Example #1
  * Write a message to the log file.
  * <code>
  *		// Write an "error" message to the log file
  *		Log::write('error', 'Something went horribly wrong!');
  *		// Write an "error" message using the class' magic method
  *		Log::error('Something went horribly wrong!');
  *		// Log an arrays data
  *		Log::write('info', array('name' => 'Sawny', 'passwd' => '1234', array(1337, 21, 0)), true);
  *      //Result: Array ( [name] => Sawny [passwd] => 1234 [0] => Array ( [0] => 1337 [1] => 21 [2] => 0 ) )
  *      //If we had omit the third parameter the result had been: Array
  * </code>
  * @param  string  $type
  * @param  string  $message
  * @return void
 public static function write($type, $message, $pretty_print = false)
     $message = $pretty_print ? print_r($message, true) : $message;
     // If there is a listener for the log event, we'll delegate the logging
     // to the event and not write to the log files. This allows for quick
     // swapping of log implementations for debugging.
     if (Event::listeners('laravel.log')) {
         Event::fire('laravel.log', array($type, $message));
     $trace = debug_backtrace();
     foreach ($trace as $item) {
         if (isset($item['class']) and $item['class'] == __CLASS__) {
         $caller = $item;
     $function = $caller['function'];
     if (isset($caller['class'])) {
         $class = $caller['class'] . '::';
     } else {
         $class = '';
     $message = static::format($type, $class . $function . ' - ' . $message);
     File::append(path('storage') . 'logs/' . date('Y-m-d') . '.log', $message);
Example #2
  * Write a message to the log file.
  * <code>
  *		// Write an "error" message to the log file
  *		Log::write('error', 'Something went horribly wrong!');
  *		// Write an "error" message using the class' magic method
  *		Log::error('Something went horribly wrong!');
  * </code>
  * @param  string  $type
  * @param  string  $message
  * @return void
 public static function write($type, $message)
     // If there is a listener for the log event, we'll delegate the logging
     // to the event and not write to the log files. This allows for quick
     // swapping of log implementations for debugging.
     if (Event::listeners('laravel.log')) {
         Event::fire('laravel.log', array($type, $message));
     $message = static::format($type, $message);
     File::append(path('storage') . 'logs/' . date('Y-m-d') . '.log', $message);
Example #3
 public function get_nav($menu = '', $partial_path = null)
     if (\Event::listeners("menu.render.navigation: {$menu}")) {
         $result = \Event::until("menu.render.navigation: {$menu}");
         if (!is_null($result)) {
             if ($result instanceof \DOMDocument) {
                 return $result->saveHTML();
             } elseif (is_string($result)) {
                 return $result;
             } elseif (is_array($result)) {
                 return Dom::arrayToDOMDocument($result)->saveHTML();
             } else {
                 throw new \Exception("Menu event response is invalid. Supported responses are: [DOMDocument], [String], [Array]");
     $navigation_group = \Navigation\Model\Group::with(array('links' => function ($query) {
         $query->order_by('order', 'asc');
     }))->where('slug', '=', $menu)->first();
     // This navigation group is available?
     if (isset($navigation_group) and !empty($navigation_group)) {
         $items = $navigation_group->get_links();
         if (\Event::listeners("menu.merge.navigation: {$menu}", array($items))) {
             $result = \Event::until("menu.merge.navigation: {$menu}", array($items));
             $items = array_merge_recursive($items, $result);
         if (\Event::listeners("menu.make.navigation: {$menu}", array($items))) {
             $items = \Event::until("menu.make.navigation: {$menu}", array($items));
         if (\Event::listeners("menu.make.navigation", array($items))) {
             $items = \Event::until("menu.make.navigation", array($items));
         return $this->make($items, '', $partial_path);
     } else {
         return 'ERROR: The navigation group [' . $menu . '] does not exist.';
Example #4
  * Return partial view rendered
  * @param string $partial
  * @param array $data
 public function render_partial($partial, $data = array())
     if (\Event::listeners("themes.render.partial: {$partial}")) {
         $result = \Event::until("themes.render.partial: {$partial}", array($view));
         if (!is_null($result)) {
             if ($result instanceof \DOMDocument) {
                 $view = $result->saveHTML();
             } elseif (is_string($result)) {
                 $view = $result;
             } elseif (is_array($result)) {
                 // array to dom
                 $view = '<!DOCTYPE html>';
                 $view .= Dom::arrayToDOMDocument($result, 'html')->saveHTML();
             } else {
                 // trow exception
     $data = $this->_share_data($data);
     $bundle_parts = \Bundle::parse($partial);
     $bundle_name = $bundle_parts['0'] == 'application' ? '' : $bundle_parts['0'] . DS;
     $partial_path = str_replace('.', DS, $bundle_parts['1']);
     $theme_view_folder = $this->_theme_absolute_path . DS . 'views' . DS;
     // Check for a custom path
     $has_partial = $this->_view_exists(str_replace('.', DS, $partial));
     if ($has_partial) {
         return View::make($has_partial, $data);
     // Check on the themes views folder
     $has_partial = $this->_view_exists($theme_view_folder . $bundle_name . 'partials' . DS . $partial_path);
     if ($has_partial) {
         return View::make($has_partial, $data);
     // Check on custom folder (fallback for all themes)
     $has_partial = $this->_view_exists(path('public') . 'custom' . DS . 'views' . DS . $bundle_name . 'partials' . DS . $partial_path);
     if ($has_partial) {
         return View::make($has_partial, $data);
     // bundles folder
     $has_partial = $this->_view_exists($partial);
     if ($has_partial) {
         return View::make($has_partial, $data);
     // try to load from application views folder
     $has_partial = $this->_view_exists('partials' . DS . $partial_path);
     if ($has_partial) {
         return View::make($has_partial, $data);
     Log::error('Failed to render partial from ' . $partial);
     throw new \Exception("Failed to render partial. Partial [{$partial}] doesn't exist. ");