Example #1
 /** @inheritdoc */
 public static function preProcess($value, $settings, $model)
     if (!is_array($value)) {
         return parent::preProcess($value, $settings, $model);
     $src = DOCROOT . \Arr::get($value, 'src', 'none');
     if (!file_exists($src)) {
         return parent::preProcess($value, $settings, $model);
     $info = @getimagesize($src);
     if ($info === false) {
         return parent::preProcess($value, $settings, $model);
     // Insert image sizes
     if (\Arr::get($value, 'width', 0) === 0) {
         $value['width'] = $info[0];
     if (\Arr::get($value, 'height', 0) === 0) {
         $value['height'] = $info[1];
     // Generate crops if there are any missing
     if (is_array($crop = \Arr::get($settings, 'crop'))) {
         $crop_values = \Arr::get($value, 'crop', array());
         foreach ($crop as $cropid => $crop_setting) {
             $crop_value = \Arr::get($crop_values, $cropid, array());
             if (!isset($crop_value['x']) || !isset($crop_value['y']) || !isset($crop_value['width']) || !isset($crop_value['height'])) {
                 if (isset($crop_setting['fit']) && $crop_setting['fit'] === true) {
                     ////// FIT INSIDE WHITESPACE
                     // Find the canvas scale
                     $cscale = 390 / $value['height'];
                     if (round($value['width'] * $cscale) > 565) {
                         $cscale = 565 / $value['width'];
                     if ($cscale > 1) {
                         $cscale = 1;
                     // Scale of the image within the crop can be overridden
                     $image_scale = 100 / intval(\Input::param('imagecropscale', 100));
                     $bias_x = intval(\Input::param('imagecropbiasx', 0)) / 100;
                     $bias_y = intval(\Input::param('imagecropbiasy', 0)) / 100;
                     // Insert some sensible defaults for the crop here
                     if (\Arr::get($crop_setting, 'width', 0) > 0 && \Arr::get($crop_setting, 'height', 0) > 0) {
                         // There is an aspect ratio
                         $aspect = $crop_setting['width'] / $crop_setting['height'];
                         $cropw = round($value['width'] * $image_scale);
                         $croph = round($cropw / $aspect);
                         if ($croph < round($value['height'] * $image_scale)) {
                             $croph = round($value['height'] * $image_scale);
                             $cropw = round($croph * $aspect);
                         $actualw = round($cropw * $cscale);
                         $actualh = round($croph * $cscale);
                         $cropscale = 1;
                         // Adjust the crop scale if it's not gonna fit the canvas
                         if ($actualh > 390) {
                             $cropscale = 390 / $actualh;
                         if (round($actualw * $cropscale) > 565) {
                             $cropscale = 565 / $actualw;
                         // This is the 'real' size of the crop in the editor
                         $actualw = round($actualw * $cropscale);
                         $actualh = round($actualh * $cropscale);
                         $crop_value['width'] = $cropw;
                         $crop_value['height'] = $croph;
                         $crop_value['x'] = round(($value['width'] - $cropw) / 2);
                         $crop_value['y'] = round(($value['height'] - $croph) / 2);
                         // Crop offset using the bias param
                         $crop_offset_x = round($crop_value['x'] * $bias_x);
                         $crop_offset_y = round($crop_value['y'] * $bias_y);
                         $crop_value['x'] = $crop_value['x'] + $crop_offset_x;
                         $crop_value['y'] = $crop_value['y'] + $crop_offset_y;
                         // Figure out the actual sizes
                         $actual_crop_offset_x = round(round($crop_value['x'] * $cscale) * $cropscale);
                         $actual_crop_offset_y = round(round($crop_value['y'] * $cscale) * $cropscale);
                         $actual_imagew = round(round($value['width'] * $cscale) * $cropscale);
                         $actual_imageh = round(round($value['height'] * $cscale) * $cropscale);
                         $origin_x = round((565 - $actual_imagew) / 2);
                         $origin_y = round((390 - $actual_imageh) / 2);
                         // Check if we need to scale for horizontal offset
                         if ($origin_x + $actual_crop_offset_x < 0) {
                             $diff = abs($origin_x + $actual_crop_offset_x);
                             $cropscale *= 565 / (565 + $diff * 2);
                         } else {
                             if ($origin_x + $actual_crop_offset_x + $actualw > 565) {
                                 $diff = $origin_x + $actual_crop_offset_x + $actualw - 565;
                                 $cropscale *= 565 / (565 + $diff * 2);
                         // Now recalculate all the actual sizes...
                         $actualw = round(round($cropw * $cscale) * $cropscale);
                         $actualh = round(round($croph * $cscale) * $cropscale);
                         $actual_crop_offset_x = round(round($crop_value['x'] * $cscale) * $cropscale);
                         $actual_crop_offset_y = round(round($crop_value['y'] * $cscale) * $cropscale);
                         $actual_imagew = round(round($value['width'] * $cscale) * $cropscale);
                         $actual_imageh = round(round($value['height'] * $cscale) * $cropscale);
                         $origin_x = round((565 - $actual_imagew) / 2);
                         $origin_y = round((390 - $actual_imageh) / 2);
                         // Check if we need to scale for vertical offset
                         if ($origin_y + $actual_crop_offset_y < 0) {
                             $diff = abs($origin_y + $actual_crop_offset_y);
                             $cropscale *= 390 / (390 + $diff * 2);
                         } else {
                             if ($origin_y + $actual_crop_offset_y + $actualh > 390) {
                                 $diff = $origin_y + $actual_crop_offset_y + $actualh - 390;
                                 $cropscale *= 390 / (390 + $diff * 2);
                         $crop_value['scale'] = round($cropscale * 100);
                     } else {
                         // It's a free crop
                         $crop_value['width'] = $value['width'];
                         $crop_value['height'] = $value['height'];
                         $crop_value['x'] = 0;
                         $crop_value['y'] = 0;
                         $crop_value['scale'] = 100;
                     ////// END FIT INSIDE WHITESPACE
                 } else {
                     ////// CROP TO FIT
                     // Find the canvas scale
                     $cscale = 390 / $value['height'];
                     if (round($value['width'] * $cscale) > 565) {
                         $cscale = 565 / $value['width'];
                     if ($cscale > 1) {
                         $cscale = 1;
                     // Insert some sensible defaults for the crop here
                     if (\Arr::get($crop_setting, 'width', 0) > 0 && \Arr::get($crop_setting, 'height', 0) > 0) {
                         // There is an aspect ratio
                         $aspect = $crop_setting['width'] / $crop_setting['height'];
                         $cropw = $value['width'];
                         $croph = round($value['width'] / $aspect);
                         if ($croph > $value['height']) {
                             $croph = $value['height'];
                             $cropw = round($croph * $aspect);
                         // Adjust the crop scale if it's not gonna fit the canvas
                         $actualw = round($cropw * $cscale);
                         $actualh = round($croph * $cscale);
                         $cropscale = min(1, 390 / $actualh, 565 / $actualw);
                         if ($cropscale > 1) {
                             $cropscale = 1;
                         $crop_value['width'] = $cropw;
                         $crop_value['height'] = $croph;
                         $crop_value['x'] = round(($value['width'] - $cropw) / 2);
                         $crop_value['y'] = round(($value['height'] - $croph) / 2);
                         $crop_value['scale'] = round($cropscale * 100);
                     } else {
                         // It's a free crop
                         $crop_value['width'] = $value['width'];
                         $crop_value['height'] = $value['height'];
                         $crop_value['x'] = 0;
                         $crop_value['y'] = 0;
                         $crop_value['scale'] = 100;
                     ////// END CROP TO FIT
             $crop_values[$cropid] = $crop_value;
         $value['crop'] = $crop_values;
     return parent::preProcess($value, $settings, $model);