  * Renders the initial page that comes up when you first install UserFrosting.
  * This page performs the following steps:
  * 1. Check that the current version of PHP is adequate.
  * 2. Check that PDO is installed and enabled.
  * 3. Check that we can connect to the database, as configured in `config-userfrosting.php`.
  * 4. Check that the database tables have not already been created.
  * 5. If all of these checks are passed, set up the initial tables by calling `Database::install()`.
  * This page is "public access".
  * Request type: GET
  * @see MySqlDatabase::install()
 public function pageSetupDB()
     $messages = [];
     // 1. Check PHP version
     error_log("Checking php version");
     // PHP_VERSION_ID is available as of PHP 5.2.7, if our version is lower than that, then emulate it
     if (!defined('PHP_VERSION_ID')) {
         $version = explode('.', PHP_VERSION);
         define('PHP_VERSION_ID', $version[0] * 10000 + $version[1] * 100 + $version[2]);
     if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50400) {
         $messages[] = ["title" => "You need to upgrade your PHP installation.", "message" => "I'm sorry, UserFrosting relies on numerous features of PHP that are only available in PHP 5.4 or later.  Please upgrade your version of PHP, or contact your web hosting service and ask them to upgrade it for you."];
     // 2. Check that PDO is installed and enabled
     if (!class_exists('PDO')) {
         $messages[] = ["title" => "PDO is not installed.", "message" => "I'm sorry, you must have PDO installed and enabled in order for UserFrosting to access the database.  If you don't know what PDO is, please see <a href='http://php.net/manual/en/book.pdo.php'>http://php.net/manual/en/book.pdo.php</a>.  You must also have MySQL version 4.1 or higher installed, since UserFrosting relies on native prepared statements."];
     error_log("Checking db connection");
     // 3. Check database connection
     if (!Database::testConnection()) {
         $messages[] = ["title" => "We couldn't connect to your database.", "message" => "Make sure that your database is properly configured in <code>config-userfrosting.php</code>, and that you have selected the correct configuration mode ('dev' or 'production').  Also, make sure that your database user has the proper privileges to connect to the database."];
     error_log("Checking any current tables");
     $tables = Database::getCreatedTables();
     if (count($tables) > 0) {
         $messages[] = ["title" => "One or more tables already exist.", "message" => "The following tables already exist in the database: <strong>" . implode(", ", $tables) . "</strong>.  Do you already have another installation of UserFrosting in this database?  Please either create a new database (recommended), or change the table prefix in <code>config-userfrosting.php</code> if you cannot create a new database."];
     error_log("Done with checks");
     if (count($messages) > 0) {
         $this->_app->render('install/install-errors.twig', ["messages" => $messages]);
     } else {
         // Create tables
         $messages[] = ["title" => "<i class='fa fa-lock'></i> PDO is installed.", "message" => "No need to worry about any pesky SQL injection attacks!", "class" => "success"];
         $messages[] = ["title" => "<i class='fa fa-database'></i> Database connection", "message" => "Hooray!  We were able to connect to your database and create the core tables for UserFrosting.", "class" => "success"];
         if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50400 && PHP_VERSION_ID < 50500) {
             $messages[] = ["title" => "<i class='fa fa-warning'></i> PHP version", "message" => "You currently have version " . PHP_VERSION . " of PHP installed.  We recommend version 5.5 or later.  UserFrosting can still be installed, but we highly recommend you upgrade soon.", "class" => "warning"];
         } else {
             $messages[] = ["title" => "<i class='fa fa-check'></i> PHP version", "message" => "You currently have version " . PHP_VERSION . " of PHP installed.  Good job!", "class" => "success"];
         // Check for GD library (required for Captcha)
         if (!(extension_loaded('gd') && function_exists('gd_info'))) {
             $messages[] = ["title" => "<i class='fa fa-warning'></i> GD library not installed", "message" => "We could not confirm that the <code>GD</code> library is installed and enabled.  GD is an image processing library that UserFrosting uses to generate captcha codes for user account registration.  If you don't need captcha, you can disable it in Site Settings and ignore this message.  Otherwise, please see the <a href='http://www.userfrosting.com/troubleshooting/' target='_blank'>troubleshooting guide</a> for information on installing and configuring GD.", "class" => "warning"];
         } else {
             if (!function_exists('imagepng')) {
                 $messages[] = ["title" => "<i class='fa fa-warning'></i> PNG operations not available", "message" => "The <code>GD</code> library is installed and enabled, but PNG functions do not seem to be available.  UserFrosting uses the PNG functions of GD, an image processing library, to generate captcha codes for user account registration.  If you don't need captcha, you can disable it in Site Settings and ignore this message.  Otherwise, please see the <a href='http://www.userfrosting.com/troubleshooting/' target='_blank'>troubleshooting guide</a> for information on updating GD to support PNG operations.", "class" => "warning"];
         $this->_app->render('install/install-ready.twig', ["messages" => $messages]);
Example #2
 public function pageSetupDB()
     $messages = [];
     // 1. Check PHP version
     // PHP_VERSION_ID is available as of PHP 5.2.7, if our version is lower than that, then emulate it
     if (!defined('PHP_VERSION_ID')) {
         $version = explode('.', PHP_VERSION);
         define('PHP_VERSION_ID', $version[0] * 10000 + $version[1] * 100 + $version[2]);
     if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50400) {
         $messages[] = ["title" => "You need to upgrade your PHP installation.", "message" => "I'm sorry, UserFrosting relies on numerous features of PHP that are only available in PHP 5.4 or later.  Please upgrade your version of PHP, or contact your web hosting service and ask them to upgrade it for you."];
     // 2. Check that PDO is installed and enabled
     if (!class_exists('PDO')) {
         $messages[] = ["title" => "PDO is not installed.", "message" => "I'm sorry, you must have PDO installed and enabled in order for UserFrosting to access the database.  If you don't know what PDO is, please see <a href='http://php.net/manual/en/book.pdo.php'>http://php.net/manual/en/book.pdo.php</a>.  You must also have MySQL version 4.1 or higher installed, since UserFrosting relies on native prepared statements."];
     // 3. Check database connection
     if (!Database::testConnection()) {
         $messages[] = ["title" => "We couldn't connect to your database.", "message" => "Make sure that your database is properly configured in <code>config-userfrosting.php</code>, and that you have selected the correct configuration mode ('dev' or 'production').  Also, make sure that your database user has the proper privileges to connect to the database."];
     $tables = Database::getTables();
     if (count($tables) > 0) {
         $messages[] = ["title" => "One or more tables already exist.", "message" => "The following tables already exist in the database: <strong>" . implode(", ", $tables) . "</strong>.  Do you already have another installation of UserFrosting in this database?  Please either create a new database (recommended), or change the table prefix in <code>config-userfrosting.php</code> if you cannot create a new database."];
     if (count($messages) > 0) {
         $this->_app->render('common/install/install-errors.html', ['page' => ['author' => $this->_app->site->author, 'title' => "Installation Error", 'description' => "Installation page for UserFrosting", 'alerts' => $this->_app->alerts->getAndClearMessages()], "messages" => $messages]);
     } else {
         // Create tables
         $messages[] = ["title" => "<i class='fa fa-lock'></i> PDO is installed.", "message" => "No need to worry about any pesky SQL injection attacks!", "class" => "success"];
         $messages[] = ["title" => "<i class='fa fa-database'></i> Database connection", "message" => "Hooray!  We were able to connect to your database and create the core tables for UserFrosting.", "class" => "success"];
         if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50400 && PHP_VERSION_ID < 50500) {
             $messages[] = ["title" => "<i class='fa fa-warning'></i> PHP version", "message" => "You currently have version " . PHP_VERSION . " of PHP installed.  We recommend version 5.5 or later.  UserFrosting can still be installed, but we highly recommend you upgrade soon.", "class" => "warning"];
         } else {
             $messages[] = ["title" => "<i class='fa fa-check'></i> PHP version", "message" => "You currently have version " . PHP_VERSION . " of PHP installed.  Good job!", "class" => "success"];
         $this->_app->render('common/install/install-ready.html', ['page' => ['author' => $this->_app->site->author, 'title' => "Installation", 'description' => "Installation page for UserFrosting", 'alerts' => $this->_app->alerts->getAndClearMessages()], "messages" => $messages]);
Example #3
$common = new Common();
// load some html parts we are going to use
require 'assets/content.php';
// convert all variables in a form we can process them inside the HTML files
foreach ($_REQUEST as $k => $v) {
    ${$k} = $v;
// do the following conditional statements only if we are requesting the index page, aka there is no $page defined
if (!$page) {
    // an extra variable in case we want to run the setup for a second time
    if ($overide_check) {
        $homepage = 'welcome';
    } elseif ($update) {
    } else {
        $already_setup = $db->testConnection();
        if ($already_setup) {
            $homepage = 'already_setup';
        } else {
            $homepage = 'welcome';
if ($mode == 'write') {
} elseif ($mode == 'run_sql') {
} else {
## The initial function, loading up the HTML resource files (if necessary) and redirecting accordingly