?> ">Go back</a> <a class="submit" href="index.php?step=<?php echo $step; ?> ">Refresh</a></div> <?php } else { $act = array(3 => array('table has been deleted and recreated', 'tables have been deleted and recreated'), 2 => array('table has not been changed', 'tables have not been changed'), 1 => array('table has been cleared', 'tables have been cleared'), 0 => array('table has been recreated', 'tables have been recreated')); $done = array_fill(0, 4, 0); foreach ($action as $table => $value) { $t = $db->pre . $table; $file = 'install/package/' . $package . '/db/' . $table . '.sql'; if ($value == 0) { $sql = implode('', file($file)); $sql = str_replace('{:=DBPREFIX=:}', $db->pre, $sql); $db->multi_query($sql); } elseif ($value == 1) { $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `{$t}`"); } elseif ($value == 3) { $sql = implode('', file($file)); $sql = str_replace('{:=DBPREFIX=:}', $db->pre, $sql); $drop = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$t}`;\n"; $db->multi_query($drop . $sql); } else { $value = 2; // Do nothing with tables! } $done[$value]++; } if (isset($_REQUEST['sample_d1']) && $_REQUEST['sample_d1'] == 1) { $sql = implode('', file('install/package/install/db/sample1.dat'));
$d = dir($dir); while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if (is_dir($dir . $entry) && preg_match('/^\\d{1,}$/', $entry) && $entry != '.' && $entry != '..') { $tplids[] = $entry; } } $d->close(); foreach ($tplids as $id) { $tpldir = $dir . $id; $filesystem->unlink($tpldir . '/edit.html'); } // install / sql $file = 'package/' . $package . '/db/forums.sql'; $sql = implode('', file($file)); $sql = str_replace('{:=DBPREFIX=:}', $db->pre, $sql); $db->multi_query($sql, false); // Transfer old data - START function forumtree_array($temp, $sub) { foreach ($temp as $cid => $boards) { foreach ($boards as $bid => $arr) { if (isset($sub[$bid])) { $sub[$bid] = forumtree_array($sub[$bid], $sub); $temp[$cid][$bid] = $sub[$bid]; } } } return $temp; } $parent = $sub = $empty = $full = $data = array(); $result = $db->query("SELECT b.id, b.bid, b.cid FROM {$db->pre}cat AS b LEFT JOIN {$db->pre}categories AS c ON c.id = b.cid ORDER BY c.c_order, c.id, b.c_order, b.id", __LINE__, __FILE__);
$filesystem->file_put_contents($path . 'standard.css', $file); } if ($path . 'ie.css') { $file = file_get_contents($path . 'ie.css'); $file .= "\r\n* html .tooltip {\r\n\twidth: 300px;\r\n}\r\n"; $filesystem->file_put_contents($path . 'ie.css', $file); } } } $dir->close(); echo "- Stylesheets updated.<br />"; // MySQL $file = 'package/' . $package . '/db/db_changes.sql'; $sql = file_get_contents($file); $sql = str_ireplace('{:=DBPREFIX=:}', $db->prefix(), $sql); $db->multi_query($sql); echo "- Database tables updated.<br />"; // Languages $ini = array('settings' => array('language' => array('compatible_version' => VISCACHA_VERSION), 'language_de' => array('compatible_version' => VISCACHA_VERSION)), 'global' => array('language' => array('upload_error_default' => null, 'upload_error_fileexists' => null, 'upload_error_maxfilesize' => null, 'upload_error_maximagesize' => null, 'upload_error_noaccess' => null, 'upload_error_noupload' => null, 'upload_error_wrongfiletype' => null, 'ats_select9' => null, 'ats_choose' => 'No Status', 'ats_choose_standard_a' => 'Use default setting (Article)', 'ats_choose_standard_n' => 'Use default setting (News)', 'profile_never' => 'Never'), 'language_de' => array('upload_error_default' => null, 'upload_error_fileexists' => null, 'upload_error_maxfilesize' => null, 'upload_error_maximagesize' => null, 'upload_error_noaccess' => null, 'upload_error_noupload' => null, 'upload_error_wrongfiletype' => null, 'ats_select9' => null, 'ats_choose' => 'Kein Status', 'ats_choose_standard_a' => 'Standardeinstellung nutzen (Artikel)', 'ats_choose_standard_n' => 'Standardeinstellung nutzen (News)', 'editprofile_about_longdesc' => 'Hier können Sie sich eine persönliche "Forenseite" erstellen.<br /><br />Sie können BB-Codes und maximal <em>{$chars}</em> Zeichen für die Seite nutzen.', 'profile_about' => 'Persönliche Seite', 'profile_never' => 'Nie'))); $c = new manageconfig(); $codes = array(); $keys = array('language', 'language_de'); $codes = getLangCodesByKeys($keys); $langcodes = getLangCodes(); foreach ($langcodes as $code => $lid) { $ldat = explode('_', $code); if (isset($codes[$ldat[0]])) { $count = count($codes[$ldat[0]]); if (in_array('', $codes[$ldat[0]])) { $count--; }