/** * Вызывает обработку Ajax-запросов * * @return void */ public function user() { if (!empty($_POST['user_id'])) { $this->result["name"] = DB::query_result("SELECT fio FROM {users} WHERE id='%d'", $_POST['user_id']); $usersisert = DB::query("INSERT INTO {clock} (color) VALUES ('255,000,000')"); } else { $this->result["name"] = 'ошибка'; } }
/** * Получаем роль пользователя * @var int userId * @return int */ public function _dfnGetUserRoleId($userId) { //см. таблицу {users_role} if ($userId) { PayqrLog::log("SELECT role_id FROM diafan_users WHERE id=" . $userId); return DB::query_result("SELECT role_id FROM {users} WHERE id=%d", $userId); } return 0; }
/** * Выводит контент модуля * * @return void */ public function show() { // DB::query("UPDATE {".$this->diafan->table."} SET color=1 WHERE id='1'"); $userss = DB::query_result("SELECT * FROM {clock} WHERE text='часы'"); if (!$userss["text"]) { $usersisert = DB::query("INSERT INTO {" . $this->diafan->table . "} (text) VALUES ('часы')"); } // $users = DB::query_fetch_all("SELECT id, fio FROM {users} WHERE trash='0' ORDER BY fio ASC"); // $usersisert= DB::query("INSERT INTO {clock} (color) VALUES ('255,000,000')"); echo '<h2>выбор цвета часов:</h2><div style="cursor: pointer;width:50px;height:50px ;background:#ff0000;" id="red"></div>'; echo '<div style=" cursor: pointer;width:50px;height:50px ;background:#00ff00;" id="green"></div>'; echo '<div style="cursor: pointer;width:50px;height:50px ;background:#0000ff;" id="blue"></div>'; $this->diafan->list_row(); }
/** * @return void */ public function show() { $this->result = array(); ////navigation// $this->diafan->_paginator->nen = DB::query_result("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM {clock} WHERE act='1' AND trash='0'"); $this->result["paginator"] = $this->diafan->_paginator->get(); ////navigation/// $rows = DB::query_range_fetch_all("SELECT id, created, text FROM {clock} WHERE act='1' AND trash='0' ORDER BY created DESC, id DESC", $this->diafan->_paginator->polog, $this->diafan->_paginator->nastr); $row['color'] = DB::query_result("SELECT color FROM {clock} WHERE text='часы'"); $this->result['rows'][] = $row; //сохранение кэша $this->diafan->_cache->save($this->result, $cache_meta, 'clock'); $this->result["paginator"] = $this->diafan->_tpl->get('get', 'paginator', $this->result["paginator"]); $this->result['view'] = 'show'; }
/** * @param $cart_summ * @param null $userId * @return bool */ private function get_discount_total($cart_summ, $userId = null) { PayqrLog::log("get_discount_total"); $discount = false; $order_summ = 0; if ($userId) { $order_summ = DB::query_result("SELECT SUM(summ) FROM {shop_order} WHERE user_id=%d AND (status='1' OR status='3')", $userId); } PayqrLog::log("Order sum : " . $order_summ); //скидка на общую сумму заказа $person_discount_ids = $this->diafan->_shop->price_get_person_discounts(); PayqrLog::log("Получили скидки клиенту: ", print_r($person_discount_ids, true)); $userRoleId = dfnUserAuth::getInstance($this->diafan)->_dfnGetUserRoleId($userId); PayqrLog::log("Получили роль пользователя: " . $userRoleId); $rows = DB::query_fetch_all("SELECT id, discount, amount, deduction, threshold, threshold_cumulative FROM" . " {shop_discount} WHERE act='1' AND trash='0' AND (threshold_cumulative>0 OR threshold>0)" . " AND role_id" . ($userRoleId ? ' IN (0, ' . $userRoleId . ')' : '=0') . " AND (person='0'" . ($person_discount_ids ? " OR id IN(" . implode(",", $person_discount_ids) . ")" : "") . ")" . " AND date_start<=%d AND (date_finish=0 OR date_finish>=%d)" . " AND (threshold_cumulative>0 AND threshold_cumulative<=%f" . " OR threshold>0 AND threshold<=%f)", time(), time(), $order_summ, $cart_summ); PayqrLog::log("После получения скидки: ", print_r($rows, true)); foreach ($rows as $row) { $row["discount_id"] = $row["id"]; if ($row['deduction']) { if ($row['deduction'] < $cart_summ) { $row["discount_summ"] = $row["deduction"]; } else { $row["discount_summ"] = 0; } } else { $row["discount_summ"] = $cart_summ * $row["discount"] / 100; } if (empty($discount) || $discount["discount_summ"] < $row["discount_summ"]) { $discount = $row; } } return $discount; }
/** * Проверка, есть ли пользователь с указанным id в базе * @param $u_id * @return bool */ public function uloginCheckUserId($user_id = 0) { $user_id = DB::query_result("SELECT * FROM {users} WHERE trash='0' AND act='1' AND id=%d", $user_id); $current_user = isset($this->diafan->_users->id) ? $this->diafan->_users->id : 0; if ($current_user > 0 && $user_id > 0 && $current_user != $user_id) { throw new Exception($this->diafan->_('Данный аккаунт привязан к другому пользователю. Вы не можете использовать этот аккаунт.')); } return true; }
/** * Сохранение поля "Файл" * @return void */ public function save_variable_file() { if ($_POST['type'] == 1) { if (!empty($_FILES["attachment_img"]['name'])) { $extension_array = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png'); $new_name = strtolower($this->diafan->translit($_FILES["attachment_img"]['name'])); $extension = substr(strrchr($new_name, '.'), 1); if (!in_array($extension, $extension_array)) { throw new Exception('Не удалось загрузить файл. Возможно, закрыт доступ к папке или файл превышает максимально допустимый размер'); } $new_name = substr($new_name, 0, -(strlen($extension) + 1)) . '_' . $this->diafan->id . '.' . $extension; $file_name = DB::query_result("SELECT file FROM {bs} WHERE id=%d LIMIT 1", $this->diafan->id); if (!empty($file_name)) { File::delete_file(USERFILES . '/' . $this->diafan->table . '/' . $file_name); } File::upload_file($_FILES["attachment_img"]['tmp_name'], USERFILES . "/pbs/" . $new_name); $this->diafan->set_query("file='%s'"); $this->diafan->set_value($new_name); $this->diafan->set_query("html='%s'"); $this->diafan->set_value(''); $this->diafan->set_query("width='%d'"); $this->diafan->set_value(''); $this->diafan->set_query("height='%d'"); $this->diafan->set_value(''); } $this->diafan->set_query("type=%d"); $this->diafan->set_value(1); $this->diafan->set_query("alt" . _LANG . "='%s'"); $this->diafan->set_value($_POST['alt']); $this->diafan->set_query("title" . _LANG . "='%s'"); $this->diafan->set_value($_POST['title']); } if ($_POST['type'] == 2) { if (!empty($_FILES["attachment_swf"]['name'])) { $extension_array = array('swf'); $new_name = strtolower($this->diafan->translit($_FILES["attachment_swf"]['name'])); $extension = substr(strrchr($new_name, '.'), 1); if (!in_array($extension, $extension_array)) { throw new Exception($this->diafan->_('Не удалось загрузить файл. Возможно, закрыт доступ к папке или файл превышает максимально допустимый размер')); } $new_name = substr($new_name, 0, -(strlen($extension) + 1)) . '_' . $this->diafan->id . '.' . $extension; $file_name = DB::query_result("SELECT file FROM {bs} WHERE id=%d LIMIT 1", $this->diafan->id); if (!empty($file_name)) { File::delete_file(USERFILES . '/' . $this->diafan->table . '/' . $file_name); } File::upload_file($_FILES["attachment_swf"]['tmp_name'], USERFILES . "/" . $this->diafan->table . '/' . $new_name); $this->diafan->set_query("file='%s'"); $this->diafan->set_value($new_name); $this->diafan->set_query("html='%s'"); $this->diafan->set_value(''); $this->diafan->set_query("alt" . _LANG . "='%s'"); $this->diafan->set_value(''); $this->diafan->set_query("title" . _LANG . "='%s'"); $this->diafan->set_value(''); } $this->diafan->set_query("type='%d'"); $this->diafan->set_value(2); $this->diafan->set_query("width='%d'"); $this->diafan->set_value($_POST['width']); $this->diafan->set_query("height='%d'"); $this->diafan->set_value($_POST['height']); } if ($_POST['type'] == 3) { if (!empty($_POST['html'])) { $file_name = DB::query_result("SELECT file FROM {bs} WHERE id=%d LIMIT 1", $this->diafan->id); if (!empty($file_name)) { File::delete_file(USERFILES . '/' . $this->diafan->table . '/' . $file_name); } $this->diafan->set_query("html='%s'"); $this->diafan->set_value($_POST['html']); $this->diafan->set_query("file='%s'"); $this->diafan->set_value(''); $this->diafan->set_query("alt" . _LANG . "='%s'"); $this->diafan->set_value(''); $this->diafan->set_query("title" . _LANG . "='%s'"); $this->diafan->set_value(''); $this->diafan->set_query("width='%d'"); $this->diafan->set_value(''); $this->diafan->set_query("height='%d'"); $this->diafan->set_value(''); } $this->diafan->set_query("type='%d'"); $this->diafan->set_value(3); } }
function __construct() { $DB = new DB(); $auth_code = $DB->query_result("SELECT code FROM youtube_authorization_code ORDER by youtube_authorization_code_id DESC LIMIT 1"); $this->authorization_code = $auth_code[0]['code']; }
/** * Проверяет правильность ввода капчи «Вопрос-Ответ» * * @return string|boolean false */ private function error_qa() { if (empty($_SESSION["captcha_id"]) || empty($_POST["captcha_answer_id"])) { return $this->diafan->_('Выберите правильный ответ.', false); } if (!DB::query_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {captcha_answers} WHERE trash='0' AND captcha_id=%d AND id=%d AND is_right='1'", $_SESSION["captcha_id"], $_POST["captcha_answer_id"])) { return $this->diafan->_('Ответ не верный.', false); } return false; }
public function cancelOrder() { PayqrLog::log("cancelOrder"); $order_id = $this->invoice->getOrderId(); PayqrLog::log("cancelOrder получили номер заказа: " . $order_id); if (!empty($order_id)) { //получаем статус заказа "в обработке" $status_id = DB::query_result("SELECT id FROM {shop_order_status} WHERE status='2' LIMIT 1"); PayqrLog::log("cancelOrder получили статус заказа 'Отменен': " . $status_id); //меняем статус заказа DB::query("UPDATE {shop_order} set status_id=%d WHERE id=%d", $status_id, $order_id); PayqrLog::log("cancelOrder произвели обновление статуса заказа: "); } }
<?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting(-1); include 'Library/DB.php'; print_r('<pre/>'); print_r($_REQUEST); if (isset($_REQUEST['code'])) { $DB1 = new DB(); $result = $DB1->query_result("SELECT code FROM youtube_authorization_code WHERE code = '" . $DB1->sanitize['code'] . "' "); print_r($result); if (isset($result[0]['code'])) { if ($result[0]['code'] == $DB1->sanitize['code']) { echo 'Already Set'; } else { $DB2 = new DB(); $DB2->query_no_result("INSERT INTO youtube_authorization_code (code,updated) VALUES ('" . $DB2->sanitize['code'] . "','" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "')"); print_r($DB2); } } else { $DB2 = new DB(); $DB2->query_no_result("INSERT INTO youtube_authorization_code (code,updated) VALUES ('" . $DB2->sanitize['code'] . "','" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "')"); print_r($DB2); } }