Example #1
$html = "<H1>Welcome to phpOracleAdmin " . $GLOBALS["VERSION"] . "</H1>";
if (count($DB->DBDatas) == 0) {
    $html .= "<BR>There is no Database availiable. Please insert Username, Password and Databasename in the config.inc.php!";
} else {
    $counter = count($DB->DBDatas);
    $html .= "Actual Connections:<BR><BR>";
    $active = "<IMG SRC=\"images/active.gif\" ALT=\"Database is availiable\">";
    $inactive = "<IMG SRC=\"images/inactive.gif\" ALT=\"Database not running or wrong Username/Password\">";
    for ($x = 0; $x < $counter; $x++) {
        $db = new Database($x);
        $html .= "<P>";
        $html .= $db->conn ? $active : $inactive;
        $html .= "&nbsp;<B>" . $DB->User($x) . "</B>&nbsp;at&nbsp;<B>" . $DB->Name($x) . "</B><BR>";
        $html .= $db->version;
        $html .= "\n</P>";
$html .= "<br><br>Please read the Installation and Security hints in the INSTALL file!";
$html .= "<BR><BR>Watch out for updates at <a href=\"http://phporacleadmin.org\" target=_new>http://phporacleadmin.org</a>.<br>";
$html .= "For Bugreports and other Feedback write to <a href=\"mailto:tf@tfromm.com\">tf@tfromm.com</a>.";
$html .= "<BR><BR>Please do not leave this Admintool unprotected and open for public access.<br>";
$html .= "Use .htaccess or similar to avoid unfriendly Guests!<br>";
$html .= "<br>Otherwise set \$HTTP_AUTH_ENABLED=TRUE at the config.inc.php and \$HTTP_AUTH_LOGIN[0]= to your Login <br>";
$html .= "and \$HTTP_AUTH_LOGIN[0]= to the Password!<br>";
$page = new Page("phpOracleAdmin");