Example #1
  * authenticate() - defined by Zend_Auth_Adapter_Interface.  This method is called to
  * attempt an authentication.  Previous to this call, this adapter would have already
  * been configured with all necessary information to successfully connect to a database
  * table and attempt to find a record matching the provided identity.
  * @throws Zend_Auth_Adapter_Exception if answering the authentication query is impossible
  * @return Zend_Auth_Result
 public function authenticate()
     $result = parent::authenticate();
     $select = $this->_zendDb->select();
     $select->where($this->_zendDb->quoteIdentifier($this->_identityColumn, true) . ' = ?', $this->_identity);
     $user = $this->_zendDb->fetchRow($select, array(), Zend_Db::FETCH_OBJ);
     if ($result->isValid()) {
         // Check if user role is active
         $sql = 'SELECT enabled FROM s_core_auth_roles WHERE id = ?';
         if ($this->_zendDb->fetchOne($sql, array($user->roleID)) == false) {
             return new Zend_Auth_Result(Zend_Auth_Result::FAILURE_IDENTITY_NOT_FOUND, $this->_identity, array());
         // close and restart session to make sure the db session handler writes updates.
         //reset failed login count
     } else {
         // If more then 4 previous failed logins lock account for n * failedlogins seconds
         if ($user->failedlogins >= 4) {
             $lockedUntil = new Zend_Date();
             $lockedUntil->addSecond($this->lockSeconds * $user->failedlogins);
         // Increase number of failed logins
         $this->setFailedLogins($user->failedlogins + 1);
         if (isset($lockedUntil)) {
             return new Zend_Auth_Result(-4, $this->_identity, array('lockedUntil' => $lockedUntil));
     return $result;