Example #1
 function transform($params, $flags = 0)
     if (!$this->canRender()) {
         // show icon
         return parent::transform($params, $flags);
     $thumbUrl = $this->repo->getThumbUrlFromCache($this->getName(), isset($params['width']) ? $params['width'] : -1, isset($params['height']) ? $params['height'] : -1);
     return $this->handler->getTransform($this, 'bogus', $thumbUrl, $params);
  * @param File $image
  * @param int $size
  * @return bool|\MediaTransformOutput
 public static function getThumbnail($image, $size = self::SHARING_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH)
     if ($image) {
         $thumb = $image->transform(array('width' => $size));
         if ($thumb && $thumb->getUrl()) {
             return $thumb;
     return false;
Example #3
  * Creates an thumbnail of specified size and returns an HTML link to it
  * @param array $params Scaler parameters
  * @param $width int
  * @param $height int
  * @return string
 private function makeSizeLink($params, $width, $height)
     $params['width'] = $width;
     $params['height'] = $height;
     $thumbnail = $this->displayImg->transform($params);
     if ($thumbnail && !$thumbnail->isError()) {
         return Html::rawElement('a', array('href' => $thumbnail->getUrl(), 'class' => 'mw-thumbnail-link'), wfMessage('show-big-image-size')->numParams($thumbnail->getWidth(), $thumbnail->getHeight())->parse());
     } else {
         return '';
Example #4
 function transform($params, $flags = 0)
     if (!$this->canRender()) {
         // show icon
         return parent::transform($params, $flags);
     // Note, the this->canRender() check above implies
     // that we have a handler, and it can do makeParamString.
     $otherParams = $this->handler->makeParamString($params);
     $thumbUrl = $this->repo->getThumbUrlFromCache($this->getName(), isset($params['width']) ? $params['width'] : -1, isset($params['height']) ? $params['height'] : -1, $otherParams);
     return $this->handler->getTransform($this, 'bogus', $thumbUrl, $params);
Example #5
File: Linker.php Project: paladox/2
  * Process responsive images: add 1.5x and 2x subimages to the thumbnail, where
  * applicable.
  * @param File $file
  * @param MediaTransformOutput $thumb
  * @param array $hp Image parameters
 public static function processResponsiveImages($file, $thumb, $hp)
     global $wgResponsiveImages;
     if ($wgResponsiveImages && $thumb && !$thumb->isError()) {
         $hp15 = $hp;
         $hp15['width'] = round($hp['width'] * 1.5);
         $hp20 = $hp;
         $hp20['width'] = $hp['width'] * 2;
         if (isset($hp['height'])) {
             $hp15['height'] = round($hp['height'] * 1.5);
             $hp20['height'] = $hp['height'] * 2;
         $thumb15 = $file->transform($hp15);
         $thumb20 = $file->transform($hp20);
         if ($thumb15 && !$thumb15->isError() && $thumb15->getUrl() !== $thumb->getUrl()) {
             $thumb->responsiveUrls['1.5'] = $thumb15->getUrl();
         if ($thumb20 && !$thumb20->isError() && $thumb20->getUrl() !== $thumb->getUrl()) {
             $thumb->responsiveUrls['2'] = $thumb20->getUrl();
Example #6
  * @param array $params
  * @param int $flags
  * @return bool|MediaTransformOutput
 function transform($params, $flags = 0)
     if (!$this->canRender()) {
         // show icon
         return parent::transform($params, $flags);
     // Note, the this->canRender() check above implies
     // that we have a handler, and it can do makeParamString.
     $otherParams = $this->handler->makeParamString($params);
     $width = isset($params['width']) ? $params['width'] : -1;
     $height = isset($params['height']) ? $params['height'] : -1;
     $thumbUrl = $this->repo->getThumbUrlFromCache($this->getName(), $width, $height, $otherParams);
     if ($thumbUrl === false) {
         global $wgLang;
         return $this->repo->getThumbError($this->getName(), $width, $height, $otherParams, $wgLang->getCode());
     return $this->handler->getTransform($this, 'bogus', $thumbUrl, $params);
  * @param File $file
  * @return string
 protected function getThumbForLine($file)
     $lang = $this->getLanguage();
     $user = $this->getUser();
     if ($file->allowInlineDisplay() && $file->userCan(File::DELETED_FILE, $user) && !$file->isDeleted(File::DELETED_FILE)) {
         $params = ['width' => '120', 'height' => '120'];
         $timestamp = wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $file->getTimestamp());
         $thumbnail = $file->transform($params);
         $options = ['alt' => $this->msg('filehist-thumbtext', $lang->userTimeAndDate($timestamp, $user), $lang->userDate($timestamp, $user), $lang->userTime($timestamp, $user))->text(), 'file-link' => true];
         if (!$thumbnail) {
             return $this->msg('filehist-nothumb')->escaped();
         return $thumbnail->toHtml($options);
     } else {
         return $this->msg('filehist-nothumb')->escaped();
Example #8
  * Scale a file (probably with a locally installed imagemagick, or similar)
  * and output it to STDOUT.
  * @param File $file
  * @param array $params Scaling parameters ( e.g. array( width => '50' ) );
  * @param int $flags Scaling flags ( see File:: constants )
  * @throws MWException|UploadStashFileNotFoundException
  * @return bool Success
 private function outputLocallyScaledThumb($file, $params, $flags)
     // n.b. this is stupid, we insist on re-transforming the file every time we are invoked. We rely
     // on HTTP caching to ensure this doesn't happen.
     $flags |= File::RENDER_NOW;
     $thumbnailImage = $file->transform($params, $flags);
     if (!$thumbnailImage) {
         throw new MWException('Could not obtain thumbnail');
     // we should have just generated it locally
     if (!$thumbnailImage->getStoragePath()) {
         throw new UploadStashFileNotFoundException("no local path for scaled item");
     // now we should construct a File, so we can get MIME and other such info in a standard way
     // n.b. MIME type may be different from original (ogx original -> jpeg thumb)
     $thumbFile = new UnregisteredLocalFile(false, $this->stash->repo, $thumbnailImage->getStoragePath(), false);
     if (!$thumbFile) {
         throw new UploadStashFileNotFoundException("couldn't create local file object for thumbnail");
     return $this->outputLocalFile($thumbFile);
Example #9
  * @param File $img
  * @param Title $nt
  * @param String $text
  * @param String $alt
  * @param Title $titleLink
  * @param type $descQuery
  * @return String 
 private function photoToHTML($img, $nt, $text = '', $alt = '', $titleLink = null, $descQuery = '')
     $params = array('width' => $this->mPhotoWidth, 'height' => $this->mPhotoHeight);
     if (!$img) {
         $html = '<div class="CarError" style="height: ' . $params['height'] . 'px; width: ' . $params['width'] . 'px;">' . htmlspecialchars($nt->getText()) . '</div>';
     } else {
         if ($this->mHideBadImages && wfIsBadImage($nt->getDBkey(), $this->getContextTitle())) {
             $html = '<div class="CarError" style="height: ' . $params['height'] . 'px; width: ' . $params['width'] . 'px;">' . Linker::link($nt, htmlspecialchars($nt->getText()), array(), array(), array('known', 'noclasses')) . '</div>';
         } else {
             if (!($thumb = $img->transform($params))) {
                 # Error generating thumbnail.
                 $html = '<div class="CarError" style="height: ' . $params['height'] . 'px; width: ' . $params['width'] . 'px;">' . htmlspecialchars($img->getLastError()) . '</div>';
             } else {
                 $imageParameters = array('desc-link' => true, 'desc-query' => $descQuery, 'alt' => $alt, 'custom-title-link' => $titleLink);
                 # In the absence of both alt text and caption, fall back on providing screen readers with the filename as alt text
                 if ($alt == '') {
                     $imageParameters['alt'] = $nt->getText();
                 $html = $thumb->toHtml($imageParameters);
                 // Call parser transform hook
                 if ($this->mParser && $img->getHandler()) {
                     $img->getHandler()->parserTransformHook($this->mParser, $img);
     $html .= Html::rawElement('figcaption', array(), $text);
     $html = Html::rawElement('figure', array(), $html);
     return $html;
Example #10
 * Actually try to generate a new thumbnail
 * @param File $file
 * @param array $params
 * @param string $thumbName
 * @param string $thumbPath
 * @return array (MediaTransformOutput|bool, string|bool error message HTML)
function wfGenerateThumbnail(File $file, array $params, $thumbName, $thumbPath)
    global $wgMemc, $wgAttemptFailureEpoch;
    $key = wfMemcKey('attempt-failures', $wgAttemptFailureEpoch, $file->getRepo()->getName(), $file->getSha1(), md5($thumbName));
    // Check if this file keeps failing to render
    if ($wgMemc->get($key) >= 4) {
        return array(false, wfMessage('thumbnail_image-failure-limit', 4));
    $done = false;
    // Record failures on PHP fatals in addition to caching exceptions
    register_shutdown_function(function () use(&$done, $key) {
        if (!$done) {
            // transform() gave a fatal
            global $wgMemc;
            // Randomize TTL to reduce stampedes
            $wgMemc->incrWithInit($key, 3600 + mt_rand(0, 300));
    $thumb = false;
    $errorHtml = false;
    // guard thumbnail rendering with PoolCounter to avoid stampedes
    // expensive files use a separate PoolCounter config so it is possible
    // to set up a global limit on them
    if ($file->isExpensiveToThumbnail()) {
        $poolCounterType = 'FileRenderExpensive';
    } else {
        $poolCounterType = 'FileRender';
    // Thumbnail isn't already there, so create the new thumbnail...
    try {
        $work = new PoolCounterWorkViaCallback($poolCounterType, sha1($file->getName()), array('doWork' => function () use($file, $params) {
            return $file->transform($params, File::RENDER_NOW);
        }, 'getCachedWork' => function () use($file, $params, $thumbPath) {
            // If the worker that finished made this thumbnail then use it.
            // Otherwise, it probably made a different thumbnail for this file.
            return $file->getRepo()->fileExists($thumbPath) ? $file->transform($params, File::RENDER_NOW) : false;
            // retry once more in exclusive mode
        }, 'fallback' => function () {
            return wfMessage('generic-pool-error')->parse();
        }, 'error' => function (Status $status) {
            return $status->getHTML();
        $result = $work->execute();
        if ($result instanceof MediaTransformOutput) {
            $thumb = $result;
        } elseif (is_string($result)) {
            // error
            $errorHtml = $result;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        // Tried to select a page on a non-paged file?
    /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */
    $done = true;
    // no PHP fatal occured
    if (!$thumb || $thumb->isError()) {
        // Randomize TTL to reduce stampedes
        $wgMemc->incrWithInit($key, 3600 + mt_rand(0, 300));
    return array($thumb, $errorHtml);
Example #11
  * Process responsive images: add 1.5x and 2x subimages to the thumbnail, where
  * applicable.
  * @param File $file
  * @param MediaOutput $thumb
  * @param array $hp image parameters
 protected static function processResponsiveImages($file, $thumb, $hp)
     global $wgResponsiveImages;
     if ($wgResponsiveImages) {
         $hp15 = $hp;
         $hp15['width'] = round($hp['width'] * 1.5);
         $hp20 = $hp;
         $hp20['width'] = $hp['width'] * 2;
         if (isset($hp['height'])) {
             $hp15['height'] = round($hp['height'] * 1.5);
             $hp20['height'] = $hp['height'] * 2;
         $thumb15 = $file->transform($hp15);
         $thumb20 = $file->transform($hp20);
         if ($thumb15->url !== $thumb->url) {
             $thumb->responsiveUrls['1.5'] = $thumb15->url;
         if ($thumb20->url !== $thumb->url) {
             $thumb->responsiveUrls['2'] = $thumb20->url;
 public static function onThumbnailVideoHTML($options, $linkAttribs, $imageAttribs, File $file, &$html)
     global $wgRTEParserEnabled;
     if (!empty($wgRTEParserEnabled)) {
         return true;
     if (is_null(self::$isWikiaMobile)) {
     if (self::$isWikiaMobile) {
          * WikiaMobile: lazy loading images in a SEO-friendly manner
          * @author Federico "Lox" Lucignano <federico@wikia-inc.com
          * @author Artur Klajnerok <*****@*****.**>
         $origImg = Xml::element('img', $imageAttribs, '', true);
         if (empty($imageAttribs['alt'])) {
         //Not all 'files' have getProviderName defined
         if (is_callable([$file, 'getProviderName'])) {
             $provider = $file->getProviderName();
         } else {
             $provider = '';
         $imageParams = array('type' => 'video', 'provider' => $provider, 'full' => $imageAttribs['src']);
         if (!empty($imageAttribs['data-video-key'])) {
             $imageParams['name'] = htmlspecialchars($imageAttribs['data-video-key']);
         if (!empty($options['caption'])) {
             $imageParams['capt'] = 1;
         // TODO: this resizes every video thumbnail with a width over 64px regardless of where it appears.
         // We may want to add the ability to allow custom image widths (like on the file page history table for example)
         $size = WikiaMobileMediaService::calculateMediaSize($file->getWidth(), $file->getHeight());
         $thumb = $file->transform($size);
         $imageAttribs['src'] = wfReplaceImageServer($thumb->getUrl(), $file->getTimestamp());
         $imageAttribs['width'] = $size['width'];
         $imageAttribs['height'] = $size['height'];
         $data = ['attributes' => $imageAttribs, 'parameters' => [$imageParams], 'anchorAttributes' => $linkAttribs, 'noscript' => $origImg, 'isSmall' => WikiaMobileMediaService::isSmallImage($imageAttribs['width'], $imageAttribs['height'])];
         $title = $file->getTitle()->getDBKey();
         $titleText = $file->getTitle()->getText();
         $views = MediaQueryService::getTotalVideoViewsByTitle($title);
         $data['content'] = Xml::element('span', ['class' => 'videoInfo'], "{$titleText} (" . $file->getHandler()->getFormattedDuration() . ", " . wfMessage('wikiamobile-video-views-counter', $views)->inContentLanguage()->text() . ')');
         $html = F::app()->sendRequest('WikiaMobileMediaService', 'renderImageTag', $data, true)->toString();
     return true;
 public function onThumbnailVideoHTML($options, $linkAttribs, $imageAttribs, File $file, &$html)
     if (self::$isWikiaMobile) {
          * WikiaMobile: lazy loading images in a SEO-friendly manner
          * @author Federico "Lox" Lucignano <federico@wikia-inc.com
          * @author Artur Klajnerok <*****@*****.**>
         $origImg = Xml::element('img', $imageAttribs, '', true);
         if (empty($imageAttribs['alt'])) {
         $imageParams = array('type' => 'video', 'full' => $imageAttribs['src']);
         if (!empty($linkAttribs['data-video-name'])) {
             $imageParams['name'] = $linkAttribs['data-video-name'];
         if (!empty($options['caption'])) {
             $imageParams['capt'] = true;
         if ($file instanceof File) {
             $size = WikiaMobileMediaService::calculateMediaSize($file->getWidth(), $file->getHeight());
             $thumb = $file->transform($size);
             $imageAttribs['src'] = wfReplaceImageServer($thumb->getUrl(), $file->getTimestamp());
             $imageAttribs['width'] = $size['width'];
             $imageAttribs['height'] = $size['height'];
         $data = array('attributes' => $imageAttribs, 'parameters' => array($imageParams), 'anchorAttributes' => $linkAttribs, 'noscript' => $origImg);
         if ($file instanceof File) {
             $title = $file->getTitle()->getDBKey();
             $titleText = $file->getTitle()->getText();
             $data['content'] = Xml::element('span', array('class' => 'videoInfo'), "{$titleText} (" . $file->getHandler()->getFormattedDuration() . ", " . $this->wf->MsgForContent('wikiamobile-video-views-counter', MediaQueryService::getTotalVideoViewsByTitle($title)) . ')');
         $html = $this->app->sendRequest('WikiaMobileMediaService', 'renderImageTag', $data, true)->toString();
     return true;