function getauthorshopbyname($shopname)
    $db = new DB_shop();
    $query = "select fd_shop_name as shopname from tb_shop where fd_shop_name like '%{$shopid}%' limit 10";
    $arr_msg = $db->getFiledData(1);
    return $arr_msg;
 * 获取商品单价
 * @access public
 * @param string $agencyid 机构id
 * @param string $sdcrid 商家id
 	 * @param string $produreid 商品id
 	 * @param string $producetype 商品类型id
 	 * @param string $storageid 商品仓库id
 	 * @param string $pricetype 价格类型 (0=本位价格,20=令价,21=吨价)
 * @return string 
 function getsdcrprice($agencyid, $sdcrid, $produreid, $producetype, $storageid, $pricetype = 0)
     global $g_lprice_point;
     global $g_dprice_point;
     $db = new DB_test();
     $query = "select fd_nbsepe_sdcrid,fd_nbsepe_produreid,fd_produre_catalog,fd_nbsepe_lingprice,fd_nbsepe_dunprice,fd_produre_unit\n\t\t\t  from tb_websaleprice left join tb_produre on fd_produre_id = fd_nbsepe_produreid\n\t\t\t  where  fd_nbsepe_iskc = '1'  and   fd_nbsepe_sdcrid = '" . $sdcrid . "'\n\t\t\t  and fd_nbsepe_produreid  = '" . $produreid . "' and fd_nbsepe_producetype  = '" . $producetype . "' \n\t\t\t  and fd_nbsepe_isshow='1'";
     // echo $query;
     if ($db->nf()) {
         while ($db->next_record()) {
             $areaid = $db->f(fd_nbsepe_sdcrid);
             $produreid = $db->f(fd_nbsepe_produreid);
             $boxprocaid = $db->f(fd_produre_catalog);
             $unitid = $db->f(fd_produre_unit);
             if ($unitid == 20) {
                 $returnvalue = round($db->f(fd_nbsepe_lingprice) * 1.04, 3);
             if ($unitid == 21) {
                 $returnvalue = round($db->f(fd_nbsepe_dunprice) * 1.04, 0);
             if ($pricetype == 20) {
                 $returnvalue = round($db->f(fd_nbsepe_lingprice) * 1.04, 3);
             if ($pricetype == 21) {
                 $returnvalue = round($db->f(fd_nbsepe_dunprice) * 1.04, 0);
     $dbshop = new DB_shop();
     $query = "select fd_skqy_lingprice ,fd_skqy_dunprice,fd_skqy_unitid,\n\t\t\tfd_skqy_shopid,fd_skqy_commid  ,fd_skqy_rate \n\t\t\tfrom tb_shopkcquantity where fd_skqy_shopid = '{$sdcrid}' and fd_skqy_commid= '{$produreid}'\n\t\t\tand fd_skqy_producetype = '{$producetype}' and fd_skqy_storageid= '{$storageid}'\n\t\t\t";
     if ($dbshop->nf()) {
         while ($dbshop->next_record()) {
             $unitid = $dbshop->f(fd_skqy_unitid);
             $vlingprice = $dbshop->f(fd_skqy_lingprice);
             $vdunprice = $dbshop->f(fd_skqy_dunprice);
             $rate = $dbshop->f(fd_skqy_rate);
             if ($unitid == 20) {
                 $returnvalue = formatprice($vlingprice * $rate, $g_lprice_point);
             if ($unitid == 21) {
                 $returnvalue = formatprice($vdunprice * $rate, $g_dprice_point);
             if ($pricetype == 20) {
                 $returnvalue = formatprice($vlingprice * $rate, $g_lprice_point);
             if ($pricetype == 21) {
                 $returnvalue = formatprice($vdunprice * $rate, $g_dprice_point);
     return $returnvalue + 0;
Example #3
function getStorageInfo($shopWhere = '', $sdcrWhere = '')
    $cacheName = md5($shopWhere . $sdcrWhere);
    static $arrStorage = array();
    if (empty($arrStorage[$cacheName])) {
        $dbshop = new DB_shop();
        $db = new DB_test();
        $query = "select * from tb_storage where 1 {$shopWhere}";
        if ($dbshop->nf()) {
            while ($dbshop->next_record()) {
                $storage_id = $dbshop->f('fd_storage_id');
                $storage_name = $dbshop->f('fd_storage_name');
                $arrStorage[$cacheName][$storage_id]['storage_name'] = $storage_name;
        $query = "select * from tb_sendcenter where 1 {$sdcrWhere}";
        if ($db->nf()) {
            while ($db->next_record()) {
                $storage_id = $db->f('fd_sdcr_id');
                $storage_name = $db->f('fd_sdcr_name');
                $arrStorage[$cacheName][$storage_id]['storage_name'] = $storage_name;
    return $arrStorage[$cacheName];
Example #4

include $DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/phplib/prepend.php';
include $DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/phplib/smsapi.php';
page_open(array("sess" => "shop_Session", "auth" => "shop_Auth", "perm" => "shop_Perm"));
echo "<script language=JavaScript src=currency.js></script>\n";
echo "<script language=JavaScript src=datefunc.js>\n//Parts taken from ts_picker.js\n//Script by Denis Gritcyuk:\n//Submitted to JavaScript Kit (\n//Visit for this script\n</script>\n<script language=JavaScript>\nfunction DoCustomChecks(form) {\n  return true;\n}\nfunction SmsFormValidator(form,max) {\n var total = 0;\n for (var idx = 1; idx <= max; idx++) {\n   if (eval('document.SmsForm.SendTo' + idx + '.checked') == true) {\n    total += 1;\n   }\n }\n if (total==0) {\n\talert('You have not selected any recipients.');\n\treturn false;\n }\n if (form.RingTone.value.length==0) {\n\talert('You have not typed in your message.');\n\tform.RingTone.focus();\n\treturn false;\n }else{\n        return true;\n }\n}\n\n<!-- Original:  Ronnie T. Moore -->\n<!-- Web Site:  The JavaScript Source -->\n<!-- Dynamic 'fix' by: Nannette Thacker -->\n<!-- Web Site: -->\n<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->\n<!-- The JavaScript Source!! -->\n<!-- Begin\nfunction textCounter(field, countfield, maxlimit) {\nif (field.value.length > maxlimit) // if too long...trim it!\nfield.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlimit);\n// otherwise, update 'characters left' counter\nelse \ncountfield.value = maxlimit - field.value.length;\n}\n// End -->\n</script> \n";
class my_SmsAddressBookform extends SmsAddressBookform
    var $classname = "my_SmsAddressBookform";
$f = new my_SmsAddressBookform();
$db = new DB_shop();
if ($submit) {
    switch ($submit) {
        case "Save":
            if ($id) {
                $submit = "Edit";
            } else {
                $submit = "Add";
        case "Add":
        case "Edit":
            $Charge = 4;
            if (isset($auth)) {
                if (!$f->validate($result)) {
                    $cmd = $submit;
                    echo "<font class=bigTextBold>{$cmd} Sms Address Book</font>\n";
function getauthorshop($shopid)
    $dbshop = new DB_shop();
    $query = "select fd_shop_name as shopname from tb_shop where fd_shop_id='{$shopid}'";
    $arr_msg = auto_charset($dbshop->getFiledData(''), 'gbk', 'utf-8');
    return $arr_msg;
function sc_sjstockorder($orderid)
    $dbshop = new DB_shop();
    $db = new DB_test();
    $dberp = new DB_erp();
    $query = "select * from web_order where fd_order_id = '{$orderid}'";
    if ($dbshop->nf()) {
        $memeberid = $dbshop->f(fd_order_memeberid);
        $ishaveinvoice = $dbshop->f(fd_order_isfp);
        $wlyf = $dbshop->f(fd_order_wlfy);
        $wlzftype = $dbshop->f(fd_order_wlzftype);
        $shopid = $dbshop->f(fd_order_shopid);
        $sjallmoney = $dbshop->f(fd_order_sjallmoney);
        $allmoney = $dbshop->f(fd_order_allmoney);
        $mscompanyid = $dbshop->f(fd_order_mscid);
        $srmoney = $allmoney - $sjallmoney;
    if ($ishaveinvoice == 0) {
        $ishaveinvoice = 1;
    } else {
        $ishaveinvoice = 0;
    if (empty($mscompanyid)) {
        $mscompanyid = 2;
    $query = "select * from tb_mscompany where fd_msc_id = '{$mscompanyid}'";
    if ($dberp->nf()) {
        $msc_sdcrid = $dberp->f(fd_msc_sdcrid);
    $query = "select * from tb_organmem where fd_organmem_id  = '{$memeberid}' and fd_organmem_isms = 1";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $cusid = $db->f(fd_organmem_cusid);
        $query = "select * from tb_customer  where fd_cus_id = '{$cusid}'";
        if ($dberp->nf()) {
            $sdcrid = $dberp->f(fd_cus_wgsdcrid);
            $owlid = $dberp->f(fd_cus_id);
            $owlname = $dberp->f(fd_cus_allname);
            $owlno = $dberp->f(fd_cus_no);
            $wgmscid = $dberp->f(fd_cus_wgmscid);
            $otype = 1;
        $query = "select * from tb_mscompany where fd_msc_id = '{$mscompanyid}'";
        if ($dberp->nf()) {
            $msc_sdcrid = $dberp->f(fd_msc_sdcrid);
        $query = "select * from tb_supplier  where fd_supp_mscid = '{$mscompanyid}'";
        if ($dberp->nf()) {
            $suppid = $dberp->f(fd_supp_id);
            $suppno = $dberp->f(fd_supp_no);
            $suppname = $dberp->f(fd_supp_allname);
        $stockorderno = listnumber_update(65);
        $memo_z = "网购采购(商家)";
        $syear = date("Y", mktime());
        $smonth = date("n", mktime());
        $query = "insert into tb_stockorder(\n\t              fd_skor_listno      ,   fd_skor_suppid     , fd_skor_suppno        ,\n\t              fd_skor_suppname    ,   fd_skor_organid    , fd_skor_lddate        , \n\t              fd_skor_memo        ,   fd_skor_cgmscid    , fd_skor_sdcrid        ,\n\t              fd_skor_fkqx        ,   fd_skor_year       , fd_skor_month         ,\n\t              fd_skor_yjfhdate    ,   fd_skor_yjshdate   , fd_skor_stocktype     ,\n\t              fd_skor_paymodel    ,   fd_skor_gdr        , fd_skor_ishaveinvoice ,\n\t              fd_skor_ldr         ,   fd_skor_suplinkid  , fd_skor_suplinkname   ,\n\t              fd_skor_cgfanli     ,   fd_skor_wftpzx     , fd_skor_transporttype ,\n\t              fd_skor_state      \n\t              )values(\n\t              '{$stockorderno}'     ,   '{$suppid}'          , '{$suppno}'             ,\n\t              '{$suppname}'         ,   '1'                , now()                 ,\n\t              '{$memo_z}'           ,   '{$wgmscid}'         , '{$sdcrid}'             ,\n\t              '0'                 ,   '{$syear}'           , '{$smonth}'             ,\n\t              now()               ,   now()              , '1'                   ,\n\t              '0'                 ,   ''                 , '{$ishaveinvoice}'      ,\n\t              '{$loginstaname}'     ,   ''                 , ''                    ,\n\t              ''                  ,   ''                 , ''                    ,\n\t              '6'\n\t              )";
        $stockorderid = $dberp->insert_id();
        $query = "select * from web_orderdetail   \n                where fd_orderdetail_orderid  = '{$orderid}'";
        if ($dbshop->nf()) {
            while ($dbshop->next_record()) {
                $commid = $dbshop->f(fd_orderdetail_productid);
                $commbar = $dbshop->f(fd_orderdetail_barcode);
                $commname = $dbshop->f(fd_orderdetail_productname);
                $unitname = $dbshop->f(fd_orderdetail_unit);
                $price = $dbshop->f(fd_orderdetail_price);
                $quantity = $dbshop->f(fd_orderdetail_quantity);
                $comm_str = explode("@@@", readproduct($commid));
                $tmpralation = $comm_str[5];
                $dunquantity = changekg3($tmpralation, $unitname, $quantity);
                if ($unitname == "令") {
                    $unit = 20;
                } else {
                    $unit = 21;
                $alldunquantity += $dunquantity;
                //$allmoney += $price*$quantity;
                $query = "insert into tb_stockorderdetail(\n\t                    fd_skdrdetail_skorid    ,  fd_skdrdetail_commid       ,  fd_skdrdetail_isorgan       ,\n\t                    fd_skdrdetail_commname  ,  fd_skdrdetail_commbar      ,  fd_skdrdetail_unit          ,\n\t                    fd_skdrdetail_quantity  ,  fd_skdrdetail_price        ,  fd_skdrdetail_memo          ,\n\t                    fd_skdrdetail_organid   ,  fd_skdrdetail_dyj          \n\t                    )values(\n\t                    '{$stockorderid}'         ,  '{$commid}'                  ,  '0'                         ,\n\t                    '{$commname}'             ,  '{$commbar}'                 ,  '{$unit}'                     ,\n\t                    '{$quantity}'             ,  '{$price}'                   ,  '{$memo}'                     ,\n\t                    '{$sdcrid}'               ,  '{$dyj}'                    \n\t                    )";
        if ($wlzftype == 2) {
            $dyj = $wlyf / $alldunquantity;
            //$allmoney = $allmoney+$wlyf;
            $query = "update tb_stockorderdetail set fd_skdrdetail_dyj = '{$dyj}' where fd_skdrdetail_skorid = '{$stockorderid}'";
        $query = "update tb_stockorder set fd_skor_allmoney = '{$allmoney}',fd_skor_alldunquantity = '{$alldunquantity}'\n                where fd_skor_id = '{$stockorderid}'\n               ";
    } else {
        $query = "select * from tb_organmem where fd_organmem_id  = '{$memeberid}'";
        if ($db->nf()) {
            $cusid = $db->f(fd_organmem_cusid);
            $query = "select * from tb_mscompany where fd_msc_id = '{$mscompanyid}'";
            if ($dberp->nf()) {
                $sdcrid = $dberp->f(fd_msc_sdcrid);
            $query = "select * from tb_customer where fd_cus_id = '{$cusid}'";
            if ($dberp->nf()) {
                //$sdcrid  = 1;
                $owlid = $dberp->f(fd_cus_id);
                $owlname = $dberp->f(fd_cus_allname);
                $owlno = $dberp->f(fd_cus_no);
                $otype = 1;
    $query = "select * from tb_supplier where fd_supp_shopid = '{$shopid}'";
    if ($dberp->nf()) {
        $iwlid = $dberp->f(fd_supp_id);
        $iwlno = $dberp->f(fd_supp_no);
        $iwlname = $dberp->f(fd_supp_allname);
        $itype = 2;
        $ysyfzyno = listnumber_update(101);
        $memo_z = "网站客户应收款转移到商家应收款";
        $money = -$sjallmoney;
        $query = "insert into tb_ysyfwlzy(\n                fd_ysyfwlzy_listno    ,  fd_ysyfwlzy_owlid   , fd_ysyfwlzy_otype   ,\n                fd_ysyfwlzy_owlname   ,  fd_ysyfwlzy_owlno   , fd_ysyfwlzy_iwlid   , \n                fd_ysyfwlzy_iwlno     ,  fd_ysyfwlzy_iwlname , fd_ysyfwlzy_itype   , \n                fd_ysyfwlzy_listdate  ,  fd_ysyfwlzy_memo    , fd_ysyfwlzy_organid ,      \n                fd_ysyfwlzy_sdcrid    ,  fd_ysyfwlzy_mscid   , fd_ysyfwlzy_sqman   ,\n                fd_ysyfwlzy_money\n                )values(\n                '{$ysyfzyno}'           , '{$owlid}'             , '{$otype}'            ,\n                '{$owlname}'            , '{$owlno}'             , '{$iwlid}'            ,\n                '{$iwlno}'              , '{$iwlname}'           , '{$itype}'            ,\n                now()                 , '{$memo_z}'            , '1'                 ,\n                '{$msc_sdcrid}'         , '{$mscompanyid}'       , '{$loginstaname}'     ,\n                '{$money}'\n                )";
        $listid = $dberp->insert_id();
        $query = "update tb_ysyfwlzy set fd_ysyfwlzy_state = '3' ,fd_ysyfwlzy_gzdate = now() where fd_ysyfwlzy_id = '{$listid}'";
        $query = "select * from tb_ysyfwlzy where fd_ysyfwlzy_id = '{$listid}' ";
        if ($dberp->nf()) {
            $listno = $dberp->f(fd_ysyfwlzy_listno);
            $owlid = $dberp->f(fd_ysyfwlzy_owlid);
            $owlno = $dberp->f(fd_ysyfwlzy_owlno);
            $owlname = $dberp->f(fd_ysyfwlzy_owlname);
            $otype = $dberp->f(fd_ysyfwlzy_otype);
            $iwlid = $dberp->f(fd_ysyfwlzy_iwlid);
            $iwlno = $dberp->f(fd_ysyfwlzy_iwlno);
            $iwlname = $dberp->f(fd_ysyfwlzy_iwlname);
            $itype = $dberp->f(fd_ysyfwlzy_itype);
            $listdate = $dberp->f(fd_ysyfwlzy_listdate);
            $money = $dberp->f(fd_ysyfwlzy_money);
            $sdcrid = $dberp->f(fd_ysyfwlzy_sdcrid);
            $mscompanyid = $dberp->f(fd_ysyfwlzy_mscid);
            $addmoney = -$money;
            $lessenmoney = 0;
            $ctatmemo = "应收应付款往来转移应付减少" . -$money . "元";
            $cactlisttype = "101";
            zbcurrentaccount($otype, $owlid, $addmoney, $lessenmoney, $ctatmemo, $cactlisttype, $loginstaname, $listid, $listno, $listdate, $sdcrid, $mscompanyid);
            changemoney($otype, $owlid, $money, 1, 1, $sdcrid, $mscompanyid, 1);
            $addmoney = 0;
            $lessenmoney = -$money;
            $ctatmemo = "应收应付款往来转移应付增加" . -$money . "元";
            $cactlisttype = "101";
            zbcurrentaccount($itype, $iwlid, $addmoney, $lessenmoney, $ctatmemo, $cactlisttype, $loginstaname, $listid, $listno, $listdate, $sdcrid, $mscompanyid);
            changemoney($itype, $iwlid, $money, 0, 1, $sdcrid, $mscompanyid, 1);
    $memo_z = "网站会员向商家采购抵扣运费,提成,返利收入";
    $fkdno = listnumber_update(9);
    $query = "insert into tb_paymoneylist(\n              fd_pymylt_no          ,  fd_pymylt_clientid    , fd_pymylt_type         ,\n              fd_pymylt_clientname  ,  fd_pymylt_staid       , fd_pymylt_money        ,  \n              fd_pymylt_date        ,  fd_pymylt_memo        , fd_pymylt_organid      , \n              fd_pymylt_clientno    ,  fd_pymylt_sdcrid      , fd_pymylt_mscompanyid  ,\n              fd_pymylt_state       ,  fd_pymylt_paymscid\n              )values(\n              '{$fkdno}'              ,  '{$owlid}'              , '1'                    ,\n              '{$owlname}'            ,  '{$loginstaid}'         , '{$srmoney}'             ,\n              now()                 ,  '{$memo_z}'             , '1'                    ,  \n              '{$cusno}'              ,  '1'                   , '2'                    ,\n              '1'                   ,  '{$mscompanyid}'\n              )";
    $fkdid = $dberp->insert_id();
    $addmoney = $srmoney;
    $lessenmoney = 0;
    $ctatmemo = "抵扣运费,提成,返利收入,应付减少" . $srmoney . "元";
    $cactlisttype = "9";
    zbcurrentaccount(1, $owlid, $addmoney, $lessenmoney, $ctatmemo, $cactlisttype, $loginstaname, $fkdid, $fkdno, $listdate, 1, 2);
    changemoney($otype, $owlid, $srmoney, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1);
    $query = "select * from tb_othercompany where fd_orcy_izwz = 1";
    if ($dberp->nf()) {
        $companyid = $dberp->f(fd_orcy_id);
        $company = $dberp->f(fd_orcy_allname);
    $srdno = listnumber_update(13);
    $memo_z = "网站会员向商家采购运费,提成,返利收入";
    $query = "insert into tb_incomelist(\n\t            fd_incomelist_no          ,   fd_incomelist_date         ,   fd_incomelist_company      ,\n\t            fd_incomelist_staid       ,   fd_incomelist_memo         ,   fd_incomelist_organid      , \n\t            fd_incomelist_mscompanyid ,   fd_incomelist_sdcrid       ,   fd_incomelist_companyid    ,\n\t            fd_incomelist_state       ,   fd_incomelist_allmoney     ,   fd_incomelist_datetime\n\t            )values(\n\t            '{$srdno}'                  ,   now()                      ,  '{$company}'                  ,\n\t            '{$loginstaid}'             ,   '{$memo_z}'                  ,   '1'                        , \n\t            '2'                       ,   '1'                        ,   '{$companyid}'               ,\n\t            '2'                       ,   '{$srmoney}'                 ,   now() \n\t            )";
    $listid = $dberp->insert_id();
    $query = "insert into tb_incomelistdetail(\n\t       \t       fd_ieltdl_incomelistid  ,  fd_ieltdl_ptteid  ,  fd_ieltdl_cost  , \n\t       \t       fd_ieltdl_memo\n\t       \t       )values(\n\t       \t       '{$listid}'               ,  '30'              ,  '{$srmoney}'         ,\n\t       \t       '{$memo}' \n\t       \t       )";
    $listtype = "13";
    $oppositecode = "30301-a001";
    updatesubject($listtype, $listid, $oppositecode, $cost, 0, 1);