Example #1
    mysql_query("ALTER TABLE " . DB_PREFIX . "_groups ADD events TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'");
require_once 'inc/class/Event.class.php';
// set the action from the url
$action = isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] != '' ? $_GET['action'] : '';
// enable the event
if ($action == 'enableEvent') {
    $event = new Event();
// disable the event
if ($action == 'disableEvent') {
    $event = new Event();
// delete the event
if ($action == 'deleteEvent') {
    $event = new Event();
// if $_POST is detected
if (isset($_POST['events'])) {
    $_SESSION['postevents'] = $_POST['events'] != '' ? $_POST['events'] : 0;
if (isset($_GET['newGroup']) && $_GET['newGroup'] != '') {
    // Update the events access level for new groups
    $update = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "groups SET events = :events WHERE id = :id";
    $st = $conn->prepare($update);