Example #1
 function getFormatted($name, $html = TRUE)
     $value = parent::getFormatted($name, $html);
     if ($name == 'order_number' && $this->type == 'T') {
         return $this->type . $value;
     return $value;
Example #2
 function getFormatted($name, $html = TRUE)
     $value = parent::getFormatted($name, $html);
     if ($name == 'invoice_number' && $this->transaction_type == 'T') {
         return $this->transaction_type . $value;
     return $value;
Example #3
  * printInvoice: similar in consturction to other FOP print functions, however
  * this is more restrictive, at the time only used as part of save_confirmsale
  * @param DataObject $invoice
  * @param array $data
 protected function printInvoice($invoice, $data)
     $options = array('filename' => 'SalesInvoice' . $invoice->id, 'report' => 'SalesInvoice');
     // prepare the extra array
     $extra = array();
     $tax_status = DataObjectFactory::Factory('TaxStatus');
     // get the company address
     $company_address = array('name' => $this->getCompanyName());
     $company_address += $this->formatAddress($this->getCompanyAddress());
     $extra['company_address'] = $company_address;
     // get the company details
     $extra['company_details'] = $this->getCompanyDetails();
     // get the invoice address
     $invoice_address = array();
     $invoice_address['name'] = $invoice->customer;
     if (!is_null($invoice->person_id)) {
         $invoice_address['person'] = $invoice->person;
     $invoice_address += (array) $this->formatAddress($invoice->getInvoiceAddress());
     $extra['invoice_address'] = $invoice_address;
     $extra['tax_description'] = $invoice->customerdetail->companydetail->tax_description;
     $extra['vatnumber'] = $invoice->customerdetail->companydetail->vatnumber;
     // get Sales Invoice Notes for default customer or first in customer
     $note = DataObjectFactory::Factory('PartyNote');
     $party_id = $invoice->customerdetail->companydetail->party_id;
     $cc = new ConstraintChain();
     $note->orderby = 'lastupdated';
     $note->orderdir = 'DESC';
     $cc->add(new Constraint('note_type', '=', 'sales_invoicing'));
     $cc->add(new Constraint('party_id', '=', $party_id));
     $latest_note = $note->loadBy($cc);
     $extra['notes'] = $latest_note->note;
     // get the delivery address
     $delivery_address = $invoice->customer . ", " . $invoice->getDeliveryAddress()->fulladdress;
     $extra['delivery_address'] = $delivery_address;
     // get the settlement terms
     if ($invoice->transaction_type == 'I') {
         $settlement_terms = $invoice->getSettlementTerms();
         $extra['settlement_terms'] = $settlement_terms;
         $bank_account = $invoice->customerdetail->bank_account_detail;
         if (!is_null($bank_account->bank_account_number)) {
             $extra['bank_account']['bank_name'] = $bank_account->bank_name;
             $extra['bank_account']['bank_sort_code'] = $bank_account->bank_sort_code;
             $extra['bank_account']['bank_account_number'] = $bank_account->bank_account_number;
             $extra['bank_account']['bank_address'] = $bank_account->bank_address;
             $extra['bank_account']['bank_iban_number'] = $bank_account->bank_iban_number;
             $extra['bank_account']['bank_bic_code'] = $bank_account->bank_bic_code;
     // get invoice totals
     $invoice_totals = array();
     $invoice_totals[]['line'][] = array('field1' => 'NET VALUE', 'field2' => $invoice->net_value . ' ' . $invoice->currency);
     $invoice_totals[]['line'][] = array('field1' => 'VAT', 'field2' => $invoice->tax_value . ' ' . $invoice->currency);
     $invoice_totals[]['line'][] = array('field1' => strtoupper($invoice->getFormatted('transaction_type')) . ' TOTAL', 'field2' => $invoice->gross_value . ' ' . $invoice->currency);
     $extra['invoice_totals'] = $invoice_totals;
     // get invoice vat analysis
     if ($tax_status->eu_tax == 't' && $tax_status->apply_tax == 'f') {
         $extra['vat_analysis_exempt'][]['line'] = 'Zero rated intra-EU supply';
         $extra['vat_analysis_exempt'][]['line'] = 'Not subject to UK VAT under Article 56 Directive 2006/112/EC';
     } else {
         $vat_analysis = $invoice->vatAnalysis();
         foreach ($vat_analysis as $key => $value) {
             $extra['vat_analysis'][]['line'][] = $value;
     // generate the XML, include the extras array too
     $options['xmlSource'] = $this->generateXML(array('model' => $invoice, 'relationship_whitelist' => array('lines'), 'extra' => $extra));
     // construct the document, capture the response
     return $this->constructOutput($data, $options);