Example #1
 protected function handle_file($file)
     $up_tmp_name = $file['tmp_name'][$this->file_column];
     $new_name = $file['name'][$this->file_column];
     $destination = WAX_ROOT . $this->file_base;
     /* CHANGED - set it so its just the file_base added to db */
     $this->{$this->path_column} = $this->file_base;
     $this->{$this->type_column} = $file['type'][$this->file_column];
     $this->{$this->file_column} = File::safe_file_save($destination, $new_name);
     $destination = $destination . $this->{$this->file_column};
     if (move_uploaded_file($up_tmp_name, $destination)) {
         chmod($destination, 0777);
 public function copy()
     if ($id = Request::get('id')) {
         $this->model = new $this->model_class($id);
         $copy_file = File::safe_file_save(PUBLIC_DIR . $this->model->rpath . "/", $this->model->filename);
         $full_copy_file = PUBLIC_DIR . $this->model->rpath . "/" . $copy_file;
         $file = PUBLIC_DIR . $this->model->rpath . "/" . $this->model->filename;
         copy($file, $full_copy_file);
         $fs = new CmsFilesystem();
         $fs->databaseSync(PUBLIC_DIR . $this->model->rpath, $this->model->rpath);
         $copy = new $this->model_class();
         $copy = $copy->filter(array("rpath" => $this->model->rpath, "filename" => $copy_file))->first();
         $this->redirect_to("/admin/files/edit/" . $copy->id);
Example #3
 public function save_file($up_tmp_name, $file)
     $file_destination = WAX_ROOT . $this->file_root . File::safe_file_save(WAX_ROOT . $this->file_root, $file);
     //if(move_uploaded_file($up_tmp_name, $file_destination) ) chmod($file_destination, 0777);
     if (rename($up_tmp_name, $file_destination)) {
         chmod($file_destination, 0777);
     } else {
         return false;
     return $file_destination;
Example #4
 function uploadSmart()
     $uploadDir = $this->uploadDir;
     if (!file_exists($uploadDir . "stats_" . session_id() . ".txt")) {
         $this->jsonAdd("\"percent\": 0, \"percentSec\": 0, \"speed\": \"0\", \"secondsLeft\": \"0\", \"done\": \"false\"");
         echo $this->jsonReturn("bindings");
     $lines = file($uploadDir . "stats_" . session_id() . ".txt");
     $percent = round($lines[0] / 100, 3);
     $percentSec = round($lines[1] / 100, 4);
     $speed = $this->filesize_format($lines[2]) . 's';
     $secondsLeft = $this->secs_to_string(round($lines[3]));
     $size = $this->filesize_format($lines[4]) . 's';
     if ($percent == 1) {
         // cleanup time
         if (isset($_SESSION['uploadPath'])) {
             $path = $_SESSION['uploadPath'];
             $userpath = $this->defaultFileStore . $path;
             $sessionid = session_id();
             $dh = opendir($uploadDir);
             while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
                 $sessionlen = strlen(session_id());
                 if (substr($file, 0, $sessionlen) == session_id()) {
                     $filename = substr($file, $sessionlen + 1);
                     $uploadfile = File::safe_file_save($uploadDir, $filename);
                     $i = 1;
                     while (file_exists($userpath . '/' . $uploadfile)) {
                         $uploadfile = $i . '_' . $filename;
                     if (!rename($uploadDir . $file, $userpath . "/" . $uploadfile)) {
                         echo "Error";
             if (file_exists($uploadDir . "stats_" . session_id() . ".txt")) {
                 unlink($uploadDir . "stats_" . session_id() . ".txt");
             if (file_exists($uploadDir . "temp_" . session_id())) {
                 unlink($uploadDir . "temp_" . session_id());
         $done = "true";
     } else {
         $done = "false";
     $this->jsonAdd("\"percent\": {$percent}, \"size\": \"{$size}\",\"percentSec\": {$percentSec}, \"speed\": \"{$speed}\", \"secondsLeft\": \"{$secondsLeft}\", \"done\": \"{$done}\"");
     echo $this->jsonReturn("bindings");
 public function file_upload()
     if ($url = $_POST["upload_from_url"]) {
         $str = "";
         foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
             $str .= "{$k}:{$v}\n";
         WaxLog::log('error', 'running...' . $str);
         $path = $_POST['wildfire_file_folder'];
         $fs = new CmsFilesystem();
         $filename = basename($url);
         $ext = strtolower(array_pop(explode(".", $filename)));
         if ($_POST["wildfire_file_filename"]) {
             $filename = $_POST["wildfire_file_filename"] . "." . $ext;
         $filename = $_POST["wildfire_file_filename"] = File::safe_file_save($fs->defaultFileStore . $path, $filename);
         $file = $fs->defaultFileStore . $path . "/" . $filename;
         $handle = fopen($file, 'x+');
         fwrite($handle, file_get_contents($url));
         $fname = $fs->defaultFileStore . $path . "/" . $filename;
         chmod($fname, 0777);
         $dimensions = getimagesize($fname);
         if (AdminFilesController::$max_image_width && $dimensions[0] > AdminFilesController::$max_image_width) {
             $flag = File::resize_image($fname, $fname, AdminFilesController::$max_image_width, false, true);
             if (!$flag) {
                 WaxLog::log('error', '[resize] FAIL');
         $fs->databaseSync($fs->defaultFileStore . $path, $path);
         $file = new WildfireFile();
         $newfile = $file->filter(array("filename" => $filename, "rpath" => $path))->first();
         $newfile->description = $_POST["wildfire_file_description"];
         //if these are set then attach the image to the doc!
         if (Request::post('content_id') && Request::post('model_string') && Request::post('join_field')) {
             $model_id = Request::post('content_id');
             $class = Inflections::camelize(Request::post('model_string'), true);
             $field = Request::post('join_field');
             $model = new $class($model_id);
             $model->{$field} = $newfile;
         echo "Uploaded";
     } elseif ($_FILES) {
         error_log("Starting File upload");
         error_log(print_r($_POST, 1));
         $path = $_POST['wildfire_file_folder'];
         $fs = new CmsFilesystem();
         $_FILES['upload'] = $_FILES["Filedata"];
         $_FILES['upload']['name'] = str_replace(' ', '', $_FILES['upload']['name']);
         $fs->databaseSync($fs->defaultFileStore . $path, $path);
         $fname = $fs->defaultFileStore . $path . "/" . $_FILES['upload']['name'];
         if ($dimensions = getimagesize($fname)) {
             if ($dimensions[2] == "7" || $dimensions[2] == "8") {
                 WaxLog::log("error", "Detected TIFF Upload");
                 $command = "mogrify " . escapeshellcmd($fname) . " -colorspace RGB -format jpg";
                 $newname = str_replace(".tiff", ".jpg", $fname);
                 $newname = str_replace(".tif", ".jpg", $newname);
                 rename($fname, $newname);
         chmod($fname, 0777);
         $file = new WildfireFile();
         $newfile = $file->filter(array("filename" => $_FILES['upload']['name'], "rpath" => $path))->first();
         $newfile->description = $_POST["wildfire_file_description"];
         //if these are set then attach the image to the doc!
         if (Request::post('content_id') && Request::post('model_string') && Request::post('join_field')) {
             $model_id = Request::post('content_id');
             $class = Inflections::camelize(Request::post('model_string'));
             $field = Request::post('join_field');
             $model = new $class($model_id);
             $model->{$field} = $newfile;
         echo "Uploaded";
     } else {
         die("UPLOAD ERROR");