Example #1
  * Actualizar la clave maestra del usuario en la BBDD.
  * @param string $masterPwd con la clave maestra
  * @return bool
 public function updateUserMPass($masterPwd)
     $configHashMPass = ConfigDB::getValue('masterPwd');
     if ($configHashMPass === false) {
         return false;
     if (is_null($configHashMPass)) {
         $configHashMPass = Crypt::mkHashPassword($masterPwd);
         ConfigDB::setValue('masterPwd', $configHashMPass);
     if (Crypt::checkHashPass($masterPwd, $configHashMPass, true)) {
         $cryptMPass = Crypt::mkCustomMPassEncrypt(self::getCypherPass(), $masterPwd);
         if (!$cryptMPass) {
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;
     $query = 'UPDATE usrData SET ' . 'user_mPass = :mPass,' . 'user_mIV = :mIV,' . 'user_lastUpdateMPass = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() ' . 'WHERE user_id = :id LIMIT 1';
     $data['mPass'] = $cryptMPass[0];
     $data['mIV'] = $cryptMPass[1];
     $data['id'] = $this->_userId;
     return DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__, $data);
Example #2
  * Insertar los grupos de usuarios en sysPass.
  * @param array $usersGroups con los datos del grupo
  * @throws SPException
  * @return bool
 private static function insertUsersGroups($usersGroups)
     $query = 'INSERT INTO usrGroups ' . 'SET usergroup_id = :id,' . 'usergroup_name = :name,' . 'usergroup_description = :description';
     $data['id'] = $usersGroups['intUGroupId'];
     $data['name'] = $usersGroups['vacUGroupName'];
     $data['description'] = $usersGroups['vacUGroupDesc'];
     if (DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__, $data) === false) {
         throw new SPException(SPException::SP_CRITICAL, _('Error al crear los grupos de usuarios'), DB::$txtError);
     return true;
Example #3
  * Obtener el número de cuentas que usan una categoría.
  * @param int $id con el Id de la categoría a consultar
  * @return false|integer con el número total de cuentas
 private static function getCategoriesInAccounts($id)
     $query = 'SELECT account_id FROM accounts WHERE account_categoryId = :id';
     $data['id'] = $id;
     DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__, $data);
     return DB::$lastNumRows;
Example #4
  * Elimina un parámetro de la configuración.
  * @param string $param clave
  * @return bool
 public static function deleteParam($param)
     $query = 'DELETE FROM config WHERE config_parameter = :param LIMIT 1';
     $data['param'] = $param;
     return DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__, $data) !== false;
  * Modificar las preferencias de un usuario
  * @return bool
 public function updatePreferences()
     $query = 'UPDATE usrData SET ' . 'user_preferences = :preferences ' . 'WHERE user_id = :id LIMIT 1';
     $data['id'] = $this->getId();
     $data['preferences'] = serialize($this);
     if (DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__, $data) === false) {
         return false;
     return true;
Example #6
  * Actualiza la BBDD según la versión.
  * @param int $version con la versión a actualizar
  * @returns bool
 private static function upgradeTo($version)
     $log = new Log(_('Actualizar BBDD'));
     switch ($version) {
         case 110:
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE `accFiles` CHANGE COLUMN `accfile_name` `accfile_name` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL';
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD COLUMN `account_otherGroupEdit` BIT(1) NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `account_dateEdit`, ADD COLUMN `account_otherUserEdit` BIT(1) NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `account_otherGroupEdit`;';
             $queries[] = 'CREATE TABLE `accUsers` (`accuser_id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`accuser_accountId` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`accuser_userId` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`accuser_id`), INDEX `idx_account` (`accuser_accountId` ASC)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;';
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE `accHistory` ADD COLUMN `accHistory_otherUserEdit` BIT NULL AFTER `acchistory_mPassHash`, ADD COLUMN `accHistory_otherGroupEdit` VARCHAR(45) NULL AFTER `accHistory_otherUserEdit`;';
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE `accFiles` CHANGE COLUMN `accfile_type` `accfile_type` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL ;';
         case 1121:
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE `categories` ADD COLUMN `category_description` VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER `category_name`;';
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE `usrProfiles` ADD COLUMN `userProfile_pAppMgmtMenu` BIT(1) NULL DEFAULT b\'0\' AFTER `userProfile_pUsersMenu`,CHANGE COLUMN `userProfile_pConfigCategories` `userProfile_pAppMgmtCategories` BIT(1) NULL DEFAULT b\'0\' AFTER `userProfile_pAppMgmtMenu`,ADD COLUMN `userProfile_pAppMgmtCustomers` BIT(1) NULL DEFAULT b\'0\' AFTER `userProfile_pAppMgmtCategories`;';
         case 1122:
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE `usrData` CHANGE COLUMN `user_login` `user_login` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL ,CHANGE COLUMN `user_email` `user_email` VARCHAR(80) NULL DEFAULT NULL ;';
         case 1123:
             $queries[] = 'CREATE TABLE `usrPassRecover` (`userpassr_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `userpassr_userId` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`userpassr_hash` VARBINARY(40) NOT NULL,`userpassr_date` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`userpassr_used` BIT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b\'0\', PRIMARY KEY (`userpassr_id`),INDEX `IDX_userId` (`userpassr_userId` ASC, `userpassr_date` ASC)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;';
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE `log` ADD COLUMN `log_ipAddress` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL AFTER `log_userId`;';
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE `usrData` ADD COLUMN `user_isChangePass` BIT(1) NULL DEFAULT b\'0\' AFTER `user_isMigrate`;';
         case 11213:
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE `usrData` CHANGE COLUMN `user_mPass` `user_mPass` VARBINARY(32) NULL DEFAULT NULL ,CHANGE COLUMN `user_lastLogin` `user_lastLogin` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL ,CHANGE COLUMN `user_lastUpdate` `user_lastUpdate` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE COLUMN `user_mIV` `user_mIV` VARBINARY(32) NULL ;';
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE `accounts` CHANGE COLUMN `account_login` `account_login` VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL ;';
         case 11219:
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE `accounts` CHANGE COLUMN `account_pass` `account_pass` VARBINARY(255) NOT NULL ;';
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE `accHistory` CHANGE COLUMN `acchistory_pass` `acchistory_pass` VARBINARY(255) NOT NULL ;';
         case 11220:
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE `usrData` CHANGE COLUMN `user_pass` `user_pass` VARBINARY(255) NOT NULL,CHANGE COLUMN `user_mPass` `user_mPass` VARBINARY(255) DEFAULT NULL ;';
         case 12001:
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE `accounts` CHANGE COLUMN `account_userEditId` `account_userEditId` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE COLUMN `account_dateEdit` `account_dateEdit` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL;';
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE `accHistory` CHANGE COLUMN `acchistory_userEditId` `acchistory_userEditId` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE COLUMN `acchistory_dateEdit` `acchistory_dateEdit` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL;';
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE `accHistory` CHANGE COLUMN `accHistory_otherGroupEdit` `accHistory_otherGroupEdit` BIT NULL DEFAULT b\'0\';';
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE `usrProfiles` ADD COLUMN `userProfile_profile` BLOB NOT NULL;';
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE `usrData` ADD `user_preferences` BLOB NULL;';
             $queries[] = 'CREATE TABLE usrToGroups (usertogroup_id INT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,usertogroup_userId INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,usertogroup_groupId INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;';
             $queries[] = 'CREATE INDEX IDX_accountId ON usrToGroups (usertogroup_userId)';
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE `accFiles` ADD `accFile_thumb` BLOB NULL;';
             $queries[] = 'CREATE TABLE `authTokens` (`authtoken_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`authtoken_userId` int(11) NOT NULL,`authtoken_token` varbinary(100) NOT NULL,`authtoken_actionId` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,`authtoken_createdBy` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,`authtoken_startDate` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`authtoken_id`),UNIQUE KEY `unique_authtoken_id` (`authtoken_id`),KEY `IDX_checkToken` (`authtoken_userId`,`authtoken_actionId`,`authtoken_token`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;';
             $queries[] = 'CREATE TABLE `customFieldsDef` (`customfielddef_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `customfielddef_module` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL, `customfielddef_field` blob NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`customfielddef_id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;';
             $queries[] = 'CREATE TABLE `customFieldsData` (`customfielddata_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`customfielddata_moduleId` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,`customfielddata_itemId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,`customfielddata_defId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,`customfielddata_data` longblob,`customfielddata_iv` varbinary(128) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`customfielddata_id`), KEY `IDX_DEFID` (`customfielddata_defId`), KEY `IDX_DELETE` (`customfielddata_itemId`,`customfielddata_moduleId`), KEY `IDX_UPDATE` (`customfielddata_moduleId`,`customfielddata_itemId`,`customfielddata_defId`), KEY `IDX_ITEM` (`customfielddata_itemId`), KEY `IDX_MODULE` (`customfielddata_moduleId`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;';
         case 12002:
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE config CHANGE config_value config_value VARCHAR(255);';
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE usrData CHANGE user_pass user_pass VARBINARY(255);';
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE usrData CHANGE user_hashSalt user_hashSalt VARBINARY(128);';
             $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE accHistory CHANGE acchistory_mPassHash acchistory_mPassHash VARBINARY(255);';
             $log->addDescription(_('No es necesario actualizar la Base de Datos.'));
             return true;
     foreach ($queries as $query) {
         try {
             DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__);
         } catch (SPException $e) {
             $log->addDescription(_('Error al aplicar la actualización de la Base de Datos.') . ' (v' . $version . ')');
             $log->addDescription('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' (' . $e->getCode() . ')');
             return false;
     $log->addDescription(_('Actualización de la Base de Datos realizada correctamente.') . ' (v' . $version . ')');
     return true;
Example #7
  * Crear asociación de grupos con cuentas.
  * @param int   $accountId con el Id de la cuenta
  * @param array $usersId   con los grupos de la cuenta
  * @return bool
 public static function addUsersForAccount($accountId, $usersId)
     if (!is_array($usersId)) {
         return true;
     $values = '';
     // Obtenemos los grupos actuales
     $usersExcluded = self::getUsersForAccount($accountId);
     foreach ($usersId as $userId) {
         // Excluimos los usuarios actuales
         if (isset($usersExcluded) && is_array($usersExcluded) && in_array($userId, $usersExcluded)) {
         $values[] = '(' . (int) $accountId . ',' . (int) $userId . ')';
     if (!is_array($values)) {
         return true;
     $query = 'INSERT INTO accUsers (accuser_accountId, accuser_userId) VALUES ' . implode(',', $values);
     return DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__);
Example #8
  * Actualizar un perfil.
  * @return bool
 public function profileUpdate()
     $oldProfileName = static::getProfileNameById($this->getId());
     $query = 'UPDATE usrProfiles SET ' . 'userprofile_name = :name,' . 'userprofile_profile = :profile ' . 'WHERE userprofile_id = :id LIMIT 1';
     $data['id'] = $this->getId();
     $data['name'] = $this->getName();
     $data['profile'] = serialize($this);
     if (DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__, $data) === false) {
         return false;
     Log::writeNewLogAndEmail(_('Modificar Perfil'), Html::strongText(_('Perfil') . ': ') . $oldProfileName . ' > ' . $this->getName());
     return true;
Example #9
  * Establecer el campo isMigrate de cada usuario
 public static function setMigrateUsers()
     $query = 'UPDATE usrData SET user_isMigrate = 1';
     return DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__);
Example #10
  * Actualiza el último inicio de sesión del usuario en la BBDD.
  * @param $userId int El id del usuario
  * @return bool
 public static function setUserLastLogin($userId)
     $query = 'UPDATE usrData SET user_lastLogin = NOW(),user_count = user_count + 1 WHERE user_id = :id LIMIT 1';
     $data['id'] = $userId;
     return DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__, $data);
Example #11
  * Eliminar un usuario.
  * @return bool
 public function deleteUser()
     $userLogin = UserUtil::getUserLoginById($this->_userId);
     $query = 'DELETE FROM usrData WHERE user_id = :id LIMIT 1';
     $data['id'] = $this->_userId;
     if (DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__, $data) === false) {
         return false;
     $this->queryLastId = DB::$lastId;
     Log::writeNewLogAndEmail(_('Eliminar Usuario'), sprintf('%s: %s', Html::strongText(_('Login')), $userLogin));
     return true;
  * Crear un nuevo registro de histório de cuenta en la BBDD.
  * @param int  $id       el id de la cuenta primaria
  * @param bool $isDelete indica que la cuenta es eliminada
  * @return bool
 public static function addHistory($id, $isDelete = false)
     $query = 'INSERT INTO accHistory ' . '(acchistory_accountId,' . 'acchistory_categoryId,' . 'acchistory_customerId,' . 'acchistory_name,' . 'acchistory_login,' . 'acchistory_url,' . 'acchistory_pass,' . 'acchistory_IV,' . 'acchistory_notes,' . 'acchistory_countView,' . 'acchistory_countDecrypt,' . 'acchistory_dateAdd,' . 'acchistory_dateEdit,' . 'acchistory_userId,' . 'acchistory_userGroupId,' . 'acchistory_userEditId,' . 'acchistory_otherUserEdit,' . 'acchistory_otherGroupEdit,' . 'acchistory_isModify,' . 'acchistory_isDeleted,' . 'acchistory_mPassHash) ' . 'SELECT account_id,' . 'account_categoryId,' . 'account_customerId,' . 'account_name,' . 'account_login,' . 'account_url,' . 'account_pass,' . 'account_IV,' . 'account_notes,' . 'account_countView,' . 'account_countDecrypt,' . 'account_dateAdd,' . 'account_dateEdit,' . 'account_userId,' . 'account_userGroupId,' . 'account_userEditId,' . 'account_otherUserEdit,' . 'account_otherGroupEdit,' . ':isModify,' . ':isDelete,' . ':masterPwd ' . 'FROM accounts WHERE account_id = :account_id';
     $data['account_id'] = $id;
     $data['isModify'] = $isDelete === false ? 1 : 0;
     $data['isDelete'] = $isDelete === false ? 0 : 1;
     $data['masterPwd'] = ConfigDB::getValue('masterPwd');
     return DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__, $data);
Example #13
  * Elimina los archivos de una cuenta en la BBDD.
  * @param int $accountId con el Id de la cuenta
  * @return bool
 public static function deleteAccountFiles($accountId)
     $query = 'DELETE FROM accFiles WHERE accfile_accountId = :id';
     $data['id'] = $accountId;
     return DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__, $data);
Example #14

include 'Database.php';
// Include the class
$dataBase = new DB();
// Create new DB object
$sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO testTable (`test1`, `test2`) VALUES('This', 'is a test')";
// Basic SQL INSERT statment
// This will run the SQL statement above and will throw an exception if the SQL statement is bad.
$sqlSelect = "SELECT test1, test2 FROM testTable WHERE test1 = 'This'";
// Basic SQL SELECT Statment
$data = $dataBase->getQuery($sqlSelect);
// This will run the SQL statment and return and associative array.
foreach ($data as $d) {
    echo $d["test1"] . " " . $d["test2"] . "!";
    // This will output "This is a test!"
Example #15
  * Actualizar campo personalizado
  * @return bool
 public function updateCustomField()
     $curField = self::getCustomFields($this->_id, true);
     $query = 'UPDATE customFieldsDef SET ' . 'customfielddef_module = :module, ' . 'customfielddef_field = :field ' . 'WHERE customfielddef_id= :id LIMIT 1';
     $data['module'] = $this->_module;
     $data['field'] = serialize($this);
     $data['id'] = $this->_id;
     $queryRes = DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__, $data);
     if ($queryRes && $curField->customfielddef_module !== $this->_module) {
         $queryRes = CustomFields::updateCustomFieldModule($this->_module, $this->_id);
     return $queryRes;
Example #16
  * Actualiza el hash de las cuentas en el histórico.
  * @param $newHash string El nuevo hash de la clave maestra
  * @return bool
 public static function updateAccountsMPassHash($newHash)
     $query = 'UPDATE accHistory SET ' . 'acchistory_mPassHash = :newHash ' . 'WHERE acchistory_mPassHash = :oldHash';
     $data['newHash'] = $newHash;
     $data['oldHash'] = ConfigDB::getValue('masterPwd');
     return DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__, $data);
Example #17
  * Escribir un nuevo evento en el registro de eventos
  * @param bool $resetDescription Restablecer la descripción
  * @return bool
 public function writeLog($resetDescription = false)
     if (defined('IS_INSTALLER') && IS_INSTALLER === 1) {
         error_log('Action: ' . $this->getAction() . ' -- Description: ' . $this->getDescription());
     if (!Util::logIsEnabled()) {
         return false;
     $query = 'INSERT INTO log SET ' . 'log_date = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),' . 'log_login = :login,' . 'log_userId = :userId,' . 'log_ipAddress = :ipAddress,' . 'log_action = :action,' . 'log_description = :description';
     $data['login'] = Session::getUserLogin();
     $data['userId'] = Session::getUserId();
     $data['ipAddress'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     $data['action'] = $this->getAction();
     $data['description'] = $this->getDescription();
     if ($resetDescription === true) {
     return DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__, $data);
Example #18
  * Modificar la clave de un usuario.
  * @param $userId
  * @param $userPass
  * @return bool
 public static function updateUserPass($userId, $userPass)
     $passdata = self::makeUserPassHash($userPass);
     $userLogin = UserUtil::getUserLoginById($userId);
     $query = 'UPDATE usrData SET ' . 'user_pass = :pass,' . 'user_hashSalt = :salt,' . 'user_isChangePass = 0,' . 'user_lastUpdate = NOW() ' . 'WHERE user_id = :id LIMIT 1';
     $data['pass'] = $passdata['pass'];
     $data['salt'] = $passdata['salt'];
     $data['id'] = $userId;
     if (DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__, $data) === false) {
         return false;
     self::$queryLastId = DB::$lastId;
     Log::writeNewLogAndEmail(_('Modificar Clave Usuario'), sprintf('%s : %s', Html::strongText(_('Login')), $userLogin));
     return true;
Example #19
  * Eliminar los datos de un campo personalizado o los de una definición de campos
  * @param int $itemId El Id del elemento asociado al campo
  * @return bool
 public static function deleteCustomFieldForItem($itemId, $moduleId)
     $query = 'DELETE FROM customFieldsData ' . 'WHERE customfielddata_itemId = :itemid ' . 'AND customfielddata_moduleId = :moduleid LIMIT 1';
     $data['itemid'] = $itemId;
     $data['moduleid'] = $moduleId;
     $queryRes = DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__, $data);
     return $queryRes;
Example #20
  * Comprobar si los datos del usuario de LDAP están en la BBDD.
  * @return bool
 public static function checkLDAPUserInDB($userId)
     $query = 'SELECT user_login FROM usrData WHERE user_login = :login LIMIT 1';
     $data['login'] = $userId;
     return DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__, $data) === true && DB::$lastNumRows === 1;
Example #21
  * Comprobar el token de seguridad
  * @param $actionId int El id de la accion
  * @param $token    string El token de seguridad
  * @return bool
 public static function checkAuthToken($actionId, $token)
     $query = 'SELECT authtoken_id FROM authTokens ' . 'WHERE authtoken_actionId = :actionId ' . 'AND authtoken_token = :token ' . 'LIMIT 1';
     $data['actionId'] = $actionId;
     $data['token'] = $token;
     DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__, $data);
     return DB::$lastNumRows === 1;
Example #22
  * Actualiza la clave de una cuenta en la BBDD.
  * @param bool $isMassive para no actualizar el histórico ni enviar mensajes
  * @param bool $isRestore indica si es una restauración
  * @return bool
 public function updateAccountPass($isMassive = false, $isRestore = false)
     $Log = new Log(__FUNCTION__);
     // No actualizar el histórico si es por cambio de clave maestra o restauración
     if (!$isMassive && !$isRestore) {
         // Guardamos una copia de la cuenta en el histórico
         if (!AccountHistory::addHistory($this->getAccountId(), false)) {
             $Log->addDescription(_('Error al actualizar el historial'));
             return false;
     $query = 'UPDATE accounts SET ' . 'account_pass = :accountPass,' . 'account_IV = :accountIV,' . 'account_userEditId = :accountUserEditId,' . 'account_dateEdit = NOW() ' . 'WHERE account_id = :accountId';
     $data['accountPass'] = $this->getAccountPass();
     $data['accountIV'] = $this->getAccountIV();
     $data['accountUserEditId'] = $this->getAccountUserEditId();
     $data['accountId'] = $this->getAccountId();
     if (DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__, $data) === false) {
         return false;
     // No escribir en el log ni enviar correos si la actualización es
     // por cambio de clave maestra o restauración
     if (!$isMassive && !$isRestore) {
         $accountInfo = array('customer_name', 'account_name');
         $Log->setAction(_('Modificar Clave'));
         $Log->addDescription(Html::strongText(_('Cliente') . ': ') . $this->_cacheParams['customer_name']);
         $Log->addDescription(Html::strongText(_('Cuenta') . ': ') . $this->_cacheParams['account_name'] . " (" . $this->getAccountId() . ")");
     return true;
Example #23
  * Insertar un registro de recuperación de clave.
  * @param string $login con el login del usuario
  * @param string $hash  con el hash para el cambio
  * @return bool
 public static function addPassRecover($login, $hash)
     $query = 'INSERT INTO usrPassRecover SET ' . 'userpassr_userId = :userId,' . 'userpassr_hash = :hash,' . 'userpassr_date = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),' . 'userpassr_used = 0';
     $data['userId'] = UserUtil::getUserIdByLogin($login);
     $data['hash'] = $hash;
     return DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__, $data);
Example #24
  * Obtener el número de usuarios que usan un perfil.
  * @param $id int El id del perfil
  * @return false|int con el número total de cuentas
 private static function getProfileInUsersCount($id)
     $query = 'SELECT user_profileId FROM usrData WHERE user_profileId = :id';
     $data['id'] = $id;
     DB::getQuery($query, __FUNCTION__, $data);
     return DB::$lastNumRows;