Example #1
 public function Conexao()
     $configuracoesDb = new Configuration(array("type" => "ini"));
     $configuracoesDb = $configuracoesDb->initialize()->parse('db');
     $databaseFactory = new Database();
     $databaseFactory->setOptions(array("host" => $configuracoesDb->database->host, "username" => $configuracoesDb->database->username, "password" => $configuracoesDb->database->password, "schema" => $configuracoesDb->database->schema));
     $this->conexao = $databaseFactory->initialize();
     $this->conexao = $this->conexao->connect();
/****** Prepare the Auto-Loader ******/
spl_autoload_register(null, false);
// Assign the appropriate autoloader
require SYS_PATH . "/autoloader" . (CLI ? "-cli" : "") . ".php";
/****** Set the database to connect to ******/
Database::$databaseName = Config::$siteConfig['Database Name'] ? Config::$siteConfig['Database Name'] : Config::$siteConfig['Site Handle'];
/****** Session Handling ******/
    session_set_cookie_params(0, '/', '.' . URL_PREFIX . BASE_DOMAIN);
/****** Prepare the Database Connection ******/
    // Make sure a connection to the database was created
    if (Database::$database) {
        // Make sure the base session value used is available
        if (!isset($_SESSION[SITE_HANDLE])) {
            $_SESSION[SITE_HANDLE] = array();
        /****** Process Security Functions ******/
        /****** Setup Custom Error Handler ******/
        require SYS_PATH . "/error-handler.php";
    } else {
        // If we're installing the system
        if (!$url[0] == "install") {
            die("There was an issue connecting to the database. Likely issues: wrong user/pass credentials or the table is missing.");
Example #3
        require ROUTE_PATH . "/" . $url[0] . ".php";
/****** Session Handling ******/
session_set_cookie_params(0, '/', '.' . BASE_DOMAIN);
// Make sure the base session value used is available
if (!isset($_SESSION[SITE_HANDLE])) {
    $_SESSION[SITE_HANDLE] = array();
/****** Prepare the Database Connection ******/
if (!defined("DATABASE_USER")) {
    die("The database has not been correctly configured.");
// Make sure a connection to the database was created
if (!Database::$database) {
    // If we're installing the system, we acknowledge that errors with the database will exist.
    if (!$url[0] == "install") {
        die("There was an issue connecting to the database. Likely issues: wrong user/pass credentials or the table is missing.");
/****** Setup Custom Error Handler ******/
require SYS_PATH . "/error-handler.php";
/****** Process Security Functions ******/
/****** Metadata Handler ******/
/****** Identify the Device (1 = mobile, 2 = tablet, 3 = device) ******/
if (!isset($_SESSION['device'])) {
Example #4

namespace Framework;

require_once 'autoloader.php';
$database = new Database(array("type" => "mysql", "options" => array("host" => "localhost", "username" => "root", "password" => "", "schema" => "prophpmvc", "port" => "3306", "charset" => "UTF8")));
$mysql = $database->initialize();
Registry::set('database', $mysql);
$mysql->sync(new User());
$elijah = new User(array("connector" => $mysql, "first" => "Chris", "last" => "Pitt", "email" => "*****@*****.**", "password" => "password", "notes" => "testtesttest", "live" => true, "deleted" => false, "created" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "modified" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")));
$all = User::all(array('last = ?' => 'Pitt'));
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

// Prepare Values
$userAccess = true;
$dbName = Sanitize::variable(DATABASE_NAME);
// Installation Header
require dirname(ROUTE_SECOND_PATH) . "/includes/install_header.php";
// Attempt to cheat
if (Database::initRoot('mysql')) {
    Database::exec("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" . $dbName . '`');
// Check if the standard user is properly configured after POST values were used
if (Database::initialize($dbName)) {
    Alert::success("DB User", "The database user has access to the `" . $dbName . "` database!");
} else {
    Alert::error("DB User", "The `" . $dbName . "` database does not exist, or the user does not have access to it.");
    $userAccess = false;
// Check if the admin user is properly configured after POST values were used
if (Database::initRoot($dbName)) {
    Alert::success("DB Admin", "The administrative database user has access to the `" . $dbName . "` database!");
} else {
    if ($userAccess) {
        Alert::error("DB Admin", "The `" . $dbName . "` database exists, but you do not have administrative privileges.");
    } else {
        Alert::error("DB Admin", "The `" . $dbName . "` database does not exist, or you do not have administrative privileges.");
// If everything is successful:
if (Validate::pass()) {
    // Check if the form was submitted (to continue to the next page)
Example #6
        Config::$dataList[] = $filename;
    // Begin tracking sub-sites on the server (by capturing their config file)
    foreach (glob(dirname(SYS_PATH) . "/*/*/config.php") as $filename) {
        Config::$dataList[] = $filename;
    // Capture each of the site handles in the config files
    foreach (Config::$dataList as $file) {
        $fileContents = File::read($file);
        $siteHandle[] = Data_Parse::between($fileContents, 'Config::$data[\'database\'][\'name\'] = "', '";');
    // Make sure the system was able to collect the appropriate site handles
    if ($siteHandle != array()) {
        foreach ($siteHandle as $sh) {
            if ($sh) {
                // Attempt to initialize another database
                Database::initialize($sh, Config::$siteConfig['database']['admin-user'], Config::$siteConfig['database']['admin-pass'], Config::$siteConfig['database']['host'], Config::$siteConfig['database']['type']);
                // Run the System Script
                include SYS_PATH . "/system-script.php";
                echo "Ran the script for the " . $sh . " database.<br />";
    echo "<br /><br />Script Complete.";
} else {
    echo '
	<p>Are you sure you want to have all sites run the system-wide script "{SYS_PATH}/system-script.php" on the server?</p>
	<p><a class="button" href="/admin/scripts/run-system?action=run">Yes, run the script</a></p>';
// Display the Footer
require SYS_PATH . "/controller/includes/admin_footer.php";