Example #1
				$last = -1;
				foreach( $lines as $row )
					if( $row[0] == '' && $last == -1 )
						//error out, bitch
						//you can't have a non-item atached to a non-item, dude.
					elseif( $row[0] != '' && $last == -1)
						//starting a new item
						//find the category.  If it doesn't exist, create it.
						$sql = "SELECT * FROM categories WHERE LCASE(name)=? OR LCASE(number)=?";
						$values = array(strtolower($row[6]), strtolower($row[7]));
						$res = $db->qwv($sql, $values);
						$count = count($res);
						if( $count != 0 || $count != 1 )
							//you managed to name two different categories.  You are teh suckorz.
							$catid = -1;
							if( $count == 0 )
								$sql = "INSERT INTO categories (name, number) VALUES (?, ?)";
								$values = array($row[6], $row[7]);
								$db->qwv($sql, $values);
								if( $db->stat() )
Example #2
				echo "this is not an image file we support.";
			$item_name = $_POST['item_name'];
			$item_desc = $_POST['item_desc'];
			$item_image = $file_name;
			$item_price = $_POST['item_price'];
			$item_preptime = $_POST['item_price'];
			$item_hasCookLevels = $_POST['item_hasCookLevels'];
			$item_ingredients = $_POST['item_ingredients'];
			$item_characteristics = $_POST['item_characteristics'];
			$item_category_name = $_POST['item_category_name'];
			$item_category_number = $_POST['item_category_number'];
			//split ingredients into ind ingredients
			$item_ingredient = explode(",", $item_ingredients);
			//same for chars
			$item_characteristic = explode(",", $item_characteristics);
			//if category does not exist, add it
				//find the category.  If it doesn't exist, create it.
						$sql = "SELECT * FROM categories WHERE LCASE(name)=? OR LCASE(number)=?";
						$values = array(strtolower($item_category_name), strtolower($item_category_number));
						$res = $db->qwv($sql, $values);
						$count = count($res);
						if( !($count != 0 || $count != 1 ))