Example #1
 public function testFirstWorkingDayOfMonth()
     // Sunday the 1st.
     $this->assertFalse(Filter_Datetime::isFirstWorkingDayOfMonth(1, 0));
     // Monday the 1st.
     $this->assertTrue(Filter_Datetime::isFirstWorkingDayOfMonth(1, 1));
     // Tuesday the 1st.
     $this->assertTrue(Filter_Datetime::isFirstWorkingDayOfMonth(1, 2));
     // Wednesday the 1st.
     $this->assertTrue(Filter_Datetime::isFirstWorkingDayOfMonth(1, 3));
     // Thirsday the 1st.
     $this->assertTrue(Filter_Datetime::isFirstWorkingDayOfMonth(1, 4));
     // Friday the 1st.
     $this->assertTrue(Filter_Datetime::isFirstWorkingDayOfMonth(1, 5));
     // Saturday the 1st.
     $this->assertFalse(Filter_Datetime::isFirstWorkingDayOfMonth(1, 6));
     // Sunday the 2nd.
     $this->assertFalse(Filter_Datetime::isFirstWorkingDayOfMonth(2, 0));
     // Monday the 2nd.
     $this->assertTrue(Filter_Datetime::isFirstWorkingDayOfMonth(2, 1));
     // Tuesday the 2nd.
     $this->assertFalse(Filter_Datetime::isFirstWorkingDayOfMonth(2, 2));
     // Sunday the 3nd.
     $this->assertFalse(Filter_Datetime::isFirstWorkingDayOfMonth(3, 0));
     // Monday the 3nd.
     $this->assertTrue(Filter_Datetime::isFirstWorkingDayOfMonth(3, 1));
     // Tuesday the 3nd.
     $this->assertFalse(Filter_Datetime::isFirstWorkingDayOfMonth(3, 2));
     // Sunday the 4nd.
     $this->assertFalse(Filter_Datetime::isFirstWorkingDayOfMonth(4, 0));
     // Monday the 4nd.
     $this->assertFalse(Filter_Datetime::isFirstWorkingDayOfMonth(4, 1));
     // Tuesday the 4nd.
     $this->assertFalse(Filter_Datetime::isFirstWorkingDayOfMonth(4, 2));
Example #2
$year = date("Y");
$month = date("n");
$monthday = date("j");
// 1 to 31.
$weekday = date("w");
// 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday).
$hour = date("G");
// 0 through 23
$sprintstart = false;
$sprintfinish = false;
// Every Friday at 2 PM (14:00h) it sends email about the sprint progress.
if ($weekday == 5 && $hour == 14) {
    $email = true;
// On the first business day of the month, at 10 AM, send email about the start of the sprint.
if (Filter_Datetime::isFirstWorkingDayOfMonth($monthday, $weekday) && $hour == 10) {
    $email = true;
    $sprintstart = true;
// On the last business day of the month, at 2 PM (14:00h), send email about the end of the sprint.
if ($monthday == Filter_Datetime::getLastBusinessDayOfMonth($year, $month) && $hour == 14) {
    $email = true;
    $sprintfinish = true;
// Determine what to do, or to quit.
if (!$email && !$sprintstart && !$sprintfinish) {
    if ($hour != 1) {
$database_logs = Database_Logs::getInstance();