Example #1
  * Scale a file with a remote "scaler", as exists on the Wikimedia Foundation
  * cluster, and output it to STDOUT.
  * Note: Unlike the usual thumbnail process, the web client never sees the
  * cluster URL; we do the whole HTTP transaction to the scaler ourselves
  * and cat the results out.
  * Note: We rely on NFS to have propagated the file contents to the scaler.
  * However, we do not rely on the thumbnail being created in NFS and then
  * propagated back to our filesystem. Instead we take the results of the
  * HTTP request instead.
  * Note: No caching is being done here, although we are instructing the
  * client to cache it forever.
  * @param File $file
  * @param array $params Scaling parameters ( e.g. array( width => '50' ) );
  * @param int $flags Scaling flags ( see File:: constants )
  * @throws MWException
  * @return bool Success
 private function outputRemoteScaledThumb($file, $params, $flags)
     // This option probably looks something like
     // '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/test/thumb/temp'. Do not use
     // trailing slash.
     $scalerBaseUrl = $this->getConfig()->get('UploadStashScalerBaseUrl');
     if (preg_match('/^\\/\\//', $scalerBaseUrl)) {
         // this is apparently a protocol-relative URL, which makes no sense in this context,
         // since this is used for communication that's internal to the application.
         // default to http.
         $scalerBaseUrl = wfExpandUrl($scalerBaseUrl, PROTO_CANONICAL);
     // We need to use generateThumbName() instead of thumbName(), because
     // the suffix needs to match the file name for the remote thumbnailer
     // to work
     $scalerThumbName = $file->generateThumbName($file->getName(), $params);
     $scalerThumbUrl = $scalerBaseUrl . '/' . $file->getUrlRel() . '/' . rawurlencode($scalerThumbName);
     // make a curl call to the scaler to create a thumbnail
     $httpOptions = array('method' => 'GET', 'timeout' => 5);
     $req = MWHttpRequest::factory($scalerThumbUrl, $httpOptions, __METHOD__);
     $status = $req->execute();
     if (!$status->isOK()) {
         $errors = $status->getErrorsArray();
         $errorStr = "Fetching thumbnail failed: " . print_r($errors, 1);
         $errorStr .= "\nurl = {$scalerThumbUrl}\n";
         throw new MWException($errorStr);
     $contentType = $req->getResponseHeader("content-type");
     if (!$contentType) {
         throw new MWException("Missing content-type header");
     return $this->outputContents($req->getContent(), $contentType);
Example #2
  * @param File $file
  * @returns string
 private function fileLine($file)
     global $wgLang, $wgTitle;
     $target = $this->page->getPrefixedText();
     $date = $wgLang->timeanddate($file->getTimestamp(), true);
     $del = '';
     # Hidden files...
     if ($file->isDeleted(File::DELETED_FILE)) {
         $del = ' <tt>' . wfMsgHtml('deletedrev') . '</tt>';
         if (!$file->userCan(File::DELETED_FILE)) {
             $pageLink = $date;
         } else {
             $pageLink = $this->skin->makeKnownLinkObj($wgTitle, $date, "target={$target}&file={$file->sha1}." . $file->getExtension());
         $pageLink = '<span class="history-deleted">' . $pageLink . '</span>';
         # Regular files...
     } else {
         $url = $file->getUrlRel();
         $pageLink = "<a href=\"{$url}\">{$date}</a>";
     $data = wfMsg('widthheight', $wgLang->formatNum($file->getWidth()), $wgLang->formatNum($file->getHeight())) . ' (' . wfMsgExt('nbytes', 'parsemag', $wgLang->formatNum($file->getSize())) . ')';
     $data = htmlspecialchars($data);
     return "<li>{$pageLink} " . $this->fileUserTools($file) . " {$data} " . $this->fileComment($file) . "{$del}</li>";
Example #3
  * @param LocalFile $file file to check
  * @return int RESULT_* flag
  * @see BAC-731
 private function processMissingFile(File $file)
     global $wgUploadDirectory, $wgCityId;
     try {
         $exists = $this->repo->fileExists($file->getPath());
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $exists = true;
         $this->error(sprintf("%s caught: %s", get_class($ex), $ex->getMessage()));
     // file is fine, continue...
     if ($exists) {
         return self::RESULT_EXISTS;
     $restored = false;
     $this->output(sprintf("'%s' doesn't exist (%s)\n", $file->getTitle(), $file->getUrlRel()));
     // let's assume that given file was moved from A
     // let's get all possible A's and try to find images for them
     $candidates = $this->getCandidates($file);
     if (empty($candidates) && !empty($this->otherLocation)) {
         # check other location - maybe this file is there :)
         $candidates = $this->checkOtherLocation($file);
     if (!empty($candidates)) {
         $this->output(sprintf("  %d candidate(s) found...\n", count($candidates)));
         foreach ($candidates as $candidate) {
             $srcFile = LocalFile::newFromTitle($candidate, $this->repo);
             $srcPath = $wgUploadDirectory . '/' . $srcFile->getUrlRel();
             // check on FS storage
             $foundOnFS = file_exists($srcPath);
             $this->output(sprintf("    '%s' -> <%s> [%s]\n", $srcFile->getName(), $srcPath, $foundOnFS ? 'found' : 'not found'));
             // check the next candidate (or if --dry-run)
             if (!$foundOnFS || $this->isDryRun) {
             // upload found image to Swift
             $swift = \Wikia\SwiftStorage::newFromWiki($wgCityId);
             $metadata = ['Sha1Base36' => $file->getSha1()];
             $status = $swift->store($srcPath, $file->getUrlRel(), $metadata, $file->getMimeType());
             if ($status->isOK()) {
                 self::log('restored', $file->getName());
                 $restored = true;
     // remove an image if it can't be restored
     if (!$restored && !$this->isDryRun) {
         $this->output(sprintf("  Removed '%s'!\n", $file->getName()));
         self::log('removed', $file->getName());
     return $restored ? self::RESULT_RESTORED : self::RESULT_NOT_RESTORED;