  * Handle the request
  * @return void
 protected function handle()
     $profile = $this->user->getProfile();
     $base64img = $this->img;
     if (stristr($base64img, 'image/jpeg')) {
         $base64img_mime = 'image/jpeg';
     } elseif (stristr($base64img, 'image/png')) {
         // should convert to jpg here!!
         $base64img_mime = 'image/png';
     $base64img = str_replace('data:image/jpeg;base64,', '', $base64img);
     $base64img = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $base64img);
     $base64img = str_replace(' ', '+', $base64img);
     $base64img_hash = md5($base64img);
     $base64img = base64_decode($base64img);
     $base64img_basename = basename('cover');
     $base64img_filename = File::filename($profile, $base64img_basename, $base64img_mime);
     $base64img_path = File::path($base64img_filename);
     $base64img_success = file_put_contents($base64img_path, $base64img);
     $base64img_mimetype = MediaFile::getUploadedMimeType($base64img_path, $base64img_filename);
     $mediafile = new MediaFile($profile, $base64img_filename, $base64img_mimetype);
     $imagefile = new ImageFile($mediafile->fileRecord->id, File::path($mediafile->filename));
     $imagefile->resizeTo(File::path($mediafile->filename), array('width' => $this->cropW, 'height' => $this->cropH, 'x' => $this->cropX, 'y' => $this->cropY, 'w' => $this->cropW, 'h' => $this->cropH));
     $result['url'] = File::url($mediafile->filename);
     Profile_prefs::setData($profile, 'qvitter', 'cover_photo', $result['url']);
Example #2
 public function __construct($page)
     $this->kirby = $page->kirby;
     $this->site = $page->site;
     $this->page = $page;
     $inventory = $page->inventory();
     foreach ($inventory['files'] as $filename) {
         $file = new File($this, $filename);
         $this->data[strtolower($file->filename())] = $file;
Example #3
 private function getPageTypes()
     $listitems = array();
     // Add the Blank Page type
     $listitems[] = 'Blank Page';
     // Add all available templates to the list
     foreach (scandir(Constants::$ROOT_DIR . 'templates/sandbox') as $file) {
         if (File::fileExtension($file) == "html") {
             // Add the filename to the list
             $listitems[] = File::filename($file);
     return $listitems;
 function makeBackupFile($user)
     // XXX: this is pretty lose-y;  try another way
     $tmpdir = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/offline-backup/' . $user->nickname . '/' . common_date_iso8601(common_sql_now());
     common_log(LOG_INFO, 'Writing backup data to ' . $tmpdir . ' for ' . $user->nickname);
     mkdir($tmpdir, 0700, true);
     $this->dumpNotices($user, $tmpdir);
     $this->dumpFaves($user, $tmpdir);
     $this->dumpSubscriptions($user, $tmpdir);
     $this->dumpSubscribers($user, $tmpdir);
     $this->dumpGroups($user, $tmpdir);
     $fileName = File::filename($user->getProfile(), "backup", "application/atom+xml");
     $fullPath = File::path($fileName);
     $this->makeActivityFeed($user, $tmpdir, $fullPath);
     return $fileName;
Example #5
  * Handle the request
  * @return void
 protected function handle()
     $profile = $this->user->getProfile();
     $base64img = $this->img;
     if (stristr($base64img, 'image/jpeg')) {
         $base64img_mime = 'image/jpeg';
     } elseif (stristr($base64img, 'image/png')) {
         // should convert to jpg here!!
         $base64img_mime = 'image/png';
     $base64img = str_replace('data:image/jpeg;base64,', '', $base64img);
     $base64img = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $base64img);
     $base64img = str_replace(' ', '+', $base64img);
     $base64img_hash = md5($base64img);
     $base64img = base64_decode($base64img);
     $base64img_basename = basename('avatar');
     $base64img_filename = File::filename($profile, $base64img_basename, $base64img_mime);
     $base64img_path = File::path($base64img_filename);
     $base64img_success = file_put_contents($base64img_path, $base64img);
     $base64img_mimetype = MediaFile::getUploadedMimeType($base64img_path, $base64img_filename);
     $mediafile = new MediaFile($profile, $base64img_filename, $base64img_mimetype);
     $imagefile = new ImageFile($mediafile->fileRecord->id, File::path($mediafile->filename));
     $imagefile->resizeTo(File::path($mediafile->filename), array('width' => $this->cropW, 'height' => $this->cropH, 'x' => $this->cropX, 'y' => $this->cropY, 'w' => $this->cropW, 'h' => $this->cropH));
     $type = $imagefile->preferredType();
     $filename = Avatar::filename($profile->id, image_type_to_extension($type), null, common_timestamp());
     $filepath = Avatar::path($filename);
     $profile = $this->user->getProfile();
     $twitter_user = $this->twitterUserArray($profile, true);
Example #6
  * Store the full-length scrubbed HTML of a remote notice to an attachment
  * file on our server. We'll link to this at the end of the cropped version.
  * @param string $title plaintext for HTML page's title
  * @param string $rendered HTML fragment for HTML page's body
  * @return File
 function saveHTMLFile($title, $rendered)
     $final = sprintf("<!DOCTYPE html>\n" . '<html><head>' . '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">' . '<title>%s</title>' . '</head>' . '<body>%s</body></html>', htmlspecialchars($title), $rendered);
     $filename = File::filename($this->localProfile(), 'ostatus', 'text/html');
     $filepath = File::path($filename);
     $fileurl = File::url($filename);
     file_put_contents($filepath, $final);
     $file = new File();
     $file->filename = $filename;
     $file->urlhash = File::hashurl($fileurl);
     $file->url = $fileurl;
     $file->size = filesize($filepath);
     $file->date = time();
     $file->mimetype = 'text/html';
     $file_id = $file->insert();
     if ($file_id === false) {
         common_log_db_error($file, "INSERT", __FILE__);
         // TRANS: Server exception.
         throw new ServerException(_m('Could not store HTML content of long post as file.'));
     return $file;
Example #7
  * Check if a file is present in the current value
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @param  \File $file
  * @return bool
 public function isInValue($file)
     return in_array($file->filename(), $this->value());
 static function fromFilehandle($fh, $user)
     $stream = stream_get_meta_data($fh);
     if (!MediaFile::respectsQuota($user, filesize($stream['uri']))) {
         // Should never actually get here
         // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a file upload operation would cause a user to exceed a set quota.
         throw new ClientException(_('File exceeds user\'s quota.'));
     $mimetype = MediaFile::getUploadedFileType($fh);
     $filename = null;
     if (isset($mimetype)) {
         $filename = File::filename($user->getProfile(), "email", $mimetype);
         $filepath = File::path($filename);
         $result = copy($stream['uri'], $filepath) && chmod($filepath, 0664);
         if (!$result) {
             // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a file upload operation fails because the file could
             // TRANS: not be moved from the temporary folder to the permanent file location.
             throw new ClientException(_('File could not be moved to destination directory.' . $stream['uri'] . ' ' . $filepath));
     } else {
         // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a file upload operation has been stopped because the MIME
         // TRANS: type of the uploaded file could not be determined.
         throw new ClientException(_('Could not determine file\'s MIME type.'));
     return new MediaFile($user, $filename, $mimetype);
Example #9
 public function add($filename)
     $file = new File($this, $filename);
     $this->data[$file->filename()] = $file;
     return $file;
 static function fromFilehandle($fh, $user)
     $stream = stream_get_meta_data($fh);
     if (!MediaFile::respectsQuota($user, filesize($stream['uri']))) {
         // Should never actually get here
         throw new ClientException(_('File exceeds user\'s quota.'));
     $mimetype = MediaFile::getUploadedFileType($fh);
     $filename = null;
     if (isset($mimetype)) {
         $filename = File::filename($user->getProfile(), "email", $mimetype);
         $filepath = File::path($filename);
         $result = copy($stream['uri'], $filepath) && chmod($filepath, 0664);
         if (!$result) {
             throw new ClientException(_('File could not be moved to destination directory.' . $stream['uri'] . ' ' . $filepath));
     } else {
         throw new ClientException(_('Could not determine file\'s MIME type.'));
     return new MediaFile($user, $filename, $mimetype);
Example #11
 static function fromFilehandle($fh, Profile $scoped)
     $stream = stream_get_meta_data($fh);
     // So far we're only handling filehandles originating from tmpfile(),
     // so we can always do hash_file on $stream['uri'] as far as I can tell!
     $filehash = hash_file(File::FILEHASH_ALG, $stream['uri']);
     try {
         $file = File::getByHash($filehash);
         // Already have it, so let's reuse the locally stored File
         $filename = $file->filename;
         $mimetype = $file->mimetype;
     } catch (NoResultException $e) {
         File::respectsQuota($scoped, filesize($stream['uri']));
         $mimetype = self::getUploadedMimeType($stream['uri']);
         switch (common_config('attachments', 'filename_base')) {
             case 'upload':
                 $filename = File::filename($scoped, "email", $mimetype);
             case 'hash':
                 $filename = strtolower($filehash) . '.' . File::guessMimeExtension($mimetype);
         $filepath = File::path($filename);
         $result = copy($stream['uri'], $filepath) && chmod($filepath, 0664);
         if (!$result) {
             // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a file upload operation fails because the file could
             // TRANS: not be moved from the temporary folder to the permanent file location.
             throw new ClientException(_('File could not be moved to destination directory.' . $stream['uri'] . ' ' . $filepath));
     return new MediaFile($scoped, $filename, $mimetype, $filehash);
  * Handle the request
  * @return void
 protected function handle()
     $profile = $this->user->getProfile();
     // see if we have regular uploaded image data
     try {
         $mediafile = MediaFile::fromUpload('banner', $profile);
     } catch (NoUploadedMediaException $e) {
         // if not we may have base64 data
         $img = $this->img;
         if (stristr($img, 'image/jpeg')) {
             $img_mime = 'image/jpeg';
         } elseif (stristr($img, 'image/png')) {
             // should convert to jpg here!!
             $img_mime = 'image/png';
         // i don't remember why we had to do this
         $img = str_replace('data:image/jpeg;base64,', '', $img);
         $img = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $img);
         $img = str_replace(' ', '+', $img);
         $img = base64_decode($img, true);
         try {
             $img_filename = File::filename($profile, 'cover', $img_mime);
             $img_path = File::path($img_filename);
             $img_success = file_put_contents($img_path, $img);
             $img_mimetype = MediaFile::getUploadedMimeType($img_path, $img_filename);
             $mediafile = new MediaFile($profile, $img_filename, $img_mimetype);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->clientError($e, 400);
     if (!$mediafile instanceof MediaFile) {
         $this->clientError(_('Could not process image data.'), 400);
     // maybe resize
     $width = $this->cropW;
     $height = $this->cropH;
     $scale = 1;
     if ($width > 1200) {
         $scale = 1200 / $width;
     } elseif ($height > 600) {
         $scale = 600 / $height;
     $width = round($width * $scale);
     $height = round($height * $scale);
     // crop
     try {
         $imagefile = new ImageFile($mediafile->fileRecord->id, File::path($mediafile->filename));
         $imagefile->resizeTo(File::path($mediafile->filename), array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'x' => $this->cropX, 'y' => $this->cropY, 'w' => $this->cropW, 'h' => $this->cropH));
         $result['url'] = File::url($mediafile->filename);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->clientError(_('The image could not be resized and cropped. ' . $e), 422);
     // save in profile_prefs
     try {
         Profile_prefs::setData($profile, 'qvitter', 'cover_photo', $result['url']);
     } catch (ServerException $e) {
         $this->clientError(_('The image could not be resized and cropped. ' . $e), 422);
     // return json
Example #13
  * Generate file slug.
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @param  \File  $file
  * @return string
 public function itemId($file)
     return $this->name() . '-' . str::slug($file->filename());