Example #1
  * @param int $startPage
  * @param int $endPage
  * @param int $progressUpdaterWeighting multiplier for the amount to increment the progress indicator each time a thumbnail is complete
 public function generateThumbnails($startPage, $endPage, $progressUpdaterWeighting = ProgressUpdater::WEIGHTING_TYPICAL)
     $pages = $this->epub->pageList();
     // Generate Thumbnails and update progress.
     for ($pageNum = $startPage; $pageNum <= $endPage; $pageNum++) {
         CakeLog::debug("[CommonProcessor::process] Generating thumbnail for page {$pageNum} in Book ID {$this->bookId}");
         $this->requestThumbnail($pages[$pageNum - 1]->relativePath);
     CakeLog::debug("[CommonProcessor::process] Thumbnail generation complete");
  * Hyperlink href attributes must be set before all the pages are named.
  * Go through the pages and replace the page UIDs in all hrefs with the actual page name.
  * Use Ganon to target only hyperlink href attributes
  * @param EpubManager $epubManager
 public function fixHyperlinkPageNames(EpubManager $epubManager)
     $pages = $epubManager->pageList();
     foreach ($pages as $pageFile) {
         $content = $epubManager->getPageContent($pageFile->relativePath);
         $dom = new HTML_Parser($content);
         $hyperlinks = $dom('a');
         if (count($hyperlinks) > 0) {
             foreach ($hyperlinks as $hyperlink) {
                 $href = $hyperlink->getAttribute('href');
                 $correctedHref = str_replace(array_keys($this->pageNameXref), array_values($this->pageNameXref), $href);
                 $hyperlink->setAttribute('href', $correctedHref);
             $epubManager->updatePageContent($pageFile->relativePath, (string) $dom);