Example #1
 public static function getDataByHandle($handle, $columns = "uni_id")
     if ($uniID = self::getIDByHandle($handle)) {
         return Database::selectOne("SELECT " . Sanitize::variable($columns, " ,-*`") . " FROM users WHERE uni_id=? LIMIT 1", array($uniID));
     return array();
Example #2
  * Counts photos per QUERY, and privacy restrictions
  * @access public
  * @return int
 public function getPhotoCount()
     $condition = $this->whereRestriction;
     if (!$this->showPrivatePhotos) {
         $condition .= 'AND status = 0';
     return Database::selectOne('ratings', 'COUNT(*)', $condition, null, 'LEFT JOIN photos ON ratings.id = photos.id', null);
Example #3
  * Returns information about the aggregate of photos on the site
  * @access public
  * @return array
 public function getCounts()
     $this->counts['albums'] = Database::selectOne('albums', 'COUNT(*)');
     $this->counts['topics'] = Database::selectOne('albums', 'COUNT(DISTINCT topic)');
     $this->counts['photos'] = Database::selectOne('photos', 'COUNT(*)');
     $this->counts['pixels'] = Database::selectOne('photos', 'SUM(width*height)');
     $this->counts['albumhits'] = Database::selectOne('albums', 'SUM(hits)');
     $this->counts['photohits'] = Database::selectOne('photos', 'SUM(hits)');
     $this->counts['maxphotohits'] = Database::selectOne('photos', 'MAX(hits)');
     $this->counts['maxalbumhits'] = Database::selectOne('albums', 'MAX(hits)');
     $this->counts['daysonline'] = floor((time() - strtotime(Preferences::valueForModuleWithKey('CameraLife', 'sitedate'))) / 86400);
     return $this->counts;
Example #4
 public static function load()
     // Make sure the database is loaded
     if (!Database::$database) {
         return false;
     // If you are logged in, run a "remember me" check
     if (!isset($_SESSION['uni_id'])) {
         return false;
     // Set your session ID, which corresponds to your database user ID
     self::$id = $_SESSION['uni_id'];
     // Prepare the columns to receive
     if (!self::$getColumns) {
         self::$getColumns = "uni_id, role, clearance, handle, display_name, date_joined";
     // Retrieve the active user from the database - the user doesn't exist in the database, register them
     if (!(self::$vals = Database::selectOne("SELECT " . self::$getColumns . " FROM users WHERE uni_id=? LIMIT 1", array(self::$id)))) {
         // Make sure appropriate registration values are sent
         if (!isset($_SESSION['uni_id']) or !isset($_SESSION['user']['handle']) or !isset($_SESSION['user']['display_name'])) {
             return false;
         // Set timezone to empty if not sent
         if (!isset($_SESSION['user']['timezone'])) {
             $_SESSION['user']['timezone'] = "";
         // Register User (if necessary)
         if (!Register::user($_SESSION['user']['uni_id'], $_SESSION['user']['handle'], $_SESSION['user']['display_name'], $_SESSION['user']['timezone'])) {
             return false;
         // Try to load the user again (after registration)
         if (!(self::$vals = Database::selectOne("SELECT " . self::$getColumns . " FROM users WHERE uni_id=? LIMIT 1", array(self::$id)))) {
             return false;
     // Save your Clearance Level
     self::$clearance = (int) self::$vals['clearance'];
     // Handle Banned Accounts
     if (self::$clearance <= -3) {
         header("Location: /banned");
     // Occasionally log activity (handles auro allotment)
     if (mt_rand(0, 25) == 22) {
     return true;
Example #5
  * @covers DataBase::delete
  * @covers Database::select
  * @covers Database::selectOne
 public function testDelete()
     $this->db->select('name', 'test');
     $this->assertEquals(3, $this->db->rowCount());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $this->db->delete('test', array('id' => 1)));
     $this->assertEmpty($this->db->selectOne('name', 'test', array('id' => 1)));
     $this->db->select('name', 'test');
     $this->assertEquals(2, $this->db->rowCount());
     $result = $this->db->select('*', 'test');
     $this->assertEquals(0, $this->db->delete('test', array('id' => 0)));
     $this->assertFalse(LoggerApp::hasError(), LoggerApp::getLastError());
     $this->assertEquals(0, $this->db->delete('testinvalid', array('xyz' => 1)));
     $this->assertTrue(LoggerApp::hasError(), 'Não gerou o erro esperado');
     //Update without where
     $this->assertEquals(0, $this->db->delete('test', array()));
Example #6
 public static function get($key)
     // Garbage collection
     if (mt_rand(0, 2000) == 1022) {
     // Get the Cached Value
     if (!($keyData = Database::selectOne("SELECT value, expire FROM cache WHERE `key`=? LIMIT 1", array($key)))) {
         return false;
     // If the Cached Value is expired, delete it and return false
     if ((int) $keyData['expire'] <= time()) {
         return false;
     return isset($keyData['value']) ? $keyData['value'] : false;
Example #7
  * Counts albums with the topic named QUERY
  * @access public
  * @return int
 public function getAlbumCount()
     return Database::selectOne('albums', 'COUNT(*)', 'topic = :topic', null, null, array('topic' => $this->query));
Example #8
  * Counts folders per QUERY, and privacy restrictions
  * @access public
  * @return int
 public function getFolderCount()
     $conditions = array();
     $binds = array();
     foreach (preg_split('/\\s+/', $this->query) as $i => $queryPart) {
         $conditions[$i] = "(path LIKE :{$i})";
         $binds[$i] = '%' . $queryPart . '%';
     if (!$this->showPrivatePhotos) {
         $conditions[] = 'status = 0';
     return Database::selectOne('photos', 'COUNT(DISTINCT path)', implode(' AND ', $conditions), null, null, $binds);
 public static function getColumnData($table, $column)
     return Database::selectOne("SELECT * FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ? AND TABLE_NAME = ? AND COLUMN_NAME = ?;", array(Database::$databaseName, $table, $column));
Example #10
 public function getLikeCount()
     $ratings = Database::selectOne('ratings', 'COUNT(rating)', 'id=' . $this->get('id') . ' AND rating > 0');
     return $ratings;
Example #11
 public static function exists($lookupID)
     return (bool) Database::selectOne("SELECT " . static::$lookupKey . " FROM `" . static::$table . "` WHERE `" . static::$lookupKey . "` = ? LIMIT 1", array($lookupID));
------ About the content-track script ------
This script allows the user to set content tracking values, such as to vote on content entries (e.g. "Boost").
// Make sure the user is logged in and has a valid ID
if (!Me::$id) {
// Make sure the right information is gathered
if (!isset($_POST['contentID']) or !isset($_POST['type'])) {
// Make sure the content exists
if ($contentData = Database::selectOne("SELECT id, uni_id, url, url_slug FROM content_entries WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", array((int) $_POST['contentID']))) {
    // Prepare Values
    $contentID = (int) $contentData['id'];
    $authorID = (int) $contentData['uni_id'];
    // If the entry was aggregated from another site
    if ($contentData['url']) {
        // Prepare the Packet
        $packet = array("uni_id" => Me::$id, "url_slug" => $contentData['url_slug'], "type" => "boost");
        if (isset($_POST['voteType'])) {
            $packet["voteType"] = (int) $_POST['voteType'];
        $articleSite = Database::selectValue("SELECT site_handle FROM network_data WHERE site_url=?", array($contentData['url']));
        // Run the API
        $response = API_Connect::to($articleSite, "TrackerAPI", $packet);
        echo json_encode($response);
Example #13
  * Counts folders per QUERY, and privacy restrictions
  * @access public
  * @return int
 public function getFolderCount()
     $conditions = array();
     $binds = array();
     $conditions[0] = "(path LIKE :1 AND path NOT LIKE :2)";
     $binds[1] = rtrim($this->path, '/') . '/_%';
     $binds[2] = rtrim($this->path, '/') . '/_%/%';
     if (!$this->showPrivatePhotos) {
         $conditions[] = 'status = 0';
     return Database::selectOne('photos', 'COUNT(DISTINCT path)', implode(' AND ', $conditions), null, null, $binds);
Example #14

// Form Submission
if (Form::submitted("add-user-uni6")) {
    // Check if all of the input you sent is valid:
    Validate::variable("Handle", $_POST['handle'], 1, 22);
    Validate::text("Display Name", $_POST['display_name'], 3, 22);
    // Check if the handle has already been taken
    if (AppAccount::handleTaken($_POST['handle'])) {
        Alert::error("Handle Taken", "That handle has already been taken", 1);
    if (Database::selectOne("SELECT email FROM users WHERE email=? LIMIT 1", array($_POST['email']))) {
        Alert::error("Email", "That email already exists.", 1);
    // Final Validation Test
    if (Validate::pass()) {
        $uniID = 0;
        // Check if the account already exists
        if ($checkAuth = Database::selectValue("SELECT uni_id FROM users WHERE handle=? LIMIT 1", array($_POST['handle']))) {
            $uniID = (int) $checkAuth;
        } else {
            if ($regSuccess = Database::query("INSERT INTO users (handle, display_name, email, password, date_joined, auth_token, verified) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", array($_POST['handle'], $_POST['display_name'], $_POST['email'], Security_HashPassword::set($_POST['password']), time(), Security_Hash::random(22, 72), 1))) {
                $uniID = (int) Database::$lastID;
                if (isset($_POST['send_email'])) {
                    // Email a verification letter
                    Alert::success("Email Sent", "The account was created successfully! A verification email has been sent to " . $_POST['email'] . "!");
                } else {