  * Delete all values from the cache
  * @param boolean $check Optional - only delete expired cache items
  * @return boolean True if the cache was succesfully cleared, false otherwise
  * @access public
 function clear($check)
     if (!$this->__init) {
         return false;
     $dir = dir($this->settings['path']);
     if ($check) {
         $now = time();
         $threshold = $now - $this->settings['duration'];
     while (($entry = $dir->read()) !== false) {
         if ($this->__setKey($entry) === false) {
         if ($check) {
             $mtime = $this->__File->lastChange();
             if ($mtime === false || $mtime > $threshold) {
             $expires = $this->__File->read(11);
             if ($expires > $now) {
     return true;
 public function admin_index()
     $logDir = LOGS;
     $Folder = new Folder($logDir, false);
     $logfiles = $Folder->find('.*.log(\\.[0-9])?', true);
     $files = array();
     foreach ($logfiles as $logfile) {
         $F = new File($logDir . $logfile);
         $file = array('name' => $logfile, 'dir' => $logDir, 'size' => $F->size(), 'last_modified' => $F->lastChange(), 'last_access' => $F->lastAccess());
         array_push($files, $file);
Example #3
 function readFolder($folderName = null)
     $folder = new Folder($folderName);
     $images = $folder->read(true, array('.', '..', 'Thumbs.db'), false);
     $images = $images[1];
     // We are only interested in files
     // Get more infos about the images
     $retVal = array();
     foreach ($images as $the_image) {
         $the_image = new File($the_image);
         $retVal[] = array_merge($the_image->info(), array('size' => $the_image->size(), 'last_changed' => $the_image->lastChange()));
     return $retVal;
  * Custom function for migrating from old file browser (kcfinder) to new one
  * 1. upload all files inside of the webroot/upload folder (including the upload folder) to s3
  * 2. run this migrate function
  * 3. check the /file_storage/file_storage/browser page (thumbnails should be showing up correctly now)
  * 4. delete the files from the server
 public function migrate()
     $replacement = $directory = ROOT . DS . SITE_DIR . DS . 'Locale' . DS . 'View' . DS . 'webroot';
     $directory = $replacement . DS . 'upload';
     App::uses('Folder', 'Utility');
     App::uses('File', 'Utility');
     $dir = new Folder($directory);
     $files = $dir->findRecursive();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $file = new File($file);
         $info = $file->info();
         $model = $this->_detectModelByFileType($info['mime']);
         if (!empty($model)) {
             $data['FileStorage']['model'] = $model;
             $data['FileStorage']['filename'] = $info['basename'];
             $data['FileStorage']['filesize'] = $info['filesize'];
             $data['FileStorage']['mime_type'] = $info['mime'];
             $data['FileStorage']['extension'] = $info['extension'];
             $data['FileStorage']['path'] = '/' . str_replace('sites/', '', SITE_DIR) . str_replace($replacement, '', $info['dirname']) . '/';
             $data['FileStorage']['adapter'] = 'S3Storage';
             $data['FileStorage']['creator_id'] = $int = intval(filter_var($data['FileStorage']['path'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
             $data['FileStorage']['modifier_id'] = $int;
             $data['FileStorage']['created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $file->lastChange());
             $data['FileStorage']['modified'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             if ($duplicate = $this->FileStorage->find('first', array('conditions' => array('FileStorage.filename' => $data['FileStorage']['filename'])))) {
                 debug('Duplicate : ' . $data['FileStorage']['filename']);
             if ($this->FileStorage->save($data, array('callbacks' => false))) {
                 debug('Saved: ' . $data['FileStorage']['filename']);
             } else {
Example #5
 public function open($dir, $filename, $write = false)
     $this->_currentFile = null;
     $this->_currentFileLastModified = null;
     $ds = $this->getDataSource();
     $file = new File($filepath = $ds->config['path'] . DS . $dir . DS . $filename, false);
     if (!$file) {
         return false;
     if (!$file->readable()) {
         return false;
     if ($write && !$file->writable()) {
         return false;
     $this->_currentFile = $file;
     $this->_currentFileLastChange = $file->lastChange();
     return $file;
Example #6
  * beforeRender callback function
  * @param Controller $controller
  * @return array contents for panel
 public function beforeRender(Controller $controller)
     $data = array();
     $dir = new Folder(LOGS);
     $files = $dir->find();
     foreach ($files as $log) {
         $file = new File(LOGS . $log);
         $name = $file->name();
         $data[$name] = array();
         if (!$file->readable()) {
             $data[$name]['content'] = __('This log file is unreadable.');
         $data[$name]['lastChange'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $file->lastChange());
         if ($file->size() > $this->readBytes) {
             $file->offset(-$this->readBytes, SEEK_END);
         $data[$name]['content'] = $file->read($this->readBytes);
     return $data;
  * testLastChange method
  * @return void
 public function testLastChange()
     $someFile = new File(TMP . 'some_file.txt', false);
     $this->assertWithinMargin($someFile->lastChange(), time(), 2);
     $this->assertWithinMargin($someFile->lastChange(), time(), 2);
Example #8
 public function export()
     // Check if the background jobs are enabled - if not, fall back to old export page.
     if (Configure::read('MISP.background_jobs')) {
         $now = time();
         // as a site admin we'll use the ADMIN identifier, not to overwrite the cached files of our own org with a file that includes too much data.
         if ($this->_isSiteAdmin()) {
             $useOrg = 'ADMIN';
             $conditions = null;
         } else {
             $useOrg = $this->Auth->User('org');
             $conditions['OR'][] = array('orgc' => $this->Auth->user('org'));
             $conditions['OR'][] = array('distribution >' => 0);
         $this->Event->recursive = -1;
         $newestEvent = $this->Event->find('first', array('conditions' => $conditions, 'fields' => 'timestamp', 'order' => 'Event.timestamp DESC'));
         foreach ($this->Event->export_types as $k => $type) {
             $job = $this->Job->find('first', array('fields' => array('id', 'progress'), 'conditions' => array('job_type' => 'cache_' . $k, 'org' => $useOrg), 'order' => array('Job.id' => 'desc')));
             $dir = new Folder(APP . 'tmp/cached_exports/' . $k);
             if ($k === 'text') {
                 // Since all of the text export files are generated together, we might as well just check for a single one md5.
                 $file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . 'misp.text_md5.' . $useOrg . $type['extension']);
             } else {
                 $file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . 'misp.' . $k . '.' . $useOrg . $type['extension']);
             if (!$file->exists()) {
                 $lastModified = 'N/A';
                 $this->Event->export_types[$k]['recommendation'] = 1;
             } else {
                 $fileChange = $file->lastChange();
                 $lastModified = $this->__timeDifference($now, $fileChange);
                 if ($fileChange > $newestEvent['Event']['timestamp']) {
                     $this->Event->export_types[$k]['recommendation'] = 0;
                 } else {
                     $this->Event->export_types[$k]['recommendation'] = 1;
             $this->Event->export_types[$k]['lastModified'] = $lastModified;
             if (!empty($job)) {
                 $this->Event->export_types[$k]['job_id'] = $job['Job']['id'];
                 $this->Event->export_types[$k]['progress'] = $job['Job']['progress'];
             } else {
                 $this->Event->export_types[$k]['job_id'] = -1;
                 $this->Event->export_types[$k]['progress'] = 0;
         $this->set('useOrg', $useOrg);
         $this->set('export_types', $this->Event->export_types);
         // generate the list of Attribute types
         //$lastModified = strftime("%d, %m, %Y, %T", $lastModified);
         $this->set('sigTypes', array_keys($this->Attribute->typeDefinitions));
     } else {
         // generate the list of Attribute types
         //$lastModified = strftime("%d, %m, %Y, %T", $lastModified);
         $this->set('sigTypes', array_keys($this->Attribute->typeDefinitions));
  * Returns a path to the generated thumbnail.
  * It will only generate a thumbnail for an image if the source is newer than the thumbnail,
  * or if the thumbnail doesn't exist yet.
  * Note: Changing the quality later on after a thumbnail is already generated would have 
  * no effect. Original source images would have to be updated (re-uploaded or modified via
  * "touch" command or some other means). Or the existing thumbnail would have to be destroyed
  * manually or with the flushVersions() method below.
  * @modified 2009-11-10 by Kevin DeCapite (www.decapite.net)
  * 		- Changed 2 return lines to use ImageVersionComponent::formatPath() method
  * 		- See that method's comment block for details
  * @modified 2010-05-03 by Tom Maiaroto
  *		- Added "letterbox" support so resized images don't need to stretch (when not cropping), changed up some resizing math
  *		- Changed version() method so it takes an array which makes it easier to add more options in the future, consolidated code a lot
  *		- Added sharpening support
  * @param $options Array[required] Options that change the size and cropping method of the image
  * 		- image String[required] Location of the source image.
  * 		- size Array[optional] Size of the thumbnail. Default: 75x75
  * 		- quality Int[optional] Quality of the thumbnail. Default: 85%
  * 		- crop Boolean[optional] Whether to crop the image (when one dimension is larger than specified $size)
  * 		- letterbox Mixed[optional] If defined, it needs to be an array that defines the RGB background color to use. So when crop is set to false, this will fill in the rest of the image with a background color. Note: Transparent images will have a transparent letterbox unless forced.
  *		- force_letterbox_color Boolean[optional] Whether or not to force the letterbox color on images with transparency (gif and png images). Default: false (false meaning their letterboxes will be transparent, true meaning they get a colored letterbox which also floods behind any transparent/translucent areas of the image)
  *		- sharpen Boolean[optional] Whether to sharpen the image version or not. Default: true (note: png and gif images are not sharpened because of possible problems with transparency)	 
  * @return String path to thumbnail image.
 function version($options = array('image' => null, 'size' => array(75, 75), 'quality' => 85, 'crop' => false, 'letterbox' => null, 'force_letterbox_color' => false, 'sharpen' => true))
     if (isset($options['image'])) {
         $source = $options['image'];
     } else {
         $source = null;
     if (isset($options['size'])) {
         $thumbSize = $options['size'];
     } else {
         $thumbSize == array(75, 75);
     if (isset($options['quality'])) {
         $thumbQuality = $options['quality'];
     } else {
         $thumbQuality = 85;
     if (isset($options['crop'])) {
         $crop = $options['crop'];
     } else {
         $crop = false;
     if (isset($options['letterbox'])) {
         $letterbox = $options['letterbox'];
     } else {
         $letterbox = null;
     if (is_string($letterbox)) {
         $letterbox = $this->_html2rgb($options['letterbox']);
     if (isset($options['sharpen'])) {
         $sharpen = $options['sharpen'];
     } else {
         $sharpen = true;
     if (isset($options['force_letterbox_color'])) {
         $force_letterbox_color = $options['force_letterbox_color'];
     } else {
         $force_letterbox_color = false;
     // if no source provided, don't do anything
     if (empty($source)) {
         return false;
     // set defaults if null passed for any values
     if ($thumbSize == null) {
         $thumbSize = array(75, 75);
     if ($thumbQuality == null) {
         $thumbQuality = 85;
     if ($crop == null) {
         $crop = false;
     $webroot = new Folder(WWW_ROOT);
     $this->webRoot = $webroot->path;
     // set the size
     $thumb_size_x = $original_thumb_size_x = $thumbSize[0];
     $thumb_size_y = $original_thumb_size_y = $thumbSize[1];
     // round the thumbnail quality in case someone provided a decimal
     $thumbQuality = ceil($thumbQuality);
     // or if a value was entered beyond the extremes
     if ($thumbQuality > 100) {
         $thumbQuality = 100;
     if ($thumbQuality < 0) {
         $thumbQuality = 0;
     // get full path of source file	(note: a beginning slash doesn't matter, the File class handles that I believe)
     $originalFile = new File($this->webRoot . $source);
     $source = $originalFile->Folder->path . DS . $originalFile->name() . '.' . $originalFile->ext();
     // if the source file doesn't exist, don't do anything
     if (!file_exists($source)) {
         return false;
     // get the destination where the new file will be saved (including file name)
     $pathToSave = $this->createPath($originalFile->Folder->path . DS . $thumbSize[0] . 'x' . $thumbSize[1]);
     $dest = $originalFile->Folder->path . DS . $thumb_size_x . 'x' . $thumb_size_y . DS . $originalFile->name() . '.' . $originalFile->ext();
     // First make sure it's an image that we can use (bmp support isn't added, but could be)
     switch (strtolower($originalFile->ext())) {
         case 'jpg':
         case 'jpeg':
         case 'gif':
         case 'png':
             return false;
     // Then see if the size version already exists and if so, is it older than our source image?
     if (file_exists($originalFile->Folder->path . DS . $thumb_size_x . 'x' . $thumb_size_y . DS . $originalFile->name() . '.' . $originalFile->ext())) {
         $existingFile = new File($dest);
         if (date('YmdHis', $existingFile->lastChange()) > date('YmdHis', $originalFile->lastChange())) {
             // if it's newer than the source, return the path. the source hasn't updated, so we don't need a new thumbnail.
             return $this->formatPath(substr(strstr($existingFile->Folder->path . DS . $existingFile->name() . '.' . $existingFile->ext(), 'webroot'), 7));
     // Get source image dimensions
     $size = getimagesize($source);
     $width = $size[0];
     $height = $size[1];
     // $x and $y here are the image source offsets
     $x = NULL;
     $y = NULL;
     $dx = $dy = 0;
     if ($thumb_size_x > $width && $thumb_size_y > $height) {
         $crop = false;
         // don't need to crop now do we?
     // don't allow new width or height to be greater than the original
     if ($thumb_size_x > $width) {
         $thumb_size_x = $width;
     if ($thumb_size_y > $height) {
         $thumb_size_y = $height;
     // generate new w/h if not provided (cool, idiot proofing)
     if ($thumb_size_x && !$thumb_size_y) {
         $thumb_size_y = $height * ($thumb_size_x / $width);
     } elseif ($thumb_size_y && !$thumb_size_x) {
         $thumb_size_x = $width * ($thumb_size_y / $height);
     } elseif (!$thumb_size_x && !$thumb_size_y) {
         $thumb_size_x = $width;
         $thumb_size_y = $height;
     // set some default values for other variables we set differently based on options like letterboxing, etc.
     // TODO: clean this up and consolidate variables so the image creation process is shorter and nicer
     $new_width = $thumb_size_x;
     $new_height = $thumb_size_y;
     $x_mid = ceil($new_width / 2);
     //horizontal middle // TODO: possibly add options to change where the crop is from
     $y_mid = ceil($new_height / 2);
     //vertical middle
     // If the thumbnail is square
     if ($thumbSize[0] == $thumbSize[1]) {
         if ($width > $height) {
             $x = ceil(($width - $height) / 2);
             $width = $height;
         } elseif ($height > $width) {
             $y = ceil(($height - $width) / 2);
             $height = $width;
         // else if the thumbnail is rectangular, don't stretch it
     } else {
         // if we aren't cropping then keep aspect ratio and contain image within the specified size
         if ($crop === false) {
             $ratio_orig = $width / $height;
             if ($thumb_size_x / $thumb_size_y > $ratio_orig) {
                 $thumb_size_x = ceil($thumb_size_y * $ratio_orig);
             } else {
                 $thumb_size_y = ceil($thumb_size_x / $ratio_orig);
         // if we are cropping...
         if ($crop === true) {
             $ratio_orig = $width / $height;
             if ($thumb_size_x / $thumb_size_y > $ratio_orig) {
                 $new_height = ceil($thumb_size_x / $ratio_orig);
                 $new_width = $thumb_size_x;
             } else {
                 $new_width = ceil($thumb_size_y * $ratio_orig);
                 $new_height = $thumb_size_y;
             $x_mid = ceil($new_width / 2);
             //horizontal middle // TODO: possibly add options to change where the crop is from
             $y_mid = ceil($new_height / 2);
             //vertical middle
     switch (strtolower($originalFile->ext())) {
         case 'png':
             if ($thumbQuality != 0) {
                 $thumbQuality = ($thumbQuality - 100) / 11.111111;
                 $thumbQuality = round(abs($thumbQuality));
             $new_im = $this->_generateImage('png', $source, $dx, $dy, $x, $y, $x_mid, $y_mid, $new_width, $new_height, $original_thumb_size_x, $original_thumb_size_y, $thumb_size_x, $thumb_size_y, $height, $width, $letterbox, $crop, $sharpen, $force_letterbox_color);
             imagepng($new_im, $dest, $thumbQuality);
         case 'gif':
             $new_im = $this->_generateImage('gif', $source, $dx, $dy, $x, $y, $x_mid, $y_mid, $new_width, $new_height, $original_thumb_size_x, $original_thumb_size_y, $thumb_size_x, $thumb_size_y, $height, $width, $letterbox, $crop, $sharpen, $force_letterbox_color);
             imagegif($new_im, $dest);
             // no quality setting
         case 'jpg':
         case 'jpeg':
             $new_im = $this->_generateImage('jpg', $source, $dx, $dy, $x, $y, $x_mid, $y_mid, $new_width, $new_height, $original_thumb_size_x, $original_thumb_size_y, $thumb_size_x, $thumb_size_y, $height, $width, $letterbox, $crop, $sharpen, $force_letterbox_color);
             imagejpeg($new_im, $dest, $thumbQuality);
             return false;
     $outputPath = new File($dest);
     $finalPath = substr(strstr($outputPath->Folder->path . DS . $outputPath->name() . '.' . $outputPath->ext(), 'webroot'), 7);
     // PHP 5.3.0 would allow for a true flag as the third argument in strstr()... which would take out "webroot" so substr() wasn't required, but for older PHP...
     return $this->formatPath($finalPath);
 function __loadDbItems()
     // variable used to determine the read dir time
     $acdate = strtotime("now");
     // check to see whether a valid directory was passed to the script
     if ($this->Session->read('User.dirname_get')) {
         // if it is valid, we'll set it as the directory to read data from
         $this->dirpath = $this->Session->read('User.dirname_get');
     } else {
         // if it is invalid, we'll use the default directory
         $this->dirpath = Configure::read('default_get_dir');
     // use Folder class
     $dir = new Folder($this->dirpath);
     // try to change the current working directory to the one from wich i want to read contents from
     if (!$dir->cd($this->dirpath)) {
         // if the change failed, I'll use the default directory
         $this->dirpath = Configure::read('default_get_dir');
     // once the current working directory is set, it is opened and read from
     $dir_listing = $dir->read(true, false, true);
     if ($dir_listing) {
         // while there are still entries
         foreach ($dir_listing[1] as $entry) {
             // if the entry is to be shown (not part of the 'not_to_be_shown' array)
             if (!in_array($entry, Configure::read('not_to_be_shown'))) {
                 $file = new File($entry);
                 if ($file->readable()) {
                     // store the file extension
                     $fext = $file->ext();
                     // store the filename
                     $fname = $file->name;
                     // store the lowercased extension
                     $lfext = strtolower($fext);
                     // store size of file into KB
                     $fsize = round($file->size() / 1024, 2);
                     // store date of file
                     $fidate = $file->lastChange();
                     // store dirpath with file
                     $finfokey = $entry;
                     // store absfilename
                     $fnameabs = $file->name();
                     // define check for filestatus_status (if updated)
                     $update_status = Configure::read('msg_items_file_unselected');
                     // check table fileinfo for update or insert
                     $file_info = $this->FileInfo->find('first', array('conditions' => array('fileinfo_id' => $finfokey), 'fields' => array('fileinfo_id', 'fileinfo_filedate')));
                     if (!empty($file_info)) {
                         $this->FileInfo->read(null, $file_info['FileInfo']['fileinfo_id']);
                         $this->FileInfo->set(array('fileinfo_dirname' => $this->dirpath, 'fileinfo_filename' => $fname, 'fileinfo_absfilename' => $fnameabs, 'fileinfo_ext' => $lfext, 'fileinfo_size' => $fsize, 'fileinfo_filedate' => $fidate, 'fileinfo_timenow' => $acdate));
                         // check data modified file is changed
                         if ($fidate > $file_info['FileInfo']['fileinfo_filedate']) {
                             $update_status = Configure::read('msg_items_file_updated');
                     } else {
                         $this->FileInfo->set(array('fileinfo_id' => $finfokey, 'fileinfo_dirname' => $this->dirpath, 'fileinfo_filename' => $fname, 'fileinfo_absfilename' => $fnameabs, 'fileinfo_ext' => $lfext, 'fileinfo_size' => $fsize, 'fileinfo_filedate' => $fidate, 'fileinfo_timenow' => $acdate));
                     // check table filestatus for update or insert
                     $file_status = $this->FileStatus->find('first', array('conditions' => array('filestatus_fileinfo_key' => $finfokey, 'filestatus_users_id' => $this->Session->read('User.id')), 'fields' => array('filestatus_id', 'filestatus_status')));
                     if (!empty($file_status)) {
                         if ($file_status['FileStatus']['filestatus_status'] == Configure::read('msg_items_file_selected') && $update_status != Configure::read('msg_items_file_updated')) {
                             $update_status = Configure::read('msg_items_file_selected');
                         $this->FileStatus->read(null, $file_status['FileStatus']['filestatus_id']);
                         $this->FileStatus->set(array('filestatus_status' => $update_status, 'filestatus_users_id' => $this->Session->read('User.id'), 'filestatus_timenow' => $acdate));
                     } else {
                         $this->FileStatus->set(array('filestatus_fileinfo_key' => $finfokey, 'filestatus_status' => $update_status, 'filestatus_users_id' => $this->Session->read('User.id'), 'filestatus_timenow' => $acdate));
         // check consistency : delete from db files that's removed from directory
         $file_info_del = $this->FileInfo->deleteAll(array('fileinfo_timenow < ' => $acdate));
         if (!$file_info_del) {
             $this->log('DownloadsController:__loadDbItems - Unable delete FileInfo model record', Configure::read('log_file'));
         // check consistency : delete from db files that's removed from directory
         $file_status_del = $this->FileStatus->deleteAll(array('filestatus_timenow < ' => $acdate, 'filestatus_users_id' => $this->Session->read('User.id')));
         if (!$file_status_del) {
             $this->log('DownloadsController:__loadDbItems - Unable delete FileStatus model record', Configure::read('log_file'));
 public function get_file()
     $path = null;
     $paths = $this->request->params['pass'];
     foreach ($paths as $p) {
         $path = $path . DS . $p;
         $this->set('mId', $p);
     $path = str_replace('<>', ' ', $path);
     $file = new File(WWW_ROOT . 'files' . DS . $this->Session->read('User.company_id') . DS . 'SavedReports' . $path);
     $fileDetails = $file->info();
     $fileChange = $file->lastChange();
     $this->set('fileDetails', $fileDetails);
     $this->set('fileChange', $fileChange);
     $c_file = WWW_ROOT . 'files' . DS . $this->Session->read('User.company_id') . DS . 'SavedReports' . $path;
     $this->set('path', $path);
Example #12
  * Sync Files
  * Check for templates, css, and js files and sync the database content fields
  * @param string
  * @return bool
  * @todo This should only happen when there has been a change to the template
 public function syncFiles($type = 'template')
     App::uses('Folder', 'Utility');
     App::uses('File', 'Utility');
     if ($type == 'template') {
         foreach ($this->templateDirectories as $directory) {
             $dir = new Folder($directory);
             $files = $dir->find('.*\\.ctp');
             // This function must be responsible for making new template files show up at /webpages/index/template ^JB 6/3/2013
             if (!empty($files)) {
                 $dbTemplates = $this->_getDbFileRecords($files, 'template');
                 // stops us from searching in more directories
         if (!empty($files)) {
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 $file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . $file);
                 $templates[] = array('name' => $file->name, 'content' => $file->read(), 'type' => 'template', 'modified' => date('Y-m-d h:i:s', $file->lastChange()));
                 // $file->write('I am overwriting the contents of this file');
                 // $file->append('I am adding to the bottom of this file.');
                 // $file->delete(); // I am deleting this file
                 // Be sure to close the file when you're done
         foreach ($templates as $template) {
             $id = $this->find('first', array('conditions' => array('name' => $template['name']), 'fields' => array('id', 'modified'), 'callbacks' => false));
             if (!empty($id)) {
                 if ($id['Webpage']['modified'] < $template['modified']) {
                     $this->id = $id['Webpage']['id'];
                     try {
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
             } else {
                 try {
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
     if ($type == 'css') {
         $dir = new Folder($this->cssDirectory);
         $files = $dir->find('.*\\.css');
         if (!empty($files)) {
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 $file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . $file);
                 $csses[] = array('name' => str_replace($this->cssDirectory, '', $file->path), 'content' => $file->read(), 'modified' => date('Y-m-d h:i:s', $file->lastChange()));
                 // Be sure to close the file when you're done
         if (!empty($csses)) {
             foreach ($csses as $css) {
                 $id = $this->field('id', array('WebpageCss.name' => $css['name']));
                 if (!empty($id)) {
                     try {
                         $this->id = $id;
                         $this->saveField('content', $css['content'], array('callbacks' => false));
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                 } else {
                     try {
                         $css['is_requested'] = 1;
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
     if ($type == 'js') {
         $dir = new Folder($this->jsDirectory);
         $files = $dir->find('.*\\.js');
         if (!empty($files)) {
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 $file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . $file);
                 $jses[] = array('name' => str_replace($this->jsDirectory, '', $file->path), 'content' => $file->read(), 'modified' => date('Y-m-d h:i:s', $file->lastChange()));
                 // Be sure to close the file when you're done
         if (!empty($jses)) {
             foreach ($jses as $js) {
                 $id = $this->field('id', array('WebpageJs.name' => $js['name']));
                 if (!empty($id)) {
                     try {
                         $this->id = $id;
                         $this->saveField('content', $js['content'], array('callbacks' => false));
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                 } else {
                     try {
                         $js['is_requested'] = 1;
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
     if ($type == 'element') {
         // not recursive into sub folders of the elements directory
         $dir = new Folder($this->elementsDirectory);
         $files = $dir->find('.*\\.ctp');
         if (!empty($files)) {
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 $file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . $file);
                 $elements[] = array('name' => str_replace(array($this->elementsDirectory, '.ctp'), '', $file->path), 'content' => $file->read(), 'modified' => date('Y-m-d h:i:s', $file->lastChange()));
                 // Be sure to close the file when you're done
         if (!empty($elements)) {
             foreach ($elements as $element) {
                 $id = $this->field('id', array('Webpage.name' => $element['name']));
                 if (!empty($id)) {
                     try {
                         $this->id = $id;
                         $this->saveField('content', $element['content'], array('callbacks' => false));
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                 } else {
                     try {
                         $element['type'] = 'element';
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
Example #13
 private function __advancedFileFind($conditions)
     if (empty($this->fileList[1])) {
         $this->return = array();
         return true;
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($this->fileList[1] as $file) {
         if (in_array($file, $this->ignore)) {
         if ($this->recursive > -2) {
             $Folder = new Folder($this->path);
             $this->return[$i]['File']['path'] = $Folder->path . DS . $file;
             $this->return[$i]['File']['relative'] = $this->__relativePath($this->return[$i]['File']['path']);
             $stat = stat($this->return[$i]['File']['path']);
             $this->__fileStatus($i, $stat);
             if ($this->recursive > -1) {
                 $this->return[$i]['File']['accessed'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $stat['atime']);
                 $this->return[$i]['File']['modified'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $stat['mtime']);
                 $this->return[$i]['File']['created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $stat['ctime']);
                 $File = new File($this->return[$i]['File']['path']);
                 $info = $File->info();
                 $this->return[$i]['File']['dirname'] = $info['dirname'];
                 $this->return[$i]['File']['name'] = $info['basename'];
                 $this->return[$i]['File']['extension'] = isset($info['extension']) ? $info['extension'] : null;
                 $this->return[$i]['File']['filename'] = $info['filename'];
                 $this->return[$i]['File']['writable'] = $File->writable();
                 if ($this->recursive > 0) {
                     $this->return[$i]['File']['size'] = $File->size();
                     $this->return[$i]['File']['owner'] = $File->owner();
                     $this->return[$i]['File']['group'] = $File->group();
                     $this->return[$i]['File']['accessed'] = $File->lastAccess();
                     $this->return[$i]['File']['modidfied'] = $File->lastChange();
                     $this->return[$i]['File']['charmod'] = $File->perms();
                     if ($this->recursive > 1) {
                         $this->return[$i]['File']['type'] = filetype($this->return[$i]['File']['path']);
                         $this->return[$i]['File']['md5'] = $File->md5();
                         $this->return[$i]['File']['Extended'] = stat($this->return[$i]['File']['path']);
     return true;
Example #14
  * Read Data
  * @param Model $model
  * @param array $queryData
  * @param integer $recursive Number of levels of association
  * @return mixed
 public function read(&$model, $queryData = array(), $recursive = null)
     if (isset($queryData["conditions"][$model->alias . ".extension"])) {
         $extension = preg_quote($queryData["conditions"][$model->alias . ".extension"]);
     } else {
         $extension = $this->config['extension'];
     if (isset($queryData["conditions"][$model->alias . ".filename"])) {
         $filename = $queryData["conditions"][$model->alias . ".filename"];
         $searchPattern = preg_quote($queryData["conditions"][$model->alias . ".filename"], '/');
     } else {
         //			$searchPattern = '.*' . '\.' . preg_quote($extension);
         $searchPattern = '.*' . '\\.' . $extension;
     if (isset($queryData["conditions"][$model->alias . ".dir"])) {
         //			$dir = $this->connection->realpath($this->config['path']) . DS . $queryData["conditions"][$model->alias . ".dir"];
         $dir = is_array($dir = $queryData["conditions"][$model->alias . ".dir"]) ? $dir : array($dir);
     /*		var_dump($queryData);*/
     //		var_dump($searchPattern);
     if ($this->config['recursive']) {
         $list = $this->connection->findRecursive($searchPattern, true);
         /*			$this->log($list);
         			echo "list#\n";
         foreach ($list as &$item) {
             $temp = $item;
             $item = array();
             $item["full"] = $temp;
             $item["short"] = mb_substr($temp, mb_strlen($this->connection->realpath($this->config['path']) . DS));
     } else {
         $list = $this->connection->find($searchPattern, true);
         foreach ($list as &$item) {
             $temp = $item;
             $item = array();
             $item["full"] = $this->config['path'] . DS . $temp;
             $item["short"] = $temp;
     $resultSet = array();
     foreach ($list as $item) {
         /*			if (isset($dir) && isset($filename))
         				echo "dirconcat#\n";
         				var_dump($dir . DS . $filename);
         				echo "itemfull#\n";
         				if ($dir . DS . $filename === $item["full"])
         if (isset($dir)) {
             if (!$this->fileInDir($item["full"], $dir)) {
         $file = new File($path = $this->config['path'] . DS . $item["short"], false);
         //			var_dump($item);
         //			$item = preg_replace('/' . $extPattern . '$/i', '', $item);
         $resultSet[] = array($model->alias => array('filename' => $item["short"], 'size' => $file->size(), 'modified' => $file->lastChange()));
     if ($model->findQueryType === 'count') {
         return array(array(array('count' => count($resultSet))));
     return $resultSet;
 public function get_file()
     $paths = $this->request->params['pass'];
     foreach ($paths as $p) {
         $path = $path . '/' . $p;
         $this->set('mId', $p);
     $path = str_replace('<>', ' ', $path);
     $file = new File(WWW_ROOT . 'files/' . $path);
     $fileDetails = $file->info();
     $fileChange = $file->lastChange();
     $this->set('fileDetails', $fileDetails);
     $this->set('fileChange', $fileChange);
     //$c_file = WWW_ROOT . 'files/' . $path;
     $this->set('path', $path);