/** * Recalculates the scores for the competition entries and (optionally) sends * a notification email to the contestants. */ public function score() { $msg = "Updated the scores for the competition entries"; $entries = Entry::confirmed()->get(); foreach ($entries as $entry) { $entry->calculateScore(); } if (Input::has('send_notifications')) { $send_notifications = Input::get('send_notifications'); if ($send_notifications) { $entries->sortByDesc('score'); $top_three = $entries->take(3); $contestants = $entries->lists('email'); Mail::send('emails.score', array('entries' => $top_three), function ($message) use($contestants) { $message->to($contestants)->subject('RWC 2015 Competition'); }); $msg = "Updated the scores for the competition entries and sent emails to the contestants."; } } return Redirect::route('admin.index')->withInfo($msg); }
public function index() { $entries = Entry::confirmed()->orderBy('score', 'desc')->orderBy('first_name')->orderBy('last_name')->get(); return View::make('home')->with('entries', $entries); }