeFKey($toFk->getOnUpdate())) {
         return true;
     if ($fromFk->normalizeFKey($fromFk->getOnDelete()) != $toFk->normalizeFKey($toFk->getOnDelete())) {
         return true;
     // compare skipSql
     if ($fromFk->isSkipSql() != $toFk->isSkipSql()) {
         return true;
     return false;
  * Compute the difference between two Foreign key objects
  * @param ForeignKey $fromFk
  * @param ForeignKey $toFk
  * @param boolean $caseInsensitive Whether the comparison is case insensitive.
  *                                 False by default.
  * @return boolean false if the two fks are similar, true if they have differences
 public static function computeDiff(ForeignKey $fromFk, ForeignKey $toFk, $caseInsensitive = false)
     // Check for differences in local and remote table
     $test = $caseInsensitive ? strtolower($fromFk->getTableName()) != strtolower($toFk->getTableName()) : $fromFk->getTableName() != $toFk->getTableName();
     if ($test) {
         return true;
     $test = $caseInsensitive ? strtolower($fromFk->getForeignTableName()) != strtolower($toFk->getForeignTableName()) : $fromFk->getForeignTableName() != $toFk->getForeignTableName();
     if ($test) {
         return true;
     // compare columns
     $fromFkLocalColumns = $fromFk->getLocalColumns();
     $toFkLocalColumns = $toFk->getLocalColumns();
     if (array_map('strtolower', $fromFkLocalColumns) != array_map('strtolower', $toFkLocalColumns)) {
         return true;
     $fromFkForeignColumns = $fromFk->getForeignColumns();
     $toFkForeignColumns = $toFk->getForeignColumns();
     if (array_map('strtolower', $fromFkForeignColumns) != array_map('strtolower', $toFkForeignColumns)) {
         return true;
      * Compare onDelete and onUpdate:
      * "RESTRICT" and its synonym "NO ACTION" is default and is not being reported explicitly.
     $equalBehavior = array('', 'RESTRICT', 'NO ACTION');
     $fromOnUpdate = strtoupper($fromFk->normalizeFKey($fromFk->getOnUpdate()));
     $toOnUpdate = strtoupper($toFk->normalizeFKey($toFk->getOnUpdate()));
     if (in_array($fromOnUpdate, $equalBehavior) && !in_array($toOnUpdate, $equalBehavior) || !in_array($fromOnUpdate, $equalBehavior) && in_array($toOnUpdate, $equalBehavior)) {
         return true;
     $fromOnDelete = strtoupper($fromFk->normalizeFKey($fromFk->getOnDelete()));
     $toOnDelete = strtoupper($toFk->normalizeFKey($toFk->getOnDelete()));
     if (in_array($fromOnDelete, $equalBehavior) && !in_array($toOnDelete, $equalBehavior) || !in_array($fromOnDelete, $equalBehavior) && in_array($toOnDelete, $equalBehavior)) {
         return true;
     // compare skipSql
     if ($fromFk->isSkipSql() != $toFk->isSkipSql()) {
         return true;
     return false;
 public function getForeignKeyDDL(ForeignKey $fk)
     $pattern = "\n-- SQLite does not support foreign keys; this is just for reference\n-- FOREIGN KEY (%s) REFERENCES %s (%s)\n";
     return sprintf($pattern, $this->getColumnListDDL($fk->getLocalColumns()), $fk->getForeignTableName(), $this->getColumnListDDL($fk->getForeignColumns()));
 public function getForeignKeyDDL(ForeignKey $fk)
     if ($fk->isSkipSql()) {
     $pattern = 'CONSTRAINT %s FOREIGN KEY (%s) REFERENCES %s (%s)';
     $script = sprintf($pattern, $this->quoteIdentifier($fk->getName()), $this->getColumnListDDL($fk->getLocalColumns()), $this->quoteIdentifier($fk->getForeignTableName()), $this->getColumnListDDL($fk->getForeignColumns()));
     if ($fk->hasOnUpdate() && $fk->getOnUpdate() != ForeignKey::SETNULL) {
         $script .= ' ON UPDATE ' . $fk->getOnUpdate();
     if ($fk->hasOnDelete() && $fk->getOnDelete() != ForeignKey::SETNULL) {
         $script .= ' ON DELETE ' . $fk->getOnDelete();
     return $script;
Example #5
 public function getForeignKeyDDL(ForeignKey $fk)
     if ($fk->isSkipSql()) {
     $pattern = "CONSTRAINT %s\r\n    FOREIGN KEY (%s) REFERENCES %s (%s)";
     $script = sprintf($pattern, $this->quoteIdentifier($fk->getName()), $this->getColumnListDDL($fk->getLocalColumns()), $this->quoteIdentifier($fk->getForeignTableName()), $this->getColumnListDDL($fk->getForeignColumns()));
     if ($fk->hasOnDelete()) {
         $script .= "\r\n    ON DELETE " . $fk->getOnDelete();
     return $script;
    protected function addRefFkAddCriteria(&$script, ForeignKey $refFk)
        $args = array();
        foreach ($refFk->getForeignColumns() as $foreignName) {
            $args[] = "\$this->{$foreignName}";
        $args = implode(', ', $args);
        $script .= <<<script

  public function add{$this->getRefFkPhpNameAffix($refFk, true)}Criteria(Criteria \$criteria)
    return self::add{$this->getRefFkPhpNameAffix($refFk, true)}CriteriaById(\$criteria, {$args});
