function on_session_write($key, $value)
    global $sessionDB;
    //	global $Session_Debug_String;
    $value = addslashes($value);
    $Time = time();
    $aDB = new Database_Site();
    // first try to run the Insert SQL, if it fails than there already exists
    // a session entry for this KEY, so run the Update SQL.
    //     NOTE: your DB object needs to be able to fail gracefully from
    //           the runSQL()
    $selectSQL = "SELECT * FROM " . SITE_DB_NAME . "." . DB_TABLE_SESSION . " WHERE session_id=\"" . $key . "\"";
    if ($row = $aDB->retrieveRow()) {
        // this key already exists, do an update
        // Create UPDATE SQL
        $updateSQL = "UPDATE " . SITE_DB_NAME . "." . DB_TABLE_SESSION . " SET session_data='{$value}', ";
        $updateSQL .= "session_expiration={$Time}+1800 ";
        $updateSQL .= "WHERE session_id='{$key}'";
    } else {
        // this key does not exist, do an insert
        $insertSQL = "INSERT INTO " . SITE_DB_NAME . "." . DB_TABLE_SESSION . " (session_id, session_data, session_expiration) VALUES ('{$key}', '{$value}', {$Time}+18000)";
Example #2
  * function loadSideBar
  * <pre>
  * Choosses .
  * </pre>
  * @return [void]
 function loadSideBar()
     $this->sideBar = new obj_AdminSideBar($this->moduleRootPath, $this->viewer);
     $links = array();
     $adminLinks = array();
     $campusLevelLinks = array();
     $parameters = array();
     // TODO make an object to do this work
     $sql = "select * from cim_hrdb_access where viewer_id = " . $this->viewer->getViewerID() . " limit 1";
     $db = new Database_Site();
     // if row retrieved ...
     $personID = -1;
     if ($row = $db->retrieveRow()) {
         $personID = $row['person_id'];
     $parameters['PERSON_ID'] = $personID;
     // echo print_r($parameters,true);
     // GROUP 1: EVERYONE.
     // ALL viewers can access this link
     $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_EDITMYINFO, '', $parameters);
     $links['[editMyInfo]'] = $requestLink;
     $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_EDITMYCAMPUSASSIGNMENT, '', $parameters);
     $links['[editMyCampusInfo]'] = $requestLink;
     $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_EDITMYYEARINSCHOOL, '', $parameters);
     $links['[editMyYearInSchool]'] = $requestLink;
     $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_EDITMYEMERGINFO, '', $parameters);
     $links['[editMyEmergInfo]'] = $requestLink;
     // GROUP 2a: STAFF AND ABOVE ONLY.   (access HRDB forms)
     if ($this->accessPrivManager->hasSitePriv() || $this->accessPrivManager->isStaff($this->viewer->getID())) {
         $parameters['FORMLIST_TYPE'] = modulecim_hrdb::FORMLIST_ACCESS;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_HRDBFORMS, '', $parameters);
         $links['[editMyForms]'] = $requestLink;
     //         $parameters['FORMLIST_TYPE'] = modulecim_hrdb::FORMLIST_ACCESS;
     //          $requestLink = $this->getCallBack( modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_HRDBFORMS, '' , $parameters);
     //         $links[ '[editMyForms]' ] = $requestLink;
     if ($this->accessPrivManager->hasSitePriv() || $this->accessPrivManager->hasCampusPriv($this->viewer->getID())) {
         //$requestLink = $this->getCallBack( modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_PEOPLE );
         //$campusLevelLinks[ '[PeopleList]' ] = $requestLink;
         // TODO if you have 'hrdb campus' group access rights you can see these
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_PEOPLEBYCAMPUSES);
         $campusLevelLinks['[PeopleByCampuses]'] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_EDITSTUDENTYEARINSCHOOL);
         $campusLevelLinks['[CampusStudentsByYear]'] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_VIEWSTUDENTYEARINSCHOOL);
         $campusLevelLinks['[NationalStudentsByYear]'] = $requestLink;
     // GROUP 2a: STAFF AND ABOVE ONLY.   (approve HRDB forms)
     if ($this->accessPrivManager->hasSitePriv() || $this->accessPrivManager->isStaff($this->viewer->getID())) {
         $parameters['FORMLIST_TYPE'] = modulecim_hrdb::FORMLIST_APPROVAL;
         // modulecim_hrdb::FORMLIST_APPROVAL as well
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_HRDBFORMS, '', $parameters);
         $campusLevelLinks['[approveForms]'] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_VIEWSCHEDULECALENDAR, '', $parameters);
         $campusLevelLinks['[viewScheduleCalendar]'] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_HRDBACTIVITIES, '', $parameters);
         $campusLevelLinks['[viewActivitiesByType]'] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_VIEWACTIVITIESBYDATE, '', $parameters);
         $campusLevelLinks['[viewActivitiesByDate]'] = $requestLink;
         $parameters['FORMLIST_TYPE'] = modulecim_hrdb::FORMLIST_SUBMITTED;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_HRDBFORMS, '', $parameters);
         $campusLevelLinks['[viewStaffMissingForms]'] = $requestLink;
         $parameters['FORMLIST_TYPE'] = modulecim_hrdb::FORMLIST_ACCESS;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_CUSTOMREPORTSLISTING, '', $parameters);
         $campusLevelLinks['[viewCustomReportsList]'] = $requestLink;
     if ($this->accessPrivManager->hasSitePriv()) {
         $parameters['FORMLIST_TYPE'] = modulecim_hrdb::FORMLIST_EDIT;
         // modulecim_hrdb::FORMLIST_APPROVAL as well
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_HRDBFORMS, '', $parameters);
         $adminLinks['[editForms]'] = $requestLink;
         $parameters['FORMLIST_TYPE'] = modulecim_hrdb::FORMLIST_EDIT;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_CUSTOMREPORTSLISTING, '', $parameters);
         $adminLinks['[editReports]'] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_CAMPUSES);
         $adminLinks['[editCampuses]'] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_COUNTRIES);
         $adminLinks['[editCountries]'] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_PROVINCES);
         $adminLinks['[editProvinces]'] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_EDITREGION);
         $adminLinks['[editRegions]'] = $requestLink;
         //           $requestLink = $this->getCallBack( modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_EDITPEOPLE );
         //           $adminLinks[ '[editPeople]' ] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_PRIVILEGES);
         $adminLinks['[editPrivileges]'] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_EDITSTAFF);
         $adminLinks['[Staff]'] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_ADMINS);
         $adminLinks['[Admins]'] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_EDITCAMPUSASSIGNMENT);
         $adminLinks['[CampusAssignments]'] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_EDITCAMPUSASSIGNMENTSTATUSTYPES);
         $adminLinks['[AssignStatusTypes]'] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_hrdb::PAGE_EDITACTIVITYTYPES);
         $adminLinks['[ActivityTypes]'] = $requestLink;
     // pass the links to the sidebar object
 function loadStatsHome()
     // set the pageCallBack to be without any additional parameters
     // (an AdminBox needs this so Language Switching on a page doesn't
     // pass a previous operations)
     $parameters = array('WEEK_ID' => $this->WEEK_ID);
     $pageCallBack = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_stats::PAGE_STATSHOME, $this->sortBy, $parameters);
     $this->pageDisplay = new page_StatsHome($this->moduleRootPath, $this->viewer);
     $parameters = array();
     $viewerID = $this->viewer->getViewerID();
     // TODO make an object to do this work
     $sql = "select * from ( ( cim_hrdb_access inner join cim_hrdb_person on cim_hrdb_access.person_id=cim_hrdb_person.person_id) inner join cim_hrdb_staff on cim_hrdb_staff.person_id=cim_hrdb_person.person_id ) where cim_hrdb_access.viewer_id = " . $viewerID . " limit 1";
     $db = new Database_Site();
     // if row retrieved ...
     $staffID = -1;
     if ($row = $db->retrieveRow()) {
         $staffID = $row['staff_id'];
     $parameters['STAFF_ID'] = $staffID;
     // echo print_r($parameters,true);
     $permManager = new PermissionManager($viewerID);
     $isNational = $permManager->isNational();
     // echo 'isNational['.$isNational.']<br/>';
     $isRegional = $permManager->isRegional();
     // echo 'isRegional['.$isRegional.']<br/>';
     $isCD = $permManager->isCD();
     // echo 'isCD['.$isCD.']<br/>';
     $isStatsCoordinator = $permManager->isStatsCoordinator();
     // echo 'isStatsCoordinator['.$isStatsCoordinator.']<br/>';
     $isAllStaff = $permManager->isAllStaff();
     // echo 'isAllStaff['.$isAllStaff.']<br/>';
     $links = array();
     if ($isAllStaff) {
         // GROUP 1: ALL STAFF
         // All staff can access this link
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_stats::PAGE_STAFFWEEKLYREPORT, '', $parameters);
         $links['[submitWeeklyStats]'] = $requestLink;
         // removed by RM on June 4, 2009 as we are no longer collecting these measurements
         // $requestLink = $this->getCallBack( modulecim_stats::PAGE_STAFFADDITIONALWEEKLYSTATS, '' , $parameters);
         // $links[ '[submitMoreWeeklyStats]' ] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_stats::PAGE_SELECTPRCSEMESTERCAMPUS, '', $parameters);
         $links['[indicatedDecisions]'] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_stats::PAGE_STAFFSEMESTERREPORT, '', $parameters);
         $links['[semesterGlance]'] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_stats::PAGE_CAMPUSYEARSUMMARY, '', $parameters);
         $links['[yearSummary]'] = $requestLink;
     $coordinatorLinks = array();
     if ($isStatsCoordinator || $isAllStaff) {
         // removed by RM on June 4, 2009 as we are no longer collecting these measurements
         // $requestLink = $this->getCallBack( modulecim_stats::PAGE_MORESTATS, '' , $parameters);
         // $coordinatorLinks[ '[campusWeeklyStats]' ] = $requestLink;
         // removed by RM on June 4, 2009 as we are no longer collecting these measurements
         // $requestLink = $this->getCallBack( modulecim_stats::PAGE_CAMPUSWEEKLYSTATSREPORT, '' , $parameters);
         // $coordinatorLinks[ '[campusWeeklyStatsReport]' ] = $requestLink;
         // removed by RM on June 4, 2009 as we are no longer collecting these measurements
         // $requestLink = $this->getCallBack( modulecim_stats::PAGE_SEMESTERREPORT, '' , $parameters);
         // $coordinatorLinks[ '[submitSemesterStats]' ] = $requestLink;
     $cdLinks = array();
     if ($isCD) {
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_stats::PAGE_STAFFSEMESTERREPORT, '', $parameters);
         $cdLinks['[semesterGlance]'] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = '" target="_blank';
         $cdLinks['[monthlyReport]'] = $requestLink;
     $rtLinks = array();
     if ($isRegional) {
         // GROUP 4: REGIONAL TEAM
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_stats::PAGE_REGIONALSEMESTERREPORT, '', $parameters);
         $rtLinks['[regionalPersonalMin]'] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = '" target="_blank';
         $rtLinks['[regionalReport]'] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = '" target="_blank';
         $rtLinks['[regionalReportWeek]'] = $requestLink;
     $ntLinks = array();
     if ($isNational) {
         // GROUP 5: NATIONAL TEAM
         // echo 'Is NATIONAL<br/>';
         // Add these two links later in special admin section
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_stats::PAGE_PRCMETHOD, '', $parameters);
         // $ntLinks[ '[prcMethod]' ] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_stats::PAGE_EXPOSURETYPES, '', $parameters);
         // $ntLinks[ '[exposureTypes]' ] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_stats::PAGE_PRC_REPORTBYCAMPUS, '', $parameters);
         $ntLinks['[prcReportByCampus]'] = $requestLink;
         $requestLink = '" target="_blank';
         $ntLinks['[prcIDStats]'] = $requestLink;
     $this->pageDisplay->setMyLinks($links, $coordinatorLinks, $cdLinks, $rtLinks, $ntLinks);
     $this->pageDisplay->setPerms($isNational, $isRegional, $isCD, $isStatsCoordinator, $isAllStaff);
Example #4
require $extension . $pathFile;
require 'app_RAD.php';
require 'incl_RAD.php';
 *  Directory Setup
 *  Setup any specific directories used by this module.
if( !file_exists( moduleRAD::DEF_DIR_DATA ) ) { 
    mkdir( moduleRAD::DEF_DIR_DATA);
echo '<table>';
$db = new Database_Site();
$sql = "USE " . SITE_DB_NAME;
// check to see if the parameter 'skipModule' was provided
$skipModule = isset($_REQUEST['skipModule']);
// if it was NOT provided then update the Modules Table
if (!$skipModule) {
     * Modules Table
     * Setup the Page Modules Table to include a proper entry for this app.
    $module = new RowManager_siteModuleManager();
  * function union_find
  * <pre>
  * This method will return a ReadOnlyResultSet result of db rows that 
  * match the values currently set in the dataManager object, as per the UNION
  * of the specified SQL statements
  * NOTE: if you
  * don't set any values for this object, then all rows will be returned.
  * </pre>
  * @return [OBJECT] ReadOnlyResultSet.
 function union_find()
     if (isset($this->unionQueries) && count($this->unionQueries) > 1) {
         $sql = '';
         foreach (array_keys($this->unionQueries) as $key) {
             $query = current($this->unionQueries);
             $sql .= '(' . $query . ')';
             $sql .= ' UNION ';
         $sql = substr($sql, 0, -7);
         // remove the last " UNION "
         // if a sortBy field is given, then add it to the sql
         $sortByClause = '';
         for ($indx = 0; $indx < count($this->sortBy); $indx++) {
             if (isset($this->fieldMapping[$this->sortBy[$indx]])) {
                 $sortField = $this->fieldMapping[$this->sortBy[$indx]];
                 if ($sortByClause != '') {
                     $sortByClause .= ', ';
                 $sortByClause .= $sortField . ' ' . $this->sortByOrder[$indx];
             // end if isset()
         //next sortBy
         if ($sortByClause != '') {
             $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $sortByClause;
          * Create And Return Recordset Object
          * Create a db object, run the compiled sql statement and return 
          * the results as a new ReadOnlyResultSet object.
         // create a new DB object
         $db = new Database_Site();
         //  			echo 'UNION sql = ['.$sql.']<br>';
         // run the sql
         // create a new ReadOnlyResultSet using current db object
         $recordSet = new ReadOnlyResultSet($db);
         //         echo 'recordset = <pre>'.print_r($recordSet->getNext($this), true).'</pre>';
         // return this record set
         return $recordSet;
     } else {
         // null
  * function find
  * <pre>
  * generates the SQL to gather the data from the tables you are interested
  * in.
  * </pre>
  * @return [OBJECT] ReadOnlyResultSet.
 function find()
     $sql = 'SELECT ' . $this->fieldList . ' FROM ' . $this->dbTableList;
     $whereClause = '';
     // for each given value to search by
     foreach ($this->values as $key => $value) {
         if ($value != '') {
             // add current key=>value combo to the where clause
             if ($whereClause != '') {
                 $whereClause .= ' AND ';
             $whereClause .= $key . '="' . $value . '"';
     // now process any searchConditions provided
     for ($indx = 0; $indx < count($this->searchCondition); $indx++) {
         // add current key=>value combo to the where clause
         if ($whereClause != '') {
             $whereClause .= ' AND ';
         $whereClause .= '(' . $this->searchCondition[$indx] . ')';
     // if a where clause was created then add it to the sql
     if ($whereClause != '') {
         $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $whereClause;
     // if a sortBy field is given, then add it to the sql
     if ($this->sortBy != '') {
         $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $this->sortBy;
     // create a new DB object
     $db = new Database_Site();
     // run the sql
     // create a new ReadOnlyResultSet using current db object
     $recordSet = new ReadOnlyResultSet($db);
     // return this record set
     return $recordSet;
  * function getDirectorHierarchy
  * <pre>
  * returns the ResultSet object containing the director hierarchy
  * </pre>
  * @param $director_id [INT] The root director id of the hierarchy	 
  * @return [OBJECT] ReadOnlyResultSet.
 function getDirectorHierarchy($director_id = TOP_DIRECTOR_ID)
     $sql = 'select distinct ';
     // Initialize column filters
     for ($lvl = 1; $lvl <= MAX_DIRECTOR_LEVELS; $lvl++) {
         $sql .= 'table' . $lvl . '.director_id as dir_lvl' . $lvl . ',';
         $sql .= 'table' . $lvl . '.staff_id as staff_lvl' . $lvl . ',';
     $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1);
     // remove comma
     $init_val = 1;
     $sql .= ' from ' . RowManager_StaffDirectorManager::DB_TABLE . ' as table' . $init_val;
     // Setup join portion of the SQL query
     for ($level = 2; $level <= MAX_DIRECTOR_LEVELS; $level++) {
         $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . RowManager_StaffDirectorManager::DB_TABLE . ' as table' . $level;
         $sql .= ' on table' . $level . '.director_id = table' . --$level . '.staff_id';
     $sql .= ' where table' . $init_val . '.director_id = ' . $director_id;
     // 	    echo 'hier. = <br>'.$sql.'<BR><BR>';
     // create a new DB object
     $db = new Database_Site();
     $databaseName = $this->dbName;
     if ($databaseName == '') {
         $databaseName = SITE_DB_NAME;
     $db->connectToDB($databaseName, $this->dbPath, $this->dbUser, $this->dbPword);
     //         echo "<BR>sql = ".$sql;
     // run the sql
     // create a new ReadOnlyResultSet using current db object
     $recordSet = new ReadOnlyResultSet($db);
     // return this record set
     return $recordSet;
Example #8
  * function find
  * <pre>
  * This method will return a ReadOnlyResultSet result of db rows that 
  * match the values currently set in this object.  NOTE: if you don't 
  * set any values for this object, then all rows will be returned.
  * </pre>
  * @return [OBJECT] ReadOnlyResultSet.
 function find()
     // we don't want a leading dot if there is no database name
     $dotText = '.';
     if ($this->dbName == '') {
         $dotText = '';
     // prepare to add DB function calls if there are any stored
     //		 if ($this->selectFunctions != '')
     //		 {
     //			 $this->selectFunctions = ','.$this->selectFunctions;
     //		 }
     // removed "$this->selectFunctions." from after $this->fieldList because  functions
     // only work with MultiTableManager (you can use single RowManager with aforementioned
     // class to get single table DB function working)
     $sql = 'SELECT ' . $this->fieldList . ' FROM ' . $this->dbName . $dotText . $this->dbTableName;
     $whereClause = '';
     // for each possible field this object manages ...
     for ($indx = 0; $indx < count($this->fields); $indx++) {
         $key = $this->fields[$indx];
         // if value exists
         if (isset($this->values[$key])) {
             // if value was not empty
             if ((string) $this->values[$key] != '') {
                 // add current key=>value combo to the where clause
                 if ($whereClause != '') {
                     $whereClause .= ' AND ';
                 $whereClause .= $key . '="' . $this->values[$key] . '"';
     // next field
     // now process any searchConditions provided
     for ($indx = 0; $indx < count($this->searchCondition); $indx++) {
         // add current key=>value combo to the where clause
         if ($whereClause != '') {
             $whereClause .= ' AND ';
         $whereClause .= '(' . $this->searchCondition[$indx] . ')';
     // if a where clause was created then add it to the sql
     if ($whereClause != '') {
         $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $whereClause;
     // removed GROUP BY clause because it only works
     // with MultiTableManager (you can use single RowManager with aforementioned
     // class to get single table GROUP BY functionality working)
     // if groupBy fields are given, then add it/them to the sql
     /**        if (count($this->groupBy) > 0) {
     	        $sql .= ' GROUP BY ';
     	        for ( $indx=0; $indx<count( $this->groupBy); $indx++) {
     	        		$sql .= $this->groupBy[$indx].', ';
             		$sql = substr($sql, 0, -2);	//remove last comma+space
     // if a sortBy field is given, then add it to the sql
     if ($this->sortBy != '') {
         $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $this->sortBy . ' ' . $this->ascDesc;
     // create a new DB object
     $db = new Database_Site();
     $databaseName = $this->dbName;
     if ($databaseName == '') {
         $databaseName = SITE_DB_NAME;
     $db->connectToDB($databaseName, $this->dbPath, $this->dbUser, $this->dbPword);
     //         echo "<BR>sql = ".$sql;
     // run the sql
     // create a new ReadOnlyResultSet using current db object
     $recordSet = new ReadOnlyResultSet($db);
     // return this record set
     return $recordSet;