Example #1
$results = array();
$maxct = 0;
$v = array('week' => this_week(), 'month' => this_month(), 'year' => this_year(), 'ever' => 0);
foreach (array_keys($v) as $when) {
    $data = $ft->dbh->_select_rows_as_objects("SELECT var1, {$by} AS 'val' FROM tbl:stats WHERE type = ? AND dtype = ? AND var2 = ? " . "AND {$by} > 0 ORDER BY {$by} DESC LIMIT 25", array($which, $when, $v[$when]));
    if ($data) {
        # now convert the data to something useful
        $out = array();
        $ct = 0;
        foreach ($data as $row) {
            if ($which == 'pilot') {
                array_push($out, array(get_pilot_link($row->var1), $row->val));
            } elseif ($which == 'system') {
                $sys = new EVESystem($row->var1);
                array_push($out, array($sys->getLink() . ' (<span style="color: ' . security_color($sys->getSecurity()) . ';">' . security($sys->getSecurity()) . '</span>)', $row->val));
            } elseif ($which == 'corp') {
                array_push($out, array(get_corp_link($row->var1), $row->val));
            } elseif ($which == 'alliance') {
                array_push($out, array(get_alliance_link($row->var1), $row->val));
            } elseif ($which == 'region') {
                array_push($out, array(EVERegion::getLink($row->var1), $row->val));
            } elseif ($which == 'group') {
                array_push($out, array(get_group_link($row->var1), $row->val));
            } elseif ($which == 'ship') {
                array_push($out, array(get_ship_link($row->var1), $row->val));
            } elseif ($which == 'weapon') {
                array_push($out, array(get_item_link($row->var1), $row->val));
        if ($maxct < $ct) {
Example #2
if (!isset($okwhen[$when])) {
    return $ft->errorpage('Invalid ranking criteria.');
# now do the select
$v = array('week' => this_week(), 'month' => this_month(), 'year' => this_year(), 'ever' => 0);
$data = $ft->dbh->_select_rows_as_objects("SELECT var1, {$by} AS 'val' FROM tbl:stats WHERE type = ? AND dtype = ? AND var2 = ? " . "AND {$by} > 0 ORDER BY {$by} DESC LIMIT 25", array($which, $when, $v[$when]));
if (!$data) {
    $data = array();
# now convert the data to something useful
$out = array();
foreach ($data as $row) {
    if ($which == 'pilot') {
        array_push($out, array(get_pilot_link($row->var1), $row->val));
    } elseif ($which == 'system') {
        array_push($out, array(EVESystem::getLink($row->var1), $row->val));
    } elseif ($which == 'corp') {
        array_push($out, array(get_corp_link($row->var1), $row->val));
    } elseif ($which == 'alliance') {
        array_push($out, array(get_alliance_link($row->var1), $row->val));
    } elseif ($which == 'region') {
        array_push($out, array(EVERegion::getLink($row->var1), $row->val));
    } elseif ($which == 'group') {
        array_push($out, array(get_group_link($row->var1), $row->val));
    } elseif ($which == 'ship') {
        array_push($out, array(get_ship_link($row->var1), $row->val));
    } elseif ($which == 'weapon') {
        array_push($out, array(get_item_link($row->var1), $row->val));
# now prepare the page